DECISION/ACTION ITEM 92.1: ECH meeting #100 is postponed to 3rd January 2023
Pooja Ranjan 0:00: Welcome to ethereum Cate address meeting 99. We reached 99 oh wow! that's really great.I have shared an agenda in chat.
Pooja Ranjan0:10: The first item listed here is as usual the network upgrade.
Shanghai page at ECH website
Pooja Ranjan 0:16: For Shanghai Network upgrade most of the updates are available on the Shanghai page at ethereum Caterers website. We had a UF breakout room last Friday, I have added recording and notes from the last meeting. Hopefully the specs will be decided for this Thursday before the all-core dev call and we will be getting the list of eips EOS eips which will be considered for Shanghai upgrade.
Public Testnet: Ropsten Shutdown Announcement
Pooja Ranjan 0:52: Next one is public test net major announcement came from EA blog post, the Robson network has been deprecated and will be shut down in coming weeks as per the blog post over the past few months now infrastructure provided have gradually decrease the support of network and the vast majority of remaining validated nodes will be shut down during December month that would be from 15 to 31st December. After this Robson will no longer be supported by the client testing or infrastructure team. So if you are adaptive and haven't migrated yet it's high time. You must migrate to Sipolia test Network predictable ethereum test net life cycle is still under discussion I have added a link to Fem discussion thread. You are welcome to share your thoughts over there. Hopefully we'll get some concrete decisions in upcoming weeks. Shanghai has two parts like Shanghai and Catalan on El and Cl clients. So all these updates were related to the Shanghai execution layer. Now on consensus layer that means on capella side, There are two test match for withdrawal that does not include a 4844 but they are free merge and post merge test Nets full withdrawals are there with North Star teku. Another one is with BLS execution changes photos updated that the BLS changes are being taken in by clients. So it's making good progress on the consensus layer as well. That's all on network upgrade. Any question comments so far well it was just an update.
ETH Denver Feb 24- March 05, 2023
Pooja Ranjan 2:59: Moving on to the item number two that is events and hackathon. Last week we concluded it was really great to see the enthusiasm of Developers over there. In 2023 one of the biggest events that people are looking forward to is ETH Denver which is planned from 24thFebruary to March 5th. Check out the website link added here. If you want to get for an speaking opportunities you can apply there and obviously if you want to participate as a Developer. There are multiple options so please check out the website.
Pooja Ranjan 3:46: The next item on the agenda is a new initiative and Association NFT standard working group. So as I mentioned in the last meeting on recommendation of Sam Wilson. I have shared the requirements of NFT related proposals and Annette started this thread where people are listing elps for the first NFT related meeting I think so far. We have collected two proposals for further discussion. The numbers are 5773 and 6059 dates for this meeting has not been announced yet. However I have linked the issue on the agenda so if people from the NFT Community want to keep a close track of it. Please check out the link
Pooja Ranjan 4:43: Next was Huddle. I know this meeting was suppose to be 100th meeting but I kept it in usual Zoom meeting considering this is the 99th meeting and hopefully it will be interesting to have our 100th meeting on something new. So I have already prepared the agenda for that and I will be adding the link for the 100th meeting which would be on 20th December I believe yes 28th of December at 1500 UTC. So stay tuned for that you will find I had a link over there and if you need to create your own profile or find your ways how you can join the meeting. Please in advance if you have any questions we have a Hotel team on cathode is Discord. Please reach out to them and we would like to give it a try for our 100 ECH meeting on huddle instead of Zoom. Anyone have any comments to add or questions? Okay I think I should be providing updates for some more time
Pooja Ranjan 6:03: Okay the next one is ECH updates I have updated all the stats here Twitter it's called YouTube and Linkedin. We are over 6000 followers on Twitter Discord 1400 plus and YouTube is close to 2900 subscribers
Pooja Ranjan 6:25: On ECH website, We have an open issue of updating the calendar page that is for integration of protocol calendar to our calendar page that is one open if anyone is interested. Let us know reach us on Discord or respond to the issue and yeah I don't think any further updates have been added on the website side. However we can expect information related to related to Shanghai upgrade be updated on the webpage for Shanghai
Pooja Ranjan 7:04: On ECH engineering Jose mentioned that he is on a road may not be able to join today's meeting and I do not have further updates from further updates on EIP Port so let's
Pooja Ranjan 7:20: Move on to Learn2Earn, so on Learn2Earn I mentioned in the last meeting that now we are considering a NFT instead of Co-op that is almost ready. We just have to deploy, we are considering deploying it on polygon a test net the Mumbai testnet and then it will be on the Polygon. Meaning this is being done for users in order to make sure a minting NFTA is not expensive for you. So we want to have it as a fun platform to learn and have some fun collecting NFTs. So we are trying to be mindful of gas that may be used for minting these NFTs. We have also received a pull request for Twitter integration of announcements like a user finish the quiz received the NFT and if they would like to make an announcement on Twitter and Twitter so a button to integrate that on the app. There's also anyone interested to take a look at the pr a Saturday. George is on vacation this week we should be expecting more update in the next meeting
Pooja Ranjan 8:48: Next on ECH operations. So we have been making progress on YouTube backup. I think we added two two more videos in the last month and we have published a few on ECH podcast. However we are trying to revisit our priorities and considering tasks which are important to keep us afloat. We still want to have bounties around important tasks such as nodes EIP bot support or ECH website updating so we are considering are we backup as low priority and could it be passed for the time being. I'll be curious to hear thoughts from this present group. What they think about it the main reason for this consideration from my side that I would to put as an argument would be we. Currently we are backing up all the peat videos. We have happy videos on YouTube and we are also having a podcast version of it. So I'm assuming that we have enough backups for the time being and this is one of the tasks that can probably be stopped in order to have the funds move towards a different or new task in future.
William Schwab 10:13: how much is this like? I mean how much money would we be saving by not doing an actual decentralized backup.
Pooja Ranjan 10:21: So the cost of backing up isn't the most uh the effort that goes behind that comes around a thousand dollar per month. So uh we are trying to like you know save that effort behind it.
William Schwab 10:39: We're spending a thousand dollars a month to back up the videos. Aren’t we?
Pooja Ranjan 10:44: That's right.
Wiliam Sachwab 10:46: Why is it so much
Pooja Ranjan 10:48: It seems the process of doing it is downloading from the YouTube habit on the hard drive then have it uploaded somewhere and the entire process takes a six to eight hours for one video
William Schwab 11:06: Right but why does it cost so much?
Pooja Ranjan 11:11: The EXP the charges for per hour is equivalent to all engineering tasks that is a 50 plus so that's why it's getting higher
William Schwab 11:24: It seems interesting to me that this would be paid per hour because most of that time is going to be waiting for downloads and uploads to finish. no?
Pooja Ranjan 11:35: I would agree. Yeah so I haven't processed the fundings for the month of November yet. However I have added it all to the multisig sheet and I wanted to have a discussion before putting everything on a chain so yeah.
William Schwab 11:54: instead okay I mean if we agreed to pay per hour. I'm not saying that we should reagree on anything that we've promised to date but if we're talking about shelving this instead of doing it at all and maybe a middle ground would be paying by task instead of by hour especially since most of the hours or dead time.
Pooja Ranjan 12:17: I am open to that. I mean that sounds like a good idea that would save a lot of money earlier. our initial consideration was the amount that would be needed for gas and that would be getting into backing up but the human effort or time that we are paying is going on the higher side. so yes if we do it by task sounds like a good middle ground. I see Santosh you have hands
Santosh J 12:44: Yep I think we really don't have to spend like thousand dollars per month rather we can do it in a better way. Right? Optimised way we can use the cloud storage itself to backup all the YouTube's videos and that's it's a very minimal human effort. If you look at it, maybe we can discuss how we can do it, maybe we can experiment on a couple of them and see if it works for us.
William Schwab 13:11: And we're an ethereum working group we should be using decentralised tools whenever possible.
Santosh J 13:18: Sure
Pooja Ranjan 13:24: okay yeah, Maybe William I can have a chat with you I need to discuss a couple of more things. Yeah with you offline I mean right after this call if we can get time we can discuss more on this. But I wanted to throw the idea of what is the best way and it seems going by chance is a good middle ground. Maybe you can bring it up again. Oh yeah that is a good suggestion Rory. No use of a video backup as well. As far as I know all the Devcon videos are on ethereum Foundation Channel.
William Schwab 14:05: So if they are on YouTube but if you go to the Devcon site or the archive for Devcon you'll see you actually have two options you can either watch them on YouTube or watch them on Swarm except the Swarm player never works for me but at least they are theoretically backing it up there. It would also make sense that they're using swarms just historically but I would prefer the current or we've set up to swarm for right now. I'm willing to discuss why that's desirable though to be frank if someone wants to set up a swarm Pipeline and they're willing to do it for not being paid for six hours of engineering work each time they need to upload a video. I am more than happy to forgo my preferences.
*Pooja Ranjan 14:53: Yeah right. Okay and let's discuss this even further and see what is the best way forward. On a similar note we were also considering the podcast version, so a podcast processing like editing and processing are being done only for peep episodes these days and obviously they're working. The effort that goes behind is being paid in hours and the billable hour tends to become higher. So I have checked with the resource and we are trying to find out how we can minimise that unless we have a new podcast which is not a wav version of the peep. I'm not sure how good it would be with a separate effort put into it. Yeah maybe we can discuss this as well in the next one so both the ECH operation tests. Yep anything if you would like to throw it away right now it's fine. I just wanted to bring it up. If there is anything else that comes to people's mind please share with us as well as if there are any new ideas which people think that the font saved from here should be moving in that direction. We welcome all suggestions in that direction.
Pooja Ranjan 16:32: Moving on to eips inside for the month of December. So far we have received three proposals in review and those proposals are I think two is code give me a minute and it's taking time and we have two proposals moved in starting status, so proposals in review are eof proposals UF functions and UF stack quantitation number is 4750 and 5450 both are considered for inclusion for Shanghai and there is an ERC category which is 5773 context dependent multi-asset token. We have two proposals moved towards the starting status. I have added the link here on the website that is work in progress. We are still working on improving it. However it does provide the right set of information for the month of December 2022 so check it out.
Pooja Ranjan 17:43: Okay next one is PEEPanEIP we have quite a few people eip meeting scheduled in the upcoming weeks. First one is 3651 which is also considered for Shanghai coinbase. The meeting is planned on December 7th, which is tomorrow at 18: 30 UTC. We are also considering some good stuff, research stuff to be discussed on these so the first one is a Barnaby monots speaking on proposer Builder separation and the other one is staking withdrawal overview by shyway and photos. There are more on erc's so stay tuned. Keep looking at the project board that is available on ethereum cat Herders. It is just called to be updated about the eips or the concepts that are being discussed on PeepanEIP meetings. That's all about that
Meeting notes and action items for ECH
Pooja Ranjan 18:57: On meeting notes we do have notes for ACD 150, consensus 99 I don't see it for eip-870. I will check with the resource and we did have EIP editing office hour 7 recording is also added here about the notes. I have been mentioning in the Discord Channel with all our team members that we need to come up with the right set of information like what all needs to go in summary is one of the most important sections because it helps the reader to get the summary of the meeting on top of the meeting notes. They don't have to go through each sentences word by word and sometimes even going that videos is not effective because one or two technical words are missed by people who are not that Technical and they are here to document notes. So people whoever are contributing in non-documenting notes, please be sure that you submit the summary section so it can be easily referred to and if there is some word missing or you don't understand please do mention timestamp over there. So people can hear the audio and make things right out of that and obviously one one challenge that we have been facing for a while is submission of notes. The timeline is 3 days that is 72 hours and Forex nodes which are like you know longer than expected duration. It could be seven. It could be five days so please do submit your notes within the first three to five days.Anyone has any thoughts I believe. Santosh you had some thoughts in order to improve the process if you would like to share with the groups
Santosh J 21:03: Yes I think, what I was thinking about is more on project management. Right now you have been following up with the folks to get this done and there are times where everyone misses it out. Even I have done in the past right? I've even missed delivering it within three days, so if it requires I can just make sure we get the accountability with each one of them right. I'll do a follow-up and get it done. If not we'll find another resource who can do it and have it done right if they are not available, so this way over the period of time we can improvise it. Basically the submission time should be within 48 hours to 36. It should not exit 72 hours. It should not exist so that was my plan of action. Happy to hear what everyone thought.
Pooja Ranjan 22:00: I think that is a good suggestion. Maybe if people can like remind in the group peer review not review kind of but yeah be a reminder or follow-up that would be really nice to have I would accept that sometimes even I miss reminding people for example I don't remember reminding about eipip meeting 70 and if people are not following their calendar they may or may not miss that. So yeah having someone as a backup would be a good idea thank you for your support there
Pooja Ranjan 22:42: All right, moving on to meeting 98. I'm just looking into the summary section. By the way, this is an example of good notes. So here you can see the summary section is Well written before The start of every agenda item there is a timestamp. so if someone wants to catch up for that particular agenda item, they would be able to catch up from there. Just go to that time stamp and start listening to the conversation and it would be really nice to catch up with what happened in the meeting though for ech meeting but having a similar format for ACD and CL will be really nice to have because those meetings are 90 minutes or more. So when we have longer meetings not everybody is interested in the entire set of nodes so it is helpful if we provide them with a timestamp for particular topics. So people who would be documenting notes here on please consider this as an ideal example and have your notes documented in a similar fashion. So I'm just looking into the summary here 98.1 ethereum clients are working on Shanghai upgrade. yeah so 4848 implementer call happens every Tuesday starting after 15 30 UTC. These meetings are posted on EF.YouTube channel so if you are interested you can follow along especially looking for action items. Yeah we could not do this meeting but we will do it on our 100th meeting. New initiative which we are with. You know the Fellowship of a team magician. We are done with the Learn to Earn okay ABS inside PeepanEip meeting notes action item. I don't see we have any working action item here and yeah that would be all from the agenda listed for meeting 99. Anyone would like to bring up anything for this meeting. Well in that case thank you everyone for joining and see you in two weeks on December 20th maybe in the next meeting. We will decide if you want to keep that as the last meeting of ours. This year, like 2022, we would like to have the meeting. Yeah, one more meeting before the end of the year. So yeah thank you everyone.
Wiliam Schwab 25:58: I'd be fine with pushing it off a lot of the time but you were just asking if we should push off the next one into January.
Pooja Rajan 26:04: Yeah then in that case let me know if we would like to keep the meeting on December 20th or just move it to January 3rd. What do people think here?
William Schwab 26:19: Yeah I think this should be the third makes sense.
Pooja Ranjan 26:23: Okay and it would sound good like we are having 100 meetings in 2023.
William Schwab 26:26: Starting off the new year with it.
Pooja Ranjan 26:30: Yeah sounds good. Yeah all right awesome okay yeah all right then see you and see everyone in 2023 but we can still come keep communicating on our Discord Channel and William maybe after this I and you can have a chat for the multifig thing. I haven't processed the funding for the month of November so I have resigned, so we can discuss it.
william Schwab 26:55: Yeah sure. I've got a bit of time now.
Pooja Ranjan 26:59: Thanks everyone, thanks for joining,see you around
- Pooja Ranjan *George
- William Schwab
- Santosh J *Rory