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Releases: pedroksl/AdvancedAE


29 Sep 06:09
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  • Added the missing recipe for the Stock Export Bus


29 Sep 04:28
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  • New Item: Stock Export Bus
    • Export Bus that regulates how much is exported based on the target inventory, keeping at least the configured amount at all times;
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed text field and check mark of the quantum crafter sub-ui disappearing after opening the guid or resizing the window;
    • Fixed the Quantum Crafter sometimes voiding it's entire inventory when patterns stored had remaining items.


27 Sep 18:53
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Fixed a crash introduces in the last update when inserting a pattern in the quantum crafter.


27 Sep 18:39
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  • Changed Quantum Crafter recipe unlock condition to a Shattered Singularity
  • Small optimization to the inner crafting loop of the crafter
  • Fixed the crafter not using power to export crafted items back into the AE system
  • Fixed the crafter GUI having incorrect slot sizes for the output


27 Sep 03:47
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New Block:

  • Quantum Crafter
    -- The quantum crafter is an auto-crafter capable of using the entire inventory of the ME system for it's patterns. Can be configured to limit the thresholds of what to keep and what to craft, enable/disable singular patterns, do fluid crafting and recursive patterns.


  • Added tooltips to several blocks related to the Quantum Computer to display values changed by server configs, such as it's maximum size and co-processing power of each block,
  • Added a section to the Quantum Computer guide to make it clear that configs can be changed by servers and redirect players to look at the tooltips to get the actual values for their instance.
  • Added a button to the Quantum Computer UI to configure if it will be used for Player Crafts, Automation Crafts or Any.

Bug Fixes:

  • Potentially fixed a crash that happens when the Advanced Pattern Provider tried to push items into an inventory while the machine nulled it;
  • Updated two recipes to use tags instead of specific items (Shattered Singularity and Sky Osmium Ingot)


  • Removed ExtendedAE as a dependency.


16 Sep 13:59
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  • Ported fix for quantum computer voiding secondary items from 1.21.1
  • Potentially also addresses a few bugs where the cpus are unable to be opened in the terminal


14 Sep 07:14
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  • Fixed Quantum Computer voiding secondary outputs of patterns.
  • Potentially fixed two instance crashes that could happen when breaking a quantum computer that still had running tasks.
  • Updated power requirements for a few recipes.


12 Sep 05:45
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  • Fixed a bug that would kick the user out of the game when opening the reaction chamber UI with a network tool in inventory.

  • Fixed reaction chamber not working correctly with induction cards

  • Small changes to recipe balance/conditions


10 Sep 06:29
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  • Added a UI for the Quantum Computer

  • Added conditional recipes if MEGACells is loaded or not


09 Sep 23:48
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  • Added configs for the quantum computer