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188 lines (188 loc) · 193 KB
|A ProcessWire core upgrade is available|Your ProcessWire core is up-to-date|An upgrade for %s is available|Your modules are up-to-date|Error retrieving modules directory data|Error loading GitHub branches|HTTP error(s):|Check that HTTP requests are not blocked by your server.|^site--modules--processwireupgrade--processwireupgradecheck-module:/site/modules/ProcessWireUpgrade/ProcessWireUpgradeCheck.module
|Remove|Module|Class|Installed|Latest|Status|Up-to-date|Upgrade available|Not in directory|Download Now|Abort|Backup Database Now|Skip Database Backup|Confirm|Install|^site--modules--processwireupgrade--processwireupgrade-module:/site/modules/ProcessWireUpgrade/ProcessWireUpgrade.module
|Check for upgrades on superuser login?|If "No" is selected, then upgrades will only be checked manually when you click to Setup > Upgrades.|Automatic upgrade check requires ProcessWire 2.5.20 or newer.|Yes|No|^site--modules--processwireupgrade--processwireupgradecheck-config-php:/site/modules/ProcessWireUpgrade/ProcessWireUpgradeCheck.config.php
|ProcessWire admin tweaks to boost productivity.|Placeholder|Max limit of items|Input Mask|Deleted page: %s|Trash|Insert links to all files|No files on this page|Save on', __FILE__) . ' `ctrl+s`|Focus search on', __FILE__) . ' `alt+d`|Open page tree panel on', __FILE__) . ' `alt+o`|Focus filterbox on', __FILE__) . ' `alt+s`|Button', 'IUC|Ctrl + Shift + Click', 'IUC|Ctrl + Shift + Enter', 'IUC|Left side of the field', 'IUC|Right side of the field', 'IUC|Add helper buttons to batch field add/remove confirmation pages ("Clear all", "Apply to all|all|all non-superuser|^site--modules--adminonsteroids--adminonsteroids-module:/site/modules/AdminOnSteroids/AdminOnSteroids.module
|Cache|Autoload|Lazy load|Do not leave debug mode enabled in live/production environments (see $config->debug in file /site/config.php).|^wire--templates-admin--debug-inc:/wire/templates-admin/debug.inc
|Pages|Tree|Find|Setup|Modules|Access|Admin|Site|View Site|Languages|Users|Roles|Permissions|Templates|Fields|Add New|Recent|Logs|Edit|Bookmarks|Page Edit|Page List|^wire--templates-admin--default-php:/wire/templates-admin/default.php
|Session timed out|^wire--core--session-php:/wire/core/Session.php
|Compiled file:|^wire--core--filecompiler-php:/wire/core/FileCompiler.php
|Cancel|Please configure|ENABLED|Two factor authentication enabled!|To disable or change settings, select the “None” option above and save.|Expired code|2-factor authentication type|After making or changing a selection, submit the form and return here to configure it.|Authentication Code|Invalid code|Max attempts reached|Clear remembered browsers that skip entering authentication code|Cleared remembered browsers|Remember this computer?|This computer/browser is now remembered for up to %d days.|Changes to browser and/or location may require a new code.|Code was not required because the browser was recognized from a previous login.|Error creating or sending authentication code|Time limit reached|…|…|^wire--core--tfa-php:/wire/core/Tfa.php
|,;/|)]>}”»|…|Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Hon. PhD. i.e. e.g.|. ? !|, : . ? ! “ ” „ " – -- ( ) [ ] { } « »|^wire--core--wiretexttools-php:/wire/core/WireTextTools.php
|There appear to be multiple copies of module "%s" on the file system.|Please edit the module settings to tell ProcessWire which one to use:|^wire--core--modulesduplicates-php:/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php
|Fatal Error|Warning|Parse Error|Notice|Core Error|Core Warning|Compile Error|Compile Warning|Error|User Warning|User Notice|Strict Warning|Recoverable Fatal Error|Error has been logged.|Administrator has been notified.|site is in debug mode.|you are using the command line API|you are logged in as a Superuser.|install.php still exists.|Superuser has never logged in.|This error message was shown because:|Unable to complete this request due to an error.|ProcessWire Error Notification|(line %d of %s)|^wire--core--wireshutdown-php:/wire/core/WireShutdown.php
|VALID (via sanitization)|VALID|INVALID|^wire--core--filevalidatormodule-php:/wire/core/FileValidatorModule.php
|The password system has recently been updated. Please change your password to complete the update for your account.|^wire--core--password-php:/wire/core/Password.php
|count|Sorting and Pagination|These settings apply to both front-end (site) and back-end (editor).|(reverse)|Automatic sorting|Select one or more fields to sort by below. For manual sort, leave this setting blank.|Pagination limit / items per page|This limits the number of items loaded/edited per pagination. The value “0” indicates no limit (default).|Pagination is recommended if you will be working with hundreds to thousands of items (or more).|This setting does not take effect unless a selection is made for “Automatic sorting”.|^wire--core--fieldtypemulti-php:/wire/core/FieldtypeMulti.php
|Created Page: %s|Trashed Page: %s|Add New', '/wire/templates-admin/default.php|^wire--core--process-php:/wire/core/Process.php
|Field type details|Details|Input field settings|Input|^wire--core--field-php:/wire/core/Field.php
|Engine priority|This determines what order this engine is tried in relation to other ImageSizerEngine modules.|The lower the number, the more preference you give it.|If you have other ImageSizerEngine modules installed, make sure no two have the same priority.|Sharpening|None|Soft|Medium|Strong|Quality|Default quality setting from 1 to 100 where 1 is lowest quality, and 100 is highest.|^wire--core--imagesizerengine-php:/wire/core/ImageSizerEngine.php
|Download URLs must begin with http:// or https://|fopen error for filename:|File could not be downloaded|^wire--core--wirehttp-php:/wire/core/WireHttp.php
|Hide/unhide pages|Publish/unpublish pages or edit already published pages|Edit only pages user has created|User can trash pages they created (without page-delete permission).|Use the image editor to manipulate (crop, resize, etc.) images|Change the name of published pages they are allowed to edit|Administer users in any role (except superuser)|User can view users in any role (including superuser)|User can view themself (when not already by other permission)|View users in role: %s|Administer users in role: %s|Edit fields on a page in language: %s|(also required to create or delete pages)|Edit single-language fields on multi-language page|Administer languages and static translation files|^wire--core--permissions-php:/wire/core/Permissions.php
|Successful Upload|The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.|The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.|The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.|No file was uploaded.|Missing a temporary folder.|Failed to write file to disk.|File upload stopped by extension.|Max file upload limit reached|Invalid file extension, please use one of:|Exceeds max allowed file size|No files found in ZIP file|^wire--core--wireupload-php:/wire/core/WireUpload.php
|Saved cache |Cleared cache|General maintenance expired %d cache(s)|Maintenance expired %d cache(s) for saved page|Maintenance expired %d cache(s) for saved template|^wire--core--wirecache-php:/wire/core/WireCache.php
|Removed old directory|Removed old file|^wire--core--pagesexportimport-php:/wire/core/PagesExportImport.php
|Untitled Page|Page using template “%s” is not moveable.|Chosen parent “%1$s” uses template “%2$s” that does not allow children.|Cannot move “%1$s” because template “%2$s” used by page “%3$s” does not allow children using template “%4$s”.|Cannot move “%1$s” because template “%2$s” used by new parent “%3$s” is not allowed by moved page template “%4$s”.|Chosen parent “%1$s” already has a page named “%2$s”.|Error saving field "%s"|^wire--core--pageseditor-php:/wire/core/PagesEditor.php
|Unable to install invalid image|^wire--core--pageimage-php:/wire/core/Pageimage.php
|Never|just now|ago|from now|now|now|in|Q P T|s|m|hr|d|wk|mon|yr|decade|s|m|hr|d|wks|mths|yrs|decades|sec|min|hr|day|week|month|year|decade|secs|mins|hrs|days|weeks|months|years|decades|second|minute|hour|day|week|month|year|decade|seconds|minutes|hours|days|weeks|months|years|decades|^wire--core--wiredatetime-php:/wire/core/WireDateTime.php
|Add asterisk for partial match: Bar* or +Bar* matches bar, barn, barge; while -Bar* prevents matching them.|Use quotes to match phrases: +(Must Match), -(Must Not Match), or (May Match).|^wire--core--selector-php:/wire/core/Selector.php
|it is in the trash|points to the admin|Unable to resolve link on page %1$s in field "%2$s": %3$s|Re-created image variation|Unable to re-create image variation|^wire--core--markupqa-php:/wire/core/MarkupQA.php
|Unable to find field: %s|Unable to find field to set field context: %s|Warning, all data in these field(s) will be permanently deleted (please confirm): %s|^wire--core--fieldgroups-php:/wire/core/Fieldgroups.php
|Deleted %d empty row(s) for field %s|Unique index cannot be added yet because there are already non-unique row(s) present:|Appears %d times|(page IDs: %s)|Added unique index|Removed unique index|Unique|When checked, a given value may not be used more than once in this field, and thus may not appear on more than one page.|^wire--core--fieldstabletools-php:/wire/core/FieldsTableTools.php
|help|Try “help”|Advanced Mode|Debug|Advanced Mode|To use this theme, select it from your user profile.|Installed field "admin_theme" and added to user profile settings.|Removed field "admin_theme" from system.|^wire--core--admintheme-php:/wire/core/AdminTheme.php
|page-by-page|single-query|Deleted field "%1$s" data in %2$d row(s) from %3$d page(s) using template "%4$s".|Error deleting field "%1$s" data, %2$d row(s), %3$d page(s) using template "%4$s".|^wire--core--fields-php:/wire/core/Fields.php
|Failed to construct module: %s|Failed to init module: %s|Failed to ready module: %s|You do not have permission to execute this module|Unable to install required module|Module %s requires: %s|Warning!|Module reported error during install|Unable to install module|Added Permission: %s|Error adding permission: %s|Module Auto Install|Module is not already installed|Module is permanent|Module is required by other modules that must be removed first|This module is a Fieldtype currently in use by one or more fields|Module Auto Uninstall|Deleted Permission: %s|Error deleting permission: %s|Failed module dependency: %s requires %s|Found %d new module(s):|Found %d moved module(s):|Found %d module(s) missing file:|Found %d module version changes (applied when each module is loaded):|Upgrading module|^wire--core--modules-php:/wire/core/Modules.php
|URL: Scheme "%s" is not allowed|^wire--core--sanitizer-php:/wire/core/Sanitizer.php
|loaded file '%s' is not in the list of valid images|Not enough memory for “%1$s” on image file: %2$s|^wire--core--imagesizerenginegd-php:/wire/core/ImageSizerEngineGD.php
|Is Empty|Is Not Empty|Not: %s|^wire--core--fieldselectorinfo-php:/wire/core/FieldSelectorInfo.php
|Runtime execution order|Order that this module runs in relative to other FileCompiler modules. Lower numbers run first.|^wire--core--filecompilermodule-php:/wire/core/FileCompilerModule.php
|This request was aborted because it appears to be forged.|^wire--core--sessioncsrf-php:/wire/core/SessionCSRF.php
|You do not have “%s” permission|^wire--core--processcontroller-php:/wire/core/ProcessController.php
|%1$s %2$d of %3$d|%1$s %2$d to %3$d of %4$d|^wire--core--paginatedarray-php:/wire/core/PaginatedArray.php
|text|text', 'context|text|text|text|This is translatable text|This is translatable text', '/site/templates/_init.php|You are reading the %s page|%d is the current page ID|Today is %1$s and the time is %2$s|Welcome friend!|Welcome friend!|Click for more', 'button|Click for more', 'text-link|Search', 'nav|text|URL', 'relative-url|^wire--core--languagefunctions-php:/wire/core/LanguageFunctions.php
|Another page is using name “%s” and requires it to be globally unique|Another user is already using the name “%s”|Another page with same parent is already using name “%s”|Cannot use name “%s” as globally unique because it is already used by other page(s)|^wire--core--pagesnames-php:/wire/core/PagesNames.php
|Autojoin|If checked, the data for this field will be loaded with every instance of the page, regardless of whether it's used at the time. If unchecked, the data will be loaded on-demand, and only when the field is specifically accessed.|Global|If checked, ALL pages will be required to have this field. It will be automatically added to any fieldgroups/templates that don't already have it. This does not mean that a value is required in the field, only that the editable field will exist in all pages.|Value not allowed for field “%s” because it is already in use|^wire--core--fieldtype-php:/wire/core/Fieldtype.php
|Add New|View site|Profile|Logout|+{n-1}|Close all|Use this admin theme for login screen?|When checked, this admin theme will be used on the user login screen.|Change users to this admin theme|Select user role to update matching users to this admin theme.|Role: %s|Set %d user(s) to have this admin theme|^wire--core--adminthemeframework-php:/wire/core/AdminThemeFramework.php
|Unrecognized HTTP host:|Please update your $config->httpHosts setting in /site/config.php|read more|Action required|Enable two-factor authentication|You have reached PHP’s “max_input_vars” setting of %d — please increase it.|DEBUG MODE BACKTRACE|This page has no process assigned.|The process returned no content.|^wire--core--admin-php:/wire/core/admin.php
|Conditions are expressed with a "field=value" selector containing fields and values to match. Multiple conditions should be separated by a comma.|Read more about [how to use this](https://processwire.com/api/selectors/inputfield-dependencies/).|Visibility|Presentation|How should this field be displayed in the editor?|Open|Open + Cannot be closed|Open + Locked (not editable)|Open when populated + Closed when blank|Open when populated + Closed when blank + Load only when opened (AJAX)|Open when populated + Closed when blank + Locked (not editable)|Open when blank + Closed when populated|Closed|Closed + Locked (not editable)|Closed + Load only when opened (AJAX)|Options indicated with %s may not work with all input types or placements, test to ensure compatibility.|Tab|Tab + Load only when clicked (AJAX)|Tab + Locked (not editable)|Hidden (not shown in the editor)|Show this field only if|Enter the conditions under which the field will be shown.|Column width (%d%%)|The percentage width of this field's container (10%-100%). If placed next to other fields with reduced widths, it will create floated columns.|Note that not all fields will work at reduced widths, so you should test the result after changing this.|Required?|If checked, a value will be required for this field.|Also use HTML5 “required” attribute?|Use only on fields *always* visible to the user.|Required only if|Enter the conditions under which a value will be required for this field.|Custom class attributes|Optionally add to the class attribute for specific elements in this Inputfield.|Format is one per line of `element:class` where `element` is one of: “wrap”, “header”, “content” or “input” and `class` is one or more class names.|If no element is specified then the “input” element is assumed.|Example:|^wire--core--inputfield-php:/wire/core/Inputfield.php
|Missing required value|Toggle open/close|^wire--core--inputfieldwrapper-php:/wire/core/InputfieldWrapper.php
|Expired page cache for entire site|Cleared cache file:|Cleared cache file for %d page(s)|Cleared %d cache files for %d pages|Clear the Page Render Disk Cache?|There are currently %d pages cached in %s|^wire--modules--pagerender-module:/wire/modules/PageRender.module
|Completed rebuild in %d seconds|Rebuild page paths index for %d pages|Rebuild now|Estimated rebuild time is up to 5 seconds per 1000 pages.|There are %d pages to process.|There are currently %d rows stored by this module (path paths and versions of path paths).|Please choose the “rebuild now” option to create your page paths index.|^wire--modules--pagepaths-module:/wire/modules/PagePaths.module
|Minimum age (seconds)|Start recording history for a page this many seconds after it has been created. At least 2 or more seconds recommended.|Default: %s|Deleted %d historical page paths|Delete all page path history?|There are currently %d historical page paths in the database.|Are you sure?|This information is used for automatic redirects and more. It cannot be recovered once deleted. Check the box to confirm you really want to do this.|^wire--modules--pagepathhistory-module:/wire/modules/PagePathHistory.module
|Open Tag character(s)|Close Tag character(s)|^wire--modules--filecompilertags-module:/wire/modules/FileCompilerTags.module
|loaded file '%s' is not in the list of valid images|^wire--modules--image--imagesizerengineanimatedgif--imagesizerengineanimatedgif-module:/wire/modules/Image/ImageSizerEngineAnimatedGif/ImageSizerEngineAnimatedGif.module
|loaded file '%s' is not a valid image|loaded file '%s' is not in the list of valid images|^wire--modules--image--imagesizerengineimagick--imagesizerengineimagick-module:/wire/modules/Image/ImageSizerEngineIMagick/ImageSizerEngineIMagick.module
|Click to install:|Add and configure new languages|Change the type of your "title" field from "Page Title" to "Page Title (Multi-language)"|Change the type of any other desired "Text" fields to "Text (Multi-language)"|Change the type of any other desired "Textarea" fields to "Textarea (Multi-language)"|Next steps|To continue setting up multi-language support, we recommend the following next steps.|The links below will open in a new window/tab. Close each after finishing to return here.|Install the LanguageSupportFields module before attempting to change text field types.|^wire--modules--languagesupport--languagesupportinstall-php:/wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageSupportInstall.php
|Expand Language Tabs|Collapse/Convert Back to Tabs|click twice to change all tabs|Field to use for tab labels|^wire--modules--languagesupport--languagetabs-module:/wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageTabs.module
|Y-m-d H:i:s|C|Changes to this field will not be saved because you do not have permission for language: %s.|Language|E-Mail Address|Title|^wire--modules--languagesupport--languagesupport-module:/wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageSupport.module
|Edit|Delete|Save|Save + Exit|Cancel|Ok|New|Add|Add New|Are you sure?|Confirm|Import|Export|Yes|No|On|Off|Enabled|Disabled|Example|Please note:|Note|Notes|Settings|Type|Label|Name|Description|Details|Access|Advanced|Icon|System|Modified|Error|^wire--modules--languagesupport--languagetranslator-php:/wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageTranslator.php
|CSV Import:|Live Search|Text to search for|Refresh search phrase index|Click here to build search phrase index|Search all translatable files for specific text/phrase.|Click found matches to edit translation or add file (if not already present).|CSV translation file to be imported after save|%d abandoned|%d blank|%d fallback|Edit', 'edit-language-file|Find Files to Translate|Download ZIP|Download CSV|Unrecognized textdomain for file: %s|%d total translations, %d total changes|Saved %d change(s) for file: %s|^wire--modules--languagesupport--processlanguage-module:/wire/modules/LanguageSupport/ProcessLanguage.module
|a| => '_', '_n(' => 'n', '_x(' => 'x|a|text|text', 'context', [textdomain]) or $this->_x('text', 'context|text|text', 'context', textdomain) or $this->_x('text', 'context|^wire--modules--languagesupport--languageparser-php:/wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageParser.php
|Active?|A sibling page (id=%1$d) is already using name "%2$s" for language: %3$s|Page number prefix for pagination|The page number is appended to this word in paginated URLs for this language. If omitted, "%s" will be used.|Default language homepage URL is same as root URL?|Choose **Yes** if you want the homepage of your default language to be served by the root URL **/** (recommended). Choose **No** if you want your root URL to perform a redirect to **/name/** (where /name/ is the default language name of your homepage).|This setting only affects the homepage behavior. If you select No, you must also make sure your homepage has a name defined for the default language.|Yes - Root URL serves default language homepage (recommended)|No - Root URL performs a redirect to: /name/|Behavior when page not available in requested language (but is available in default language)|This setting does not apply if the page is editable to the user as it will always be available for preview purposes.|Throw a 404 (page not found) error - default behavior|Allow it to be rendered for language anyway (if accessed directly by URL)|Perform a 301 (permanent) redirect to the page in default language|Perform a 302 (temporary) redirect to the page in default language|^wire--modules--languagesupport--languagesupportpagenames-module:/wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageSupportPageNames.module
|Unknown/invalid language|You do not have permission to edit this language|file', 'table-header|phrases', 'table-header|last modified', 'table-header|No files in this language for field %s|Select File(s)|Select a file (or multiple files) and click Submit to create new %s translation files.|Translatable files in %s|Translation files exist|No translation files exist|Enter file to translate|Enter the path and filename to translate. This should be entered relative to the site root installation.|Example:|Refresh File List|Added %s|Found %s|That file is already in the system|That file has no translatable phrases|File does not exist|Fallback: when untranslated, the text “%1$s” is used, which is translated from “%2$s”.|If no text is provided, the common translation “**%s**” will be used.|Enter a single plus sign “**+**” above to also mark this field as translated.|The following unused translations were found. This means that the original untranslated text was either changed or deleted. It is recommended that you delete abandoned translations unless you need to keep them to copy/paste to a new translation.|[empty]|Delete?|Select File(s)', 'breadcrumb|Unable to load textdomain|File does not exist:|(translation file not needed? textdomain: %s)|Translate %1$s to %2$s|Each of the inputs below represents a block of text to translate.|The text shown immediately above each input is the text that should be translated to %s.|If you leave an input blank, the non-translated text will be used.|If the translation will be identical to the original, you may also enter a single "=" (equals sign) for the translation and it will be marked as translated.|You may also [download](%1$s) or [view](%2$s) a CSV file with these translations, edit them, and then [upload them here](%3$s).|The textdomain for this file is: %s|Only show blocks that are not yet translated|Save', 'button|Save + Exit|Save + Next|Saved %s|There is no next file to edit.|%s does not exist or is not a directory|, '$this->_n(', '$this->_x(|, '_n(', '_x(|Built search phrase index|^wire--modules--languagesupport--processlanguagetranslator-module:/wire/modules/LanguageSupport/ProcessLanguageTranslator.module
|Language Support / Blank Behavior|What should happen when this field's value is blank?|Applies only to non-default language values on the front-end of your site.|Inherit value from default language|Remain blank|^wire--modules--languagesupport--languagesupportfields-module:/wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageSupportFields.module
|Login not attempted due to overflow.|Please wait at least %d seconds before attempting another login.|Throttle by IP address?|By default, throttling will only be done by username. If you check this box, then throttling will also be done by IP address. We recommended enabling this option if your users are not coming from a shared IP address.|Number of seconds to make user wait after failed login attempt|This number is multiplied by the number of failed attempts, so each failed attempt increases the wait time exponentially. As a result, be careful about setting this too high.|Maximum number of seconds a user would ever have to wait before attempting another login|Because the wait time is increased exponentially on each attempt, this places a maximum (cap) on the wait time. You should leave this set to a fairly high number.|60=1 minute, 300=5 minutes, 600=10 minutes, 3600=1 hour, 86400=1 day|Save to log file when name/IP is blocked?|^wire--modules--session--sessionloginthrottle--sessionloginthrottle-module:/wire/modules/Session/SessionLoginThrottle/SessionLoginThrottle.module
|Number of minutes|Time|User|Page|IP Addr|User Agent|No active sessions|Refresh|^wire--modules--session--sessionhandlerdb--processsessiondb-module:/wire/modules/Session/SessionHandlerDB/ProcessSessionDB.module
|Checking this box will enable the data to be displayed in your admin sessions list.|Track IP addresses in session data?|Track user agent in session data?|The user agent typically contains information about the browser being used.|Disallow parallel sessions?|When enabled, successful login expires all other sessions for that user on other devices/browsers.|Checking this box will allow only one single session for a logged-in user at a time.|Session lock timeout (seconds)|If a DB lock for the session cannot be obtained in this many seconds, a “%s” error will be sent, telling the client to retry again in %d seconds.|429: Too Many Requests|Previous login session for “%s” has been removed/logged-out.|^wire--modules--session--sessionhandlerdb--sessionhandlerdb-module:/wire/modules/Session/SessionHandlerDB/SessionHandlerDB.module
|Markdown flavor to use|Safe mode?|Enable this to Markdown that it is processing untrusted user-input.|Details|Test markdown|Enter some markdown and click submit to test the result with your current settings.|^wire--modules--textformatter--textformattermarkdownextra--textformattermarkdownextra-module:/wire/modules/Textformatter/TextformatterMarkdownExtra/TextformatterMarkdownExtra.module
|Use UTF-8 characters for replacements rather than HTML entities?|The default behavior for SmartyPants is to add/update characters using HTML entities.|If you observe double-encoding issues, you may want to have it use UTF-8 replacements instead.|No (default)|Yes (some)|Yes (all)|Note that the “all” option will cause decode the following characters (when entity encoded) even if they were not inserted by SmartyPants:|^wire--modules--textformatter--textformattersmartypants--textformattersmartypants-module:/wire/modules/Textformatter/TextformatterSmartypants/TextformatterSmartypants.module
|Next|Prev|Pagination links|Page {n}|Page {n}, current page|Next page|Previous page|Page {n}, last page|^wire--modules--markup--markuppagernav--markuppagernav-module:/wire/modules/Markup/MarkupPagerNav/MarkupPagerNav.module
|To have pre-selected default value(s), enter the option values (one per line) below.|To have a pre-selected default value, enter the option value below.|Default value|For default page selection, the value would be the page ID number.|IMPORTANT: The default value is not used unless the field is required (see the “required” checkbox on this screen).|Options|Enter the options that may be selected, one per line.|To use multi-language option labels, please see the instructions below this field.|Instructions:|Specify one option per line.|To keep a separate value and label, separate them with an equals sign. Example: value=My Option|To precede your list with a blank option, enter just a equals sign "=" as the first option.|To make an option selected, precede it with a plus sign. Example: +My Option|To create an optgroup (option group) indent the options in the group with 3 or more spaces.|Multi-language instructions:|We recommend using using `value=label`, where `value` is the same across languages and `label` is translated.|First define your default language options, and then copy/paste into the other languages and translate labels.|Selected options and optgroups are defined on the default language; the other inputs are only for label translation.|Labels that are not translated inherit the default language label.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldselect-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldSelect.module
|Confirm|E-Mail|Please enter a valid e-mail address|The emails you entered did not match, please enter again|Email “%s” is already in use, please use a different one|Email exceeded max allowed length of %d characters|Confirm email address?|When checked, two email inputs will appear and the user will have to enter their email address twice to confirm it. This helps reduce the possibility of typos.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldemail-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldEmail.module
|Number of decimal digits to round to|Or use a negative number like `-1` to disable rounding.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldfloat-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldFloat.module
|There are unsaved changes:|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldform-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldForm.module
|Start local URLs with “/” and leave off the “%s” part.|Error found - please check that it is a valid URL|Note that %s was added|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldurl-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldURL.module
|Name|Any combination of letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and underscores (no spaces).|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldname-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldName.module
|Size: number of rows visible at once in the select multiple|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldselectmultiple-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldSelectMultiple.module
|Markup Text|Text Formatters|Select the format that your Markup Text is in, or the formatters that you want to be applied to it, in the order you want them applied.|If your Markup Text is plain HTML, you may not want to select any Text Formatters.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldmarkup-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldMarkup.module
|any|Specified value %3$s removed because it is out of bounds (min=%1$s, max=%2$s)|Numeric Input Type|Text|Number (HTML5)|Choosing the "Number" type enables some additional client-side validation in browsers that support it.|Input Size|Specify the size attribute for the input, or specify 0 for full width.|The default value is %d.|Minimum Value|The minimum allowed value for this field. Leave blank to ignore.|Maximum Value|The maximum allowed value for this field. Leave blank to ignore.|Initial value|Initial assigned value.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldinteger-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldInteger.module
|Value exceeds maximum recommended length of %1$d characters (length=%2$d).|Rows|The number of rows initially shown for this field.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldtextarea-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldTextarea.module
|Value|Value to be populated in this hidden field.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldhidden-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldHidden.module
|(unpublished)|This field needs to be configured before it can be used.|Enter the titles of the items you want to add, one per line. They will be created and added to your selection when you save the page.|Enter the title of the item you want to add. It will become selected when you save the page.|New pages will be added to %s|Create New|Unpublished page %1$s is not allowed in field "%2$s"|To allow unpublished pages, edit the “%s” field and see the setting on the “Details” tab.|Added page %s|Error adding page "%s"|Example:|(default)|Selectable pages|Use at least one of the options below to determine which pages will be selectable with this field.|Parent|Select the parent of the pages that are selectable.|Template|Select the template of the pages that are selectable. May be used instead of, or in addition to, the parent above.|Additional templates|If you need additional templates for selectable pages, select them here.|This may not be supported by all input types.|While this overrides parent and template selections above, those selections (if present) are still used for validation.|Add one or more fields below to create a query that finds the pages you want to make selectable.|This creates a selector that finds pages at runtime. If you prefer to enter this manually, use the “Selector string” option below instead.|Custom find|Add field to query|Selector string|If you want to find selectable pages using a ProcessWire selector, enter the selector string to find the selectable pages. This selector will be passed to a `$pages->find("your selector|parent=/products/, template=product, sort=name|If you want to find selectable pages using a PHP code snippet rather than selecting a parent page or template (above) then enter the code to find the selectable pages. This statement has access to the $page and $pages API variables, where $page refers to the page being edited.|The snippet should return either a PageArray, Page or NULL. If it returns a Page, children of that Page are used as selectable pages. Using this is optional, and if used, it overrides the parent/template/selector fields above.|NOTE: Not compatible with PageListSelect or Autocomplete input field types.|return $page->parent->parent->children("name=locations|Add the following hook to a %s file and modify per your needs. The hook should find and return selectable pages in a PageArray.|If you need to know the page being edited, it is accessible from: %s|Custom PHP code|Label field|Select the page field that you want to be used in generating the labels for each selectable page.|Select "Custom format" if you want to specify multiple fields, or other fields you do not see above.|Custom format (multiple fields)' . ' ...|Custom page label format|Specify one or more field names surrounded by curly {brackets} along with any additional characters, spacing or punctuation.|Example: {parent.title} - {title}, {date}|Input field type|The type of input field (Inputfield module) that will be used to select page(s) for this field.|Select one that is consistent with your “Value type” selection on the “Details” tab for single or multiple-page selection.|After selecting an input field type and saving changes, please note that additional configuration options specific to your selection may appear directly below this.|Multiple page selection|Single page selection|sortable|Value type|PageArray|(works for all cases but required for multiple selection)|Page|(optional for single page selection)|Regarding “Page List” input types|You have selected an input type that has specific requirements.|Specify only the “Parent” option below when configuring “Selectable pages”.|Note that the parent you specify implies the root of the tree of selectable pages.|If you want to make everything selectable, then specify nothing.|Allow new pages to be created from field?|If checked, an option to add new page(s) will also be present if the indicated requirements are met.|1. Both a parent and template must be specified in the “Selectable pages” section above.|2. The editing user must have access to create/publish these pages.|3. The “label field” must be set to “title (default)”.|Settings specific to “%s”|Inputfield modules available for page selection|Select the Inputfield modules that may be used for page selection. These should generally be Inputfields that allow you to select one or more options.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldpage--inputfieldpage-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPage/InputfieldPage.module
|Name|Any combination of letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), dashes or underscores (no spaces).|Character replacements configuration is disabled because $config->pageNameCharset is UTF8.|Character replacements|Enter the replacements that will occur when a user is entering characters into a page name field. Enter one replacement per line in key=value format. Meaning, on each new line, enter the character(s) you want to replace followed by an equals sign "=" and the ascii character(s) you want to replace with.|The replacement value for each must be one or more of: a-z, 0-9, dash, underscore or period.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldpagename--inputfieldpagename-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPageName/InputfieldPageName.module
|1 word|%d words|1 character|%d characters|(at least %d required)|(%d max)|Does not match required pattern|A minimum of %1$d characters are required (currently there are %2$d characters).|Value exceeded maximum allowed length of %d characters and has been truncated.|Minimum length|The minimum length (in characters) that are required by this field.|If the field is not “required” then minimum length is only enforced when a value is present.|Maximum length|The maximum length (in characters) that are allowed by this field.|A value of “0” indicates no maximum.|Counter|No counter|Character counter|Word counter|It is recommended that you show a character counter when using minimum/maximum length settings above.|Size|The displayed width of this field (in characters). Set to 0 for full width.|Strip Tags|When checked, any HTML tags will be stripped from the input when the form is processed.|This is recommended if the field does not need to support HTML in it.|Placeholder Text|Optional placeholder phrase of text that appears in the field when blank.|Pattern|Optional regular expression pattern to require in the input. This is used both client side (HTML5 pattern attribute) and server side for validation. Be sure to provide an example of the required pattern in your field description.|See [html5pattern.com](http://html5pattern.com) for examples of patterns you can use and create.|Initial Value|Optional initial/default value pre-populated for the user.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldtext--inputfieldtext-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldText/InputfieldText.module
|Hit enter to add as new item|New item:|Autocomplete search operator|The search operator that is used in the API when performing autocomplete matches.|If you aren't sure what you want here, leave it set at the default: *=|Fields to query for autocomplete|Enter the names of the fields that should have their text queried for autocomplete matches.|Typically this would just be the title field, but you may add others by separating each with a space.|Note that this is different from the “label field” because you are specifying what fields will be searched, not what fields will be shown.|Indexed text fields include:|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldpageautocomplete--inputfieldpageautocomplete-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPageAutocomplete/InputfieldPageAutocomplete.module
|Change|Cancel|Select|Unselect|More|Unable to render this field due to missing parent page in field settings.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldpagelistselect--inputfieldpagelistselect-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPageListSelect/InputfieldPageListSelect.module
|Add|Cancel|Select|Unselect|More|Remove|Unable to render this field due to missing parent page in field settings.|Close|Selected|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldpagelistselect--inputfieldpagelistselectmultiple-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPageListSelect/InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple.module
|Link selected pages to page editor?|When enabled, the selected label(s) will link to edit the selected page.|No|Yes|(in modal window)|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldasmselect--inputfieldasmselect-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldAsmSelect/InputfieldAsmSelect.module
|en', 'language-pack|Cancel|en', 'language-code|Insert Link|Edit Link|Select Image|Edit Image|Your caption text here|Saving Image|Insert Image|Select Another|CKEditor inline mode requires the MarkupHTMLPurifier module. Using normal mode instead.|Settings have been imported from field "%s".|Review the settings on the “Input” tab “CKEditor Settings” fieldset and then Save to commit them.|YOU MUST SAVE AGAIN TO COMMIT THESE SETTINGS.|Changes: %s|No changes detected from settings import.|Yes|No|Example:|CKEditor Settings|Inherit settings from another CKE field|When a field is selected CKEditor settings will be inherited from that field rather than those configured here.|After making a selection and saving this field, all of the settings below will no longer appear.|Import settings from another CKE field|Settings will be imported from selected field when you save, replacing the current CKEditor settings below.|CKEditor Toolbar|Separate each toolbar item with a comma. Group items by placing them on the same line and use a hyphen "-" where you want a separator to appear within a group. If you want more than one toolbar row, separate each row with a blank line.|Insert a hash "#" at the beginning of a line if you want it to be ignored.|Available core toolbar items:|Inline editor|Regular editor|Editor Mode|(flexible height, user adjustable)|(variable height, matches content)|(fixed height, uses rows setting)|When inline mode is enabled, the editor will not be loaded until you click in the text. This is faster and more efficient when there are numerous CKEditor fields on the page. However, it may not support as many features or editor customizations as regular mode.|*Inline mode requires that the HTML Purifier module is installed (MarkupHTMLPurifier).|*The required HTML Purifier module is installed.|WARNING: it is not currently installed. You should install it before enabling inline mode.|Counter is supported for regular CKEditor fields, but not inline CKEditor fields.|Use ACF?|When yes, the CKEditor Advanced Content Filter (ACF) will be active. This filter automatically strips any unrecognized markup or attributes from your HTML. Recommended.|Use HTML Purifier?|When yes, submitted content is run through [HTML Purifier](http://htmlpurifier.org/) for sanitization. This is a must have when using CKEditor for either inline mode or non-trusted users. Recommended either way.|Images fields that may be used for dragged-in or pasted-in images|If no fields are selected then an available images field will be automatically chosen at runtime. If the option labeled “None” is selected, then the feature will be disabled.|None (disable drag/paste image uploads)|Page to use for image/asset storage|By default, uploaded images will be stored with the page being edited. If you want to use a shared page for these assets instead, select it here.|Beautify Markup Toggles|Convert div tags to paragraph tags|Remove empty paragraph tags|Remove non-breaking spaces (nbsp)|These are extra cleaning options (beyond ACF and HTML Purifier) that we have found helpful in many situations. They are applied when the page is saved. Checking all of these is recommended, unless you have a need to let any of these through in the markup.|Format Tags|Semicolon-separated list of selectable tags shown in the "format" dropdown.|Default format tags are:|Extra Allowed Content|Allowed content rules per CKEditor [extraAllowedContent](http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-extraAllowedContent) option. Applies only if the "Use ACF" checkbox above is checked.|You may enter multiple rules by putting each on its own line.|The above example would allow alt, src, width and height attributes for img tags, with the src attribute always required.|See [details](http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_allowed_content_rules-section-2) in CKEditor documentation.|Paths should be relative to your ProcessWire installation root (i.e. if site is running from a subdirectory, exclude that part).|This option enables you to modify the way that text and other elements appear in your editor. This covers how they look in the administrative environment only, and has nothing to do with the front-end of your site.|Please see our [instructions](%s) on how to use this.|Custom Editor CSS File (regular mode)|Custom Editor CSS File (inline mode)|Custom Editor JS Styles Set|This option enables you to specify custom styles for selection in your editor. It requires that you have a "Styles" item in your toolbar settings above.|Please see our [instructions](%s) on how to use this.|If used, enter one per line of **property: value**, or use a JSON string.|Custom Config Options|Use this when you want to specify CKEditor config settings beyond those available on this screen.|Custom Config Options failed JSON validation.|If preferred, these settings can also be set in one of these files:|for all CKEditor fields|only for this CKEditor field|Plugins|Extra Plugins|The following plugins were found. Check the box next to each plugin you would like to load.|At least one plugin must be checked.|To add more plugins, place them in **/site/modules/InputfieldCKEditor/plugins/[name]/**, replacing **[name]** with the name of the plugin.|recommended|%s settings|Plugin settings for "%s" failed JSON validation.|Extra Plugins|Comma separated list of extra plugins that CKEditor should load.|Example: pwlink,pwimage,myplugin,anotherplugin|Remove Plugins|Comma separated list of removed plugins that CKEditor should not load.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldckeditor--inputfieldckeditor-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldCKEditor/InputfieldCKEditor.module
|Add Field|(1)|Y-m-d|yyyy-mm-dd|H:i|hh:mm|Not: %s|Ascending By|Descending By|Has|Does Not Have|Is Empty|Is Not Empty|Matches|Does Not Match|Count|Created date|Created by user|Custom (field=value)|field=value|Has parent/ancestor|ID|Modified date|Modified by user|Name|Number of children|Parent', 'parent-only|Parent',' parent-with-subfield|Path/URL|Published date|Status|Hidden|Unpublished|Locked|Trash|Temp|Template|parent|Include|Hidden|Hidden + Unpublished|Hidden + Unpublished + Trash|All|Limit|Sort|(%d without limit)|Pages that match your selector|show|System fields', 'optgroup-label|Fields', 'optgroup-label|Subfields', 'optgroup-label|Fields matching same (1) item', 'optgroup-label|Modifiers', 'optgroup-label|Adjustments', 'optgroup-label|Switch to field labels|Switch to field names|Not Checked|Checked|None|Start typing...|Check box to make this row OR rather than AND|Value|Match by ID (subselector)|Each selector row above says: field must match value. These are called AND conditions. In cases where the same field or value appears in more than one row, an OR condition is possible. The presence of a checkbox at the end of the row indicates this. Check this box to make the row an OR condition rather than an AND condition.|Selector Sandbox|This is here just in case you want to test out the functionality of this Inputfield.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldselector--inputfieldselector-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldSelector/InputfieldSelector.module
|Option column width|Use this setting to have options display in fixed width columns that float or collapse according to viewport width.|Enter a CSS width number and unit such as `100px` or `10em`, for example. If no unit is specified, `px` (pixels) is assumed.|Enter the number `1` to automatically calculate an appropriate width at runtime.|For best appearance, enter a width that can fit the longest option without word wrapping, or enter `1` to for auto width.|Option column quantity|If you want the options to display in columns, enter the number of columns you want to use (up to 10).|To display options inline side-by-side enter the number `1`.|Note that the “option column width” setting is preferable for responsive behavior.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldcheckboxes--inputfieldcheckboxes-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldCheckboxes/InputfieldCheckboxes.module
|Added item|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldpagetable--inputfieldpagetableajax-php:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPageTable/InputfieldPageTableAjax.php
|[blank]|ID', 'th|Name', 'th|Created', 'th|Modified', 'th|Published', 'th|Modified By', 'th|Created By', 'th|URL', 'th|Path', 'th|Template', 'th|Parent', 'th|Children', 'th|Status', 'th|Please configure this field with a template selection before using it.|Please enter one or more columns in your field settings before using this field.|Add New', 'button|Children were found that may be added to this table. Check the box next to any you would like to add.|Select all|Y-m-d H:i|Added %d existing page(s) to table|Table fields to display in admin|Enter the names of the fields (1 per line) that you want to display as columns in the table. To specify a column width for the field, specify "field_name=30" where "30" is the width (in percent) of the column. When specifying widths, make the total of all columns add up to 100.|You may specify any native or custom field. You may also use subfields (field.subfield) with fields that contain multiple properties, like page references.|Custom fields assigned to your selected templates include the following:|To see a list of possible custom fields here, select a template on the Details tab, Save, and come back here.|Automatic Page Name Format|When populated, pages will be created automatically using this name format whenever a user clicks the "Add New" button. If left blank, the user will be asked to enter a name for the page before it is created.|If the name format contains any non-alphanumeric characters, it is considered to be a [PHP date](http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php) format. If it contains only alphanumeric characters then it will be used directly, with a number appended to the end (when necessary) to ensure uniqueness.|Example: **Ymd:His** is a good name format for date/time based page names.|Modal edit window behavior|Automatically close on save (default)|Keep window open, close manually|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldpagetable--inputfieldpagetable-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPageTable/InputfieldPageTable.module
|?|True|False|On|Off|Enabled|Disabled|Yes|No|Other|Unknown|Toggle field labels and input settings|Label type|Custom|Input type|Toggle buttons|Radios|Horizontal|Vertical|Use a 3rd “other” option?|Reverse order of yes/no options?|Support click to de-select?|yes/on|no/off|Label for “%s” option|other|Default selected option|No selection|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldtoggle--inputfieldtoggle-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldToggle/InputfieldToggle.module
|Checked|Not checked|Checkbox label|If you want to have separate field and checkbox labels, specify the label that will appear next to the checkbox here.|If not specified, the field label will be used instead.|Checked Value|When populated with something other than "1", this will appear as a label directly next to the checkbox.|Unchecked Value|This only appears in result entries, not in the form itself. You should leave this blank unless you want it to hold a specific value.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldcheckbox--inputfieldcheckbox-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldCheckbox/InputfieldCheckbox.module
|Description|Tags|drag and drop files in here|Delete|Choose File|Choose Files|Unsupported file extension, please use only: EXTENSIONS|File is too big - maximum allowed size is MAX_KB kb|No file extensions are defined for this field.|File failed validation|Added file:|Refused file %s because it is already on the file system and owned by a different field.|Deleted file:|Renamed file "%1$s" to "%2$s"|Failed|destinationPath is empty or does not exist|destinationPath is not writable|Max file upload limit reached|Field “%1$s” type “%2$s” is not supported in field “%3$s”|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldfile--inputfieldfile-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldFile/InputfieldFile.module
|Allowed file extensions for upload|One or more file extensions separated by a space.|Maximum files allowed|0=No limit|File uploads|Decompress ZIP files?|If checked, ZIP archives will be decompressed and all valid files added as uploads (if supported by the hosting environment). Max files must be set to 0 (no max) in order for ZIP uploads to be functional.|Overwrite existing files?|If checked, a file uploaded with the same name as an existing file will replace the existing file (description and tags will remain). If not checked, uploaded filenames will be renamed to be unique.|Please note that when this option is enabled, AJAX-uploaded files are saved with the page immediately at upload, rather than when you click "save". As a result, you may wish to leave this option unchecked unless you have a specific need for it.|File descriptions|Number of rows for description field?|Enter the number of rows available for the file description field, or enter 0 to not have a description field.|Disable multi-language descriptions?|By default, descriptions are multi-language when you have Language Support installed.|If you do not need multi-language descriptions for files, you can disable them here.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldfile--config-php:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldFile/config.php
|letter|lowercase letter|uppercase letter|digit|symbol/punctuation|none (disable all above)|Current password|New password|Confirm|Set Password|at least %d characters long|Minimum requirements: %s.|Not yet valid|Invalid|Too short|Too common|Same as old|Weak|Ok|Good|Excellent|Matches|Does not match|Show Password|Hide Password|Old password is required in order to enter a new one.|The old password you entered is not correct.|Passwords do not match|Required password was not specified|Password contained invalid whitespace|Password is less than required number of characters|Password does not contain at least one letter (a-z A-Z)|Password must have at least one lowercase letter (a-z)|Password must have at least one uppercase letter (A-Z)|Password does not contain at least one digit (0-9)|Password must have at least one non-letter, non-digit character (like punctuation)|Password requirements|Word ban mode|If you choose the strict mode, many passwords containing words will not be accepted.|Ban just common passwords (recommended)|Ban all passwords containing any common words (strict)|Complexify factor|Lower numbers allow weaker passwords, higher numbers require stronger passwords.|Specify -1 to disable this feature.|We recommend something between 0.5 and 1.0|Minimum password length|Allow existing passwords to be shown and/or rendered in form?|Require old password before allowing changes?|Applies to usages where this field appears to already logged-in users only.|Auto|Yes|No|Allow user to show/unmask password during changes?|Provides a show/hide password control so users can see what they type when in an appropriate environment.|Yes|No|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldpassword--inputfieldpassword-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPassword/InputfieldPassword.module
|Show All Icons|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldicon--inputfieldicon-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldIcon/InputfieldIcon.module
|Crop|Focus|Variations|Dimensions|Filesize|Edit|drag and drop in new images above|N/A|This images field may have unsaved changes that could be lost after this action. Please save before cropping, or double-click the button proceed anyway.|drop in new image file to replace|drag circle to center of focus|There are older/low quality thumbnail preview images above – check this box to re-create them.|Invalid image|Image of %s does not meet minimum size requirements|Image of %s exceeds maximum allowed size|Image resized to fit maximum allowed dimensions|Not editable.|Actions|Action applied at save.|Flip|Rotate|Duplicate|Remove variations|Rebuild variations|Remove focus|vert|horiz|both|Copy|Paste|Reduce 50%|B&W|Sepia|Recreated all legacy thumbnails|Duplicated file %1$s => %2$s|Executed action “%1$s” on file %2$s|Failed action “%1$s” on file %2$s|No handler found for action “%1$s” on file %2$s|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldimage--inputfieldimage-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldImage/InputfieldImage.module
|Input features|Default image grid mode|In the admin, the list of images will appear in this mode by default. The user can change it at any time by clicking the icons in the top right corner of the field.|If you have recently used this images field, you will have to clear your cookies before seeing any changes to this setting.|Square grid images|Proportional grid images|Vertical list (verbose)|Focus point selection|Enables a draggable focus point to select the subject of an image. This helps to generate non-proportional crops.|A preview of the focus point is also shown when images are in the “Square grid images” mode.|Focus point|Focus point and zoom|Disabled|Maximum image dimensions|Optionally enter the max width and/or height of uploaded images. If specified, images will be resized at upload time when they exceed either the max width or height. The resize is performed at upload time, and thus does not affect any images in the system, or images added via the API.|Applies to JPG, PNG and GIF images.|Enter the value in number of pixels or leave blank for no limit.|Max width for uploaded images|Max height for uploaded images|How to resize to max dimensions|Using client-side resize enables you to reduce the file size and dimensions before uploading.|When using client-side resize, please specify both max width *and* max height in the fields above, or max megapixels in the field below.|Use client-side resize when possible|Use only server-side resize|Max megapixels for uploaded images|This can be used as an alternative to max width/height. Specify a floating point value.|Applicable to client-side resize only.|A good value for websites is 1.7 which is roughly 1600x1000 pixels, where 1600 and 1000 can be either width or height.|Other examples:|Client-side resize quality percent for JPEGs|Specify a number between 10 (lowest quality/smallest file size) and 100 (highest quality/largest file size). Default is 90.|Refuse images exceeding max dimensions?|If checked, images that exceed max width/height (that cannot be resized client-side) will be refused rather than resized.|Minimum image dimensions|Optionally enter the minimum width and/or height of uploaded images. If specified, images that don't meet these minimums will be refused.|Min width for uploaded images|Min height for uploaded images|Swap min/max dimensions for portrait images?|If checked, minimum width/height and maximum width/height dimensions will be swapped for portrait images to accommodate for the different aspect ratio.|Applies to server-side resizes only.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldimage--config-php:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldImage/config.php
|Input Type|Default to today’s date?|If checked, this field will hold the current date when no value is entered.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfielddatetime--inputfielddatetime-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/InputfieldDatetime.module
|Separate select inputs for month, day, and year (and optionally time)|Month|Year|Day|Invalid date “%1$s” changed to “%2$s”|None|(abbreviated)|Date select format to use|Month names are language/locale based|Time select format to use|First selectable year|Last selectable year|Limit selection to these years?|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfielddatetime--types--inputfielddatetimeselect-php:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/types/InputfieldDatetimeSelect.php
|Text input with jQuery UI datepicker|/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryUI/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-xx.js|timepicker/i18n/jquery-ui-timepicker-xx.js|Date Picker|No date/time picker|Date/time picker on field focus|(recommended)|Date/time picker on button click|Inline date picker always visible (no time picker)|Date/Time Input Formats|Date Input Format|Select the format to be used for user input to this field. Your selection will populate the field below this, which you may customize further if needed.|(unix timestamp)|Time Input Format|None|Select an optional time format to be used for input. If used, the calendar option will include a time picker.|Time Input Type|Sliders (default) let the user slide controls to choose the time, where as Select lets the user select the time from a drop-down select.|Sliders|Select|Date Input Format Code|This is automatically built from the date select above, unless you modify it.|See the [PHP date](http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php) function reference for more information on how to customize these formats.|You may optionally specify formats for other languages here as well. Any languages left blank will inherit the default setting.|Time Input Format Code|This is automatically built from the time select above, unless you modify it.|Placeholder Text|Optional placeholder text that appears in the field when blank.|Size|The displayed width of this field (in characters).|Year Range|When predefined year selection is possible, there is a range of plus or minus 10 years from the current year.|To modify this range, specify number of years before and after current year in this format: `-30:+20`, which would show 30 years before now and 20 years after now.|Default is `-10:+10` which shows a year range 10 years before and after now.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfielddatetime--types--inputfielddatetimetext-php:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/types/InputfieldDatetimeText.php
|HTML5 browser native date, time or both|HTML input type|Date|Time|Both date and time|Step days for date input|Minimum allowed date|Maximum allowed date|Step seconds for time input|Minimum allowed time|Maximum allowed time|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfielddatetime--types--inputfielddatetimehtml-php:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/types/InputfieldDatetimeHtml.php
|Removed invalid tag value: %s|Selectable options/tags source|Specify them here|Load from URL you specify (ajax)|Use ajax options/pages?|When enabled, it will behave like an auto-complete where the user starts typing and it queries a URL for matching pages.|You will also have to provide a “Ajax URL” (shown below when “Yes” selected) to perform the query. Working example code is included.|When not enabled, all selectable options will be populated at runtime.|Using ajax options/pages is useful when potential quantity of selectable pages is large.|Consider it when there are several hundred or thousands (or more) of pages that can be selected.|Predefined options/tags list|Enter predefined tags, 1 per line. To define separate value and label for the tag, specify `value=label` on the line.|Tags may not contain the delimiter selected below but labels can.|To define separate labels per-language, re-enter each tag `value=label` for each language, where the `value` is the same for each while the `label` differs.|URL handler example in file %s for URL %s|Copy and paste this URL into the field above if you want to use the example below.|Ajax URL|When you enter a URL, it will be queried for items matching user input in auto-complete fashion.|The given URL must contain the placeholder `{q}` in it somewhere, which will be replaced with the text the user types.|You may specify a full http/https URL, or a relative URL.|If you specify a relative URL (without scheme/host), the current scheme, host and root URL will be prepended to it at runtime.|You will also have to define a URL handler like in the example shown below.|The URL path `%s` is just an example, feel free to replace it with whatever you want.|This example finds titles from pages to use as tags, but you may use whatever data source you want.|your page finding selector here|Please note that if you change your “Selectable pages” or “Label field” settings, you will also have to update your URL handler code for it.|The placeholder “{q}” is required somewhere in your Ajax URL.|Allow user to enter their own tags?|Close dropdown after each selection is made?|(for single-word tags)|(for multi-word tags)|Tag delimiter|Space|Comma|Pipe|Max tags/options|Use 0 for no limit or enter the max number of options/tags the user may select or input.|Note that entering 1 makes the input appear more like a select than a text input.|Placeholder text|Optional placeholder text that appears in the field when blank.|^wire--modules--inputfield--inputfieldtexttags--inputfieldtexttags-module:/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldTextTags/InputfieldTextTags.module
|Remember tab positions between requests?|Never|Only after form submit|Always|^wire--modules--jquery--jquerywiretabs--jquerywiretabs-module:/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryWireTabs/JqueryWireTabs.module
|Ok', 'common|Cancel', 'common|^wire--modules--jquery--jqueryui--jqueryui-module:/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryUI/JqueryUI.module
|You must check the box to confirm|(%d pages per second)|Not all pages could be deleted (%d remain)|Time limit reached (%d seconds)|The trash is empty|Empty the trash (confirm)|If there are too many items in the trash, you may have to empty it multiple times.|Pages in the trash|Time limit (in seconds)|Cancel|^wire--modules--process--processpagetrash-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageTrash.module
|Copy|Copy Page|Unable to load page|(copy)|(copy %d)|This will make a copy of %s|Title of new page|Make the new page unpublished?|If checked, the cloned page will be given an unpublished status so that it can't yet be seen on the front-end of your site.|Copy children too?|If checked, all children, grandchildren, etc., will also be cloned with this page.|Warning: if there is a very large structure of pages below this, it may be time consuming or impossible to complete.|Unable to clone page %s|Cloned page "%1$s" to "%2$s"|Cloned to: %s|Unable to clone page|^wire--modules--process--processpageclone-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageClone.module
|The process module assigned to this page does not appear to be installed.|No description available|^wire--modules--process--processlist-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessList.module
|Your change was not saved because this site is in demo mode|This Process is only accessible via POST|You do not have permission to move pages using this parent|You do not have permission to sort pages using this parent|Your sort was not saved because these pages are automatically sorted by %s.|^wire--modules--process--processpagesort-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageSort.module
|Where do you want to add the new %s?|Please select a parent %s page below:|There are currently no templates with defined parent/child relationships needed to show "Add New" shortcuts here. To configure this, edit any template (Setup > Templates) and click on the "Family" tab.|Ok|Add New|The name entered is already in use. If you do not modify it, the name will be made unique automatically after you save.|No templates allowed for adding new pages here.|Template "%s" is not allowed here.|Template|Parent|Save|Save + Publish|Save + Publish + Add Another|Unused temp page|Created page %1$s using template: %2$s|Warning, the name you selected "%1$s" was already in use and has been changed to "%2$s".|Missing required field: name|Template selection is required|The pages you select above represent bookmarks to the parent pages where you want children added. Note that if a user does not have permission to add a page to a given parent page (whether due to access control or template family settings), the bookmark will not appear.|Template shortcut sort order|To change the order of the "Add New" page-template shortcuts, drag and drop the options to the order you want them in.|To add or remove templates from these shortcuts, see the Template editor Family tab.|Disable automatic publishing|By default, pages with nothing but global fields (most commonly "title|^wire--modules--process--processpageadd--processpageadd-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageAdd/ProcessPageAdd.module
|Edited|Created|Edited by me|Created by me|Add another|No pages match (yet)|This feature requires page-lister permission|Page', 'th|Parent', 'th|Template', 'th|Created', 'th|Modified', 'th|Recent pages|Pages recently created by %s|Recently created pages|Pages recently edited by %s|Recently edited pages|in %s|Add another|Template', 'th|Parent', 'th|Last Created', 'th|Click any item to add another of the same type|^wire--modules--process--processrecentpages--processrecentpages-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessRecentPages/ProcessRecentPages.module
|Actions disabled in demo mode|Published|Unpublished|Made hidden|Unhidden|Locked|Unlocked|Trashed|Restored to: %s (reload to see)|Error executing: %s|^wire--modules--process--processpagelist--processpagelistactions-php:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageList/ProcessPageListActions.php
|404 Page Not Found|Admin|Trash open: drag pages below here to trash them|^wire--modules--process--processpagelist--processpagelistrenderjson-php:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageList/ProcessPageListRenderJSON.php
|Trash|Change|Cancel|Select|Unselect|More|Click and drag to move|Network error, please try again later|Unknown error, please try again later|Show All|(%d pages)|Add New', '/wire/templates-admin/default.php|Hide these pages in page list(s)|Select one or more pages that you do not want to appear in page list(s).|Except when (AND condition)|System in debug mode|System in advanced mode|Current user is superuser|Allow non-superuser editors to use Trash?|When checked, users will be able to see pages in the trash (only pages they have access to).|This will also enable the “Trash” and “Restore” actions, where access control allows.|Name of page field to display|Every page in a PageList is identified by a label, typically a title or headline field. You may specify which field it should use here. To specify multiple fields, separate each field name with a space, or use your own format string with field names surrounded in {brackets}. If the field resolves to an object (like another page), then specify the property with a dot, i.e. {anotherpage.title}. Note that if the format you specify resolves to a blank value then ProcessWire will use the page "name" field.|You may optionally override this setting on a per-template basis in each template "advanced" settings.|Show page actions on hover?|By default, actions for a page appear after a click (at least in the default admin theme). To make them appear on hover instead, check this box.|For more options here, see the $config->pageList setting in /wire/config.php. You may copy those settings to /site/config.php and override them.|Default value is %d.|If left at the default value, this setting can also be specified in the $config->pageList array.|Number of pages to display before pagination|Animation Speed (in ms)|This is the speed at which each branch in the page tree animates up or down. Lower numbers are faster but less visible. For no animation specify 0.|Children quantity type|In the page list, a quantity of children is shown next to each page when applicable. What type of quantity should it show?|When showing descendants, the quantity includes all descendants, whether listable to the user or not.|Immediate children (default)|Descendants: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and on…|Both: children/descendants|Both: descendants/children|Show Page ID number instead|^wire--modules--process--processpagelist--processpagelist-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageList/ProcessPageList.module
|No search specified|Pages|Trash|Modules|View All|Search Results|or any field name|test|Searches %1$s for: %2$s|Searches “%1$s” property of %2$s for: %3$s|Examples use the “=” equals operator.|In some cases you can also use these:|operators:|configure|Click here to configure search settings|Same as above (shorter syntax if no names collide)|Limit results to template: %s|Limit results to %s field on template|Find templates that have field: %s|Find fields with “ckeditor” in settings|(hover for more)|The examples use the “%s” property.|You can also use any of these properties:|properties|%s help|%d items|^wire--modules--process--processpagesearch--processpagesearchlive-php:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageSearch/ProcessPageSearchLive.php
|Search', 'headline|No search specified|Search in field(s):|Type of search:|Search for:|Limit to template:|Sort by:|Reverse sort?|Display field(s):|Search', 'submit|Search Options|Advanced|Shortcuts|edit|Pages', 'match-type|Search', 'input|Admin live search|Search order|These are the types of searches that will be performed during an admin live search.|Drag them to the order you want the search results to be listed in.|(excluded)|Exclude search types|Select any search types that you want to exclude from live search. These might be types you don’t often need to search.|The more types excluded, the faster the live search will perform.|Any selected types can still be searched if asked for specifically in the search.|For example, if you excluded the “trash” type, it could still be searched if you prefixed your search with “trash=”, like “trash=hello”.|(settings for pages type)|Page fields to search|This applies to search results from “pages” and “trash” only.|We recommend limiting this to 1 or 2 fields at the most to ensure the live search is fast. Typically you would just search the “title” field.|Page fields to search if user hits “enter” in the search box|Typically this would be the same as above, but you might also want to add additional field(s).|For instance, rather than just searching the “title” field, you might want to also search a “body” field as well.|Default search operator for single and partial word searches|Default search operator for multi-word (phrase) searches|Default field name(s) to display in search results|If specifying more than one field, separate each with a space.|^wire--modules--process--processpagesearch--processpagesearch-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageSearch/ProcessPageSearch.module
|Bookmarks|Edit Bookmarks|all|There are currently no bookmarks defined|everyone|Bookmarks for: %s|%s Bookmark Editor|Note that only superusers are able to see this editor.|Add Bookmark|Click the "add bookmark" action below to select page(s) to add as bookmarks. If you want the bookmarks to only appear for a specific user role, first select the role above.|Saved bookmarks|Allow use of bookmarks?|Bookmarks enable you to create shortcuts to pages from this module, configurable by user role. Useful for large applications.|^wire--modules--process--processpageedit--pagebookmarks-php:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageEdit/PageBookmarks.php
|Unknown page|This page is locked for edits|You don't have access to edit|This page might have one or more incomplete fields (attempt to save or publish for more info)|No page found|%s + Exit|%s + View|%s + Add New|%s + Next|Page View', 'panel-title|Panel', 'view-label|Modal Popup', 'view-label|New Window/Tab', 'view-label|Exit + View', 'view-label|Are you sure? An upload is currently in progress and it may be lost if you proceed.|Save|This page is in the Trash|Save + Keep Unpublished|Publish|Content|Children|Children / Subpages|There are currently no children/subpages below this page.|Children are sorted by "%s", per the template setting.|Add New Page Here|Sort Settings|If you want all current and future children to automatically sort by a specific field, select the field below and optionally check the 'reverse' checkbox to make the sort descending. Leave the sort field blank if you want to be able to drag-n-drop to your own order.|Settings|Template|Parent|Enter the created user’s ID.|Created by User|What pages link to this page?|Not listable|Found %d other page(s) linking to this one in Page fields or href links.|(in page field)|(in href link)|%d additional pages not shown.|Did not find any other pages pointing to this one in page fields or href links.|What other URLs redirect to this page?|Whenever a page is moved or the name changes, we remember the previous location for redirects.|Below is a list of URLs (paths) that automatically redirect to this page (using 301 permanent redirect).|You may delete any paths/URLs or manually add new ones.|Delete', 'prev-path-delete|URL', 'prev-path|When', 'prev-path-date|Language', 'prev-path-language|Current', 'prev-path-current|No redirect paths|Not yet|Deleted redirect for previous URL: %s|Parent', 'prev-path-parent|Add new redirect URLs|Enter additional paths/URLs (one per line) that should redirect to this page.|Enter the URL path only (i.e. “/hello/world/”), do NOT include scheme, domain, port, query string or fragments.|Paths are relative to site root so do NOT include the %s subdirectory at the beginning.|To specify a language for the redirect, enter path/URL on line prefixed with language name:|/your/%s/url/|(for %s)|Added redirect: %s|Unable to add redirect %s because it appears to conflict with another path|Created by %1$s on %2$s|Last modified by %1$s on %2$s|Published on %s|Info|Status|Delete|Delete Permanently|Move to Trash|Check the box to confirm that you want to do this.|Confirm|This page may not be deleted at this time|Restore|Move out of trash and restore to original location|Check the box to confirm that you want to restore this page.|The page will be restored to: **%s**.|Original name will be adjusted from **%1$s** to **%2$s** to be unique.|View|Who can access this page?|Role|What they can do|(everyone)|all', 'all permissions|Access is defined with this page’s template: %s|Access is inherited from page "%1$s" and defined with template: %2$s|Viewable by its URL if page had a template file (it does not currently).|Change: %s|Removed flagged status because no errors reported during save|%d change', '%d changes', $numChanges) . |Published Page: %s|Saved Page: %s|Cannot be published until errors are corrected|Page cannot be restored while errors are present|Restored Page: %s|Error restoring page|Changed page URL name to "%s" because requested name was already taken.|There is no editable next page to edit.|Restored previous value|Page unpublished because field "%s" is required|Template '%s' is not allowed|Added status: %s|Removed status: %s|This page is not deleteable|Deleted page: %s|Moved page to trash: %s|Unable to move page to trash|Confirm template change|Change template from "%1$s" to "%2$s"|Warning, changing the template will delete the following fields:|Are you sure?|Please confirm that you understand the above by clicking the checkbox below.|Changed template to '%s'|Unpublished: Not visible on site|Hidden: Excluded from lists and searches|Locked: Not editable|(in default language only)|Unique: Require page name “%s” to be globally unique|Edit Page: %s|Default "view" location/action|The default type of action used when the "view" tab is clicked on in the page editor.|^wire--modules--process--processpageedit--processpageedit-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageEdit/ProcessPageEdit.module
|Export/import is currently only available to superuser|Export|Import|Import|Import from JSON string|Paste in the JSON string previously exported from this tool.|Import from ZIP file upload|Continue|No import data found|Invalid import data|%d new, %d existing|No import details to display|Pages having template “%s” cannot be imported because that template does not exist here.|Select a template to substitute when creating these pages.|OK: Replacing TEMPLATE “%1$s” with “%2$s”|Select replacement for TEMPLATE named “%s”|A field named “%s” of type *%s* appears in the import data, but does not exist locally.|If you want to import this field, select a replacement field here.|OK: Replacing FIELD “%1$s” with “%2$s”|Select replacement for FIELD named “%s”|Potential replacement fields|Other fields (may not be compatible)|Choose new parent|Pages having parent “%s” cannot be imported because that page does not exist here.|Select a parent page to use instead creating these pages.|OK: Replacing PARENT “%1$s” with “%2$s”|Select replacement for PARENT named “%s”|Resource conflicts|Import summary|Import mode|Create new pages and update existing pages|Create new pages only|Skip over pages in the import that already exist|Update existing pages only|Skip over pages in the import that do not already exist|Import pages below parent|When specified, pages will import to the parent page selected here.|Choose parent|Import pages into selected parent and maintain page path structure below it|Import pages as children of selected parent page only|Fields allowed in import|The following fields were found in the import data.|Uncheck any fields that you want to skip during import.|Name|Label|Type|Page name|Page status|Page sort index|Import pages|Test Import|Commit Import|Create new page: %s|Template: %s|Update existing page: %s|Page: %s – Fail|Page: %s|Populated fields:|Changed fields:|No changes detected|Page cannot be imported|Import successful|Import this page?|Yes|No|Export|What pages do you want to export?|Pages that I select|Pages having parent|Pages matching search|Select pages|Select one or more pages to include in the export.|Select parent page|Select the parent of the pages you want to export. The children of this page will be exported.|Additional options|Include the parent page in the export|Recursive|Exports tree of pages rather than just direct children|Include hidden pages|Include hidden and unpublished pages|Build a search to match pages for export|Add one or more fields to search and match pages for export.|Export fields|By default, all supported fields on a page are included in the export.|If you want your export to only include certain fields, then select them here.|If no selection is made, then all supported fields are included in the export.|Name|Label|Type|How do you want to save the export?|Download ZIP file|Text for copy/paste|Always choose the ZIP file option if you want to include file or image fields in your export.|Export Now|JSON for copy/paste (default)|ZIP file download|Pages export data for copy/paste|Click anywhere in the text below to select it for copy.|You can then paste this text to the Import tab of another installation.|Run another export|^wire--modules--process--processpagesexportimport--processpagesexportimport-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPagesExportImport/ProcessPagesExportImport.module
|Featured|Approved|Pending|Spam|Delete|All|No|Replies|There are no comments fields installed|Please select a comments field|No comments field specified in URL|Unrecognized field|ID|Replies to|Page|Meta data for comment #%d|Comment currently has no meta data|Meta JSON editor|Save changes|Cancel|No changes detected|Updated meta for comment #%d|Error updating meata for comment #%d|Cannot save because invalid JSON|Edit comment #%d|Comment #%d by %s|Your reply|Selected page is not editable|Selected page does not have field: %s|Deleted comment #%d|Updated comment #%d|Added comment #%d|Error saving comment|Cite / author|Email|Status|Created|Website/URL|Text|Upvotes|Downvotes|Stars|Notify the email listed above when|Never|There is a reply to this comment|Anytime a new comment is posted on this page|Allow notifications to others?|When “Yes”, emails about this new comment will be sent to users that have opted in to receive notifications.|Page|Deleted comment #%d|Unable to find page: %d|Page %d does not have field: %s|Moved comment #%1$d from page %2$d to page %3$d|Updated comment #%d|edit|view|meta|Page|When|Status|Action|Cite|Web|Mail|None|Parent|Where|reply|Reply to %s|Stars|Votes|Notify|Comment ID|editor|Y/m/d g:i a|ID of the Comment that this one is replying to.|ID of the Page that this comment lives on.|View all having value|View page|Edit value|Edit page|Show only comments from page|Edit page|View page|Comment editor|Reply to this comment|View/edit metadata|Reply to #|%d value', '%d values', $metaCnt), $metaCnt) . |Set status:|per page|Check/uncheck all|There are no checked items|Actions (checked items)|Reset: Upvotes|Reset: Downvotes|Date (new–old)|Date (old–new)|Stars (high–low)|Stars (low–high)|Upvotes|Downvotes|Sort:|You have unsaved changes!|of %d|None to display|^wire--modules--process--processcommentsmanager--processcommentsmanager-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessCommentsManager/ProcessCommentsManager.module
|Select the templates that you want to export|NAME|LABEL|FIELDS|MODIFIED|Shift+Click to select multiple in sequence. Ctrl+Click (or Cmd+Click) to select multiple individually. Ctrl+A (or Cmd+A) to select all.|Export', 'button|Export Data|Copy and paste this data into the "Import" box of another installation.|Click anywhere in the box to select all export data. Once selected, copy the data with CTRL-C or CMD-C.|Ok', 'button|Import', 'input|Paste in the data from an export.|Copy the export data from another installation and then paste into the box above with CTRL-V or CMD-V.|Preview|new|Changes|Property|Old Value|New Value|%d notice', '%d notices', count($errors)), count($errors)) . |No changes pending.|Modify this template?|Create this template?|Yes', 'yes-import|No', 'no-import|click yes to show changes|Sometimes it may take two commits before all changes are applied. Please review any pending changes below and commit them as needed.|Please review the changes below and commit them when ready. If there are any changes that you do not want applied, uncheck the boxes where appropriate.|Commit Changes|Your changes have been applied!|No changes were found|Ok', 'button|Saved:|Added:|Modified:|^wire--modules--process--processtemplate--processtemplateexportimport-php:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessTemplate/ProcessTemplateExportImport.php
|Yes|No|Either / does not matter|Are you sure?|Export|Import|Add New Template', 'list-button|Template names may use letters (a-z A-Z), numbers (0-9), hyphens and underscores.|Lowercase is optional but recommended.|Do not include a file extension.|Do not use only digits.|Template name does not match required format.|The name "%s" is already in use|Name|Label|Type|Tags|Manage tags|Templates|Untagged|System', 'tag|Filters|Filter by field|Select a field and only templates using that field will be shown.|Show All', 'filter-select|Templates with field: %s|Show system templates?|By default, system/internal templates are not shown. Click 'Yes' to have them included in the templates list below.|Name', 'list-thead|Label', 'list-thead|Fields', 'list-thead|Pages', 'list-thead|Modified', 'list-thead|system', 'list-note|access', 'list-note|no-file', 'list-note|cache', 'list-note|ProCache', 'list-note|URL segments', 'list-note|Page numbers', 'list-note|Add New Templates|Template name “%s” not added because it contains only digits.|Added template and fieldgroup: %s|Templates found in: %s|The following new templates were found. Check the box next to each template you want to add.|No new template files were found in: %s|Create a new template without a file|If you want to create a new template even though there is currently no file associated with it, enter the name of the template here.|You may enter multiple template names by separating each with a space.|Edit Template: %s|Pages using this template are not viewable because the template file (%s) does not exist [no-file].|Basics', 'tab|Access', 'tab|Family', 'tab|URLs', 'tab|Files', 'tab|Cache', 'tab|Advanced', 'tab|System', 'tab|Actions', 'tab|Save', 'button|If you just added fields above, save first and then return here to select them.|Label', 'field-label|An optional label to describe this template.|Icon|Select an icon that will be associated with this template and pages using this template (in the admin).|Usage|%d page', '%d pages', $this->numPages), $this->numPages) . |Delete template|This template may not be deleted|Not available for reason listed below|System templates cannot be deleted|Confirm deletion|Note that deleting the template only removes it from the database, it does not delete the template file on disk.|Fieldgroup", 'field-label|By default, each template manages it's own group of fields. If you want to have this template use the fields from another template, select it here.|(default)|Fields', 'field-label (non-default fieldgroup)|For your reference, this is a list of fields used by this template. This template gets its fields from the “%s” template.|Fields', 'field-label|Define the custom fields for “%s”. It is not necessary to configure anything else here.|Select the fields that are used by this template and drag/drop to the desired order.|You may also click field name or label to edit in the context of this template, click/drag the percent indicator to adjust width, or [create a new field](%s).|Save this template to make newly added fields editable here.|Add Field|Close and Add|Click and drag to adjust field width|Save template before adjusting width of new field|Rename template|The name used to refer to this template. This is also the default filename of the template file (with .php extension) in /site/templates/.|The template filename is writable and will be renamed as well.|The template file is not writable so you will have to rename it manually (instructions will be provided after you save).|Duplicate/clone this template|Enter the name of the new template you want to create. The clone will be created when you save. If your templates directory is writable and the template has a file, it will also be cloned.|Copy fields from another template|If you want to copy fields used by another template, select it here. Fields already present in this template will be left alone.|Cache Status|Disabled|Enabled (template cache)|Enabled (ProCache, configured here)|Pages using this template are currently cached in ProCache, but configured directly in ProCache. To configure the ProCache settings for this template here, choose the ProCache option above.|Cache Time', 'field-label|To cache the output of this template, enter the time (in seconds) that the output should be cached. Caching can help significantly with page render time on resource-heavy pages. But caching should not be used on templates that need to process constantly changing data, like from forms or sessions. Also note that URL segments are cachable, but GET and POST vars are not.|For example: 60 = 1 minute, 600 = 10 minutes, 3600 = 1 hour, 86400 = 1 day, 604800 = 1 week, 2419200 = 1 month.|Page Save / Cache Expiration|When a page using this template is saved, what should happen to the cache?|Clear cache for the saved page only (default)|Clear cache for entire site*|Clear cache for the saved page and parents (including homepage)|Clear cache for the saved page and other pages that I specify...|Clear cache for the saved page and other pages matching selector...|Do nothing|*To maximize performance, cache files are all expired as a group rather than cleared individually.|Specify the other pages that should have their cache cleared|When pages using this template are saved, their cache files will be cleared. Select the other pages that should also have their cache files cleared below.|Selector to find the other pages that should have their cache cleared.|Save this template and then come back here to configure your selector.|Cache expiration selector|Cache when rendering pages for these users|Guests only|Guests and logged-in users|Note that the cache is always disabled for pages where the user has edit access, regardless of what you select here.|Cache disabling GET variables|Cache disabling POST variables|When your template output is cached, variables of this type are ignored by default. You can optionally specify one or more variable names that will disable the cache for that request, causing the page to be rendered sans cache.|Optionally enter one or more variable names. If entering more than one, separate each by a space.|To disable cache when any variable is present, enter just an asterisk: * (recommended)|Tags|If you want to visually group this template with others in the templates list, enter a one-word tag. Enter the same tag on other templates you want to group with. To specify multiple tags, separate each with a space. Use of tags may be worthwhile if your site has a large number of templates.|Each tag must be one word (hyphenation is okay).|Label for Content tab', 'field-label|Optionally override the default "Content" tab label.|Label for Children tab', 'field-label|Optionally override the default "Children" tab label.|Label for Page Name property', 'field-label|Optionally override the default "Name" property label.|Required field action|What action should be taken when an already published page is saved with a missing required field?|Alert user of the error (default)|Restore previous value (when available)|Unpublish the page (when allowed)|List of fields to display in the admin Page List|Enter one or more field names assigned to this template to display in the admin Page List when listing pages using this template. If left blank, the fields specified on the ProcessPageList module configuration will be used instead. Field names should be separated by a space and/or comma. Blank fields will be ignored.|You may also use your own format (and any additional punctuation/characters) by specifying field names in brackets, i.e. {name}, {categories.title}, etc.|You may enter one or more of these fields:|To specify a property of a field, surround the field in brackets and enter {field_name.property}, for example: {categories.title}.|Template Toggles|You should generally leave these toggles unchecked unless you have a specific need covered here.|specify 0 to disable|Don't allow pages to change their template?|When checked, pages using this template will be unable to change to another template.|Don't allow unpublished pages|When checked, pages using this template may only exist in a published state and may not be unpublished.|Allow the 'created user' to be changed on pages?|When checked, pages using this template will have an option to change the 'created by user' (for superusers only). It will also enable the \$page->createdUser or \$page->created_users_id fields to be saved via the API.|Don't allow pages to be moved?|If you want to prevent pages using this template from being moved (changing parent) then check this box.|Disable multi-language support for this template?|When checked, pages using this template will only use the default language.|Please note that all of these system settings are intended for ProcessWire system development (not site development). Use them at your own risk.|System Flag?|If checked, this template will be defined as for the system and it won't be deleteable. Once the system flag is enabled, it can only be removed via the API (flagSystemOverride).|API: $template->flagSystem = 1; // or 0 to disable|Page Class Name|The name of the PHP class that will be used to create pages that use this template. By default pages will be created from the Page class. You should leave this blank unless you have another Page-derived class that you want to use.|API: $template->pageClass = "ClassName";|Disregard Global Fields?|By default, when a field is marked 'global' it will be required on all templates (and automatically added to any templates that don't have it). If this template has a special purpose where 'global' fields wouldn't apply, you can check this box to make this template disregard 'global' fields.|API: $template->noGlobal = 1; // or 0 to disable|Display 'name' field in content tab?|By default, the built-in 'name' field appears in the page editor 'settings' tab. If you would rather have it appear in the 'content' tab check this box.|API: $template->nameContentTab = 1; // or 0 to disable|Disable Trash Option?|When checked, pages using this template will not have the option of being sent to the trash.|API: $template->noTrash = 1; // or 0 to disable|Disable Settings Tab?|When checked, pages using this template will not have a 'settings' tab appear in the editor.|API: $template->noSettings = 1; // or 0 to disable|May pages using this template have children?|Can this template be used for new pages?|An example of a template that you wouldn't want to be used for new pages is your 'homepage' template.|One|no more allowed|Allowed template(s) for children|Select the template(s) that will be allowed for children of pages using this template. Use this only if you specifically want to restrict placement of pages using this template.|If none are selected then any are allowed, within the user's access limits. An example usage could be a 'news-list' template that is only allowed to have children using 'news-item' or 'press-release' templates.|Templates indicated with %s also need to be configured to allow this template as a parent. Click any selected template as a shortcut to configure allowed parents.|Templates indicated with a %s are already configured to allow this template as a parent.|Allowed template(s) for parents|Select the template(s) that will be allowed as parents for pages using this template. Use this only if you specifically want to restrict placement of pages using this template.|If none are selected then any parent template is allowed, within the user's access limits. An example usage could be an 'employee' template that is only allowed to have a parent page using a 'company-directory' template.|Templates indicated with %s also need to be configured to allow this template for children. Click any selected template as a shortcut to configure allowed children.|Templates indicated with a %s are already configured to allow this template as a child.|Name format for children|Optionally specify a format for page names used when a new child page is added. This enables the "Page Add" step to be skipped when adding a new page. In order to work, a single (1) template must be selected for the "Allowed template(s) for children" field above.|Leave blank to disable. Enter “title” (without quotes) to auto-generate the name from the page title. [More options](%s) including custom fields and date formats are available as well.|Show in the add-page shortcut menu?|When checked, this template is eligible to appear on the "add new page" shortcut button/menu that appears on the main Pages screen. This assumes all other conditions are met (see below).|To adjust the order that templates appear in the shortcuts menu, see the [PageAdd module settings](%s).|**Conditions required for this to work**|1. You must select a parent template (see: "allowed templates for parents" above). If more than 1 is selected, only the first will be used.|2. The selected parent template must have defined this template as one allowed for children.|Sort settings for children|If you want children to automatically sort by a specific field, select it here. Otherwise select "None" to let this be set per-page instead. This overrides the page setting, so if you select anything other than "None", the sort option will not appear for pages using this template.|More|Allow Page Numbers?|If checked, pages using this template will support pagination.|Should page number URLs have a trailing slash?|Allow URL Segments?|If checked, pages using this template will support custom URL segments after the page URL.|Should URL segments end with a trailing slash?|Which URL segments do you want to allow?|Enter one allowed segment, segment path or regular expression per line, or leave blank to allow any.|Should page URLs end with a slash?|If 'Yes', pages using this template will always have URLs that end with a trailing slash '/'. And if the page is loaded from a URL without the slash, it will be redirected to it. If you select 'No', the non-slashed version will be enforced instead. Note that this setting does not enforce this behavior on URL segments or page numbers, only actual page URLs. If you don't have a preference, it is recommended that you leave this set to 'Yes'.|Scheme/Protocol|HTTP or HTTPS|HTTPS only (SSL encrypted)|HTTP only|If your site has an SSL certificate and is accessible by HTTPS, you may make pages using this template accessible only via HTTPS or HTTP. For example, if you select 'HTTPS only' below, and a request for a page using this template comes in through HTTP, it will be automatically redirected to the HTTPS version. By default, ProcessWire allows connection from either HTTP or HTTPS.|Use Compiled File?|Enables ProcessWire to update your template file for the ProcessWire namespace and apply any installed FileCompiler modules.|Recommend at least for template files that do not use a ProcessWire namespace (like those originating from PW 2.x sites).|If you are not sure, choose "Auto".|(disables compiler)|Auto (compile when file has no namespace)|(template file only)|(template file and files included from it)|Detected template file namespace is "%s".|Compile recommended.|Compile not necessary unless needed for modules or includes.|Content-Type|Header to send with template file output. If none selected, ProcessWire will not send a content-type header and in most cases text/html is assumed. Selecting a content-type is recommended when output will be something other than html.|To add more content types see *contentTypes* in /wire/config.php (and add them in /site/config.php).|Alternate Template Filename|The template's filename, if different from: %s|Template files are assumed to be in directory: %s|Template file extension is assumed to be: %s|Prepend File|File to prepend to template file during page render. Must be relative to /site/templates/.|Append File|File to append to template file during page render. Must be relative to /site/templates/.|Disable automatic prepend of file: %s|Disable automatic append of file: %s|Do you want to manage view and edit access for pages using this template?|If you select 'Yes' you can define what roles have access to pages using this template. If you select 'No' then pages using this template will inherit access from their parent pages.|What to do when user attempts to view a page and has no access?|If a user attempts to access a page using this template, and doesn't have access to the page, what should it do?|Show a 404 Page|Show the Login page: %s|Redirect to another URL or render a page by ID|Login redirect URL or page ID to render|Enter the URL you want to redirect to OR the page ID you want to render when a user does not have access.|If specifying a page ID, please note the resulting page will be rendered for the user whether they have view permission or not.|This is useful in cases where your login page might itself be access protected.|This setting is applicable only if you selected option “C” in the field above.|Optional: In your URL, you can include the tag '{id}' (perhaps as a GET variable), and it will be replaced by the requested page's ID number, if you want it.|Should pages be searchable when user has no access?|When a user doesn't have access to view a page using this template, what should happen in searches and page lists?|Yes - Pages may appear in searches/lists even if the user doesn't have access to view them|No - Pages may NOT not appear in searches/lists unless the user has access to view them|API Note: This setting affects the results returned by $pages->find(), $page->children() and other functions that return PageArrays.|Allow edit-related access to inherit to children?|By default, all access settings on this template inherit through the page tree until a page using another access controlled template overrides it.|Choose the "No" option here if you want to prevent edit-related access from being inherited beyond pages using this template. View access will continue to inherit either way.|Allow edit-related access to inherit to children that are not access controlled|Limit edit-related access to pages using this template only|Prevent direct access to file assets owned by pages using this template?|When direct access to a file in [u]/site/assets/files/[/u] is blocked, ProcessWire can manage delivery of the file, rather than Apache.|This enables the file to be access controlled in the same manner as the page that owns it, while still using the original file URL.|Note that it takes more overhead to deliver a file this way, so only choose the “Yes always” option if you need it.|Always test that the access control is working how you expect by attempting to access the protected file(s) in your browser.|Do this for when you expect to have access (logged-in) and when you do not (logged-out).|No|(uses site-wide configuration instead)|Yes when page is unpublished, in the trash, or not publicly accessible|Yes always, regardless of page status or access control|What roles can access pages using this template (and those inheriting from it)?|Note: the edit/create/add options are disabled for roles that do not currently have page-edit permission.|Role', 'access-thead|View Pages', 'access-thead|Edit Pages', 'access-thead|Create Pages', 'access-thead|Add Children', 'access-thead|(everyone)|Additional edit permissions and overrides|Optionally add or revoke permissions assigned to each role when requested for a page using this template (or inheriting access from it).|The options available here are determined by your choices for "Edit Pages" above. As a result, you should save this template and come back here after making changes to roles with "Edit Pages" access above.|Options are shown in the format "role: permission". For a description of what each permission does, see the [permissions reference](%s).|Add permissions by role|Revoke permissions by role|Deleted template|Warning, file does not exist|Skipped template rename - please complete that after the current action.|Saved template: %s|Created clone of template "%1$s" named "%2$s".|Error creating clone of this template|Renamed %d page file path(s) for change to secure files option|Your change to the secure files option will be applied as file/image fields on each of the %d affected pages are accessed.|Note that this may take some time. To apply to all now, execute the following API code from a template file:|Duplicated fields from "%1$s" to "%2$s"|Field "%s" may not be removed because it is globally required by all fieldgroups|Error with placement of fieldset/tab "%s" - please fix and save again|Saved fieldgroup: %s|Fields that will be deleted|You have requested to change the Fieldgroup from "%1$s" to "%2$s".|The following fields will be permanently deleted on pages using this template:|Please confirm that you understand the above and that you want to change the fieldgroup by checking the box and submitting this form.|Continue', 'submit-fieldgroup|Please confirm that you want to change the Fieldgroup from "%1$s" to "%2$s"|Change Fieldgroup for Template: %s|Fieldgroup change aborted|Changed template fieldgroup to: %s|Remove Fields from Template: %s|Remove fields from template|You have asked to remove one or more fields from the template. This will result in data associated with the fields below being permanently deleted. If the fields that are removed contain a lot of data, it may take time for this operation to complete after you confirm and submit this form. Please confirm that you understand this and want to delete the field(s) by checking the boxes below.|Remove field "%1$s" from template "%2$s"|Remove Fields', 'submit-remove|This template cannot be renamed because it is a system template|Renamed template "%1$s" to "%2$s"|Renamed template file "%1$s" to "%2$s"|Unable to rename "%1$s" to "%2$s" in directory "%3$s". You must rename the file manually on your file system.|The template file "%1$s" was not found in directory "%2$s". You must rename the file "%3$s" to "%1$s" manually on your file system.|Rename template "%1$s" to "%2$s"|Please confirm that you want to rename this template by checking the box below.|Template file "%s" appears to be writable so we will attempt to rename it when you click submit.|Template file "%1$s" is not writable. Please rename that file to "%2$s" before clicking submit.|Removed field "%1$s" from template/fieldgroup "%2$s"|Added field "%1$s" to template/fieldgroup "%2$s"|Tag name|Select all templates that should have this tag|Display as collapsed in templates list?|To delete this tag, remove all templates from it.|Added tag “%1$s” to template: %2$s|Removed tag “%1$s” from template: %2$s|Tags enable you to create collections of templates for listing.|Add new tag|You may use letters, digits, hyphens, underscores.|^wire--modules--process--processtemplate--processtemplate-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessTemplate/ProcessTemplate.module
|Roles|User will inherit the permissions assigned to each role. You may assign multiple roles to a user. When accessing a page, the user will only inherit permissions from the roles that are also assigned to the page's template.|You may not change this role|You may not remove the superuser role from yourself|You may not assign the superuser role|You are not allowed to remove role: %s|You are not allowed to add role: %s|You removed role(s) that that will prevent your edit access to this user. Roles have been restored.|^wire--modules--process--processuser--processuser-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessUser/ProcessUser.module
|Max users to show in AJAX drop down menu|When the number of users in the system exceeds this amount, the drop-down navigation will instead show roles with user counts rather than users.|Specify a value between 1 and 100 (default=25)|^wire--modules--process--processuser--processuserconfig-php:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessUser/ProcessUserConfig.php
|Name', 'th|Modified', 'th|Entries', 'th|Size', 'th|Create or add to log file from the API:|Deleted log: %s|Pruned "%s" log file (now contains %d entries)|Saved new log entry to "%s"|Log entry text was blank|Helpers|Text Search|Date From|Date To|Actions|Select an action below. You will be asked to click a button before the action is executed.|Download|Grow (Add Entry)|Chop (Prune)|Burn (Delete)|Chop To # Days|Reduce the size of the log file to contain only entries from the last [n] days.|Must be 1 or greater.|New Log Entry|Chop this log file now|Burn this log now (permanently delete)|Add this log entry|Download this log file now|Date/Time', 'th|User', 'th|URL', 'th|Text', 'th|actual|estimate|No matching log entries|404 not found|^wire--modules--process--processlogger--processlogger-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessLogger/ProcessLogger.module
|Save|Import|Export|Ok|Name', 'list thead|Label', 'list thead|Type', 'list thead|Tag|Tags|Manage Tags|Fields|Templates', 'list thead quantity|Yes', 'access|No', 'access|Show All|Filters|Filter by template|When selected, only the fields from a specific template will be shown. Built-in fields are also shown when filtering by template. Asterisk (*) indicates system templates.|Showing fields from template: %s|Fields by Template|Filter by type|When specified, only fields of the selected type will be shown. Built-in fields are also shown when filtering by field type.|Showing fields of type: %s|Show system fields?|When checked, built-in fields will also be shown. These include system fields and permanent fields. System fields are required by the system and cannot be deleted or have their name changed. Permanent fields are those that cannot be removed from a template. These fields are used internally by ProcessWire.|Showing all fields, including built-in system and permanent fields.|Untagged|System', 'tag|Tag: %s|Add New Field', 'list button|Tag name|Select all fields that should have this tag|Display as collapsed in fields list?|To delete this tag, remove all fields from it.|Added tag “%1$s” to field: %2$s|Removed tag “%1$s” from field: %2$s|Tags enable you to create collections of fields for listing or searching.|Warning: tag “%s” has the same name as a Field.|Add new tag|You may use letters, digits or underscore.|No fields matched your filter|autojoin', 'list notes|global', 'list notes|system', 'list notes|permanent', 'list notes|required', 'list notes|show if...', 'list notes|access', 'list notes|unique', 'list notes|overrides/contexts', 'list notes|(not used)|Edit Field: %s', 'edit headline|Add New Field', 'add headline|when used with: %s|when used with template “%1$s” in context “%2$s”|when used with template: %s|Check field reported:|%d orphaned table rows found|...and so on...|Please run "Actions > Check field data" on field %s|No issues found for field %s|Alert', 'tab|Unknown Properties|The following properties were found with this field with zero accesses during configuration. Sometimes this can indicate that the properties are no longer in use. Check the box next to each property you want to remove. If you are not sure, there is no harm in just leaving them there.|Potential unknown properties found in this field. Please see the "Alert" tab.|Remove %d orphaned table rows?|We found rows of data in the table for this field that do not match up with any page, or match pages that do not have this field.|Override by template|Cancel', 'button|Overrides|The following settings are overridden for this field by the indicated template(s). Check the box to the right of any row to remove the setting override (restoring the original value).|Setting overrides for field namespace: %s|Setting overrides for template: %s|Setting overrides by template|To edit an override setting or override other settings, edit any template and click the field name in the fields list.|To adjust what settings are allowed for overrides, see the field below.|There are currently no settings being overridden by template.|Template', 'context-thead|Setting', 'context-thead|Changes', 'context-thead|Settings allowed to override by template|Checked settings will appear as configuration options when editing this field within the context of a particular template.|**WARNING:** enabling settings beyond those specified by the Fieldtype/Inputfield module may not always work, or may cause problems.|As a result, we recommend testing any modifications to these settings in a non-production (development) environment first.|Please Note:|Settings in **bold** are those that the Fieldtype/Inputfield module has designated as always allowed for override.|Other settings may or may not work for context overrides.|You should un-check any settings you find do not work, or otherwise cause problems.|Details:|Input:|Front-end editing|Install|Please install the front-end page editor module to enable front-end editing for fields. After installing, reload and return here for more options.|Delete field|This field is not in use and is safe to delete.|This field may not be deleted because it is in use by one or more templates.|Basics', 'tab|Clone existing field|Description', 'textarea input|Description appears here and looks like this.|Additional information describing this field and/or instructions on how to enter the content.|Notes', 'textarea input|Usage notes or additional information that appears beneath the input.|Notes appear here and look like this.|Label for tab|If field is displayed in its own tab, optionally specify an alternate tab label if different from the field label.|The tab label should ideally be very short, like just one word.|Icon|If you want to associate an icon with the field, select an icon below. Click the "Show all icons" link for visual selection.|Usage|Actions', 'tab|Add or remove field from templates|This field is in use on the checked templates below.|This field is not currently in use on any templates.|You may quickly add or remove this field from templates by checking or unchecking the relevant boxes and clicking save.|You will be asked to confirm additions and removals on the next screen after you save.|Populated pages', 'usage-table-th|Rows of data', 'usage-table-th|%d system templates are not shown because advanced mode is off.|Template|Label|See the Actions tab to add/remove from templates.|This field is not currently in use.|Duplicate/clone this field?|To clone this field, enter the name of the new field you wish to create.|Note that you will be editing your cloned copy after submitting this form.|Check field data|Check the field for unused data or other possible optimizations. If any issues are found, you will have the opportunity to correct them from the Alert tab after saving.|Access', 'tab|Do you want to manage access control for this field?|When enabled, you can limit view and edit access to this field by user role.|This is a system field, enabling access control is NOT recommend.|What roles can view and/or edit this field?|Users must also have page view or edit access on the page where the field exists before these permissions are applicable.|When no boxes are checked, only superuser can view/edit the contents of the field.|Role', 'access-thead|View', 'access-thead|Edit', 'access-thead|(everyone)|Access toggles|Show field in page editor if viewable but not editable (user can see but not change)|Make field value accessible from API even if not viewable (see below)*|When a field is not viewable (on the front-end with output formatting on), the $page->%s value will be a blank version of the expected type, which prevents the value from being shown.|Check the box above to bypass this behavior, making the value always API accessible. This will leave you to do any access checking.|You can check view access from the API for this field like this:|Advanced', 'tab|If you want to visually group this field with others in the fields list, enter a one-word tag. Enter the same tag on other fields you want to group with. To specify multiple tags, separate each with a space. Use of tags may be worthwhile if your site has a large number of fields.|Each tag must be one word (underscores are okay).|Deleted field|Field name is required|Field type is required|Added Field|Removed unused property: %s|Deleted %d orphaned rows|Saved Field|You are now editing the field you cloned.|Error creating clone of this field|(copy)|Cloned Field|Field name is empty|Field names may only contain ASCII letters, digits or underscore.|Field name "%s" is already in use|Field name "%s" is a reserved word|Field names may not begin with "_" or digits|Field name may not be the same as a Language name|Error in setting “%s”|(you specified “%s”)|Unable to validate|This will not work because values must be page IDs|Removed context override|Change type for field: %s|Change field type from "%1$s" to "%2$s"|Please note that changing the field type alters the database schema. If the new fieldtype is not compatible with the old, or if it contains a significantly different schema, it is possible for data loss to occur. As a result, you are advised to backup the database before completing a field type change.|Confirm field type change|If you are sure you want to change the field type, check the box below and submit this form.|Keep field settings?|Check this box to retain all the custom settings for this field (from the Details and Input tabs). This is desirable if the new field type has the same or similar configuration properties to the old field type. However, it can also result in unnecessary or redundant configuration data taking up space in the field. You can always analyze this later from: Advanced > Check field data.|Field type change aborted|Field type changed|Remove field "%1$s" from template "%2$s"|Confirm removal of field "%1$s" from template "%2$s"|WARNING: This will result in data associated with the field being permanently deleted.|After you submit, be patient as it may take some time for this operation to complete.|There do not appear to be any rows of data associated with this field/template combination|Please check the box to confirm.|Template: %s|Add field "%1$s" to template "%2$s"|Where do you want to add "%s?"|Before %s|After %s|Add as first field|Do not add|Add or remove from template(s)|Please review and adjust or confirm your changes|Added field "%1$s" to template "%2$s" before "%3$s"|Added field "%1$s" to template "%2$s" after "%3$s"|Removed field "%1$s" from template "%2$s"|Error removing "%1$s" from template "%2$s"|On|Off|All|[blank]|Field presentation/visibility|Roles allowed to view this field|Roles allowed to edit this field|Enable access control|Remove access control|Make field value API accessible even when not viewable|Make field value NOT API accessible when not viewable|Show in page editor even if not editable|Hide in page editor when not editable|Return to fields list after saving a field?|By default, you will remain in the fields editor after saving a field. If you want to instead return to the fields list, check this box.|^wire--modules--process--processfield--processfield-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessField/ProcessField.module
|Select the fields that you want to export|NAME|LABEL|TYPE|Shift+Click to select multiple in sequence. Ctrl+Click (or Cmd+Click) to select multiple individually. Ctrl+A (or Cmd+A) to select all.|Export', 'button|Export Data|Copy and paste this data into the "Import" box of another installation.|Click anywhere in the box to select all export data. Once selected, copy the data with CTRL-C or CMD-C.|Ok', 'button|Import', 'button|Paste in the data from an export.|Copy the export data from another installation and then paste into the box above with CTRL-V or CMD-V.|Preview|new|Changes|Property|Old Value|New Value|We recommend changing the type of this field to "%s" manually, then coming back here to apply additional changes.|%d error', '%d errors', count($errors)), count($errors)) . |No changes pending.|Modify this field?|Create this field?|Yes', 'yes-import|No', 'no-import|click yes to show changes|Sometimes it may take two commits before all changes are applied. Please review any pending changes below and commit them as needed.|Please review the changes below and commit them when ready. If there are any changes that you do not want applied, uncheck the boxes where appropriate.|Commit Changes|Your changes have been applied!|No changes were found|Ok', 'button|Saved:|Added field|Modified field|^wire--modules--process--processfield--processfieldexportimport-php:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessField/ProcessFieldExportImport.php
|Module install option “%s”|Make sure /site/assets/cache/ directory is writeable for PHP.|Make sure your site modules directory (/site/modules/) is writeable for PHP.|ZipArchive class is required and your PHP does not appear to have it.|Extracted: %s|Unable to find any module files|Successfully copied files to new directory:|Unable to copy files to new directory:|Could not create directory:|Unable to copy module files:|Could not delete failed module dir:|Please note that %s was a symbolic link and has been converted to a regular directory|Backed up existing %s|Restored backup of %s|Unable to complete upload|No uploads found|Invalid download URL specified|Downloaded ZIP file: %s (%d bytes)|Your %s path is currently not writable.|It must be made writable to ProcessWire before you can enable this module installation option.|to enable always|temporarily|to enable in debug mode only|To enable, edit file %1$s and specify: %2$s …or… %3$s|This install option is configured to be available only in debug mode.|This install option is currently disabled.|^wire--modules--process--processmodule--processmoduleinstall-php:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessModule/ProcessModuleInstall.php
|Download|Download and Install|Get Module Info|Modules|Module Information", 'edit|Download Now|Add Module From Directory|Add Module Manually|Upload|Add Module From Upload|Add Module From URL|Check for New Modules|Installed|Requires', 'list|Also Installs', 'list|Refresh|Core|Site|Configure|Install', 'button|Install|Cancel|Download and Update|Add New', '/wire/templates-admin/default.php|Module Install|Error installing module|Deleted module files|Cleared file compiler cache|Modules cache refreshed (%d modules)|Module "%s" has multiple files (bold file is the one in use).|Click here to change which file is used|Clear compiled files|/site/modules/ - Modules specific to your site|Browse the modules directory at %s|To remove a module, click the module to edit, check the Uninstall box, then save. Once uninstalled, the module's file(s) may be removed from /site/modules/. If it still appears in the list above, you may need to click the Refresh button for ProcessWire to see the change.|The button below clears compiled site modules and template files, forcing them to be re-compiled the next time they are accessed. Note that this may cause a temporary delay for one or more requests while files are re-compiled.|/wire/modules/ - Modules included with the ProcessWire core|Modules that have configuration options|Modules on the file system that are not currently installed|Missing module file(s) in: %s|Missing|Modules in database that are not found on the file system. Click any module name below for options to fix.|New|Within the last hour|Within the last day|Within the last week|Within the last month|Recently Found and Installed Modules|Module Class Name|You may browse the modules directory and locate the module you want to download and install.|Type or paste in the class name for the module you want to install, then click the “%s” button to proceed.|The modules directory is located at %s|ModuleClassName|Be absolutely certain that you trust the source of the ZIP file.|Module ZIP file URL|Download a ZIP file containing a module. If you download a module that is already installed, the installed version will be overwritten with the newly downloaded version.|https://domain.com/ModuleName.zip|Module ZIP File|Upload a ZIP file containing module file(s). If you upload a module that is already installed, it will be overwritten with the one you upload.|ModuleName|1. Copy a module’s files into a new directory %s on the server.|2. Click the “%s” button below, which will find the new module.|3. Locate and click the “%s” button next to the new module.|Replace “%s” with the actual module name, which is typically its PHP class name.|If you have placed new modules in /site/modules/ yourself, click this button to find them.|No new modules found|No modules found.|Module', 'list|Version', 'list|Summary', 'list|Invalid module name: “%s”|Please use uppercase [A-Z] for first character, lowercase [a-z] for 2nd character, and [a-z A-Z 0-9] for the rest.|For example: “%s”|more|Delete %s?|Module requirements are not fulfilled so installing may cause problems. Are you sure you want to install?|Module class must implement the “ProcessWire\Module” interface.|Found new module|Delete', 'button|Settings', 'button|Found|Show All|Error retrieving data from web service URL|Error decoding JSON from web service|Error reported by web service:|Sorry, modules of type "%s" are not installable from the admin.|This module does not indicate compatibility with this version of ProcessWire. It may still work, but you may want to check with the module author.|Current installed version is already up-to-date|An update to this module is available!|older than the one you already have installed!|Not yet', 'install-table|Class', 'install-table|Version', 'install-table|Installed?', 'install-table|Authors', 'install-table|Summary', 'install-table|Release State', 'install-table|Compatibility', 'install-table|More Information|Project Page|Support Page|Links', 'install-table|ZIP file', 'install-table|Ensure that you trust the source of the ZIP file above before continuing!|This module has no download URL specified and must be installed manually.|Please Note', 'install-table|Download cancelled|Requires module "%s" before it can be installed|Downloaded:|%s is ready to install|Install Now|Leave Uninstalled|Updated:|%s was updated successfully.|Continue to module settings|No module specified|%s module info|Module info|(regular)|(verbose)|This data comes from the module or is determined at runtime, so it is not editable here.|%s raw config data|This module has no configuration data|do not remove this|Module config (raw/JSON)|Save|Cannot save because JSON could not be parsed (invalid JSON)|Cannot save because JSON not recognized as valid for module|Updated module config data|No changes detected|Unknown module|Module: %s|Module file to use|There are multiple copies of this module. Select the module file you want to use.|Uninstall", 'checkbox|Uninstall this module? After uninstalling, you may remove the modules files from the server if it is not in use by any other modules.|This will also uninstall other modules|(Disabled)|Can't uninstall module|You must first uninstall other modules|module file not found|Module “%s” exists in database but not on the file system.|Consider placing the module files in %s or removing the module from the database.|Remove this module from the database?|%s + Exit|This module doesn't have any fields to configure|Uninstalled Module|Removed module from database|Saved Module|Updated module %1$s to use file: %2$s|check for updates|Title', 'edit|Class', 'edit|File', 'edit|(default namespace)|None (root namespace)|Namespace', 'edit|ID', 'edit|Version', 'edit|Author', 'edit|Summary', 'edit|Requires', 'edit|Required By', 'edit|Required Permission', 'edit|Hooks To', 'edit|install translations|Languages', 'edit|More Information', 'edit|Debug', 'edit|Autoload disabled?|Be careful, checking this box can break the module or your site. Use for temporary testing only.|Advanced', 'edit|Raw config|Raw info|Options available in advanced mode only.|before|after|Install %s?|No module language files available|Module language translations|Import translations for module %s|Import into %s|Cannot find CSV file|^wire--modules--process--processmodule--processmodule-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessModule/ProcessModule.module
|User Login Name|Profile:|For security, please enter your current password to save these changes:|User name may contain lowercase a-z, 0-9, hyphen or underscore.|Profile not saved|Required password was provided but is not correct|Required password was not provided|Email address "%s" already in use by another user.|Profile saved|Not allowed|Sanitized to “%s”, which differs from what you entered|Too short|Too long|Already in use|May not start or end with non-alpha, non-digit characters|May not contain adjacent hyphens, underscores or periods|What fields can a user edit in their own profile?|Name|Label|Type|^wire--modules--process--processprofile--processprofile-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessProfile/ProcessProfile.module
|Password Reset Information|Unable to complete password reset. Please make sure you are on the same computer and in the same web browser that you originally submitted your request from.|Password reset temporarily not available. Please try again later or contact the admin.|Reset Password|Enter your email address|Enter your user name|If you have an account in our system with a valid email address on file, an email will be sent to you after you submit this form. That email will contain a link that you may click on to reset your password.|There are multiple accounts with this email, so password reset is not possible.|Please contact administrator to reset your password.|User is not allowed to reset password.|Assuming your account information was found and we have an email address on file, an email was dispatched with password reset information.|Please check your email for this message. If you do not receive an email within the next 15 minutes please contact the site administrator to reset your password. This password reset request will expire in 60 minutes. Do NOT close this window until you have completed your password reset request.|For security reasons, we do not reveal whether an account exists on this screen.|Your verification code is: %s|To complete your password reset, click the URL below (or paste into your browser) and follow the instructions:|This URL will expire 60 minutes from time it was sent. This URL must be opened from the same computer and browser that the request was initiated from.|You requested a password reset for your account at %s.|The system is unable to complete this request for the reason listed below:|Please contact the administrator for assistance with logging in to your account and/or changing your password.|Invalid reset request. Your request may have expired.|Verification Code|Please type or paste in the code you received in your email.|Resetting password also requires that you confirm the correct value of this field.|Reset Password|Exceeded max allowed attempts for this form.|Incorrect verification code|Entered value was not correct|Your password has been successfully reset. You may now login.|Unable to complete this step|User does not exist|User has no email address defined|User is unpublished|User is not allowed to login per site configuration|User does not have a role supported for password reset.|User has a role that does not support password reset.|Max attempt quantity reached, please try again later.|Continue|(optional)|Email address to send messages from|Use email rather than user name|When checked, user will be asked for their email address to reset their password, rather than their username.|If the email address is used by more than one account, resetting passwords is not possible for those accounts.|Note: the ProcessLogin module will set this automatically at runtime when configured to use email login.|Max password reset requests per IP address or session|Use this option to prevent the same IP address or session from flooding reset requests.|Specify 0 to disable.|Log activity?|When enabled, password reset requests will be logged.|View the log|Confirm field values|As an extra verification in the last step, ask user to confirm values of these fields before accepting new password.|Please only use single-language text or number based fields that are always populated for this.|Allowed roles|To only allow certain roles to reset password, select them here.|If none are selected then password reset is available to all roles.|Blocked roles|To block certain roles from resetting password, select them here.|Clear password reset request caches and tables|This happens automatically over time but can be cleared manually if desired.|Cleared password reset requests|^wire--modules--process--processforgotpassword--processforgotpassword-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessForgotPassword/ProcessForgotPassword.module
|Choose page|Enter a URL, select a page, or select a file to link:|Link|Link text|Link to URL|Enter a URL, email address, anchor, or enter word(s) to find a page.|Select Anchor|Anchors found in the text you are editing.|Select Page|Select Child Page|This is the same as "Select Page" above, but may quicker to use if linking to children of the current page.|Attributes|Title|Additional text to describe link.|Target|Where this link will open.|Rel|Relationship of link to document.|Class|Additional classes that can affect the look or behavior of the link.|You may customize available attributes shown above in the %s module settings.|None|open in new window|tell search engines not to follow|Select File|Showing files on page:|Select the file from this page that you want to link to.|To select a file from another page, click 'Select Page' above and choose the page you want to select a file from.|Attribute options|Enter one attribute value per line. The user will be able to select these as options when adding links. To make an option selected by default (for new links), precede it with a plus "+".|External link attributes|Specify the default selected attributed that will be automatically populated when an external link is detected.|If used, the value must be one you have predefined above.|Example: Specifying **nofollow** would make external links default to be not followed by search engines.|Example: Specifying **_blank** would make external links default to open in a new window.|URL type for page links|Full/absolute path from root (default)|Relative URLs in the same branches only|Relative URLs always|*Currently experimental|^wire--modules--process--processpageeditlink--processpageeditlink-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageEditLink/ProcessPageEditLink.module
|Install predefined system permissions|Check the box next to each optional permission you would like to install.|When installed, user must have this permission to complete described task.|When NOT installed, permission is assumed if user already has edit access to described resource.|As a result, if installed, this permission may remove existing access until it is assigned to roles.|Install|Add a new custom permission|Added optional permission: %s|^wire--modules--process--processpermission--processpermission-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPermission/ProcessPermission.module
|Width:|Height:|Top:|Left:|HiDPI/Retina|Image description (alt attribute)|Link to larger/original version|Resize|Save at this size?|Crop|Apply|Maximize/full width|Minimize/fit to screen|Cancel|Align Left|Align Right|Align Center|Save and Replace|Save as Copy|Saving...|Updating...|Yes|No, use %s|Caption?|Caption text is entered in the editor after you insert the image.|Caption text here|Rotate to the right|Rotate to the left|Flip horizontal|Flip vertical|You do not have access to edit images on this page.|There are no image fields on this page. Choose another page to select images from.|There are no images present on this page. Upload an image, or select images from another page.|Images on Page:|If you would like to select images from another page, select the page below.|Upload Image|No Alignment|Loading...|No changes necessary to image variations.|No changes made|Original|%s of above|Deleted image variation|Error deleting image variation|Created for placement in textarea', 'notes|HiDPI/Retina', 'notes|Auto-generated admin thumbnail', 'notes|API-generated variation', 'notes|Cropped version', 'notes|Inserted from page:', 'notes|Image', 'th|File', 'th|Size', 'th|Modified', 'th|Notes', 'th|Delete Checked|Close|HiDPI/Retina checkbox default checked?|Check this box to have the HiDPI/Retina checkbox checked by default for newly inserted images.|Do not generate thumbnail images|When checked, image selection will use full-size images rather than thumbnail images.|Field names to skip for selection|Enter the names of any image fields (separated by a space) that you do not want to allow for selection with this module.|Skip width attributes on image tags?|By default, this module will include width attributes in the img tag. If you are using responsive images, you might want to disable this behavior. Check the box to disable width and height attributes.|We do not recommend checking this box as it will interfere with some features (like use of HiDPI/retina images).|Recommended value:|Align Image Left Class|Align Image Center Class|Align Image Right Class|^wire--modules--process--processpageeditimageselect--processpageeditimageselect-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageEditImageSelect/ProcessPageEditImageSelect.module
|Add New|Name|No items to display yet.|Filter by Template|Show All|What fields should be displayed in the page listing?|^wire--modules--process--processpagetype--processpagetype-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageType/ProcessPageType.module
|Which types of pages may this role view?|Which types of pages may this role edit?|Which types of pages may this role add children to?|Which types of pages may this role create?|If you want to add {permission} only to specific templates, check the boxes below for the templates you want to add it to, and leave the {permission} permission unchecked.|The {permission} permission is checked, making it apply to all templates that are editable to the role. To revoke {permission} permission from specific templates, check the boxes below. To add this permission to only specific templates, un-check the {permission} permission first.|Note that role must also have page-edit permission for any checked templates above.|Most permissions that can be assigned by template also require that the user have page-edit permission to the template. If a template you need is not listed, you must enable access control for it first (see “Access” tab when editing a template).|Unlike most other permissions, page-edit permission to a template is not a pre-requisite for this permission.|Templates with an asterisk (*) are configured for edit-related permissions to also inherit to children and through the page tree, unless/until overridden by a page using a different access controlled template.|This permission is also inherited to children and through the page tree, unless/until overridden by a page using a different access controlled template.|Note: superuser role always has all permissions, so permissions field is not shown.|Permissions|For detailed descriptions of these permissions, please see the [permissions reference](%s).|name description |Add children to pages using template|Create pages using template|This permission can only be assigned by template.|(required)|This permission is required for all roles.|applies to all editable templates|%1$s added by template %2$s, click to edit|%1$s revoked by template %2$s, click to edit|Checking this box adds the permission for all editable templates, but this permission is already being applied separately by one or more templates. To keep things tidy, we suggest removing the permission from those templates before enabling it for all. Are you sure you want to enable it now?|(required because inherited from guest role)|Add to: %s|Revoke from: %s|Click to open/close permission settings by template|Permission “%1$s” for template “%2$s” not allowed (requires “%3$s” permission)|^wire--modules--process--processrole--processrole-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessRole/ProcessRole.module
|rel|Blank|ID|Path|Name|Created|Modified|Published|Mod By|Created By|Template|Status|Parent|Num Children|Hidden|Unpublished|Locked|Trash|Unrecognized bookmark or bookmark no longer active|Filters|Add Filter|Default columns|Select and sort the columns that will display in the pages list table.|The user can optionally change which columns are shown, so these will just serve as the defaults.|Columns', 'tab|The changes you make here should be reflected immediately in the results below.|What columns to show in the results|What pages to show|Specified 'include=' mode is not allowed here.|Not all specified templates are editable. Only 'include=hidden' is allowed|No templates specified so 'include=hidden' is max allowed include mode|%1$d to %2$d of %3$d|No results.|selected|All settings have been reset.|Add New|Refresh results|Reset filters and columns to default|Bookmarks|^wire--modules--process--processpagelister--processpagelister-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageLister/ProcessPageLister.module
|Bookmarks', 'tab|My bookmarks|Public bookmarks|Bookmark', 'bookmark-th|Description', 'bookmark-th|Access', 'bookmark-th|Actions', 'bookmark-th|all', 'bookmark-roles|you|View', 'bookmark-action|Modify', 'bookmark-action|Delete', 'bookmark-action|Please check the box to confirm you want to delete this bookmark|Delete this bookmark?|Cancel|Edit Bookmark|Add New Bookmark|Creates a new bookmark matching your current filters, columns and order.|Title', 'bookmark-editor|Description', 'bookmark-editor|What pages should this bookmark show?', 'bookmark-editor|Columns', 'bookmark-editor|Bookmark type|Private|Public|Access', 'bookmark-editor|What user roles will see this bookmark? If no user roles are selected, then all roles with permission to use this Lister can view the bookmark.|Allow other users to access this bookmark URL?|If you send the bookmark URL to someone else that is already logged in to the admin, they can view the bookmark if you check this box.|Shareable bookmark URL: [View](%s)|Order|Deleted bookmark|Bookmark is not deletable|^wire--modules--process--processpagelister--processpagelisterbookmarks-php:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageLister/ProcessPageListerBookmarks.php
|Continue|Edit Profile|Email|Login is not supported for that email address.|Cookie check failed: please enable cookies to login.|Javascript check failed: please enable Javascript to login.|Forgot your password?|Invalid login name|Login|Login failed|Login', 'headline|You are logged in.|You have logged out|Password|Username|Username or Email|Skipping after-login system checks because updates were applied (%s)|Email address|You must [enable the “unique” setting](%s) for your email field|All superusers must have an email address defined|See notes below to enable|Login type|User name|Either|To use login-by-email: |Two-factor authentication|Tfa modules in the ProcessWire modules directory|To configure this you must first install one or more Tfa modules and then return here.|Found the following Tfa modules:|(click to configure)|Force two-factor authentication|Type', 'Module name/type|When a Tfa module is selected here, it will be enabled automatically (at login) for users that are not using two-factor authentication.|Disabled|Roles', 'Roles selection|Check roles to force two-factor authentication for, or leave all unchecked to force for ALL roles (when/where possible).|Strongly suggest two-factor authentication for these roles|After logging in to the admin, ProcessWire will prompt users in the roles you select here to use two-factor authentication for their accounts.|Allow users the option to skip code entry when their browser/location is remembered?|This presents users with a “Remember this computer?” option on the code entry screen at login.|Enter the number of days that a user’s browser/location can be remembered for, or 0 to disable.|User agent (browser, platform, and versions of each)|Non-versioned user agent (browser and platform, but no versions—less likely to change often)|Accept header (content types user’s browser accepts)|Current request scheme whether HTTP or HTTPS|Server hostname (value of $config->httpHost)|User’s IP address (REMOTE_ADDR)|User’s forwarded or client IP address (HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR or HTTP_CLIENT_IP)|Do not allow user to skip code entry when any of these properties change|Changes to password, name, email, or a random cookie in the user’s browser, will always require code entry at login.|In addition, changes to any checked items below will also require code entry at login.|These properties form a fingerprint of the user’s browser beyond the random cookie that we set.|This setting only applies when the option to remember browser/location is enabled.|^wire--modules--process--processlogin--processlogin-module:/wire/modules/Process/ProcessLogin/ProcessLogin.module
|Before using front-end editing, please review the [front-end editing help](%s).|Inline editor settings|Option A: front-edit editable fields|These text-based fields will become editable on the front-end, directly in the page, simply by checking the boxes below.|**Be careful with this option:** If you are outputting the value of a field in more than one place on a page, you should instead use [Option B, C or D](https://processwire.com/api/modules/front-end-editing/).|(not recommended)|Option A: editor scope|When the checked fields above are output, where should they be editable?|Fields editable only if they are from the page being rendered (recommended)|Fields editable regardless of page|Save/cancel buttons|Buttons location|Auto|Top left|Top right|Bottom left|Bottom right|Buttons type|Auto (icons and text for desktop, icons for touch devices)|Icons and text|Text only|Icons only|More|There are a few different ways you can enable front-end editing for this field. Regardless of which option you choose, front-end editing will only appear when the user has appropriate permissions to the page and field.|Required permissions are [page-edit](%s) and [page-edit-front](%s).|When a field is editable, hovering it shows a context mouse pointer rather than a regular pointer. To edit the field on the front-end, you must **double click** it.|This option is not supported for this field.|Option A: Automatic editing|When the formatted value of the field is retrieved from a $page, it will be editable without you having to write any markup/code for it. This is assuming the user has permission to edit it.|Configure|This option is currently ENABLED for this field.|Option B: API method call|Use $page->edit("%s|Any of the following syntax options are supported (choose one). The "1001" may be any page ID or path, and the "..." may be any markup or code, typically where you output your field value.|Option C: Add HTML edit tags to create an editable region|Option D: Add HTML edit attributes to existing markup tag to create editable region|The div tag shown below may be any existing HTML tag that wraps your editable region.|Note that when using edit attributes, the modal editor is always used. All the other options will use the inline editor when supported.|^wire--modules--page--pagefrontedit--pagefronteditconfig-php:/wire/modules/Page/PageFrontEdit/PageFrontEditConfig.php
|Are you sure you want to cancel?|Save|Saving…|Saved!|Cancel|^wire--modules--page--pagefrontedit--pagefrontedit-module:/wire/modules/Page/PageFrontEdit/PageFrontEdit.module
|Initial Selector Value|Enter an initial selector string that will be used as the enforced starting point for any selectors generated from this field. Any pages matching the user selector will be bound within the selector you enter here.|Example: template=product|Preview Columns|Enter a CSV string of columns/field names to show in previews generated from this field.|Example: name, template, parent, id|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypeselector-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeSelector.module
|Updated field “%1$s” schema: %2$s => %3$s|For example:|Total number of supported digits|Includes digits both before and after the decimal point.|999.99 is 5 digits total so would require a value of 5 or higher.|Number of digits present after decimal|This value will be less than (or in some cases equal to) the total number of digits.|999.99 and 100.00 have 2 digits after the decimal|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypedecimal-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeDecimal.module
|None|Module Types|Check all of the module types that may be selectable in this field.|Module matching type|Prefix|Inheritance|The prefix option is recommended for better performance unless it fails to match a module you intend.|Make this field an instance of the selected module?|If checked, the field value will be an actual instance of the selected module. If not checked, the field value will be a string containing the class name of the module.|Options Label|Name|Title|Title and summary|Input Type|Select|Radios|Show a “None” option?|Blank value type|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypemodule-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeModule.module
|Number of decimal digits to round to|Or use a negative number like `-1` to disable rounding.|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypefloat-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeFloat.module
|Text settings|Text formatters|If you want to apply any automatic formatting to the field when it is prepared for output, select one or more text formatters here.|If you select more than one, drag them into the order they should be applied.|Find more in the [text formatter modules directory](%s).|For plain text fields that will not contain HTML or markup, we recommend selecting the **HTML Entity Encoder** option above.|Default|Input module|Save after changing this as it may affect what settings are available on the “Input” tab.|Text|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypetext-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeText.module
|Count|Template|Multiple pages (PageArray)|Single page (Page) or boolean false when none selected|Single page (Page) or empty page (NullPage) when none selected|Page field value type|If your field will contain multiple pages, then you should select the first option (PageArray). If your field only needs to contain a single page, then select one of the single Page options (if you are not sure which, select the last option).|API usage examples|Same as above with alternate syntax|More about the %s method.|Allow unpublished pages?|When checked, unpublished pages will be selectable for input and allowed in the *unformatted* field value. They will still be excluded from the *formatted* field value either way.|Unable to find page|Unable to find template|Find and clean orphaned page references|This cleans up for an issue in older versions of ProcessWire that could leave orphaned page references for deleted pages. If you are getting inaccurate results from page finding operations (especially with selectors using pageref.count), then you may want to run this.|Warning: To be safe you should back-up your database before running this.|Finding and cleaning...|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypepage-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypePage.module
|Are blank and 0 equivalent?|This affects how ProcessWire matches pages during database find operations.|If 0 and blank are equivalent (the Yes option) then a search for **field=0** or **field=""** will produce the same results.|If they are not equivalent (the No option) then a search for **field=0** will only match fields containing the value 0, and **field=""** will only match fields with no value.|As another example, with the Yes option **field|Yes - Blank and 0 are equivalent|No - Blank and 0 have different meanings|Default value|This value is assigned as the default for this field on pages with no value entered.|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypeinteger-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeInteger.module
|What do you want the formatted value of your toggle field to be?|Select the formatted value returned by %s.|Please also see the “Input” tab for all of the other Toggle field settings.|For all of the above, no-selection is always represented by a blank string.|If a 3rd/other option is enabled, it is represented by integer 2.|When a page’s output formatting is off, the value is always integer 0, 1, 2 (for No, Yes, Other) or a blank string when no selection.|**Integer:** 0=no, 1=yes (same as no formatting).|**Boolean:** True or false for yes/no states.|**String:** Use text labels configured with “Input” settings.|**Entities:** Same as above (string) but entity encoded for HTML output.|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypetoggle-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeToggle.module
|Date Output Format|Select the format to be used when outputting dates with this field.|For relative date/time formats, see the Time Output Format.|None|(unix timestamp)|Time Output Format|If you want to output time in addition to the date, select the format to be used when outputting time with this field. This will be combined with the date format.|None|Date/Time Output Format Code|The date/time will be output according to the format below. This is automatically built from the date/time selections above, but you may change it as needed to suit your needs.|See the [PHP date](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php) function reference for more information on how to customize this format. Alternatively, you may use a [PHP strftime](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php) format if desired for localization.|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypedatetime-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeDatetime.module
|Inputfield Type|The type of field that will be used to collect input (Textarea is the default). Note that if you change this and submit, the available configuration options in the "input" tab section may change.|Markup/HTML|Content Type|Unknown/Text|The [u]Markup/HTML[/u] option is recommended for fields using rich text editors (like CKEditor) and those containing HTML. It provides additional runtime checks filtering for quality assurance.|If you select the [u]Unknown/Text[/u] option, it is strongly recommended [for security] that you also select the "HTML Entity Encoder" in the [u]Text Formatters[/u] field above.|For more information about the options above see [description of content type options](%s).|HTML Options|The following options provide additional quality assurance for HTML at runtime.|**Note:** These options are currently experimental. Please watch for issues and report any errors.|The options above log errors to Setup > Logs > markup-qa-errors.|Link abstraction:|Update href attributes automatically when internal links change|Update image alt attributes:|Replace blank alt attributes with image description|Fix broken images:|Remove img tags that would result in a 404, or re-create images when possible|Image access control:|Remove images from markup that user does not have view access to|Apply HTML Options Now|To apply the above options to all existing pages right now, check this box. This primarily focuses on the link abstraction option.|Warning, this performs an update across potentially hundreds of pages (max 300 per run) and updates page modification times. If your site has a lot of pages, you may have to run this multiple times.|**As an extra precaution it is recommended that you backup your database before running this.**|Looks like we are done! HTML options are now fully applied.|Future updates will be applied automatically when each page is saved.|There are still more pages to apply. Check the box again to apply remaining pages.|Need to apply more pages at a time? You can add a %s setting to your /site/config.php file.|(see %s log)|%d external a[href] tags', 'link-type|%d local a[href] tags', 'link-type|%d internal/abstract page links', 'link-type|%d file/asset references', 'link-type|%d relative a[href] tags updated', 'link-type|%d local a[href] non-page/unrecognized tags', 'link-type|%d non-http a[href] links like mailto, tel, etc.', 'link-type|%d unresolved a[href] tags', 'link-type|%d local img[src] tags', 'link-type|%d unresolved img[src] tags', 'link-type|%d unresolved and fixed img[src] tags', 'link-type|%d blank img[alt] tags to be populated at runtime', 'link-type|Updated %1$d out of %2$d pages for HTML options.|Markup/HTML quality assurance summary:|Other HTML options are applied at runtime.|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypetextareahelper-php:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeTextareaHelper.php
|Open in modal window?|Check the box to make this tab open in its own modal window. This can improve performance with large forms.|To solve a similar need, you might instead consider the AJAX option, available at: Input (tab) > Visibility > Presentation.|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypefieldsettabopen-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeFieldsetTabOpen.module
|Yes|No|The "HTML Entity Encoder" text formatter is recommended for URL fields.|If this URL will be used for any output, it is strongly recommended that you select the "HTML Entity Encoder" for "Text Formatters" on the Details tab.|Allow relative/local URLs without "http://" at the beginning?|Local/relative URLs are those without scheme and domain.|Allow internationalized domain names (IDNs)?|When enabled, non-ASCII domain names are allowed.|Allow single/double quote characters in URLs?|When enabled, you should be absolutely certain such URLs are entity encoded when used in markup.|Prepend site's root path to local/relative URLs?|This option will automatically prepend the site's root path to any URLs that start with a slash, like /some/path/. This is useful if your site is running from a subdirectory because you won't have to include that subdirectory in the URLs you enter into this field. Should you later move your site to the root of a domain (or another subdirectory) you won't have to worry about broken URLs. With this option enabled, always enter URLs as if the site were running from the root of a domain, regardless of whether it's running from a subdirectory or not. Naturally this is applicable only if you selected 'Yes' to allowing local/relative URLs in the field above. Developers may also want to note that this option applies only when a page's outputFormatting is on.|Ensures that URLs aren't broken when moving a site from a subdirectory to root (the most common example).|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypeurl-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeURL.module
|Select one or more templates for items|These are the templates that will be used by pages managed from this field. You may wish to create a new template specific to the needs of this field.|Please hit Save after selecting a template and the remaining configuration on the Input tab will contain more context.|Select a parent for items|All items created and managed from this field will live under the parent you select here.|If no parent is selected, then items will be placed as children of the page being edited.|Trash items when page is deleted?|When checked, items created/managed by a given page will be automatically trashed when that page is deleted. If not checked, the items will remain under the parent you selected above.|This option applies only if you have selected a parent above.|Page behaviors|Nothing|Trash them|Delete them|Unpublish them|Hide them|Delete|What should happen to "%s" items when the containing page is permanently deleted?|Trash|What should happen to "%s" items when the containing page is trashed?|Unpublish|What should happen to "%s" items when the containing page is unpublished?|Sort fields|Enter the field name that you want your table to sort by. For a descending sort, precede the field name with a hyphen, i.e. "-date" rather than "date".|You may specify multiple sort fields by separating each with a comma, i.e. "last_name, first_name, -birthday".|Leave this blank for manual drag-and-drop sorting (default).|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypepagetable-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypePageTable.module
|Please confirm that you want to delete options|DELETE:|Single value|Multiple values|Multiple sortable values|What should be used for input?|Depending on what input type you choose, the user will be able to select either a single option or multiple options. Some input types (like AsmSelect) also support user-sortable selections. Some input types also provide more settings on the *Input* tab (visible after you save).|What are the selectable options?|Enter one selectable option per line. After you save, an ID number will be assigned to each of your options, which you will see as `123=title`, for example. Please see our [instructions for using this field](%s).|Multi-language note: define options in the default language and save before translating them into other languages.|What options do you want pre-selected? (if any)|This field also serves as a preview of your selected input type (%s) and options.|None|Please note: Your pre-selection is not active, as this field is not a required field. Activate the option “required” in the input tab of the field.|The pre-selection is active because this field is a required field.|API usage example|Output a single selection:|Output multiple selection:|If you want to output values rather than titles, then replace “title” with “value” in the examples above.|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypeoptions--selectableoptionconfig-php:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeOptions/SelectableOptionConfig.php
|Configured pre-selection not populated since value is not always required. Please correct this field configuration.|Title|Value text|Import of options is not yet implemented. Though they can easily be imported from one site to another by copy/paste directly from the field edit screen.|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypeoptions--fieldtypeoptions-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeOptions/FieldtypeOptions.module
|Disabled|Behavior|None - Comments posted immediately|All - All comments must be approved by user with page edit access|Only New - Only comments from users without prior approved comments require approval|Comment moderation|This determines when a newly posted comment will appear on your site.|Redirect after comment post?|When checked, ProcessWire will issue a redirect after the comment is posted in order to prevent double submissions. Recommended.|Quiet save?|When checked, the page modification time and user will not be updated when a comment is added.|Notification Type|Do not send notifications|Send notifications to specific email address|Send notifications to user that created the page|Send notifications to specific user|Notifications|Admin notification email|E-mail address to be notified when a new comment is posted. Separate multiple email addresses with commas or spaces.|Users receiving this email will have the ability to approve or deny posts directly from links in the email.|In addition to (or instead of) email addresses, you may also use one or more of the following:|1. Enter **user:karen** to email a specific user, replacing "karen" with the name of the actual user.|2. Enter **field:email** to pull the email from a field on the page, replacing "email" with name of field containing email address.|3. Enter **123:email** to pull the email from an given page ID and field name, replacing "123" with the page ID and "email" with name of field containing email address.|4. Enter **/path/to/page:email** to pull the email from an given page path and field name, replacing "/path/to/page" with the page path and "email" with name of field containing email address.|Notifications from email|Optional e-mail address that notifications will appear from. Leave blank to use the default server email.|Send e-mail notification on spam?|When checked, ProcessWire will still send you an e-mail notification even if the message is identified as spam.|Allow commenter e-mail notifications?|This option enables anyone that posts a comment to receive email notifications of new comments.|Users can receive email notifications of replies to their comment only|Users can receive email notifications for all new comments on the page|Allow comment text in notifications?|When checked, the entire comment text will also appear in the notification emails, rather than just a link to it.|Spam|Use Akismet Spam Filter Service?|This service will automatically identify most spam. Before using it, please ensure that you have entered an Akismet API key under Modules > Comment Filter: Akismet.|Number of days after which to delete spam|After the number of days indicated, spam will be automatically deleted.|Output|Reply depth|Specify 0 for traditional flat chronological comments. For threaded comments (replies appear with comment being replied to) specify the maximum depth allowed for replies (0 to 4 recommended).|Sort newest to oldest?|By default, comments will sort chronologically (oldest to newest). To reverse that behavior check this box.|Use website field in comment form?|When checked, the comment submission form will also include a website field.|Date/time format (for comment list)|Enter the date/time format you want the default comment list output to use. May be a PHP [date](http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php) or [strftime](http://php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php) format. May also be "relative" for relative date format.|Allow comment voting?|Comment voting enables visitors to upvote and/or downvote comments. Vote counts are displayed alongside each comment. Only one upvote and/or downvote is allowed per comment, per IP address, per hour.|Voting off|Allow upvoting|Allow upvoting and downvoting|Use stars rating?|Star ratings enable the commenter to rate the subject they are commenting on, using a scale of 1 to 5 stars.|To change default star used for output (HTML is okay too):|Disabled', 'star-rating|Yes (star rating optional)|Yes (star rating required)|G: Suitable for display on all websites with any audience type.|PG: May contain rude gestures, provocatively dressed individuals, the lesser swear words, or mild violence.|R: May contain such things as harsh profanity, intense violence, nudity, or hard drug use.|X: May contain hardcore sexual imagery or extremely disturbing violence.|Use Gravatar?|This service provides an avatar image with each comment (unique to the email address). To enable, select the maximum gravatar rating. These are the same as movie ratings, where G is the most family friendly and X is not.|Rating descriptions provided by [Gravatar](https://en.gravatar.com/site/implement/images/).|Text Formatters|Optionally select one or more text formatters to be applied to the comment text, in the selected order. If you do not select any then the text will be entity encoded, have newlines converted to tags, and be output in a tag.|Warning: only select text formatters that are known to be safe with anonymous user input, like Entity Encoder (core) or Textile Restricted (3rd party). If you are not sure, then do not select anything here, as making the wrong choice can be a security problem.|Implementation|This section is here to help you get started with outputting comments on the front-end of your site. Everything here is optional.|If using a cache for output, configure it to bypass the cache when the GET variable "comment_success" is present.|PHP code to output comments|CSS for front-end comments output|JS for front-end comments output|You have already voted for this comment|Error recording vote|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypecomments--fieldtypecomments-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments/FieldtypeComments.module
|Akismet Key|If you want to have comments automatically identified as spam, the Comments fieldtype can utilize the Akismet service to do this. In order to use it, you must enter an Akismet API key obtained from akismet.com. Use of this service is optional but recommended.|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypecomments--commentfilterakismet-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments/CommentFilterAkismet.module
|Pending Approval|Approve Now|Approved|Mark as SPAM|SPAM - will be deleted automatically after %d days|Not SPAM: Approve Now|Comment posted to: %s|Page', 'email-body|From', 'email-body|Email', 'email-body|Website', 'email-body|Stars', 'email-body|Status', 'email-body|Action', 'email-body|Text', 'email-body|Edit|processwire', 'email-from-name|You have unsubscribed from comment notifications on this page.|You have confirmed receipt of notifications from this page.|Updated comment %d to “%s”|Posted at: %s|Posted by: %s|Posted at %s by %s|View or reply|Unsubscribe from these notifications|New comment posted:|Posted at %s by %s|Please confirm notification|You requested to be notified of replies to your comment at %s. Please confirm this by clicking the link below. If you did not request this then please ignore this email.|Confirm Notifications|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypecomments--commentnotifications-php:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments/CommentNotifications.php
|%1$s (%2$s rating)|%1$s (%2$s ratings)|not yet rated|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypecomments--commentstars-php:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments/CommentStars.php
|Featured', 'comment-status|Approved', 'comment-status|Pending', 'comment-status|Spam', 'comment-status|Delete|Comment #%d (%s)|ALL new comments|REPLIES only|OFF|Spam is automatically deleted after the amount of time specified in the field configuration.|This item is awaiting approval or deletion.|Comment #%1$d Posted %2$s by %3$s|Stars|Email notifications:|Status|Reply To|Cite|E-Mail|Website|Text|There are currently no items to display.|Removed comment #%d|Updated %s for comment #%d|Use comments manager rather than in-page editor?|When enabled user will be directed to the dedicated comments manager for editing comments.|This may be preferable because the comments manager has more features and uses pagination.|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypecomments--inputfieldcommentsadmin-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments/InputfieldCommentsAdmin.module
|Post Comment|Your Name|Your E-Mail|Your Website URL|Comments|Submit|Please choose a star rating|Thank you, your submission has been saved.|Your comment has been submitted and will appear once approved by the moderator.|Your submission was not saved due to one or more errors. Please check that you have completed all fields before submitting again.|E-Mail Notifications:|Replies|All|Off|h3|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypecomments--commentform-php:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments/CommentForm.php
|h3|Comments|Reply|1 Reply|%d Replies|%b %e, %Y %l:%M %p|Permalink|Like this comment|Dislike this comment|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypecomments--commentlist-php:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments/CommentList.php
|Field "%s" is not yet ready to use and needs to be configured.|Settings have not yet been committed.|Please review the settings on this page and save once more (even if you do not change anything) to confirm you accept them.|filename|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypefile--fieldtypefile-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeFile/FieldtypeFile.module
|Files|Allowed file extensions|Enter all file extensions allowed by this upload field. Separate each extension by a space. No periods or commas. This field is not case sensitive.|File extension %s must be removed, whitelisted, or have a [file validator](%s) module installed.|File extensions to allow without validation (whitelist)|These file extensions need a [file validator module](%s) installed. Unchecked extensions have been disabled for safety.|To ignore and allow the file extension without file validation, check the box next to it (not recommended).|If you don’t need an extension, please remove it from your valid file extensions list.|Maximum number of files|(a value of 0 means no limit)|Each file may have optional description text that is input in the page editor and can be output on the front-end.|For instance, it’s common to use the description text as the “alt” attribute when rendering `` tags for image files.|Text formatters (for file descriptions)|Select one or more text formatters (and their order) that will be applied to the file description when output formatting is active. The HTML Entity Encoder is recommended as a minimum.|File tags|Tags enable you to have predefined or custom 1-word tags to accompany each file.|When used, files can have any number of tags.|Tags can be useful for categorizing a file.|For instance, a tag of `sidebar` might indicate an image you want to automatically display in a sidebar.|Use file tags?|When enabled, the field will also contain an option for user selected (or entered) tags for each file.|User selects from list of predefined tags|Tags disabled|User enters tags by text input|can input their own|Predefined file tags|Enter tags separated by a space. Tags may contain letters, digits, underscores or hyphens.|Examples of using tags|Display all files with tag “sidebar”|Same as above using another method|Get one file having tag|Display tags for all files|Documentation:|Formatted value|Select the type of value you want this field to provide when accessed from the API on the front-end of your site.|When output formatting is off, the value is always a %s array.|Automatic|(single file or null when max files set to 1, multi-file array of items otherwise)|Multi-file array of items|Single-file when populated, null when empty|Rendered string of markup/text|(configurable)|Documentation:|Multi-file usage example|Single file usage example|i.e.|Rendered string of markup/text|Provide the rendered string of text you want to output as the value of this field. If the field contains multiple items, this string will be rendered multiple times. If the field contains no items, a blank string will be used.|You may use any of the following placeholder tags:|Custom fields|Custom fields enable you to define additional text, number and selection fields to accompany each file as metadata.|Use this when you need something more than just a file description and/or tags.|For more information, see: %s.|How custom fields for files/images work|Use custom fields for each file?|Created custom fields template: %s|Custom fields are enabled and managed from a template.|Use the “Edit custom fields” button below to add or modify the fields you want to maintain for each file.|Most text, number and selection fields will work here, but some field types may not.|Edit custom fields|Custom fields template is: %s|To permanently disable custom fields for this field, delete template %s.|When you enable custom fields, save and then return here to configure them.|Page containing default/fallback value for this field|Optionally select a page that will contain the default/fallback value, in this same field.|You may wish to create a page specifically for this purpose.|The selected page must have a `%s` field populated with one or more files.|Inputfield type for files field|The type of field that will be used to collect input for this files field.|Change this only if instructed to do so by 3rd party Inputfield module instructions.|Allowed Fieldtype modules for custom fields|Types with strikethrough are not likely to be 100% compatible.|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypefile--config-php:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeFile/config.php
|Fields in fieldset|Define the fields that are used by this fieldset. You may also drag and drop fields to the desired order.|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtyperepeater--fieldtypefieldsetpage-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeRepeater/FieldtypeFieldsetPage.module
|This item will become editable after you save.|New|Delete|Sort|Depth|Warning: only the first %d item(s) will be used.|Add New|Paste|Click to delete this item, or double-click to delete all', 'repeater-item-action|Delete all items?', 'repeater-item-action|Click to turn item on/off, or double-click to open/collapse all items', 'repeater-item-action|Clone/copy/paste actions', 'repeater-item-action|Show settings?', 'repeater-item-action|Open all items?', 'repeater-item-action|Collapse all items?', 'repeater-item-action|Insert new item before this one', 'repeater-item-action|Insert new item after this one', 'repeater-item-action|Insert new item here', 'repeater-item-action|This action is disabled per min and/or max item settings.|Select an action for this item ', 'dialog-header|COPY this item in memory to paste elsewhere', 'repeater-item-action|Item in copy/paste memory', 'dialog-note|CLONE this item and insert ABOVE this', 'repeater-item-action|CLONE this item and insert BELOW this', 'repeater-item-action|PASTE copied item ABOVE this', 'repeater-item-action|PASTE copied item BELOW this', 'repeater-item-action|CLEAR copy/paste memory', 'repeater-item-action|Errors in “%s” item %d|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtyperepeater--inputfieldrepeater-module:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeRepeater/InputfieldRepeater.module
|Repeater field "%s" has a "required only if" dependency setting, and this is not supported in Repeaters.|Please add fields to this repeater from the "details" tab.|Repeater fields', 'field-label|Define the fields that are used by this repeater. You may also drag and drop fields to the desired order.|Add Field|Repeater item labels|Enter the field name to use for repeater labels in the page editor, or leave blank to auto-generate.|To use multiple fields, or to specify your own format string, surround field names in {brackets}.|To include a repeater index number with each label, add "#n" somewhere in your format string.|Example: #n: {title}|Repeater depths/indents|Item depth|To support items with depth, enter the max allowed depth, or leave blank to disable.|When editing a repeater, you can change item depth by clicking the repeater item drag arrows and dragging the item right or left.|Depths are zero-based, meaning a depth of 3 allows depths 0, 1, 2 and 3.|Depth can be accessed from a repeater page item via `$item->depth`.|Use family-friendly item depth?|This setting makes the admin page editor treat item depth as a parent/child relationship.|This means that moving/sorting an item includes child items too.|It also prevents a child item from being dragged to have a depth that exceeds its parent by more than 1.|“Yes” recommended.|Repeater editor settings|Label for adding new item|Enter the label you want to use for the "Add New Item" text/button, or leave blank for the default.|Repeater item visibility in editor|Repeater items can be open or collapsed (requiring a click to open). Collapsed mode is more convenient for sorting and seeing all your items together.|New items open, existing items collapsed (recommended for most cases)|Items always open (disables dynamic loading for existing items)|Items always collapsed|Repeater dynamic loading (AJAX) in editor|Which items should be dynamically loaded with AJAX in the page editor? If you find your repeater uses a field that does not work with dynamic loading, it may be necessary to turn this feature off.|Existing and new items (recommended, especially for repeaters that might have LOTS of items)|New items only (good for repeaters that will have only a FEW items)|Off|Remember which repeater items are open?|When enabled, opened repeater items remain open after saving or reloading from the page editor (unless the user closes them).|Use accordion mode?|When enabled, only one repeater item will be open at a time.|When to show repeater item controls/actions|Always|Hover|The hover option can reduce clutter in the interface by showing the repeater item actions/controls (clone, insert, delete, etc.) only when the item header is hovered.|Note that controls are always shown for touch devices regardless of this setting.|Maximum number of items|If you need to limit the number of items allowed, enter the limit here (0=no limit).|Minimum number of items|This many items will always be open and ready-to-edit (0=no minimum).|Repeater Type|When 'attached' the repeater will manage it's own template and parent page without you having to see or think about it.|When 'detached' you may move and modify the repeater parent page and template as you see fit.|Note that once detached, ProcessWire will not delete the parent or template when/if the field is deleted.|Repeater storage|Use fewer pages for storage?|When checked, repeater page parents will not be created until at least one child repeater item exists.|In addition, repeater page parents with no repeater items will be removed when appropriate.|Currently an experimental option for testing (lazyParents), but will later become default.|Delete %d unnecessary pages?|Found the following unnecessary pages:|Found %d unnecessary repeater parents that either had 0 repeater items or had no owning page.|Always backup before performing mass deletions.|Found %d unnecessary repeater parent pages|No unnecessary pages found|Max of %d items per request reached, you will want to run this again.|Deleted %d unnecessary pages|Find and optionally delete unnecessary pages?|Delete old/unused repeater items?|There are **%d** old/unused repeater item(s), check this box to delete them.|A repeater item is considered old if it is at least 3 days and not yet been populated or published.|Added Field "%1$s" to "%2$s"|Removed Field "%1$s" from "%2$s"|Deleted %d old/unused repeater item(s)|Parent page %s is now detached and may be moved or modified.|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtyperepeater--config-php:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeRepeater/config.php
|This is some example text|Instructions on how to use this field|This type of fieldset uses a separate page (behind the scenes) to store values for the fields you select above.|A benefit is that you can re-use fields that might already be present on your page, outside of the fieldset.|For example, you could have a “title” field on your page, and another in your fieldset. Likewise for any other fields.|This is possible because fields in the fieldset are in their own namespace—another page—separate from the main page.|Below are several examples on how to use this field in your template files and from the API.|Getting a value:|Outputting a value:|Outputting a value when in markup:|Setting a value:|Setting and saving a value:|this turns off output formatting, when necessary|Assigning fieldset to another (shorter) variable and outputting a value:|Finding pages having fieldset with “%s” field containing text “example”:|^wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtyperepeater--fieldsetpageinstructions-php:/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeRepeater/FieldsetPageInstructions.php
|expires|404 occurred: %s|User logged in: %s|Login failure: %s|User logged out: %s|Warning: you are editing this page in another window (editing started %s)|Warning: user "%s" is currently editing this page (editing started %s)|^wire--modules--system--systemnotifications--systemnotifications-module:/wire/modules/System/SystemNotifications/SystemNotifications.module
|On|Off|Notifications status|When turned off, notifications will not be rendered.|Track page edits?|Notifies users when they try to edit a page that is already being edited.|Notification order|Select what order the notifications should display in.|Newest to oldest|Oldest to newest|Active automatic notification hooks|Whenever one of these events occurs, the system user above will be notified.|404 page not found|User login success and failure|User logout|These are primarily just examples of notifications for the purpose of demonstration.|Name of user that receives system notifications|Time between updates|How often to check for notification updates (in milliseconds). Example: 5000 means 5 seconds.|Date format|Date format used for notifications. Use date() or strftime() format, or "relative" for relative date/time, "rel" for abbreviated date/time.|Message icon|Warning icon|Error icon|Ghost delay|How long ghost messages appear for (in ms).|Ghost error delay|How long ghost errors appear for (in ms).|Ghost full opacity|Full opacity of ghosts (0.1-1.0)|Ghost Limit|Show summary ghost if more this.|Ghost fade speed|Speed at which ghosts fade in or out.|Immediate (no fade in/out)|Fast|Normal|Slow|Ghost position|What side of the screen ghosts should float on.|Left|Right|Runtime/single-request notices|Display as notifications|Leave them alone|^wire--modules--system--systemnotifications--systemnotificationsconfig-php:/wire/modules/System/SystemNotifications/SystemNotificationsConfig.php
|Detected core version change %1$s => %2$s|Cleared file compiler cache|System Update Log|System Version|This lets you re-apply a system version update by reducing the version number.|^wire--modules--system--systemupdater--systemupdater-module:/wire/modules/System/SystemUpdater/SystemUpdater.module
|Multiple issues detected, please review:|Please note that your root %s file is not up-to-date with this ProcessWire version, please update it when possible.|Please note that your root %s file is not up-to-date with this ProcessWire version, please update it when possible.|To suppress this warning, replace or add the following in the top of your existing .htaccess file:|Welcome to ProcessWire!|If this installation is currently being used for development or testing, we recommend enabling debug mode.|Debug mode ensures all errors are visible, which can be helpful during development or troubleshooting.|It also enables additional developer information to appear here in the admin.|You can enable debug mode by editing your %s file and adding the following:|Please note: this notification will not be shown again. Remember to disable debug mode before going live.|Security Warning: file '%s' exists and should be deleted as soon as possible.|Warning, your %s file specifies file permissions that are too loose for many environments:|Read "Securing file permissions" for more details|To suppress this warning, add the following to your %s file:|Warning: you have a field named “published” that conflicts with the page “published” property.|Please rename your field field to something else and update any templates referencing it.|Your current locale setting is “%s”.|Note: your current server locale setting isn’t working as expected with the UTF-8 charset and may cause minor issues.|Please translate the “C” locale setting for each language to the compatible locale in %s|For example, the locale setting for US English might be: %s|Please add this to your %1$s file (adjust “%2$s” as needed):|The site is in debug mode, suitable for sites in development|If this is a live/production site, you should disable debug mode in %1$s with: %2$s|Your PHP memory_limit is currently set to %s.|We recommend increasing it to at least %s.|As a performance optimization, consider increasing it to at least %s.|Required version: %1$s, Found version: %2$s.|Unable to locate required file: %s|^wire--modules--system--systemupdater--systemupdaterchecks-php:/wire/modules/System/SystemUpdater/SystemUpdaterChecks.php
|Color Set|Classic|Warm|Modern|Futura|Color Set|Classic|Warm|Modern|Futura|^wire--modules--admintheme--adminthemedefault--adminthemedefault-module:/wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeDefault/AdminThemeDefault.module
|FOR TRANSLATORS: please translate the file /wire/templates-admin/default.php rather than this one.|en|Logout|^wire--modules--admintheme--adminthemedefault--default-php:/wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeDefault/default.php
|FOR TRANSLATORS: please translate the file /wire/templates-admin/default.php rather than this one.|Debug Mode Tools', '/wire/templates-admin/debug.inc|Tree|View Site|Profile|Logout|Add New|^wire--modules--admintheme--adminthemedefault--adminthemedefaulthelpers-php:/wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeDefault/AdminThemeDefaultHelpers.php
|Compiled: %s|Admin base style - file not found: %s|^wire--modules--admintheme--adminthemeuikit--adminthemeuikitcss-php:/wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeUikit/AdminThemeUikitCss.php
|When blank, the default file used.|Enter path relative to homepage URL.|(RECOMMENDED)|(EXPERIMENTAL)|example|Masthead + navigation|User avatar|Gravatar (external service that determines avatar from email)|Select an image field, Gravatar, or icon to show for the user avatar in the masthead.|Image field: %s|There are no image fields present on the “user” template at present, so only icons and Gravatar are shown.|You may add image fields to your user template [here](%s).|Icon: %s|User navigation label format|This label appears next to the user avatar image/icon.|Specify field(s) and format to use for the user label, or blank for no user label.|Use any fields/properties from your [user](%s) template surrounded in {brackets}.|Use {Name} for capitalized name, which is the default setting, or use {name} for lowercase name.|Examples: “{name}”, “{Name}”, “{title}”, “{first_name} {last_name}”, “{company.title}”, etc.|Logo image file|File should be PNG, GIF, JPG or SVG, on transparent background, and at least 100px in both dimensions.|If using SVG, you may optionally append “?uk-svg” to URL to make it add the [uk-svg](%s) attribute.|Logo click action|Admin root page list|Open offcanvas navigation|Layout + interface|Layout type|Traditional with masthead navigation|Page tree navigation in sidebar|(left)|(right)|Sidebar navigation (left) + page tree navigation (right)|*Sidebar layouts not compatible with SystemNotifications module and may have issues with other modules.|Inputfield column widths|Choose option B if you are having any trouble achieving intended Inputfield column widths.|Uikit uk-width classes (up-to 6 columns)|Percentage-based widths (additional flexibility)|Maximum layout width|Specify the maximum width of the layout (in pixels) or 0 for no maximum.|Applies to traditional layout only.|Notifications style|Does not apply if the SystemNotifications module is installed.|Group by type with expand/collapse control|Always show all|Advanced|Most advanced settings are available from the `$config->AdminThemeUikit` settings array.|You can find it in /wire/config.php. Copy to your /site/config.php file to modify it.|Primary CSS file|We do not recommend changing this unless you are an admin theme developer.|Warning: this will override custom `$config->AdminThemeUikit` settings, base style and custom styles.|Forms + input|These settings affect all form fields in the admin.|Any of these settings (and others) may also be specified individually for a given field.|If you specify a setting here, it will override individual field settings.|See: Setup > Fields > [any field] > Input (tab) > Admin Theme Settings.|Input size examples|Select size examples|Default input size|This affects the appearance of many text, textarea and select fields.|Not all Inputfields support the “small” or “large” options.|Small|Medium (default/recommended)|Large|Input types that should have no border|This setting applies to any selected types when used at 100% width.|Input types that should be offset with additional top/bottom margin.|As an example, the fields in this fieldset are using this option.|Inputfield label toggle behavior|Inputfield elements in ProcessWire can have an open or closed state.|This setting determines what happens when a user clicks any Inputfield label, which appears as a header above the input.|The “Standard” option makes a click of a label on an open Inputfield focus the input element, a standard HTML form behavior.|While a click of a closed Inputfield label will open and then focus the Inputfield (and close it when clicked again).|The “Consistent” option makes the Inputfield label always behave consistently as an open/close toggle, regardless of what state the Inputfield is in.|Regardless of what setting you choose, the toggle icon in the upper right of each Inputfield always toggles the open/closed state.|Standard|Consistent|Vertically offset ALL input types?|When checked, a vertical margin is added to every field.|This may provide additional clarity in some cases, but consumes more vertical space.|Input types that should use the “Card” style|This field is an example of the card style.|Does not apply to types selected to have no border.|Auto|None|Admin theme settings|These settings affect how this field appears when used with the Uikit admin theme.|When choosing the “Auto” option, the settings will be determined at runtime.|The “Margin” setting applies only to 100% width fields.|The “Auto” option is the recommended default for all settings.|Extra small|Small|Medium|Large|Input size|Input width|Fill|Margin|Border|Outline', 'border|Card', 'border|Transparent', 'border|Color|Primary', 'color|Secondary', 'color|Highlight', 'color|Warning', 'color|Danger', 'color|Minimize the styling of form controls|Example|This field simply demonstrates the settings you selected above.|Another field|Open the “%s” field above for a live example of column width.|^wire--modules--admintheme--adminthemeuikit--config-php:/wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeUikit/config.php
|Debug|Navigation sidebar|Page tree sidebar|^wire--modules--admintheme--adminthemeuikit--_sidenav--_sidenav-masthead-php:/wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeUikit/_sidenav/_sidenav-masthead.php
|Color Set|Reno|Classic|Blue|User Images|To use this feature your user template(s) needs to have an image field. If your user template(s) do not have an image field, the avatar will default to an icon. To add an image field to the default user template to go Setup > Templates > Filters (Show System Templates). The "user" template will now show in the list. If you have created an additional/alternate user template, you can enable this feature by adding an image field to that template.|Image field for the %s template|No image fields assigned to this template|Added field "%s" to fields editable by user in their profile.|User Display Names|Comma separated list of fields to use as the display name in the admin. (example: first_name, last_name)|These can only be text fields. Other field types will be ignored.|Display name for the %s template|Icons|Specify icons for navigation items|Top Navigation: Notices|Top Navigation: View Home Page|Sign out|^wire--modules--admintheme--adminthemereno--adminthemereno-module:/wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeReno/AdminThemeReno.module
|Debug Mode Tools', '/wire/templates-admin/debug.inc|Tree|Support Forums|Documentation|Github Repo|Cheatsheet|Hooks|Profile|Logout|^wire--modules--admintheme--adminthemereno--adminthemerenohelpers-php:/wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeReno/AdminThemeRenoHelpers.php