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Hong JaeHoon Bu-Du-Dak

EAN_TEC Seoul, Republic of Korea

Javohir Bektashov javohirgermany
Achievements are yet to come
Bernardo Alexis Patiño Chávez BernardoNurvia
Desarrollador Full Stack con experiencia en la creación de aplicaciones web completas.

Barcelona, Spain

Anthony Fuentes AnthoFu
✨Front-end junior from Venezuela 🦊 I'm currently studiying computer science at university.

Venezuela, Distrito Capital

Siddhant siddhant200
I am full stack devloper.



Shiyan School China, Liaoning, Fuxin

deberday1701 deberday1701
Aboutme berday1701@webmasterfree wiikads +dataplusweb
Giocoliere giocoliere
I'm working at the @creepercraftnet / @otakuforge & @creeperhub projects. "A human..i guess"

@creeperhub & @otakuforge Europe

abdou2play abdou2play


job jacob imhologhomhetheophilus
i am a programmer with experience of 3 year. A student of federal polytechnic nasarawa Nigerian , studying Computer Science

Abuja nigeria