Git merge with code that has no test is a challenge, your code can be destroyed anywhere, today I was trying to fix code with problems because of this, time marches on, and I don't can achieve.
Yesterday was a bit overwhelming, I had my first deployments to production of two modifications that I made in the code, one came out without problems but the second one had problems a rookie error was the cause, today all day I have spent checking what went wrong, it is becoming very complicated to work without test each modification that I make I am afraid that can cause problems I need to find how to deal with this.
Graph API is a monster, but if I can understand how its works I be better developer, need take it easy and remember that I can do it.
This day was a hard day I was learning about the public APIs that Meta has (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger) it's a complicated topic, but I need to learn it, I fixed a bug at work for the moment I just want to rest my brain.
Although I start to feel more comfortable using typescript it has some strange things that I don't like very much, this weekend I went deeper in OpenAPI and Swagger I understand that the documentation of my APIs is very important, and I need to develop good habits to that end.
Today I was learned Typescript with NestJS framework, it's amazing how compare with spring the both frameworks, I finish my first week how developer, I can finish all my tasks in the work.
Testing in Typescript it's hard, typescript does not make it easy, I don't want say hate typescript, but it's difficult, well it's only a tool, and I need know how work with this tool.
Today I can fix my first bug, feel happy, write code is an art, a rare art, but I like, I like the sensation of fighting with unknown problems, you never know how this will end.
Today I saw too much code with Java and Spring, the importance of the unities test is needed to debug a problem and documentation is a great tool, please learn yourselves about these mistakes.
Today I learned to deploy an application into the payara server and my abilities with the CLI( command line) are better each time, though I have followed problems with understanding large applications, the scale is amazing and the complex is challenging, whatever I love make code, love programming, this not stop me.
Today was a hard day, I need learn too many things, well need sleep better.
I need a way to keep myself more focused, the best way how to organize my life and my career, and I need learn a read and understand more code.
I need to take my time, need how to know to organize my life and my developer career.
Today was learned that will work with projects monsters, and I like that I have the feeling that need to study and practice more.
My first day how programmer.
Today is the day, accepted my first offer job, well all my efforts are finally being completed. This is just the beginning.
Well, this day was good, start feeling comfortable with SQL, start to understand some important concepts, my first job is near I can feel it.
I created a virtual machine in Oracle Cloud and configured it with docker, this virtual machine is thinking of Docker containers, have here some databases, will continue with my learning to SQL and Java/SpringBoot for the moment.
Today it's a cold day, this day was bad for programming my fingers are sleeping, well today learned about SQL and Spring/Java, I had some problems with copying one file of my computer to a docker container, I hate windows, docker and windows does not have a good relationship.
I discovered that I have a lake in SQL, well I need to continue learning about Spring and SQL.
I continue with my test thought I would finish the test today, but need to go to work tomorrow will finish the test.
Today I spent all day answering a technical test for a company.
I Advanced in the lecture of my book, today I learned several SpringBoot things that I thought I already knew, Well tomorrow need more practice in the English language.
Well, after being undecided for a few days about what will be my next step, I decided to start reading a book about Spring Boot I like make deep dive in Spring, I will continue learning DSA and solving exercises in Leetcode, while I learn more about Java/Spring and take my job search.
I can solve one problem that I had been worked for four days. this sensation that I feel is called happiness, oh it's beautiful, well I need more practice let's do it better tomorrow.
Today only solved one problem on LeetCode about Linked List, all my other free time was taken up fixed my Oracle Cloud account, and I can finish getting my instances, now I can deploy my API and other apps, thank you, Oracle love you.
I continued with the development of my application, today I have some problems with the way to store the data of the application, now I am safer that need good knowledge about data structures, and I start speaking English in a discord channel too.
I start one project to create a basic program where I implemented all learning about Linked List, browser history the name of the project and today apply to some jobs offer.
I'm Continuing to learn Linked List in LeetCode, today I solved some problems with Linked List and did other problems with String and Arrays, tomorrow start with the design of my next API.
I solved three problems in LeetCode, I think that I achieved an understanding of how works the Linked List, well I have more exercises to solve in the card of LeetCode, I am focused on Data Structures and Algorithms.
Today I build my implementation of a Linked List, I solved two problems in LeetCode, learn a lot of things about Linked List, each day is less painful than before the day.
I finished with the array part in LeetCode basic algorithms, today I solved five problems and start with the Linked List part, my purpose is to finish all data structures in LeetCode and do a habit of solving one problem every day.
I continue to say data structures and algorithms it's hard, I don't know, I know I need more practice, need more exercises, need do deep dive in data structures, well I hope that in some months I laugh that this.
Today I solved only one problem in leetcode, I start to read the book The Will to Keep Winning, it's interesting reading, I feel happy tomorrow is the new year and my first new year purpose is to get a job in programming.
Today and yesterday I was solving problems in leetcode, I learned a lot of things how in-place algorithms, time complexity, kadane's algorithm, etc. I need more practice really.
I continue with data structures and algorithms, I start to learn Kotlin, for use with DSA, think that is easier to solve problems with Kotlin than java, and I needed to take a break from Java.
Data Structures and Algorithms it's hard, think that need more study about the fundamentals of algorithms design have many problems with the solution of easy algorithms, I need to search for a book on this topic, more study, and a lot of practice.
Today I solved three problems about String manipulation and Arrays, I'm starting to feel more comfortable solving problems.
I solved one problem of DSA, try to solve the problems applying Object-Oriented programming, for a long time that not practiced DSA.
I continue study Data Structures and Algorithms, need find a book with this topic, DSA it's hard and maths I don't like much.
Today I was studying data structures and algorithms, At the beginning of the year, I start to apply to backend developers jobs, have an interview pending that wait to be successful.
My Files API project version 1.0 is released, I was work in this project during one month, I learn very things about Backend Development and APIs, tomorrow start with the designed for my next API.
I start with the final documentation of my code, today was refactored the project and write documentation for errors and endpoints.
Today I was applied to refactor in some parts and components of my application.
I studied the observer pattern today, also study what is a webhook, and create an implementation to use in my project, I continue with my project.
I start learning the next services, AWS SQS and AWS Lambda to add more functionality to my project, the first version 1.0 is now ready.
I learned about the data model in the SQL database, and how to make a model of the S3 Buckets in AWS, write some pages in English about HTTP too.