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Rho rhododendrhon
🌟 Robotics engineer | Interested in CAD, 3D printing, game development and fun algorithms
Lawrence Murray lawmurray
Machine learning, statistics, C++.

Bangkok, Thailand

Peter Charuza PeterCSRE
SRE, tinkerer

Red Hat

lynett.eth 0xlynett
An agent of ordered anarchy retrocausally initiated in 2023. Praxian technocapitalist. CEO @ArvensisSystems


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing



River Saxton Xenador77
ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity previously an Intern at @tinyvision-ai-inc

North Carolina, United States

Amy amycatgirl
I make stuff. I also design stuff, sometimes.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

niko neroist
Nim👑 mi ken toki pona
Tommi xplosionmind
I pretend to understand code

A galaxy far, far away

Pedro Alves Batista pedroalvesbatista
Programmer and light adventurer, sometimes plays with kitchen stuff \o/

Colombo - PR, Brasil

Ingo Reitz ninelore
JEE backend and database engineer. Interested in kernel and firmware developement

Frankfurt Metropolian Area, Germany

Jules CHEVALLET invertime
French Student ~ I like front-end, php and cybersecurity


Tom Wegener tom-wegener
Developer trying to help people doing what they want to do. Doing UI/UX and rust stuff. Did some stuff with packets, managed some computers.


Alejandro NTBBloodbath
Linux enthusiast, full-stack web developer, Electronics Engineering student and Neovim adept.

Caracas, Venezuela

Mark Ridgwell credfeto

@funfair-tech London

Manoj Baishya manojbaishya
Building code stuff!


Leaf Eriksen leaferiksen
usfca design undergrad
テムルマル Temurumaru

onEnterprise 2204 Earth

Marcos Oliveira mavinii
I'm a Software Engineer specialising in web development. I also have knowledge of developing for Android and iOS Mobile using React Native.

Dublin, IE.

Moxie moxie-coder
19 | Pansexual 🏳️‍🌈 "Your safety is not our problem" -Roblox

Team Disobey United States

Gagan M gaganmalvi
Platform engineer by day, designer by night. Founder @StyxProject.

@AOSPA | @StyxProject Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Ivan ivansouzamf
A programmer



Marietta, GA, United States

Owen Zimmerman Owen-sz
19. Loves Tech, Star Wars, and more. Video and IT Specialist. Hardware Operations Manager @FyraLabs. Currently enrolled in Dunwoody College

@FyraLabs Minnesota, United States