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Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Mr.Sha1 mrshaone
Senior Java developer at ITO


Moharram Challenger m-challenger

University of Antwerp Belgium

abhijitsulegithub abhijitsulegithub
Technocrat with 20 years in the software industry.


Frank J BelmOn BelmY
Just Another SDr/SDn/SDwn/SDe/SDx Enthusiast (JASDE) with interests on Mission, Safety, Security, Design, Development Assurance and more

TnF21 Tres Cantos - Spain

suhas devmane suhasdevmane
Researcher Data Scientist india

Gergely Suba subagergely

Prolan Zrt. Budapest, Hungary

Duc Hoang idiosyncrasy00
Me learning and coding

University of Engineering & Technology. VNU Vietnam

Miguel A. Calveiro mcalveiro
Sistemas embebidos y de control.

Coresys Technologies Córdoba, ARG

Ali YILDIZ yildiza
Software Eng.

Bilgi Grubu Inc. Turkey