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Chi Zhang Tudore

National University of Singapore Singapore

CS Student
Asad Mujeeb (阿萨德) asad20thu
Hi! I am Asad, currently pursuing Ph.D. degree in Electrical engineering at Tsinghua university.

Tsinghua University West Main Building, Haidian District Beijing, China

Currently at NTNU.


Priyanka O priya-gitTest
Love everything Python (Pandas) and SQL, Data Management, Open Data, Open Source, Open Science in that order ... [* relaxed Tiger Mom ]


ALC alc999
Power and Energy


FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Per Øygard Ryjord perryjord
Industrial mathematics student, interested in PDEs and numerical solutions.

Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU) (Trondheim) Trondheim

Adeeb Sait saitade-bh

@BakerHughes United Kingdom

Tomasz Hinz shipmotionseu
Assistant Professor @ GdanskTech Research interest : ship design, layout design, Risk Based Ship Design, Soft Computing, ship stability and seakeeping

GdańskTech Gdańsk, Poland

Ye Ji (纪野) jiyess
Computer-Aided Geometric Design & IsoGeometric Analysis


Carson Farmer cfarm6
- Engineering Ph.D. Student at Liberty University - Chief of Operations at @VagusLLC

Liberty University Virginia

Phu H. Nguyen nguyenhongphu
Rather be a late-#bloomer than an early-finished article! HB, DD, #PhD, VPE, ALB, ACB, TIA, #LOL, ETC. #Software #IoT #CPS #Security #Research

Oslo, Norway

Harry Horsley butterman0
PhD Candidate developing probabilistic machine learning models to predict ocean biodiversity @NTNU Trondheim, Norway
Sirin Koca sirin-koca
BSc. Information Technology

SK Oslo

Kristian Willassen kwillno
Masters Student at Norwegian Univeristy of Science and Technology (NTNU) studying Industrial Mathematics
