This is a small example of an API implementation using the framework CakePHP in version #5.
The use case chosen is the creation and processing of applicants for a company.
The main documentation for CakePHP 5 can be read here.
Status legend:
- ✅ Done
- 🛠 WIP (Work in progress)
- 📜 TODO
- Authentication via:
- ✅ Username + Password
- ✅ Token
- Authorizations:
- ✅ to view applicants
- ✅ to edit applicants
- ✅ Admin
- ✅ Manage applicants
- ✅ Manage users
- Web GUI
- ✅ Login
- ✅ Manage applicants
- ✅ Manage users
- Automated tests
- Unit tests
- 🛠 Applicant
- ✅ User
- Integration tests
- 📜 General
- 🛠 Applicant
- 🛠 User
- Unit tests
- API documentation:
- 📜 Implementation with Swagger (with pluging alt3/cakephp-swagger ?)
- Fixing issues:
- 📜 #1 Reactivating Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection Middleware
- 🛠 #2 Deprecated-Warning when running integration-tests dor Controllers
- 📜 #3 Beautyfy the Web-GUI
- 📜 #4 command bin/cake add_admin prints the password at input and the token
- 📜 #5 force secure passwords
- You have to install PHP 8.1 or newer.
- You have to install MySQL.
- Create a Database and a user for MySQL for this project
- Clone this project.
- Reinstall the CakePHP-project with
php composer.phar install --working-dir="cms"
- configure your database at
- migrate the database:
cd cms bin/cake migrations migrate
- Then you can run a dev-server:
cd cms bin/cake server # bin/cake server --help
There is a more detailed documentation, how i setup my environment on linux at:
(but you can also inspire there if you use windows)
You can add a new Admin-user
cd cms
bin/cake add_admin
This will also create and display a random Toke.
and to logout: http://localhost:8765/users/logout
To change your password: http://localhost:8765/users/edit-password/{id}
(replace {id}
with the id of your user)
You can authentikate at every Request with the HTTP-Header Authorization
and token with the prefix Token
like shown in this example using curl
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Token f6f376ceeb5170c4dcd07a7f3fbcb2fc8432f846a6fb0c2c8ae67ea37dbdc962" \
.. or you use the url-query-parameter token
curl -i -X GET \
To reset your token to a new one: http://localhost:8765/users/edit-token/{id}
(replace {id}
.. or use http://localhost:8765/api/users/edit-token/{id}.json
(replace {id}
and {token}
curl -i -X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Token {token}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '' \
For Authentication the Authentication-plugin is used:
TODO: Issue 📜 #4 command bin/cake add_admin prints the password at input and the token
There are 3 Permissions:
- isAdmin
- canViewApplicants
- canEditApplicants
Everyone can add a user without login.
Only you or an Admin can change your Password or your Token.
Only a Admin can change permissions at:
- at GUI: http://localhost:8765/users/edit-permissions
- at API: http://localhost:8765/api/users/edit-permissions
Only users with Permission canViewApplicants
(or isAdmin
) can view the Applicants.
Only users with Permission canViewApplicants
AND canEditApplicants
(or isAdmin
) can add, edit or delete the Applicants (only canEditApplicants
without canViewApplicants
will not work).
Admin (user with permission isAdmin
) can everything.
The Authorization-plugin is used.
The implemented Policies are at cms/src/Policy
- list all applicants: http://localhost:8765/api/applicants.json
- Method:
- Header:
Authorization: Token {token}
- Method:
- add a applicant: http://localhost:8765/api/applicants/add.json
- Method:
- Header:
Authorization: Token {token}
- Header:
Content-Type: application/json
- Example-Body:
{"title":"dr.","firstName":"jane","lastName":"doe","email":"[email protected]"}
- Method:
- view a applicant: http://localhost:8765/api/applicants/{id}.json
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the applicant - Method:
- Header:
Authorization: Token {token}
- URL-parameter:
- edit a applicant: http://localhost:8765/api/applicants/{id}.json
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the applicant - Method:
- Header:
Authorization: Token {token}
- Header:
Content-Type: application/json
- Example-Body:
{"title":"dr.","firstName":"jane","lastName":"doe","email":"[email protected]"}
- URL-parameter:
- delete a applicant: http://localhost:8765/api/applicants/{id}.json
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the applicant - Method:
- Header:
Authorization: Token {token}
- URL-parameter:
- list all users: http://localhost:8765/api/users.json
- Method:
- Header:
Authorization: Token {token}
- Method:
- add a user: http://localhost:8765/api/users/add.json
- Hint: Can not set a custom Token, because a random one will be created. This new Token will be present in the Rsponse.
- Method:
- Header:
Authorization: Token {token}
- Header:
Content-Type: application/json
- Example-Body:
- view a user: http://localhost:8765/api/users/{id}.json
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the user - Method:
- Header:
Authorization: Token {token}
- URL-parameter:
- edit a user: http://localhost:8765/api/users/{id}.json
- Hint: can not change passwor, token or permissions here! use instead:
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the user - Method:
- Header:
Authorization: Token {token}
- Header:
Content-Type: application/json
- Example-Body:
- edit a password: http://localhost:8765/api/users/edit-password/{id}.json
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the user - Method:
- Header:
Authorization: Token {token}
- Header:
Content-Type: application/json
- Example-Body:
- URL-parameter:
- edit a token: http://localhost:8765/api/users/edit-token/{id}.json
- Hint: Can not set a custom Token, because a random one will be created. This new Token will be present in the Rsponse.
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the user - Method:
- Header:
Authorization: Token {token}
- Header:
Content-Type: application/json
- Example-Body:
- edit permissions: http://localhost:8765/api/users/edit-permissions/{id}.json
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the user - Method:
- Header:
Authorization: Token {token}
- Header:
Content-Type: application/json
- Example-Body:
- URL-parameter:
- delete a user: http://localhost:8765/api/users/{id}.json
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the user - Method:
- Header:
Authorization: Token {token}
- URL-parameter:
- list all applicants: http://localhost:8765/applicants
- add a applicant: http://localhost:8765/applicants/add
- edit a applicant: http://localhost:8765/applicants/edit/{id}
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the applicant
- URL-parameter:
- delete a applicant: http://localhost:8765/applicants/delete/{id}
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the applicant
- URL-parameter:
- list all users: http://localhost:8765/users
- add a user: http://localhost:8765/users/add
- edit a user: http://localhost:8765/users/edit/{id}
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the user
- URL-parameter:
- edit a password: http://localhost:8765/users/edit-password/{id}
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the user
- URL-parameter:
- edit a token: http://localhost:8765/users/edit-token/{id}
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the user
- URL-parameter:
- edit permissions: http://localhost:8765/users/edit-permissions/{id}
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the user
- URL-parameter:
- delete a user: http://localhost:8765/users/delete/{id}
- URL-parameter:
is the ID of the user
- URL-parameter:
For testing PHPUnit in combination with CakePHP is used.
Documentation can be read here:
- The tests are located at
. - There are Fixure-classes at
used for test-database setup. - There are Unit-Tests at
. - There are Integration-Tests at
You can run test by:
cd cms
vendor/bin/phpunit {otional-directory}
Or for beautiful output:
cd cms
vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox {otional-directory}
HINT: The tests are not complete at this point!
Status legend:
- ✅ Done
- 🛠 WIP (Work in progress)
- 📜 TODO
- Unit tests
- 🛠 Applicant
- ✅ User
- Integration tests
- 📜 General
- 🛠 Applicant
- 🛠 User
To run all tests:
cd cms
vendor/bin/phpunit tests
cd cms
vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox tests
To run single tests, run one of this lines:
cd cms
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/TestCase/Model/Table/ApplicantsTableTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/TestCase/Model/Table/JobAdvertisementsTableTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/TestCase/Model/Table/UsersTableTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/TestCase/Controller/ApplicantsControllerTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/TestCase/Controller/JobAdvertisementsControllerTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/TestCase/Controller/UsersControllerTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/TestCase/Controller/Api/ApplicantsControllerTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/TestCase/Controller/Api/UsersControllerTest.php
cd cms
vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox tests/TestCase/Model/Table/ApplicantsTableTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox tests/TestCase/Model/Table/JobAdvertisementsTableTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox tests/TestCase/Model/Table/UsersTableTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox tests/TestCase/Controller/ApplicantsControllerTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox tests/TestCase/Controller/JobAdvertisementsControllerTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox tests/TestCase/Controller/UsersControllerTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox tests/TestCase/Controller/Api/ApplicantsControllerTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox tests/TestCase/Controller/Api/UsersControllerTest.php
- TODO: 📜 Implementation with Swagger (with pluging alt3/cakephp-swagger ?)
- i have deaktivated the Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection Middleware, because of testing the API with
- i have to understand CSRF
- see
I suspress this warning by adding the entry 'vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/I18n/I18n.php'
to Error
into the file cms/config/app.php
'Error' => [
'errorLevel' => E_ALL,
'skipLog' => [],
'log' => true,
'trace' => true,
'ignoredDeprecationPaths' => [
But is there not a better solution?
- see