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LaingKe laingke

somewhere, China

iukkeopaa iukkeopaa
Slow is fast and People who like to toss and explore
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Hafsa Khan Lodhi hafsalodhi2023
👋 Hello World! I'm Hafsa Khan Lodhi, a passionate backend developer from Karachi, Pakistan. Born on September 13, 2009.

Karachi, Pakistan

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

awyys awyys
iOS development
Caleb iolyze
probably a biophysicist living with Nihonzarus in Lahore Zoo
YongZS永值生 YongZS1218
A music production enthusiast from Beijing, CHN, self-taught in composition techniques, musicology and music engineering.

Beijing, Chinese Mainland

Elysium elysium-w

Hangzhou China

_tay shiliuzi8686
To become

同程 苏州

LoGin fslongjin
Graduated from South China University of Technology, passionate about OS kernel & container. Currently working at @Tencent

@DragonOS-Community @Tencent China

Jony J aojunhao123
Learning by doing. Hangzhou China

CitrixMing CitrixMing
Free Software Engineer @linuxfoundation @cncf @apache @OpenStackweb @kubernetes @istio 专注于容器、云原生技术、虚拟化技术、开源爱好者。。。

San Francisco

Qingyuan Zhuang ForrestGump618
Medical Student, Bioinformation.

Nanjing Medical University Nanjing, Jiangsu

Jingqi Sun xiaoqingma0
MSCS @UCSD | GSoC'24 @chromium | Ex SDE Intern @oppo


S.T.P halil-pan

@Thoughtworks Xi'an China

Clement Ma mahongweichina
The soul is an engineer.

Baidu, Inc. Beijing, China

liweixin the-waste-land
specialization is for insects.
lxd NikolasViv
go hack it ^_^

tt & qs

Yingjie Shang cybershang
❤️ Open Source and 🌻 big smile


cousepig cousepig

Baipin Shanghai

刘圣伟 swliu920322
never stop to find the truth


Elliot Leung releung
Linux technology enthusiast.
Mingo EtherealMingo


immelon immelon0097
Eager at finding interesting things.


angryPopcorn renyijiu
We always talk too much and do too little.
MaxtuneLee MaxtuneLee
From Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, member of @NJUPT-SAST. Working on 👀 visualization & 🌐 web dev

@Meituan @NJUPT-sast @GreenPomelo Shanghai

Rayoluo rayoluo

HUST,UCAS,JD Beijing, China

Eltrac BigCoke233
Software Engineering student🧑‍🎓, Front-End Developer🧑‍💻, Learning Game Designer🕹️ and someone who hates Java to his very core.


雨落 qyl27
二分之一少女,乘着比特流环游世界。 仓鼠小姐 @Timicasto

@WingsInnovation The Milky Way.

Mark Xian xianjianlf2
FrontEnd | Talk is cheap. Show me the code.


no_f no-f

Hangzhou, China