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Ramiro Algozino ralgozino
🎓 Telecommunications Engineer 🧳 Infrequent Traveller 📸 Amateur Photographer 🎫 CKS - CKA - CKAD

@sighupio Italy

Clément "KPTN" OUDOT coudot
Working on Identity and Access Management for @Worteks with free softwares like @ltb-project / @LemonLDAPNG / @lsc-project

@Worteks Lyon, France

John Carter swjcarter

@lenovo-software Fort Wayne

Edward yangquan1982
Automation Developer Python, Java, Javascript, Scala, Ansible, K8S, Docker

Fortinet U.S.A.

烂泥行天下 ilanni2460


Njere III Robert Yann Njere
Etudiant à IAI-Cameroun
faruk-guler faruk-guler
IT Server and Virtualization Management Linux & WinOS 🗿🗿🗿

IT Turkiye

Victor Hugo Matos capkruch
Victor Hugo Matos, Analista Sênior de TI com 18 anos de experiência. Especializado em Infraestrutura Microsoft.

Brazil, Brasília



Kyle Cozad cozadk

Ann Arbor, MI, USA

bendem bendem
Something something wheel something carrot.

Belgium, Europe, Earth

Tyler M. Neher tylermneher
@neherdata - Owner // University of Central Florida // Reach for the stars //

@neherdata Tinton Falls, New Jersey, United States

Adilson Junior aopjr

IFPR - Campus Irati Irati - PR

Théo Bori theobori
F(L)OSS ~ pubnix ~ NixOS



Nashville, TN

Loiseau2nuit Loiseau2nuit
40-something / IT guy / Former web frontend developer (SPIP french CMS expert) / Yet Another Linux Guy / Everything Rock'n Roll radio host

A city hall somewhere in France Angers

Chris Coates CJCShadowsan
"There's a thin line between insanity and genius; I'd like to think that I walk that line every day of my life."

@nimbix Sheffield

Madeline Williams maddiethegm
Self hosting enthusiast, gamer, industrial software engineer.

@cliffhousegames Maine, USA

Ashish Nayak ash399
HPC & AI Engineer
Matt Topper topperge

UberEther Detroit, MI

Feer FeerLiu
I came from the mountains with orchids.

Earth unkown