alias of acf()->fields->register_field_type()
- @type function
- @date 31/5/17
- @since ACF 5.6.0
- @param n/a
- @return n/a
alias of acf()->fields->register_field_type_info()
- @type function
- @date 31/5/17
- @since ACF 5.6.0
- @param n/a
- @return n/a
alias of acf()->fields->get_field_type()
- @type function
- @date 31/5/17
- @since ACF 5.6.0
- @param n/a
- @return n/a
alias of acf()->fields->get_field_types()
- @type function
- @date 31/5/17
- @since ACF 5.6.0
- @param n/a
- @return n/a
- Returns an array containing information about each field type
- @date 18/6/18
- @since ACF 5.6.9
- @param type $var Description. Default.
- @return type Description.
alias of acf()->fields->is_field_type()
- @type function
- @date 31/5/17
- @since ACF 5.6.0
- @param n/a
- @return n/a
This function will return a field type's property
- @type function
- @date 1/10/13
- @since ACF 5.0.0
- @param n/a
- @return (array)
This function will return the label of a field type
- @type function
- @date 1/10/13
- @since ACF 5.0.0
- @param n/a
- @return (array)
Returns the value of a field type "supports" property.
- @since ACF 6.2.5
- @param string $name The name of the field type.
- @param string $prop The name of the supports property.
- @param mixed $default The default value if the property is not set.
- @return mixed The value of the supports property which may be false, or $default on failure.
- @deprecated @see acf_is_field_type()
- @type function
- @date 1/10/13
- @since ACF 5.0.0
- @param $type (string)
- @return (boolean)
Returns an array of localised field categories.
- @since ACF 6.1
- @return array
Returns an multi-dimensional array of field types "name => label" grouped by category
- @since ACF 5.0.0
- @return array
Returns an array of tabs for a field type. We combine a list of default tabs with filtered tabs. I.E. Default tabs should be static and should not be changed by the filtered tabs.
- @since ACF 6.1
- @return array Key/value array of the default settings tabs for field type settings.
Get the PRO only fields and their core metadata.
- @since ACF 6.1
- @return array An array of all the pro field types and their field type selection required meta data.