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Aman Gupta Programer3
😃 Love open-source 😍 | profile pic made by me in A1111

New Delhi

Saurabh Pradhan srbhp

Deutsche Bank Berlin

Shadin mc shadinmc
Currently studying Btech in computer Science and Data Science.


Alen Abraham abrahamalen
Site Reliability Engineer @ Scaling and Stabilizing systems! kerala, India

Ankitkumar Santosh Singh 3009aksingh
SDE || Software Engineering is what I believe in! 😎 || This is the place where I open source stuff and break things 😂

Jio Platforms Mumbai

HIMANSHU SHARMA himanshusharma89
DevRel Engineer at @infracloudio | Technical Writer | Flutter Developer | Organiser @flutterchandigarh | Writer @fluttercommunity @invertase India

Mugilan E.S. Mugilan-Codes
Software Engineer at ViewZen Labs | MCA Graduate from CEG, Anna University


Phillip Ressler resslerruntime1983
Hi there. I am a continuing computer science student who would like to learn how to code in multiple languages.

Ressler Runtime Palmdale, California USA

Dwaraka Nath dtsdwarak
Mozzie of Madras. Square eyes. Shorcut show-off. Sluggard. Lousy singer. Alan of my wolfpack.


vishal hirawat hirawatt
Writing software and building gizmos!

planet earth

Sanjay Singh Rajpoot SanjaySinghRajpoot
Software Engineer • MLH Fellow '22 • LFX Mentee'22 @mojaglobal • GSoC'21 @ProcessingOrg • SoB '22


Swaraj swarajsomala
Embedded Software Engineer | AUTOSAR | C++


Karthik Shetty karthikshetty03
SWE 2 @ Cisco | CSE @ BITS Pilani '22

Cisco Systems Mumbai, India