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Just learning 😺
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Yongqiang_Hu HHYYQQ

south china normal university guangzhou

Yubbie Change changlaplace
Research assistant. CV problems in MS imaging


Bahrem Serhat Danis bahremsd
MSc EEE, interested in integrated photonics at Photonic Architecture Laboratories

Koc University Istanbul

Muqing MuqingJiang

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) Hamburg

Abhishek Das abhishek-das98
PhD Student at NC State. Specialization: Quantum Optics

North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC-27606

ABCDAT warrior
Walter Simson waltsims

Palo Alto, California

Lucas Grosjean lucasgrjn
Lucas Grosjean, Currently playing to mix photonics and IA with a pinch of Lithium Niobate at Femto-ST, CNRS Labs 🇫🇷, Resident at (Google) X.

X, Google San Francisco

Lee, Dohyeon ehgus
A Ph D. student interested in data science, computational physics, and imaging

Deajeon, Republic of Korea


University of Namur Namur

Wentao jwt625

Sunnyvale, CA

Mohammad Reza FarhadiNia

University of Tehran Tehran, Iran

XhernoPhys CA77 FlowerCA77
A harmony of Light awaits you in a lost world of musical Conflict ...

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan, China

Benedict Diederich beniroquai
Open Instrumentation group at Leibniz IPHT Jena, openUC2 GmbH

IPHT Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology's