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Portland Ruby Brigade |
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The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Twice every month people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby – join us!
Each first Tuesday of the month we have a virtual hangout over Zoom where we get to know each other, discuss projects we're working on, share interesting content, and sometimes watch a recorded technical presentation as a launching pad for conversation.
Each third Thursday of the month we meet at the White Owl Social Club in Portland's Central Eastside for socializing and informal networking.
For more information:
New! Follow us on Mastodon!
New to Ruby or programming? Take a look at our list of resources for learning Ruby and programming.
There are many ways to participate in pdxruby:
- Attend our General meetings for formal presentations, lightning talks and group discussions on topics of interest to those working with Ruby. Meetings are usually the first Tuesday of the month, “Ruby Tuesday”. Let us know if you're interested in presenting.
- Give a presentation at one our our monthly meetings and share something you've learned in the world of Ruby with the group. You can also suggest a presentation if there's something you'd like to learn or a speaker you want us to recruit.
- Subscribe to our online mailing list: "pdxruby" to receive meeting announcements and notes, get suggestions of interesting events, and participate in technical discussions. You may post information about Ruby-related jobs and gigs near Portland if you follow the job posting guidelines.
- Subscribe to our beginner's mailing list: "pdxruby-beginners" to discuss topics of interest to those new to Ruby or programming. This is a super friendly list that wants to help you learn and share information with others.
- Join our Meetup group. (contribution log)
- Chat with us on IRC: "#pdxruby"
- Chat with us on Slack
- Watch videos of past meetings on YouTube
- Follow our Code of Conduct
- Edit this page! (See also: the wiki joke)
Most recent meetings have full video recordings. Some older meetings have notes. For more info, check the mailing list archives.
Videos and Notes from Past Meetings
Learn about pdxruby's history - we're not merely a user group, but an open source culture incubator.
Meeting statistics: attendance for the last couple years.
You can access a static archive of the old website to get at old content. However, all the functionality of that old site has now been replaced with this wiki, Calagator and ePDX.