New features:
- Added a function to get isotherms from the NIST ISODB,
which takes the ISODB filename as an argument. - Added hexane as an adsorbate in the database.
- Isotherm adsorbate is now a pygaps.Adsorbate object and can be accessed directly for all attributes (only when available in the internal database, otherwise still a string).
- ModelIsotherms can now be saved and imported from JSON, CSV and Excel.
- Added a
option to theplot_iso
function which acts similar to thecolor
parameter and allows simple selection of the marker style. - Added three new isotherm models: Freundlich, Dubinin-Radushkevich and Dubinin-Astakov. They can be used for fitting by specifying Freundlich, DR or DA as the model, respectivelly.
- Faster performance of some models due to analytical calculations, as well as more thorough testing
- Isotherm modelling backend is now more robust.
- Added an isotherm
function to plot an individual isotherm. - Added functions to import and export JSON files directly from a
. - Added github issue templates.
- Removed some plotting styles.
Breaking changes:
- Deprecated and removed the MADIREL excel format.
- Renamed
functions asisosteric_enthalpy
for more correct nomenclature. - Some model parameters have been renamed for consistency.
- REFPROP backend now correctly accessible (it was previously impossible to activate).
- Fixed issue in excel import which could lead to incorrect import.
- Some of the adsorbate values in the database were incorrect. They have been now updated.
- Fixed secondary data not being automatically plotted
New features:
- Increased number of adsorbates available in pyGAPS to 40.
- New material characterisation functions: Dubinin-Radushkevich (dr_plot) and Dubinin-Astakov (da_plot) plots.
- Added a new way to create an isotherm, from an two arrays of pressure and loading (the old DataFrame method is still valid but changed: check breaking changes).
- Made adsorbates searchable by a list of aliases rather than a single name.
- Exposed the CoolProp backend on adsorbate objects for convenience, it is accessible through the adsorbate.backend property.
- Streamlined the internal database functions.
- Updated NIST json import to new format. Cannot import multicomponent isotherms.
- Functions which generate matplotlib graphs now can take an Ax as parameter (similar to behaviour of pandas) to plot on existing figures.
- Changed behaviour of ModelIsotherm.guess function to accept a list of models to attempt to guess for.
- Added b-spline smoothing to output of dft fitting.
Breaking changes:
- The Sample class is now renamed as Material.
- Isotherm creation parameters have changed from 'sample_name', 'sample_batch' and 't_exp' to 'material_name', 'material_batch' and 't_iso'.
- Backend database has been simplified. Many required fields are no longer present and left to the discretion of the user.
- Several database functions have been renamed. All functions switched: 'sample' -> 'material' and 'experiment' -> 'isotherm'.
- When passing a DataFrame for isotherm creation, it now has to be specified as the parameter 'isotherm_data'.
- Isotherm unique ID is now generated on the fly (previously generated at each isotherm modification). It also now takes into account only the required parameters for each isotherm ( 'sample_name', 'sample_batch', 't_exp' and 'adsorbate') as well as the model name, if the isotherm is a ModelIsotherm.
- Renamed Adsorbate.from_list() method to Adsorbate.find()
- Fixed issue in CSV import which read all values as strings (instead of floats/bools)
- Fixed an issue with Excel import of bools, as they were previously read as 1/0
- Fixed a bug where the automatic branch detection was not working when the DataFrame passed had a non-standard index.
- Fixed not being able to call _repr_ on an isotherm.
New features:
- Added the GAB isotherm model
- Improved pore size distribution calculations to display cumulative pore volume when called.
- Fixed the "all-nol" selection parameter for legend display in isotherm graphs.
New features:
- Added an excel import which can take Micromeritics or Belsorp report (.xls) files. Micromeritics code was taken from the official python repo.
- Added an import option which can read and import Belsorp data (.DAT) files.
- Improved plotting functions to allow for more customisation over how the graph looks.
- The extra arguments to print_info() are now passed to the plotting function allowing for styles such as :issue:`8`.
Breaking changes:
- The unique isotherm ID is now generated only on a small subset of properties instead of all isotherm properties.
- The isotherm 'other_properties' subdictionary has been removed. Instead, all isotherm properties are now direct members of the class.
- When plotting, isotherm branches are now defined as 'ads', 'des' 'all' (both branches) and 'all-nol' (both branches without legend entry) instead of a list of branches.
- Plot types are now universal. Any property can be plotted against any other property by specifying the x_data, y1_data and y2_data.
- Fixed 'source' not being recognised as an isotherm field
- Re-worked plot_iso color selection to avoid errors (:issue:`10`)
- Re-worked plot_isp legend placement to ensure no overlap
- Added correct common name for ethylene, propylene, methanol and ethanol in the database
- Renamed some model parameters for consistency
- A lot of typo fixes
New features:
- The plotting legend now works with any isotherm attribute specified
- Changed model parent class to print out model name when displayed
- Added Toth and Jensen-Seaton models to the IAST calculation (spreading pressure is computed numerically using scipy.integrate.quad, :issue:`7`)
- Fixed an issue where the returned IAST selectivity v pressure data would not include all pressures
- Changed sqlite retrieval order to improve performance (:issue:`2`)
- Fixed an error where IAST vle data was plotted opposite to the graph axes
- Fixed a mistake in the Jensen-Seaton equation
- Fixed a mistake in the FH-VST equation
New features:
- Allowed for branch selection for isosteric heat and fixed an error where this was an issue (:issue:`3`)
- Fixed an issue when plotting isotherms with and without secondary data simultaneously
- Fixed error with magnitude of polarizability of adsorbate from database in microporous PSD
- Automatic travis deployment to PyPI
- Improved enthalpy modelling for initial enthalpy determination
- Improved documentation
- Fixed wrong value of polarizability for nitrogen in database
- Added a check for initial enthalpy when the isotherm is measured in supercritical mode
- Improved unit management by adding a unit/basis for both the adsorbent (ex: amount adsorbed per g, kg or cm3 of material are all valid) and loading (ex: mmol, g, kg of gas adsorbed per amount of material are all valid)
- Separated isotherm models so that they can now be easily created by the used.
- Added new isotherm models: Toth, Jensen-Seaton, W-VST, FH-VST.
- Made creation of classes (Adsorbate/Sample/Isotherms) more intuitive.
- Many small fixes and improvements
- Added unit_adsorbate and basis_loading as parameters for an isotherm, although they currently do not have any influence on data processing
- Slightly changed json format for efficiency
- Better examples
- Small fixes and improvements
- Code is now in mostly working state.
- Manual and reference are built.
- First release on PyPI.