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Vishal Anarase vishalanarase
👨🏻‍💻 Engineer @civo @kubernetes | CNCF Kubestronaut | Docker Captain | Cloud Native | Open Source | Creator and Life 👍

@Civo @Kubernetes Pune, India

Matt Welke mattwelke
Software engineer and open source enthusiast. Working on Kubernetes stuff at Spectro Cloud.

@spectrocloud Toronto

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mario Dietner mariodietner
Cloud Native Architect


Quintion QuintionTang
Full-stack development,With decades of cumulative development and operations experience, across dozens projects
Bala balaramvedulla

Wind River AB Sweden

Cea ceastld
I am a postgraduate student from USTC ,specializing in 3D vision.

USTC Hefei

Vimal A R vainipul

@asml-gh The Netherlands

JSDu JamesBonddu
To be a better man!
Vishali Kamenani vishsanghishetty
SWE, @ OpenShift Experiences Engineering


Pratik Raj Rajpratik71 , Linux @Semicode-OS , Virtualization , Networking , Cloud , Telecom, Stroage, Security & Observability (Monitoring,Logging)

@IBM Pune

Gokce gokcesurenkok
Engineer- Delivery Experience


Ankit Kurmi Ankit152
Associate Site Reliability Engineer @ Red Hat | LFX Fall'24 mentee @cncf @jaegertracing | CKAD

Red Hat kolkata

Kapil Agrawal netops2devops
Network Security Engineer dabbling with code


Immanuel Haag immae1
cloud solution architect 🧐

@bosch-gs-bda2-devops Stuttgart

Giorgio giorgioma
Puzzles, puzzles everywhere!

Freelancer Milan, Italy

Thiago Faioli 0xttfx
Sysadmin Unix, Cloud computing, Virtualization, POSIX1.e, IEEE 802.11 *; Network engineering R&S, Tracing/security/performance by eBPF, Hacker culture 🏴‍☠️ Brasil ,BR

Bob Haddleton bobh66

@Nokia Chicago, IL

Hasidul Islam ihasidul

@mevriklabs Bangladesh

zheshen z1ens
mentee @cncf | Member @open-cluster-management-io | GSoC 24' @cncf


wuqingyan jxwuqingyan
First-line senior operations engineer, devops, k8s, public cloud, hybrid cloud direction, hobby photography, mountain climbing and electronic digital products

easyops JS.NJ