Registers a handler function with a selected set of events, which publishes the event message to MQTT using a topic name selected by the user.
For information on how to use this plugin, see Everything is an event: Listeners, Emitters and Handlers
H4P_MQTTLogger is a multiple-use plugin: there can be many in one app. They will appear as 1, 2. 3 etc. They may be instantiated as any name.
H4P_MQTTLogger myML1(... // internal ref: mlog1
H4P_MQTTLogger myML2(... // internal ref: mlog2
H4P_MQTTLogger anyNameYouChoose(... // internal ref: mlog3
/ start
have no effect
uint32_t filter; Name of the event (or combination of events) to be fowarded to the event handler function
const string& topic; MQTT topic name the event(s) is published to
H4P_MQTTLogger(const string& topic,uint32_t filter);
(c) 2021 Phil Bowles [email protected]