If you want to search for Users or Groups you need to create an Query object
The QueryBuilder will help you to build the needed query to get any search result you need. The Query object also gives you the possibility to move to the next or the prevision page.
A Query Object can be created by
Query query = new QueryBuilder().....build();
If you have more Users or Groups than one page will hold (default 100) you can get with
Query newQuery = query.nextPage();
a new query which will gives you the results of the next page.
In the same way you can get the previous page with
Query newQuery = query.previousPage();
If you are already at the "first" page you will get the same Query object.
The QueryBuilder gives you a easy possibility to build any easy or complex Queries you need.
You can set a String based filter by calling the method
Some examples are:
String simpleFilter = "userName eq \"marissa\"";
String filterWithAnd = "addresses.country eq \"Germany\" and active eq \"true\"";
String filterWithNot = "addresses.country eq \"Germany\" and not(active eq \"true\")";
String filterForMultiValuedAttribute = "emails sw \"marissa\"";
String filterForMultiValuedAttributeValue = "emails.value sw \"marissa\"";
String filterForGroupMembership = "groups.display eq \"group1\"";
String complexFilter = "active eq \"true\" and(nickname eq \"hello\" or nickname eq \"world\")"
+ "and not(groups.display eq \"group1\" or groups.display eq \"group2\") "
+ "and meta.created gt \"" + QueryBuilder.getScimConformFormattedDateTime(dateTime) + "\"";
The following filter options are supported:
- eq = equals
- co = contains
- sw = starts with
- pr = present
- gt = greater than
- ge = greater equals
- lt = less than
- le = less equals
Not all filter options are supported with all fields. For example emails.type can't be combined with le since it makes no sense.
- all filter parameters have to be surrounded by ". Also boolean parameters or numbers
OSIAM gives you the opportunity to sort your result by one field. To sort by one field call
queryBuilder.ascending(<sort Field>);
// or
queryBuilder.descending(<sort Field>);
you can define how many Users/Groups you want to get for the actual request.
you can define the 1-based index of the first search result.