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Jonathan Bluett-Duncan jbduncan
Developer tooling and utility libraries enthusiast. CS graduate of the University of Surrey, UK.

Sainsbury's UK

Mahmoud Abdalhafeez mah99239
I am an Android developer with an ambition to continues learning.

Freelancer Egypt

Software development & architecture, specialized in Kotlin & Rust

@4sh Bordeaux, France

Elidebot elidebot
beep beep i am a robot

@elide-dev / @buildless

Ankesh Bharti feynon
25, systems researcher and technologist. Working on

@ua-community IN

Sam Gammon sgammon

@elide-dev / @buildless San Francisco, California

Jordan Claspell claspell

COO @elide-dev / @buildless California

Dario Valdespino darvld

@elide-dev / @buildless Cuba