The primary purpose of H4P_UPNPServer is to provide Amazon Alexa voice control and pass the voice commands to either a H4P_BinarySwitch or a H4P_BinaryThing. A beneficial side-effect is that the device also appears in the Windows10 "Network Explorer" which provides a quick route to the built-in webserver.
This plugin is a "singleton" - there may be only one single instance of it in the app. It may be instantiated as any name the user chooses, prefix all API calls below with than name.
H4P_UPNPServer alexa(...
and either
payload N is the new "Friendly name by whcih Alexa knows the device
/ start
have no effect
/* constructor:
name = Alexa / UPNP "Friendly Name"
H4P_UPNPServer(const string& name="");
void friendlyName(const string& name); // change Friendly name
Many of the sketches in the XTRAS folder show H4P_UPNPServer
in use.
(c) 2021 Phil Bowles [email protected]