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1pcreeper 1pcreeper

birbchurch hongkong

Edward Konovalov Git-I985
Frontend / backend developer DeFi, Next.js, Nest.js, Node.js, React, TypeScript, Python, databases, algorithms, IS development Poland

JianLin Ke kejianlin
👨🏻‍💻 Full-Stack Developer 🌈 Dream:Digital Nomad,World Travel

Looking For A Remote Job Shenzhen, China

Khalil Charfi khalilcharfi
I’ve had a passion for coding since I was a child, and that love for it continues to grow every day.
Tsuki sudongyuer
Everything is done secretly.


Pionxzh pionxzh
Living on the AST tree, where code becomes magic!


vaakian vaakian
Starving to death.

Baidu, Inc. unknown, China

danielchim danielchim
I draw beautiful buttons and torture developers at the same time. Oh wait, that's me too.

Neverlose headquarters

Biel Serrano Sanchez bielsesa
potato in space

ERNI, Swiss software engineering Barcelona, Spain

cheeter_Lee cheeterLee
just some random soydev

Beijing, China

septs septs
Senior Frontend Developer

@NiceLabs China

VictorNanka VictorNanka

Waseda University Japan