Releases: phaserjs/phaser
Releases · phaserjs/phaser
"Aes Sedai"
Phaser 2.0.0 is a major upgrade to the Phaser Game Framework. With significant improvements across the whole library it's our biggest and fastest release yet. Please see the README for full details, the Migration Guide for help porting a 1.x game across and our new Examples repository.
New Examples:
- Added lovely new little mini golf game by jpcloud.
- Loader can now load JSON files natively (thanks lucas)
- TilemapParser now errors if the tileset isn't the right size
Bug Fixes:
- Updated Physics.Body.applyDamping so that velocity is reduced down to zero properly (thanks caezs)
- ArcadePhysics.collideSpriteVsTilemapLayer wouldn't call the process or collide callbacks if only 1 tile was involved in the check (thanks mandarinx)
- Lots of documentation fixes (thanks nhowell)
- Fix for PixiPatch so it renders masks again (thanks georgios)
- Modified ArcadePhysics.intersects so it returns a value as well as asigns (thanks bunnyhero)
- Lots of TypeScript defs fixes (thanks clark)
This 1.1.5 release is released to address issues in 1.1.4 that we didn't want you to have to wait too long for.
- Explicitly paused Timer continues if you un-focus and focus the browser window (thanks georgiee)
- Added TimerEvent.pendingDelete and checks in Timer.update, so that removing an event in a callback no longer throws an exception (thanks georgiee)
- Fixed TypeScript defs on lines 1741-1748 (thanks wombatbuddy)
- Added SAT.js to TypeScript definition. Now compiles properly.
- Added missing Line.js to the Grunt file.
- Tilemap#paste diffX and diffY equations changed, fixed issue #393 (thanks brejep)
- Added missing return value in Body.hitLeft and hitRight, fixes issue #398 (thanks ram64).
- Fixed easing tween example case. Issue #379 (thanks wesleywerner)
- Removed SAT.js UMD wrapped, fixes issue #361 (thanks luizbills)
- Removed inContact check from Body.separate.
- Fixed Tilemap docs (wrongly pointed to Tileset methods)
Merge branch 'origin/dev' Conflicts:
1.1.3 Final version of the Getting Started guide.