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Adam $. Amir Adam-S-Amir
Hey there👋🏽, I’m a freshman at VCU with a passion for Front-End Development🚀. Please navigate to the README file for my recent endeavors.


JS JStk-Dev

JS Somewhere in the World

MadBaby Vimalraj1
noob loves to learn,foodie .


Stefan Pruneanu TermoZour
Bournemouth University - Software Engineering graduate. Beta tester at @halogenOS


vajayjay gicknold

Global Shoe Souls IMPORTS California, LA, USA

Trevor Wang trevorwang

Mingsin Shanghai

David Bradley Scott doctorscrad
Fuck with me and get some money

Poo, Inc. Pearl, MS

yuanhong naonaoyh Guangzhou, China

hamid hamidfathi1998
Android Developer with high experience and a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry and Iran's and Netherland's biggest tech comp

Baloot iran

Noah Anleitner N0m4n904
Hobbyist and professional software development

Dominikus-Ringeisen-Werk Neuland

Vaishakh S Nair vaishakhsnair
Working on random stuff to make my life easier