I'm Pavel Milanes, the main developer of this sketch and can be reached at [email protected] I'm an active amateur radio operator under the call sign CO7WT, and I live in Camagüey, Cuba, the Caribbean island, exactly at the FL11aj locator. I'm active from time to time around 7.125 Khz on 40m from 2200z to 0200z on weekdays.
This work is based on the previous work of these people (without their work this project may not exist):
- NT7S for his work on the Silabs Si5351 and the Arduino library.
- Ben Buxton & mathertel for the arduino rotary encoder library
- Thomas Ouellet for the Bounce2 library
- SQ9NJE for the example codes and it's sketchs.
- AK2B for his multifeatured VFO in which this code is based.
- WJ6C for the idea and support, this OM is the motor of this project.
- QRP Labs explanation and examples of libraries for the Si5351 with MCU (size) focus.
- Many other hams elsewhere with critics, opinions, public code on the Internet and ideas.