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ECH Meeting 86 notes

Meeting date/time: June 7, 2022, at 15:00 UTC

Meeting duration: 30 minutes

Action items

Action Item Description
86.1 William will create issue to explain what help we need on the GitHub backup.

Pooja: welcome to Ethereum cat herders meeting 86. we are having agenda on issue 293 on cat holders github pm repo before we get into the agenda we have one new joiner here rory sorry if you would like to maybe introduce yourself

Rory: yeah so my name is rory arredondo i'm fairly new to the ethereum community I guess since this past october and I started documenting media minutes for the community calls that's kind of how I got into learning about everything and I was a volunteer at east denver and volunteered at dev con in amsterdam and hopefully we'll be in bogota in october and yeah currently looking for a role in the space i've applied for a few roles at the ethereum foundation so i'm looking to quit my my day job and move into this space

Pooja: nice welcome to web3 world I hope you get one of the opportunities that you have applied for and thank you for documenting notes for us welcome to the team

Rory: cheers thank you

1. Ethereum network upgrades

Merge community Call # 4

Pooja: All right now getting into the agenda the first agenda item is Ethereum network upgrades obviously by now we are aware that we are very close to merge so we have a few important things to be shared on that the merge community call 4 it happened last friday we have added recording notes will be up by today later today rory is working on that and we have few resources good resources to get to know what's going on in the developers community

AllCoreDevs Update 011 & What’s New in Eth 2

Pooja: I have added link to all core dev update 11 by tim beiko and what's new in Eth2 by benjamin

Ropsten TTD announcement

Pooja: Other than that ethereum foundation recently published a blog post on Ropsten ttd announcement so the terminal total difficulty which was a palindromic number earlier has been changed and now we have a new number so check out the blog post stakers and node operators are suggested to manually override the ttd for both execution and consensus layer client if you can do it by today end of the day that would be really nice each sticker community has a organized ropstsn call and there will be a live stream I have added link to agenda so with the eth staker community and few other popular names of ethereum community ethereum cat herders are also going to be a part of this march community called series you can find the details on the post I have added the link to the agenda that's all on ropsten

Shanghai specs

Pooja: there are no major changes on shanghai I have added specs and tracker just for reference here

2. New initiatives

Pooja: moving on on new initiatives get poap and badges if I remember correctly we were supposed to discuss on like what would be the criteria for selection I unfortunately do not having any updates on that but if there are any suggestions from this present group happy to talk about it for people to give some more background kit is a is a different kind of perhaps initiated by a team and they have created an issue on ethereum categories get a repository and they have proposed to reward contributors of ethereum cat herders with different badges and we are just trying to collect some thoughts on what can be those major criterias based on which the badges can be distributed or different for apps can be created any thoughts I mean if if people would like they can always share their suggestions later on on cat haters discard or maybe we can continue discussing it on the github issue if you have any suggestion please reach out I know one team member from getpo app is already working towards creating different co-apps and for now what we have done is we have created poaps based on the contribution repository like if someone is contributing to eipip or the project management of cat herders or for any other so based on repositories we have done it but if people have other suggestions on there could be different form of that reach out to us next one is a ech github backup for backup for github as well as for youtube I remember having some discussion with william and edson on chat last week william if you have any further new thoughts to add here

William: I don't have any further thoughts but maybe just like talk about what we were chatting about before I met with a couple of people from radical about possibility of using radical as a backup for the ech github after speaking with them it seems like the actual content of the repositories like the actual git content could be backed up using radical probably the easiest solution would involve some bot on a cron job just looking for new pushes each week and kind of pulling them from github and pushing them too radical but the extra information so to speak that that lives on github's like issues discussions around around pr's kanban boards all that currently there's no real direct way to report to radical I mean it could be again that it would be possible to create some kind of bot that would hit the api and like something like that but that would be a much more involved process so there definitely exists some potential or actually I would say there is a strong potential using radical as a backup for the actual git repos right now I would say it should be looked at as a backup if anything I don't think that I personally have the capacity to create a bot like this if there is anyone who is interested in doing something like that it shouldn't be that difficult of a task to my understanding definitely feel free to get in touch

Pooja: thank you for sharing this and as william was suggesting if anyone interested in taking a lead on this task please reach out to us I will work with you to provide all necessary information so we can get this thing incorporated jose you want to add something here

Jose: hey hello william sorry I didn't get is there is a issue We are open for it sorry for that in the street just to check just to read about it

William: no there is not if you're interested in knowing more I would recommend reaching out to me on discord if possible like you can just dm me directly if you like

Jose: got it okay thank you

Pooja: well in fact that was a very good suggestion also william if you think we can maybe create an issue on that like what we are looking for then if someone reaches out to us on any forum instead of sending everyone to you you can maybe document an issue and we can send them to that issue and to collect information basic what we need kind Of

William: let me see writing good issues actually surprisingly intense act like you know it's not our time i'll see what i'm able to get up it's definitely good it's definitely a good idea I just hope i'd get around to it sometimes

Pooja: yeah right and I think it will be helpful you know that would be our first step like if someone randomly shows up on issues say that I want to help we get a ping okay this is the person who wants help and then I can send it to your way i'm sorry I think i'm I got a little inspired by vitalik's tweet today that if you have to like explain one thing again and again create a blog post i'm not asking you to create a blog post we can maybe create an issue to mention what we are looking for anyway yeah jose definitely you can reach out to me and I will provide you more information whatever I have on this topic cool

3.Events & Hackathon

Pooja: moving on the next one is events and hackathon I know it prague is starting from june 12. chris reached out to me he shared the press release I have added the link to the press release they are very excited to have cat orders if anyone is interested or visiting eat prague let us know we can put you in touch and there are certain people who are from the eip editors channel I take it that they mentioned they would be interested in meeting cat hurters so yeah if you are going to eat barak share the information and try to meet different people of ecosystem

4. Ech updates

Pooja: next one is ech updates I am not sure no I don't see santosh on the call and i'm not sure if there are any updates since the last meeting so probably we can skip this one and move on to ech engineering we are still in search of ruby dev we are having some issue with eip's repository even I tried to running it but it's throwing some error and we need that thing to be fixed like there are some jackal tooling for that we need some help so if you are a ruby dev and you would like to look into the issue help us with ethereum eip's repository please reach out to us next one is eap bot and eipv we have jose say if you have any updates that you would like to share

Jose: yes indeed well we have been working science three days ago trying to get the dot get hud workflow for the fork for the eip in order to test the the prs that we already have designed and coded we are not I mean we're having a kind of delay due to the fact that the bot in the repo in the fork is not greeting us as we expect but I think that we will manage to get this sorted out when I say we me is supporting me as usual is a change that he's not here but anyway I guess that he will he will know that I mentioned we I think that something is missing in the in the in the recoding of the of the workflow files but maybe I would say the next 48 hours we which you have that sorted out then we will be able to as I said the last week to test the prs and move on because these pr's are the current stone for the for the both getting to the next level so i'm pretty optimistic we're working on it

Pooja: thank you being optimistic is a good thing we need to keep moving so yeah thank you for all the work you have been doing here all right moving on learn to earn so we made quite some progress on learn to on we are very close to the finishing of the project anyone interested may follow the chart on l2e channel on ethereum catherders discord we are currently looking some help on front-end side we have one engineer george he has been working on almost the entire project but it looks like he could use some additional support there given his bandwidth is limited for this month so I have shared a link in the chat we are looking for a front end dev please check out issue number 294 and if you are interested to help out with this reach us out the next one is cat blazers it's about ech podcast I don't know if there is anything new to share with him

William: I don't have much to update on that front unfortunately

Pooja: not a problem but we are still holding the torch for ech podcast zk duke who has been helping out william schwab for setting off podcast and technical side he has recently started helping me as well on the p penny side so we have successfully shared couple of episodes of peep and e on ecs podcast for people who may not be youtube savvy and would like to have an audio only version they can find the useful information from people on ech podcast so check out the link added to the agenda talking about that ziki roof has also been supporting us with all volatile meetings and probably in future we would be sharing the recording of all wallet tabs from ethereum cat herders youtube so he's a part of that discord channel right now and will be representing cat herders there so I was hoping to have him added to the ech op teams considering his increased contribution so like anyone looking for any question related to wallet dabs or any support related to ech podcast we can say send him to zikiru and obviously for podcast i'm gonna send it to william schwab as well sorry about that.

William: i'm happy to yeah

Pooja: I just wanted to share this with the group so if anyone has any question comment concern feel free to share but that's the idea which we would like to engage more people with the contributions they are making and thank you everyone for being the part of this decentralized community moving on to eips insight in june we have finally finally have merged two proposals eip 2464 for each transactions and eip 2364 which is each to the ethereum eips github repository there are two new drafts added one on core side that is eip 5133 it is to delay the difficulty bomb as it was discussed in the last all core dev meeting that there is a need to probably push the difficulty bombs so people can be working on merge and they do not have to worry about the difficulty bomb so there is this proposal by tomas from netherminecline team the proposal number is 5133 and it is to push the bomb till mid of august 2022 so check it out you will get to know more about difficulty bomb from there and there is this another proposal on erc category that is five zero one eight it is file system like interface for smart contracts definitely an interesting proposal application devs you can check it out and for like earlier eib's insight you can check out the link added to the agenda any questions so far okay moving on to p pennies so we have published eip 1202 voting standard last week and this week we published merge and hyper ledger base with the project manager of besu sajida now you can find the protocol special people need meetings on ethereum protocol calendar so if you have subscribed to ethereum protocol calendar for all coder meeting for consensus layer meeting and any meeting that is coming up on protocol level you can also find the people meetings for protocol discussion there that means any core eips and if that is any upgrade specific you can find the information there however this is also available on cat herders discard event section and on the cathedral's discord github with people schedule so check out different sources try to be a part of these meetings if you have questions if you are a application dev or trying to implement these proposals tomorrow we have planned it another repeat eve for latest proposal one proposal 4400 I believe that got finalized just last last month moving on meeting notes and action item for cad herders and the first one here is url uri standard working group so we have recently started this working group it's a brainstorming call for having standards on url and uri site because people observe that there are more than one proposals with similar use case are there in the repository so it makes sense to bring these authors together in a meeting room and maybe push the proposal which could be helping with helping with solving not just single use case but also it can be a standard that can be used by different projects so we had this second working group meeting yesterday and the recording is available on cad holders youtube some of the main takeaway from the meeting is we need to connect with wallet tabs have them here for the next meeting and we also got a chance to discuss two different proposals eip4804 that is web3 url to evm call message transaction it's a proposal by sam wilson and key so key shared the progress since the last meeting and he also received some new comments that we are hoping to get incorporated and we hope to discuss this proposal further in the next meeting about eip 2400 that is url format for transaction receipts this proposal is currently in draft status but the author he received the ping on twitter and he showed up in the meeting that was really great and he agreed to help us move this proposal towards final so the categories may be working with him to maybe help out to make a pull request to bring it out from the stagnant status because that is the first step

5. Review of outstanding action items from previous ECH meetings

Pooja: Finally lets review last call and hopefully we'll be able to move this proposal to the final we have invited the author to discuss it on cat orders discord in eip editors channel so if anyone is is interested in this proposal working or already implementing this proposal is already implemented in status as far as I know but if there are any wallet tab listening to this call and they are interested in implementing or already have interested and have some comments to share to encourage more people to implement this proposal please reach us on cathode as discard there was one more action item from that meeting so sam wilsham mentioned that he would be creating maybe proposing rpc endpoint standard and he already have added the first pass so anyone interested may check out pull request 5139 on ethereum eips github repository highlights of these meeting are also added in a working document that I have added to the agenda so check it out if you want to join these meetings you can find information on cathedrals discard event section or reach us on eip editors channel on catalyst discard that's all about it moving on to other meeting notes it looks like we have received all meeting notes so far all coded meeting 139 is available consensus meeting 88 is available eip ib reading 57 is also available we had last week eip editors apprenticeship meeting the recording is available we do not have notes for that because we don't make it however you can find the information about the eips that we went through on the agenda itself we generally try to look into pull requests those are open for a while for updating new pro new proposal and any other changes to existing eips so check out the agenda for that for the summary of the meetings well that's almost towards the end anyone has any question comment anything anyone would like to ask wow looks like it's more of an update meeting you have just been sharing updates okay so moving on to the sorry someone unmuted okay moving on to the last item of the meeting that is outstanding action items if we look into the action item listed here in the notes the first one is to decide criteria for distributing git perhaps as I mentioned in the beginning of this meeting that currently we are considering based on repo but if anyone has any other suggestion please reach out decide on get a backup solution most likely we will be going with with williams suggestion for radical but we are looking for someone to maybe help us create a bot that can help take up this backup on or maybe a specified interval of time so yeah now reach us for more information and if you are interested in working for that similar for youtube if I understand correctly the the solution that we are discussing for github will not be valid for youtube unless we have youtube uploaded on the github in any possible way william please correct me

William: again reticle basically is a it's based off of git so the videos would need to be actually committed to get in github for that to work

Pooja: okay so maybe I will look into this option because if I remember correctly a github started providing an option of uploading youtube uploading videos as well if not on youtube form maybe an mp4 I will look into that option go over ech website backup procedure with contributor definitely will try to provide more information for whoever is interested add page to ech website for podcaster that is one action item which is I think is going to be there for the next meeting as well because I haven't seen any progress on the website side since the last meeting and this actually concludes all the items listed here anyone has anything else to share or maybe propose that we can start doing as a cat header any new thoughts proposals looks like everyone is in hurry to go back to their work a little early so yeah thank you all for joining us today I hope to see you in two weeks but if you have anything to share do not wait for two weeks to be on the call and discuss these things you can always reach us on cataract discard and talk to us have a good one everyone cheers thank you!


  • Pooja
  • Texas farmer
  • Rory
  • Jose
  • Shubhangi