diff --git a/doc/python/bar-charts.md b/doc/python/bar-charts.md
index 9ee75ea440..6fad0f45c2 100644
--- a/doc/python/bar-charts.md
+++ b/doc/python/bar-charts.md
@@ -589,6 +589,92 @@ fig.update_layout(
+### Using a scatterplot to wrap long bars into multiple columns 
+This bar-style pictogram allows readers to focus on the relative sizes of smaller entities by wrapping the bar for largest entries into multiple columns.  You could make it even more of a pictogram by using fontawesome to replace the square markers we use below with icons like mortar boards for students.
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+import pandas as pd
+#TODO:  make the results and the code compellingly clear, terse, and well designed; for example, make sure all the variable names are descriptive
+#TODO:  when we're happy, remove print statements
+#TODO:  consider adding the value for each group either above its section or to its title
+def pictogram_bar(data, title, icon_size, max_height=10, units_per_icon=1,columns_between_units=.5):
+    fig = go.Figure()
+    # Iterate through the data and create a scatter plot for each category
+    x_start = 1
+    tick_locations = []
+    for i, (category, count) in enumerate(data.items()):
+        #convert the real number input to an integer number of icons.  Depending on the context, you might want to take floor or a ceiling rather than rouding
+        count = round(count / units_per_icon)
+        num_cols = (count + max_height - 1) // max_height  # Ceiling division
+        x_coordinates = []
+        y_coordinates = []
+        for col in range(num_cols):
+            print([x_start+col]*min(max_height, count-col*max_height))
+            x_coordinates += [x_start+col]*min(max_height, count-col*max_height)
+            print(list(range(0, min(max_height, count-col*max_height))))
+            for yc in range(1, min(max_height, count-col*max_height)+1):
+                y_coordinates.append(yc)
+        print(f"{category=}")
+        print(f"{x_coordinates=}")
+        print(f"{y_coordinates=}")
+        # Add dots for this category
+        fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(
+            x=x_coordinates,  # All dots are in the same x position (category)
+            y=y_coordinates,
+            mode='markers',
+            marker=dict(size=icon_size, symbol="square", color=i),
+            name=category,
+            #text=[category] * (y_end - y_start),  # Hover text
+            hoverinfo="text"
+        ))
+        tick_locations += [x_start+ (col)/2]
+        x_start += col+1+columns_between_units
+        print(f"{tick_locations=}")
+    # Update layout for better visualization
+    fig.update_layout(
+        title=title,
+        xaxis=dict(
+            tickvals=tick_locations,
+            ticktext=list(data.keys()),
+            tickangle=-45,
+            showgrid=False
+        ),
+        yaxis=dict(
+            title="Units",
+            showgrid=False,
+            showline=False,
+            zeroline=False
+        ),
+        showlegend=False,
+        #setting the width implicitly sets the amount of space between columns within groups and it's desirable to keep those columns close but not too close
+        #TODO:  set the width to a value that makes the spacing between columns reasonable; try it as a function of the number of columns of data, number of columns left blank as spacers, the icon size; and the left and right margins
+        # there's no right answer; but some answers will look a lot better than others; I'm guessing that roughly 2-3 times as many px as we fill with icons might be good
+        height=600
+    )
+    # Show the plot
+    fig.show()
+data = {
+    "Haverford College": 1421, #https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/haverford-college-3274
+    "University of Mary Washington": 3611,  #https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/university-of-mary-washington-3746#:~:text=Overview,campus%20size%20is%20234%20acres.
+    "Brown University": 7226,  #https://oir.brown.edu/institutional-data/factbooks/enrollment
+    "Arizona State University": 65174,  #https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/arizona-state-university-1081
+pictogram_bar(data, title="Undergraduate Enrollment at Participating Schools", units_per_icon=1000, icon_size=27)
 ### Customizing Individual Bar Base
diff --git a/plotly-universities-1.ipynb b/plotly-universities-1.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbbaddb98f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotly-universities-1.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,1360 @@
+ "cells": [
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": 28,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [
+    {
+     "data": {
+      "application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": {
+       "config": {
+        "plotlyServerURL": "https://plot.ly"
+       },
+       "data": [
+        {
+         "hoverinfo": "text",
+         "marker": {
+          "color": 0,
+          "size": 27,
+          "symbol": "square"
+         },
+         "mode": "markers",
+         "name": "Haverford College",
+         "text": [
+          "Haverford College: 1421"
+         ],
+         "type": "scatter",
+         "x": [
+          1
+         ],
+         "y": [
+          1.05
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "mode": "text",
+         "showlegend": false,
+         "text": [
+          "1421"
+         ],
+         "textfont": {
+          "color": "black",
+          "size": 14
+         },
+         "type": "scatter",
+         "x": [
+          1
+         ],
+         "y": [
+          11
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "hoverinfo": "text",
+         "marker": {
+          "color": 1,
+          "size": 27,
+          "symbol": "square"
+         },
+         "mode": "markers",
+         "name": "University of Mary Washington",
+         "text": [
+          "University of Mary Washington: 3611",
+          "University of Mary Washington: 3611",
+          "University of Mary Washington: 3611",
+          "University of Mary Washington: 3611"
+         ],
+         "type": "scatter",
+         "x": [
+          2.005,
+          2.005,
+          2.005,
+          2.005
+         ],
+         "y": [
+          1.05,
+          2.1,
+          3.15,
+          4.2
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "mode": "text",
+         "showlegend": false,
+         "text": [
+          "3611"
+         ],
+         "textfont": {
+          "color": "black",
+          "size": 14
+         },
+         "type": "scatter",
+         "x": [
+          2.005
+         ],
+         "y": [
+          11
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "hoverinfo": "text",
+         "marker": {
+          "color": 2,
+          "size": 27,
+          "symbol": "square"
+         },
+         "mode": "markers",
+         "name": "Brown University",
+         "text": [
+          "Brown University: 7226",
+          "Brown University: 7226",
+          "Brown University: 7226",
+          "Brown University: 7226",
+          "Brown University: 7226",
+          "Brown University: 7226",
+          "Brown University: 7226"
+         ],
+         "type": "scatter",
+         "x": [
+          3.01,
+          3.01,
+          3.01,
+          3.01,
+          3.01,
+          3.01,
+          3.01
+         ],
+         "y": [
+          1.05,
+          2.1,
+          3.15,
+          4.2,
+          5.25,
+          6.3,
+          7.35
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "mode": "text",
+         "showlegend": false,
+         "text": [
+          "7226"
+         ],
+         "textfont": {
+          "color": "black",
+          "size": 14
+         },
+         "type": "scatter",
+         "x": [
+          3.01
+         ],
+         "y": [
+          11
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "hoverinfo": "text",
+         "marker": {
+          "color": 3,
+          "size": 27,
+          "symbol": "square"
+         },
+         "mode": "markers",
+         "name": "Arizona State University",
+         "text": [
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174",
+          "Arizona State University: 65174"
+         ],
+         "type": "scatter",
+         "x": [
+          4.015,
+          4.015,
+          4.015,
+          4.015,
+          4.015,
+          4.015,
+          4.015,
+          4.015,
+          4.015,
+          4.015,
+          5.015,
+          5.015,
+          5.015,
+          5.015,
+          5.015,
+          5.015,
+          5.015,
+          5.015,
+          5.015,
+          5.015,
+          6.015,
+          6.015,
+          6.015,
+          6.015,
+          6.015,
+          6.015,
+          6.015,
+          6.015,
+          6.015,
+          6.015,
+          7.015,
+          7.015,
+          7.015,
+          7.015,
+          7.015,
+          7.015,
+          7.015,
+          7.015,
+          7.015,
+          7.015,
+          8.015,
+          8.015,
+          8.015,
+          8.015,
+          8.015,
+          8.015,
+          8.015,
+          8.015,
+          8.015,
+          8.015,
+          9.015,
+          9.015,
+          9.015,
+          9.015,
+          9.015,
+          9.015,
+          9.015,
+          9.015,
+          9.015,
+          9.015,
+          10.015,
+          10.015,
+          10.015,
+          10.015,
+          10.015
+         ],
+         "y": [
+          1.05,
+          2.1,
+          3.15,
+          4.2,
+          5.25,
+          6.3,
+          7.35,
+          8.4,
+          9.45,
+          10.5,
+          1.05,
+          2.1,
+          3.15,
+          4.2,
+          5.25,
+          6.3,
+          7.35,
+          8.4,
+          9.45,
+          10.5,
+          1.05,
+          2.1,
+          3.15,
+          4.2,
+          5.25,
+          6.3,
+          7.35,
+          8.4,
+          9.45,
+          10.5,
+          1.05,
+          2.1,
+          3.15,
+          4.2,
+          5.25,
+          6.3,
+          7.35,
+          8.4,
+          9.45,
+          10.5,
+          1.05,
+          2.1,
+          3.15,
+          4.2,
+          5.25,
+          6.3,
+          7.35,
+          8.4,
+          9.45,
+          10.5,
+          1.05,
+          2.1,
+          3.15,
+          4.2,
+          5.25,
+          6.3,
+          7.35,
+          8.4,
+          9.45,
+          10.5,
+          1.05,
+          2.1,
+          3.15,
+          4.2,
+          5.25
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "mode": "text",
+         "showlegend": false,
+         "text": [
+          "65174"
+         ],
+         "textfont": {
+          "color": "black",
+          "size": 14
+         },
+         "type": "scatter",
+         "x": [
+          7.015
+         ],
+         "y": [
+          11
+         ]
+        }
+       ],
+       "layout": {
+        "height": 600,
+        "showlegend": false,
+        "template": {
+         "data": {
+          "bar": [
+           {
+            "error_x": {
+             "color": "#2a3f5f"
+            },
+            "error_y": {
+             "color": "#2a3f5f"
+            },
+            "marker": {
+             "line": {
+              "color": "#E5ECF6",
+              "width": 0.5
+             },
+             "pattern": {
+              "fillmode": "overlay",
+              "size": 10,
+              "solidity": 0.2
+             }
+            },
+            "type": "bar"
+           }
+          ],
+          "barpolar": [
+           {
+            "marker": {
+             "line": {
+              "color": "#E5ECF6",
+              "width": 0.5
+             },
+             "pattern": {
+              "fillmode": "overlay",
+              "size": 10,
+              "solidity": 0.2
+             }
+            },
+            "type": "barpolar"
+           }
+          ],
+          "carpet": [
+           {
+            "aaxis": {
+             "endlinecolor": "#2a3f5f",
+             "gridcolor": "white",
+             "linecolor": "white",
+             "minorgridcolor": "white",
+             "startlinecolor": "#2a3f5f"
+            },
+            "baxis": {
+             "endlinecolor": "#2a3f5f",
+             "gridcolor": "white",
+             "linecolor": "white",
+             "minorgridcolor": "white",
+             "startlinecolor": "#2a3f5f"
+            },
+            "type": "carpet"
+           }
+          ],
+          "choropleth": [
+           {
+            "colorbar": {
+             "outlinewidth": 0,
+             "ticks": ""
+            },
+            "type": "choropleth"
+           }
+          ],
+          "contour": [
+           {
+            "colorbar": {
+             "outlinewidth": 0,
+             "ticks": ""
+            },
+            "colorscale": [
+             [
+              0,
+              "#0d0887"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.1111111111111111,
+              "#46039f"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.2222222222222222,
+              "#7201a8"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.3333333333333333,
+              "#9c179e"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.4444444444444444,
+              "#bd3786"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.5555555555555556,
+              "#d8576b"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.6666666666666666,
+              "#ed7953"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.7777777777777778,
+              "#fb9f3a"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.8888888888888888,
+              "#fdca26"
+             ],
+             [
+              1,
+              "#f0f921"
+             ]
+            ],
+            "type": "contour"
+           }
+          ],
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+           {
+            "colorbar": {
+             "outlinewidth": 0,
+             "ticks": ""
+            },
+            "type": "contourcarpet"
+           }
+          ],
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+           {
+            "colorbar": {
+             "outlinewidth": 0,
+             "ticks": ""
+            },
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+             [
+              0,
+              "#0d0887"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.1111111111111111,
+              "#46039f"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.2222222222222222,
+              "#7201a8"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.3333333333333333,
+              "#9c179e"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.4444444444444444,
+              "#bd3786"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.5555555555555556,
+              "#d8576b"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.6666666666666666,
+              "#ed7953"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.7777777777777778,
+              "#fb9f3a"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.8888888888888888,
+              "#fdca26"
+             ],
+             [
+              1,
+              "#f0f921"
+             ]
+            ],
+            "type": "heatmap"
+           }
+          ],
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+           {
+            "colorbar": {
+             "outlinewidth": 0,
+             "ticks": ""
+            },
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+             [
+              0,
+              "#0d0887"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.1111111111111111,
+              "#46039f"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.2222222222222222,
+              "#7201a8"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.3333333333333333,
+              "#9c179e"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.4444444444444444,
+              "#bd3786"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.5555555555555556,
+              "#d8576b"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.6666666666666666,
+              "#ed7953"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.7777777777777778,
+              "#fb9f3a"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.8888888888888888,
+              "#fdca26"
+             ],
+             [
+              1,
+              "#f0f921"
+             ]
+            ],
+            "type": "heatmapgl"
+           }
+          ],
+          "histogram": [
+           {
+            "marker": {
+             "pattern": {
+              "fillmode": "overlay",
+              "size": 10,
+              "solidity": 0.2
+             }
+            },
+            "type": "histogram"
+           }
+          ],
+          "histogram2d": [
+           {
+            "colorbar": {
+             "outlinewidth": 0,
+             "ticks": ""
+            },
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+             [
+              0,
+              "#0d0887"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.1111111111111111,
+              "#46039f"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.2222222222222222,
+              "#7201a8"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.3333333333333333,
+              "#9c179e"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.4444444444444444,
+              "#bd3786"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.5555555555555556,
+              "#d8576b"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.6666666666666666,
+              "#ed7953"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.7777777777777778,
+              "#fb9f3a"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.8888888888888888,
+              "#fdca26"
+             ],
+             [
+              1,
+              "#f0f921"
+             ]
+            ],
+            "type": "histogram2d"
+           }
+          ],
+          "histogram2dcontour": [
+           {
+            "colorbar": {
+             "outlinewidth": 0,
+             "ticks": ""
+            },
+            "colorscale": [
+             [
+              0,
+              "#0d0887"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.1111111111111111,
+              "#46039f"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.2222222222222222,
+              "#7201a8"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.3333333333333333,
+              "#9c179e"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.4444444444444444,
+              "#bd3786"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.5555555555555556,
+              "#d8576b"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.6666666666666666,
+              "#ed7953"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.7777777777777778,
+              "#fb9f3a"
+             ],
+             [
+              0.8888888888888888,
+              "#fdca26"
+             ],
+             [
+              1,
+              "#f0f921"
+             ]
+            ],
+            "type": "histogram2dcontour"
+           }
+          ],
+          "mesh3d": [
+           {
+            "colorbar": {
+             "outlinewidth": 0,
+             "ticks": ""
+            },
+            "type": "mesh3d"
+           }
+          ],
+          "parcoords": [
+           {
+            "line": {
+             "colorbar": {
+              "outlinewidth": 0,
+              "ticks": ""
+             }
+            },
+            "type": "parcoords"
+           }
+          ],
+          "pie": [
+           {
+            "automargin": true,
+            "type": "pie"
+           }
+          ],
+          "scatter": [
+           {
+            "fillpattern": {
+             "fillmode": "overlay",
+             "size": 10,
+             "solidity": 0.2
+            },
+            "type": "scatter"
+           }
+          ],
+          "scatter3d": [
+           {
+            "line": {
+             "colorbar": {
+              "outlinewidth": 0,
+              "ticks": ""
+             }
+            },
+            "marker": {
+             "colorbar": {
+              "outlinewidth": 0,
+              "ticks": ""
+             }
+            },
+            "type": "scatter3d"
+           }
+          ],
+          "scattercarpet": [
+           {
+            "marker": {
+             "colorbar": {
+              "outlinewidth": 0,
+              "ticks": ""
+             }
+            },
+            "type": "scattercarpet"
+           }
+          ],
+          "scattergeo": [
+           {
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+        "title": {
+         "text": "Undergraduate Enrollment at Participating Schools"
+        },
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+         ],
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+         "title": {
+          "text": "Categories"
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+         "title": {
+          "text": "Units (1 icon = 1000)"
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+   "source": [
+    "import plotly.graph_objects as go\n",
+    "import pandas as pd\n",
+    "\n",
+    "def pictogram_bar(data, title, icon_size, max_height=10, units_per_icon=1, column_spacing=0.005,icon_spacing=0.005):\n",
+    "   \n",
+    "    fig = go.Figure()\n",
+    "    x_start = 1\n",
+    "    tick_locations = []\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    for i, (category, value) in enumerate(data.items()):\n",
+    "        icon_count = round(value / units_per_icon)\n",
+    "        num_columns = -(-icon_count // max_height)  # Ceiling division\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        x_coordinates, y_coordinates = [], []\n",
+    "        for col in range(num_columns):\n",
+    "            column_icons = min(max_height, icon_count - col * max_height)\n",
+    "            x_coordinates.extend([x_start + col] * column_icons)\n",
+    "           # y_coordinates.extend(range(1, column_icons + 1))\n",
+    "            y_coordinates.extend([y + icon_spacing * y for y in range(1, column_icons + 1)])\n",
+    "\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        # Add scatter plot for the category\n",
+    "        fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(\n",
+    "            x=x_coordinates,\n",
+    "            y=y_coordinates,\n",
+    "            mode='markers',\n",
+    "            marker=dict(size=icon_size, symbol=\"square\", color= i),\n",
+    "            name=category,\n",
+    "            hoverinfo=\"text\",\n",
+    "            text=[f\"{category}: {value}\" for _ in range(len(x_coordinates))]\n",
+    "        ))\n",
+    "        \n",
+    "\n",
+    "        # Add value annotations above the section: new line of code \n",
+    "        fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(\n",
+    "            x=[x_start + (num_columns - 1) / 2],\n",
+    "            y=[max_height + 1],\n",
+    "            mode=\"text\",\n",
+    "            text=[f\"{value}\"],\n",
+    "            textfont=dict(size=14, color=\"black\"),\n",
+    "            showlegend=False\n",
+    "        ))\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        # Track tick locations\n",
+    "        tick_locations.append(x_start + (num_columns - 1) / 2)\n",
+    "        x_start += num_columns + column_spacing\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    # Update layout\n",
+    "    fig.update_layout(\n",
+    "        title=title,\n",
+    "        xaxis=dict(\n",
+    "            tickvals=tick_locations,\n",
+    "            ticktext=list(data.keys()),\n",
+    "            tickangle=-45,\n",
+    "            showgrid=False,\n",
+    "            title=\"Categories\"\n",
+    "        ),\n",
+    "        yaxis=dict(\n",
+    "            title=f\"Units (1 icon = {units_per_icon})\",\n",
+    "            showgrid=False,\n",
+    "            zeroline=False,\n",
+    "        ),\n",
+    "        showlegend=False,\n",
+    "        height=600,\n",
+    "        width=(len(data) * 200 + 200)  # Done adjused width based on number of categories\n",
+    "    )\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    fig.show()\n",
+    "\n",
+    "\n",
+    "# done as pd \n",
+    "df = pd.DataFrame({\n",
+    "    'School': [\"Haverford College\", \"University of Mary Washington\", \"Brown University\", \"Arizona State University\"],\n",
+    "    'Enrollment': [1421, 3611, 7226, 65174]\n",
+    "})\n",
+    "\n",
+    "pictogram_bar(\n",
+    "    data={row['School']: row['Enrollment'] for _, row in df.iterrows()},\n",
+    "    title=\"Undergraduate Enrollment at Participating Schools\",\n",
+    "    units_per_icon=1000,\n",
+    "    icon_size=27,\n",
+    "   icon_spacing=0.05\n",
+    ")\n",
+    "\n",
+    "\n"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "markdown",
+   "metadata": {},
+   "source": [
+    "\n"
+   ]
+  }
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