To perform any actions with users you always need an access token. For retrieving an access token please see Login and getting an access token.
- Create a User
- Delete a User
- Update a User
- Retrieve a single User
- Retrieve the currently logged in User by his access token
- Retrieve all User
- Search for Users
After you have created a new user you can save him with:
OsiamConnector oConnector = [Retrieving an OsiamConnector](
AccessToken accessToken = [Retrieving an AccessToken](
User newUser = [create a new User](#user)
newUser = oConnector.createUser(newUser, accessToken);
Now the returned user object contains the ID and meta data of the newly created user.
To delete a user call:
OsiamConnector oConnector = [Retrieving an OsiamConnector](
AccessToken accessToken = [Retrieving an AccessToken](
oConnector.deleteUser(<USER_UUID>, accessToken);
The OSIAM Connector4Java provides a way to change user data. You are able to update just a single value, all of them, or anything in between. The following examples shows how you can update a user.
If you want to update a user you need to know their ID (UUID). Then you can create a new user based on the original user and change their attributes:
User newUser = new User.Builder(originalUser)
// Updating an email address
.addEmail(new Email.Builder(originalUser.emails[0])
.setValue('[email protected]')
// Adding an email address
.addEmail(new Email.Builder()
.setValue('[email protected]')
// Removing an email address
After this you just have to call the replaceUser
method that will return the updated user:
User updatedUser = oConnector.replaceUser(originalUser.getId(), newUser, accessToken);
To retrieve a single user you need his UUID (for example: 94bbe688-4b1e-4e4e-80e7-e5ba5c4d6db4):
User user = osiamConnector.getUser(<USER_UUID>, accessToken);
It is possible to filter the attributes of the returned resource by specifying the attributes to return as parameters to the method:
User user = osiamConnector.getUser(<USER_ID>, accessToken, "userName", "displayName", "meta.created");
(please consider the possible runtimeException which are explained in the Javadoc)
To retrieve the user that the currently held access token belongs to, the getMe()
method is avaiable:
// retrieves the complete currently logged in User.
User user = osiamConnector.getMe(accessToken);
It is possible to filter the attributes of the returned user by supplying the wanted attributes as parameters to the method:
User user = osiamConnector.getUser(<USER_ID>, accessToken, "userName", "displayName", "meta.created");
If you want to retrieve all users you can call the following method:
List<User> users = oConnector.getAllUsers(accessToken);
int numberOfUsers = searchResult.getTotalResults();
for (User actUser : searchResult.Resources()) {
It is possible to filter the attributes of the returned users by supplying the attributes as parameters to the method:
List<User> users = oConnector.getAllUsers(accessToken, "userName", "meta.created");
The Query class helps you to create an Query based on the needed filter and other attributes.
An example how to run a search for a user is shown below:
SCIMSearchResult<User> result = oConnector.searchUsers(query, accessToken);