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GPIO Handling and "NODE-PINK": basic flows

The simplest NODE-PINK flows and GPIO strategies - read GPIO Handling and "NODE-PINK Introduction" before continuing


Essential further reading:

Basic Predefined Flows

These are listed in order of increasing pipeline complexity, as many of the more advanced GPIO functions "build on" earlier ones. For example, many GPIO functions need to start with a clean, debounced input, so their pipeline will always start the same as a simple h4pDebounced and then add extra nodes to further modify the behaviour.

Thus the order is a logical one, so that as you step through it you will find it much easier to understand the subsequent flows

Common Parameters

To save time and space, parameters that are common to many flows are mentioned here once only.

  • uint8_t p // The GPIO pin number
  • uint8_t m // The mode as per Arduino's pinMode: either INPUT or INPUT_PULLUP

For a discussion of active low vs high and the difference between logical and physical pin values, read Logical vs Physical GPIO. In brief: ACTIVE_HIGH inputs are "ON" / true when physically reading Vcc 3.3v or "digital 1". ACTIVE_LOW inputs are "ON" / true when physically reading GND 0v or "digital 0". Be aware that many boards have builtin-leds and/or buttons that are ACTIVE_LOW

  • uint32_t dbTime // the number of milliseconds to debounce the input


More "an absence of flow", it has a single node, npPUBLISHVALUE giving the effect that every single transition sends a H4PE_GPIO event to the user's code, i.e. the signal is "raw" and unprocessed.


h4pRaw(uint8_t p,uint8_t m,H4PM_SENSE s);

Example Sketch


Is essentially an h4pRaw with only one type of transition being passed through. uint8_t filter is either HIGH or LOW and dictates which type of transitions are passed: the others are blocked. Specifying HIGH for example will produce a (probably) "bouncy" stream of 1's.

Pipeline: npFilter{filter}->npPUBLISHVALUE

h4pFiltered(uint8_t p,uint8_t m,H4PM_SENSE s,uint8_t filter);

Example Sketch


Debounces the input and sends event 1x per "clean" transition, given dbTime of debounce time.

Pipeline: npSmooth{dbTime}->npPUBLISHVALUE

h4pDebounced(uint8_t p,uint8_t m,H4PM_SENSE s,uint32_t dbms);

Example Sketch


Converts a typical bouncy "tact" button into a clean, debounced "single-shot" button that "fires" exactly once on the "up-stroke". Useful for real-world events that just need to be fired: a simple "stab" of the button makes something happen: your code defines what that is.

The single upstroke H4PE_EVENT msg will be logical OFF, This will always be - by defintion - the opposite of its declared sense.

Pipeline: npSmooth{dbTime}->npFilterINACTIVE->npPUBLISHVALUE (npFilterINACTIVE is exactly equivalent to npFilter{ !sense })

h4pTactless(uint8_t p,uint8_t m,H4PM_SENSE s,uint32_t dbTime);

Example Sketch


Emits H4PE_EVENT with an ever-increasing value in msg, i.e. it counts how many clean, debounced transition pairs or short "stabs" (as in h4pTactless) have occurred.

This may seem initially to be of little practical use, but it serves as the basis of several more obviously useful types when the count is acted upon: A "latching" switch (one that stays in the same state till you poke it again) is simply a h4pCounting that counts from 0 to 1 then starts again.

Similary, imagine you need to "cycle" through a list of options on a graphcial menu - a quite common user input pattern for many devices is to repeatedly press/release an up/down "arrow" button...which is simply a h4pCounting that counts from 1 to < however many menu options you have > then starts again.

Pipeline: npSmooth{dbTime}->npFilterINACTIVE->npPUBLISHSIGE

(sigE [ short for "sigma Events"] is an internal value held by each pin of the all-time total count of events sent. This is the value emitted in the H4PE_EVENT rather than the more usual instantaneous actual physical/logical value 0 or 1, since that has no use / meaning in this context)

h4pCounting(uint8_t p,uint8_t m,H4PM_SENSE s,uint32_t dbTime);

Example Sketch


This is one of those GPIOs mentioned in h4pCounting (above) that count from 1 to uint32_t N and then repeats. It Emits H4PE_EVENT with an ever-increasing value in msg, i.e. it counts how many clean, debounced transition pairs or short "stabs" (as in h4pTactless) have occurred, until N is reached, whereupon it returns to 1.

Pipeline: npSmooth{dbTime}->npFilterINACTIVE->npPUBLISHCYCLE{N}

("cycle" is internal value logically equivalent to sigE % N: it's the current step from 1 to N, hence this is the value emitted in the H4PE_EVENT rather than the more usual instantaneous actual physical/logical value 0 or 1, since that has no use / meaning in this context)

If N == 3, subsequent msg values will be 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2... etc

h4pCircular(uint8_t p,uint8_t m,H4PM_SENSE s,uint32_t dbTime,uint32_t N);

Example Sketch


This is one of those GPIOs mentioned in h4pCounting (above) that count from 0 to 1. It Emits H4PE_EVENT with ON after the first clean, debounced transition pair or short "stab" (as in h4pTactless) and remains in that state until a subsquent "stab" sends an OFF.

It therefore "flip-flops" between 1 and 0 on every subsequent press/release and effectively converts a cheap "tact" button into a "latching" or "toggling" switch.

Pipeline: npSmooth{dbTime}->npFilterINACTIVE->npFLIPFLOP->npPUBLISHVALUE

(npFLIPFLOP is logically equivalent to sigE % 2, or npPUBLISHCYCLE{2} but more efficient than either)

h4pLatching(uint8_t p,uint8_t m,H4PM_SENSE s,uint32_t dbTime);

Example Sketch


Emits H4PE_EVENT with a msg value of the number of milliseconds the button was held down for.

Pipeline: npSmooth{dbTime}->npPUBLISHDELTA

(delta is an internal value measuring the time difference between two subsequent entries to the node)

h4pTimed(uint8_t p,uint8_t m,H4PM_SENSE s,uint32_t dbTime);

Example Sketch


This is similar to h4pTimed but in addition to emitting H4PE_EVENT with a msg value of the number of milliseconds once it is released, it also emits an event every (uint32_t f) milliseconds.

Imagine that f == 1000, i.e. the event will repeat every second while the button is held down and also that the user holds the button down for 3.142 seconds. The events sent will be as follows:

T(ms) msg value*
1000 1000
2000 2000
3000 3000
3142 3142

*The values are almost certain not to be exact multiples of f due to "jitter" within the timing code, In reality it will be more like:

T(ms) msg value
999 999
2001 2002
3003 3003
3142 3143

This raises two points:

  1. Your code must cope with non-exact multiples of f
  2. If your code is senstive to the odd millisecond here or there, maybe H4Plugins wasn't the best choice.

Finally, if the button is held for less than f then h4pRepeating behaves exactly as h4pTimed, e.g.:

T(ms) msg value
786 787

Pipeline: npSmooth{dbTime}->npDELTAREPEAT{f}->npPUBLISHVALUE

h4pRepeating(uint8_t p,uint8_t m,H4PM_SENSE s,uint32_t dbTime,uint32_t f);

Example Sketch


h4pPolled emits an event every (uint32_t f) milliseconds, provided that the current value is different from the previously sent value.

In practical terms, this is ideal in apps where there is a slowly changing value, e.g. daylight to darkness, especially if the value tends to "flutter" around the transition point.

In such cases it is recommended that f is large, even of the order of numbers of minutes.

Pipeline: npPassTimer->npVALUEDIFF->npPUBLISHVALUE

(npPassTimer ignores any physical GPIO changes and passes through only synthetic timer-generated events)

 h4pPolled(uint8_t p,uint8_t m,H4PM_SENSE s,uint32_t f);

Example Sketch


h4pRetriggering emits an event when the GPIO first changes (the ON "triggering" event), and then an OFF event once (uint32_t timeout) milliseconds have elapsed - unless another triggering event occurs before the timeout. In that case, the internal clock is restarted. We say the device gets triggered, then may be re-triggered an infinite number of times before the timeout finally expires, causing the OFF event to be sent.

In practical terms, this is emulates the behaviour of a PIR sensor. If connecting to such a devices, make sure you choose a timeout value that is greater than any timer in the physical device, whether that is hard-wired or user-selectable. We recommend that if user-selectable it is set to the lowest possible value and that h4pRetriggering's timeout value is used as the controlling value.

Pipeline: npTRIGGER{timeout}->npPUBLISHVALUE

h4pRetriggering(uint8_t p,uint8_t m,H4PM_SENSE s,uint32_t timeout);

Example Sketch


It is far easier to understand the h4pMultistage once you understand the behaviour of the h4pRepeating GPIO, since the two are very similar in basic function. The difference with h4pMultistage is that you provide it with a table of "threshold" times (known as a "stage map"), e.g.

Your code is then given a "running commentary" as the button is held down. As each threshold is passed, rather than just reporting the hold time, as h4pRepeating does, h4pMultistage tells you which threshold has just been passed.

When the button is finally released, rather than just reporting the total hold time, as h4pRepeating does, h4pMultistage tells your code the index of the longest threshold that was passed.

Imagine a commercial device with a single button that has to be "paired" with a controller on first install. Usually the user needs to hold down the button for longer than a few seconds, at which point an LED will light or change color etc. He then releases the button to put the device into pairing mode.

The h4pMultistage provides that exact functionality, allowing as many stages ( or different actions per different hold times) as required.

Now also imagine you want to define

  • A "short" press which is a hold time of anything up to 2 seconds
  • A "medium" press of anything between 2 and 5 seconds
  • A "long" pres which is anything over 5 seconds
H4PM_STAGE_MAP breaks{2000,5000};

You have effectively defined 3 "stages" (short/medium/long) separated by threshold values of 2000 and 5000 seconds. We will call those stages 0,1 and 2. Now imagine the user holds down the button for just over 6 seconds:

The events emitted would be as follows:

Hold Time (ms) Meaning msg value
2000 Stage 1 entered -1
5000 Stage 2 entered -2
6142 Release after stage 2(long press) 2

When held for just over 3 seconds:

Hold Time (ms) Meaning msg value
2000 Stage 1 entered -1
3142 Release after stage 1(medium press) 1

Finally, when held for 1.5 seconds:

Hold Time (ms) Meaning msg value
1500 Release in stage 0(short press) 0

Summarising, you get an increasingly negative index each time a new (longer!) stage is entered - this allows you to change LED color or speed up its flashing etc.

You then get a single positive index according to the stage the GPIO was in when the button was released.

Pipeline: npSmooth{dbTime}->npDELTAREPEAT{f}->npSTAGEMANAGER{sm}

h4pMultistage(uint8_t p,uint8_t m,H4PM_SENSE s,uint32_t dbTime,H4PM_STAGE_MAP stageMap);

Example Sketch


You need to understand the h4pMultistage first, since this is simply a 3-stage version with thresholds at 2000 and 5000 milliseconds with predefined actions as follows:

  • Release in Stage 0: perform default on/off action by toggling Global Variable state
  • Release in Stage 1: Reboot MCU
  • Release in Stage 2: Factory Reset MCU
  • Hold time enters Stage 1: medium-paced flashing of builtin LED
  • Hold time enters Stage 2: fast-paced flashing of builtin LED

This forms the primary input / control mechanism for the majority of H4Plugins WiFi / MQTT examples and demo Apps. As such it is featured in many example sketches Pipeline: see h4pMultistage

h4pMultifunctionButton(uint8_t p,uint8_t m,H4PM_SENSE s,uint32_t dbTime);

(c) 2021 Phil Bowles [email protected]