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MOHAMED FAWAS mohamedfawas
Golang Developer

IIITM-K Kerala, India

Christopher Adigun infinitydon
System/Infrstructure administrator with keen interest in cloud, automation, nfv, containers, k8s, openstack and coding

United States

John Deatherage coversheets
hybrid + private cloud consultant previously: docker, juniper, cisco

TPS Cloud Bay Area, California

Deepesh Pathak fristonio

@cilium @sdslabs WUPHF

Marc Austin marc-austin
Incubating projects for Internet of Things platforms and applications. Platforms may extend deep in the network.

Hedgehog Seattle, WA

Wenda Chu w1nda

@Microsoft, @Azure, @Sonic-Net

Vineeth N. vineethNaroju
Learning distributed systems for fun :)

Roku Banglaore, India.

Simon SCTCoding
I am a technologist, Macintosh System Administrator, tinkerer, and generally odd guy.


Matt Leader mfleader

Red Hat Raleigh, NC, USA

Cesar Nascimento cesargithedgehog
Linux Platform Software Engineer

Hedgehog Orlando

Logan Blyth mrbojangles3

@githedgehog Atlanta,GA USA

Deepa Kalani dkalani

Aurora mountain view

Vincent JARDIN vjardin
From secure bits to nice pixels of SDN


Chris Coates CJCShadowsan
"There's a thin line between insanity and genius; I'd like to think that I walk that line every day of my life."

@nimbix Sheffield

Chris McCoy chris-mccoy
Chris is a principal engineer in Cisco's Advanced Security Initiatives Group (ASIG) and published author.


Nicolas Vermande vfiftyfive

Otterize Cambridge, UK

Justin Renlor
When you do things right people won't notice you have done anything at all.


Avid tester of new tech

RNP Campinas-SP, Brazil

Sergei Lukianov Frostman

@githedgehog San Francisco Bay Area