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Ananya Rath arath7
third year CS & AI student at Northeastern University! currently at @WhoopInc
Troy Gunawardene builderpepc
Full stack developer studying CS & Business Administration at Northeastern University

@GradeScout NJ, USA

Raymond Xu Bruvato
First Year Computer Science & Computer Engineering Student, Game Developer, 3D Artist.

RCM Games Boston

Bradford Derby bderbs30
Computer Science Student, Northeastern University

Williamsburg, Virginia

Nicholas Gallina nicholasgallina
CS + Design @ NEU

Brooklyn, NY

Yian AlanY1an
Passionate Developer ;)
greenery rpgr18
Hi! My name is Ryan and I am an aspiring software engineer learning to make things @ Northeastern University
Justin Sun jsun969
Coding a better world!

The University of Adelaide Adelaide, SA

Sahana J Prakash sahanajprakash

Northeastern University Boston

Jake Langlois 23langloisj
CS + Math

Northeastern University Boston

Evelyn He yefanh
Creating projects that benefit society and foster personal growth.

Northeastern Univeristy

EvanLi135 LoftLogic
Northeastern '27
Shlok Nanani shlok12343

Northeastern University

Carter Herman cherman23
Hi! I am Carter Herman, a computer science major at Northeastern University.
Shireen Kumar ShireenKumar

Northeastern University Boston, MA

Robert Kan robkkan
product designer in the dev space

Boston, MA

Richard West rwest
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at Northeastern University, head of @comocheng research group, and a developer of @ReactionMechanismGenerator.

Northeastern University Boston, MA

Griffin Michalak GriffinMichalak
Honors CS @ Northeastern

Northeastern University Boston, MA

Grace Theobald getheobald

Northeastern University Seattle, WA

Logan Gill loganscott74

Northeastern University Boston, MA

Angela Weigl ahweigl

@sandboxnu @WhoopInc Northeastern University

Rishikesh Kanabar RishikeshNK
CS + Math @ Northeastern University


Kobe Zheng KobeZ123
Computer Science & Game Development Student @ Northeastern University

Queens, NY

Pranav Phadke pranavphadke1
Computer Science and Mathematics @ Northeastern University
David Oduneye DOOduneye
Studying Computer Science at Northeastern University 2025
Kailin Xing kailinxGitHub
Future swe and current Computer Science Major + Mathematics Minor at Northeastern University

Northeastern University Boston, MA

Ben Bishop beenbiishop

ArtsVision Boston, MA