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Yato yato-sketch
Senior Developer proficient in C 🛠, C++ 💻, C# 🎮, and Rust 🦀, crafting high-performance code across platforms

Tokyo, Minato City, Azabudai

Christopher Yovanovitch yovanoc
TypeScript, Rust, Solidity.

Freelance Lille

LionelSebastian LionelSebastian
Just began to learn :)

Somewhere in Barcelona

anatolii git-anatolii
Python | AI & ML | Gen AI


Ubeyd Talha Alkan ubeydtalha
All dreams come true!

Lama Auction

LaMat lamat1111
Explorer of the Cryptoverse, Attention Trader, Serendipity Addict, Cat Worshiper.

Here (and Now)

cerberus cerberuscx


misua misua
nothing to see here, move along :)

none LLC. Philippines

Zeroth br0ck-w00d
Co-Creator of Evrmore. Founder of MagicWalletApp. Advisor of Satori Entrepreneur | Programer | Investor

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram!

Jordan Miller lastmeta
Lead dev at @moontreeapp and founder of @SatoriNetwork

Moontree Sandy UT