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Thanasis Xanthopoulos thanasisxan
Full Stack Developer


Bas van Dinther Baspa
Passionate full stack developer building web apps and working / collaborating on open source projects.

Baspa, Vormkracht10 Gemert, The Netherlands

Muhammad Shoaib mshoaibdev
Software Engineer | Open for new opportunities | Full-time Freelancer, passionate to learn new things related to programming.

Open for Projects Karachi, Pakistan

Jefferson Gonçalves jeffersongoncalves
PHP/Laravel developer from Brazil 🇧🇷🇺🇦 DeveloperPHP/Laravel @jsgtecnologia and @sistemaboss


Philipe Cairon magominimalista
Full Stack Developer (PHP | Python | Node), Estudante universitário em sistemas de informação. Aprendendo: GO, Rust e Ruby. Amante de Linux.


Nyongesa Ignatius ignatius-n

Bytedots IT Solution Nairobi (KE)

Mutlaq Aldhbuiub MutlaqAldhbuiub
Interested in full-stack web development and GNU/Linux.
