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Su Xiaohui suxh19
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences/major in Chemical Engineering
James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Sam Clark PsamClark
Research Associate in Structural Virology based at the University of York. Studying single stranded (ss)RNA viruses and how they package.

University of York York

Johan Schött JohanSchott
R&D Physicist at Orexplore, PhD in computational and materials Physics at Uppsala University, studied engineering physics at Chalmers and at ETH Zurich.


Yang Liu yliu2019
Computational Solid Mechanics. High-fidelity Crystal Plasticity (CP) modelling. Dream3D, Neper, Mtex user.

Imperial College London

Houssem MENHOUR husmen
Computer Vision Engineer | C/C++ | Python | C#

Detection Technology Oulu, Finland

Akello (234.48:4) DolicaAkelloEgwel
Descendant of warriors and cannibals. Lover of cats and "extreme" sounds. Cardiacs stan. Squeak's human ♥️🌈. Future wheyfu. Tech-art doula.

Cosmic Coincidence Control Centre The edge of the moshpit / the black iron prison.

Margaret Duff MargaretDuff
Computational Scientist in Imaging - STFC - UKRI


Alexandre Payot payoto
AI Engineer at Graphcore, PhD graduate in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Bristol. Let's chat!

@graphcore Bristol, UK

Kenneth Henry kennethhenry21
MD ⚕️ ψ

Balvanera, AR

ivan deism
Ai & imaging engineer
Alex Walker anwalker293
Software Engineer at Indicio PBC | 2022 Willamette University alumna | Mathematics, Physics, Politics

@Indicio-tech Portland, Oregon

Paul H. Kamm h4n5h4n5

Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin Berlin

Laura Murgatroyd lauramurgatroyd
Software engineer working in the Tomography & Imaging team in the scientific computing department at STFC. Core developer of CCPi's Core Imaging Library
