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Guillermo Fandos guifandos
I am a researcher working on species distribution and global change

Universidad Complutense de Madrid Madrid

Julen Astigarraga Julenasti
Studying global change impacts on forest dynamics while having fun with coding

University of the Basque Country & Lund University

Curro Bonet-García fjbonet
I spend most of my working time teaching ecology at the University of Córdoba (Spain). I am interested in modelling socio-ecosystems in a global change context.

University of Córdoba Córdoba and Granada (Spain)

Antonio J Perez-Luque ajpelu
Ecologist. Applied Statistics. Ecoinformatics. @ecoinf_AEET

Madrid & Granada (Spain)

aitor aitorvv

iuFOR Universidad de Valladolid, Palencia

Mónica Gómez-Vadillo mgomezv26
PhD Student at National Museum of Natural Sciences - CSIC, studying species niches and interspecies interactions at macorecological scales

Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales - CSIC Madrid, Spain

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

Abel Serrano Juste Akronix
Free software lover and contributor. Founder of @LibreLabUCM. Data scientist for the environment protection. Technology as a tool to serve communities.
