Summary | Description |
105.1 | A proposal to split the ECH meeting recording into two videos: Ethereum community updates and ECH meeting. Next step: Explore more on the proposal, and bring it to the next meeting with option |
105.2 | ECH Meeting time changed to 14:00 UTC effective ECH meeting 106. |
105.3 | Create a new page for Dencun - Deneb+Cancun upgrade. |
Introduction 0:00
Welcome to Ethereum Cat Herders meeting 105. I just have shared agenda in chat. So we have usual items on agenda starting from Ethereum Network Upgrades. We have women fellowship and hackathon information, a talk on a few new initiatives that we have started recently on Cat Herders and probably gather some idea for what could be done in Q2 onward. There is some general update and discussion added in the agenda. So let's start with the Shanghai and Capella - Shapella upgrade.
A few minutes ago a minute announcement is released. So according to this announcement, withdrawals are coming of course and Shapella Network Upgrade will be activated on April 12th at 22:27:35 UTC. I have added a link to the EF blog post. People can find details over there. On a high level, it is supposed to be activated on Epoch number 194048 and Ethereum Cat Herders and ETH stakers are planning to have a live stream of watch party. The link to YouTube is added in the agenda. I have also added link to Tim’s tweet thread where you can find the link to subscribe to the announcement blog post which is coming up from Ethereum Foundation.
Apart from that, last week there was this release of Lionel, which is a spec release on Capella on consensus layer, Withdrawal Mainnet Shadow fork 3 is planned. I'm assuming it is going to be happening this week, this was mentioned in the last meeting so obviously people will expect a result to be shared in the next Dev meeting on Thursday. Ethereum Foundation has announced bug bounty for Shapella, the bug bounty is increased so please take a look. I have also shared in discord, so any developer community, if you are listening and if you are interested in participating, this kind of bug bounty, please check out. Thank you. We have updated the information on Shanghai page. Apart from that there are two explainer video, one is five things to know about Shappella that I did with Coindesk. Of course to explain what is Shapella and there is this very good explainer video of ETH withdrawal. It talks about proposals involved and preparation for validators, so please check it out. This could be helpful.
Welcome Edson, nice to see you.
Edson Hey happy to be here. So you guys good?
Pooja All good. So we were just going through uh Ethereum Network upgrades we are just done with Shanghai and Capella. On Cancun Deneb which would be expected right after Shapella upgrade, there are two proposals under development one is EIP 4844 because the upgrade is supposed to be centered around this proposal but we would expect a few other proposals to be coming up. One is a set of EOF. So there is EOF implementers meeting happening bi-weekly and I have added the recording for that. Ethereum developers are now discussing the future upgrade as we know that before the merger people have started using Devcon meeting name for execution client execution layer upgrade and star name for consensus.
So we had Altair we had Bellatrix, third is Capella fourth is Deneb and now people are looking for E star name so there was this question in the dev meeting like how they would like to name their upgrade in future, do they want to go ahead with the combination of el and cl or do they want to drop one of those, either El or CL and continue naming the upgrade. Tim created a Twitter poll about that and it seems like people are generally interested in having merged name Shapella, a kind of thing instead of choosing either Devcon name or the star name.
There is also a fellowship of Ethereum Magician page created for discussion and inviting participation on name, actually it's more on the selection of the name so there is a proposed list of e star and there is kind of poll going on, as per the present poll Electra is on the lead so people are supporting Electra for the future upgrade name, like the star name for future upgrade on consensus layer. I hope that it will be further discussed in the core dev meeting this Thursday so if people have any thought and they would like to like vote on their suggestion, please check out the links added in the agenda.
Yes I can share the link to the Twitter poll, I have it. Its a big one.
Events, Fellowship and Hackathon 06:20
Okay the next one is Events Fellowship and Hackathon. I have tried to add all information that we have collected so far, so next billion Fellowship cohort 3 that is invited by Ethereum Foundation. Anyone interested in participating in this please check out the link added here in the agenda and you can submit your application by April 28th. ETH Boston is upcoming that is planned on April 29th and 30th. If anyone from Ethereum Cat Herders is interested in participating or they're planning to go there please do let me know we have someone in the community who is from the organizers team and they are interested in having Cat Herders participation in East Boston so please uh reach out to me on discord or anywhere like on Twitter or anywhere I'm happy to connect with the organizing team. I and a few other Ethereum developers will be speaking at Coindesk Consensus Protocol Village Hour, so that's one hour dedicated to uh discussion of Ethereum protocol.
Check out the schedule and if you're around try to be there for Ethereum talk. There are furthermore events happening around the world related to Ethereum E30 edcon NFT New York so please check out for all the list that we have shared here and if you have information of any other events happening and that is not listed here please share it with us on Cat Herders Discord. We have a dedicated channel for listing these kind of events any question comment so far?
New initiative and association 08:28
Okay moving ahead this is a list of a few initiatives and association with community members, so the first one listed here is about EIP other survey so we are still collecting data from EIP authors, present past or even authors whose proposal are in pull request not even merged. If you have thoughts about the process please let us know about it you can share your the experience of EIP standardization process so far, if you are facing any challenges do let us know. This survey will help us collect your thoughts and probably make some improvement in the present process. So take a look, link is available in the agenda. The next one is client diversity survey we have done this survey on data collection for what node operators what validators think about their clients and we have shared this report with the clients on the last all core dev meeting. We have tried to list out the um primary reason for a node running what people think is the the good part of their client and what they think can be improved.
This is a high level survey and the data here is less than one percent of actual node Runners actually validated on the network so the importance of this survey lies in the information collected especially for their clients, however these are close to the mainnet but there can be variation. I have added the link to this survey report in the agenda, please take a look and it is interesting to hear back from client team, they are trying to understand what are the feedback, I do have cleaned up Excel sheet for a result that has been collected here. Any client team they are interested in getting that original information happy to share. So far Besu team have reached out to us and they have helped us with the correction of one or two data points. So yeah thank you so much everyone for this survey for responding to the survey and yeah check out the report. I hope it's helpful.
The next one is a ERC 4337 telegram integration. Last week we discussed the integration of our telegram group of EIP 4337. So there is a huge interest in discussing this particular proposal and implementers and other stakeholders are trying to follow the latest changes and they want to seek help, so the admin of this telegram group reached out to us and requested for integration with Ethereum Cat Herders discord. We are currently working with the admin and hopefully the channel would be available soon just wishing some issues and bridging it with the part at the moment but I am hoping that it would be done sooner rather than later so that's all on Initiative and Association so far.
I'll be curious to hear any new idea for Community engagement if anyone has it.
Santosh Yeah so if we look at it right so we do share uh Ethereum Network upgrades and everything happening towards Ethereum community in this ECH meeting as well as we also talk about the management side, what we are doing right for the community, maybe should we split it into two because what I feel is maybe the ECH title maybe it's not getting enough engagement rather we can just have one meeting which talks about Point number one two three, about what has happened in the last two weeks from the Ethereum community and we can have a separate upload like say Ethereum updates bi-weekly right so that it might have more traction than what it is currently today?
Pooja Can you help me understand like which audience group we are trying to target here is because if I understand there is a weekly meeting of Ethereum developers which is like one Thursday for consensus layer, one Thursday for execution layer and this cat herders’ meeting is for the community, like anyone other than developer if they want to get engaged or want to collect information, they can be a part of it.
Santosh Yeah I mean in general of the Ethereum community uh who wants to know what is happening at the uh Ethereum world right so maybe I I would rather go to Google YouTube and search um Ethereum updates right uh so the all the network upgrade even Fellowship hackathons new initiative all this can arrive if we have if if we try to happen to have a title which is super relevant to it I thought I'm not sure what do you all think.
William Thank you I think things are good the way there like I feel like further splitting it's just gonna kind of fracture information more, you know we get through everything here, like I don't necessarily see like I mean what's the concern branding damage? Like I mean people aren't gonna know what which to focus on because there's multiple information streams inside one meeting like I am I'm not sure I'd understand why we break things down further to help with that.
Santosh So uh the whole idea is to have um I have a source where you you have just updates about the Ethereum community right uh other than the management side uh that's where I was keen towards splitting it up, that's a thought came to my mind.
Edson Oh I thought you said um joining them into a single talk or some YouTube video said
Santosh Sorry it's in can you can you repeat it again?
Edson I Oh I thought you said uh um unify it right? So it's a single source but I guess you're saying split it up more.
Santosh Yeah single source uh for the Ethereum uh Community updates…
William Oh it's maybe I got you backwards you're saying that the YouTube videos should collate everything that we're doing into one?
Santosh So if you look at it right like we have like five updates happening in this, we are giving five updates in this call um I'd rather split it into two where the first part of the video which we are going to upload is Ethereum bi-weekly updates which talks about Network update even fellowship hackathon and new initiatives, that's that's all we share it in that, so that anyone any audience who go to YouTube and search for Ethereum updates maybe it might be one of the video showing up there which in which we talk about uh what has happened in the last two weeks, the audience can be a developer, can be anyone who's looking at what is happening at the Ethereum site right?
William And what like I how how do you how would you propose that we do that?
Santosh We talk we just starts with the general updates and the discussion whereas uh the first three sections I think more or less someone from In The Stream usually the Puja right uh she can talk about it and she can upload it to the YouTube and see how the traction is or are we even getting response question being asked because I just feel that within the ECH meeting maybe there's a lot of informations might be getting worried right maybe we are not getting enough views, enough engagement from the folks with only with whom we can actually engage more.
William So basically I I keep on feeling like I'm missing your point I'm really sorry if I'm beating around the bush here but um basically what you're proposing is that at the beginning of the move at the beginning of the meeting or separately Puja does a quick kind of bulletproof bullet point sorry uh bullet point run through and then upload that short to YouTube so there's a condensed version of like all of the updates quickly?
Santosh Yep right you're right.
William I mean if it can't hurt I mean that'd be extra work for you Pooja? what do you think might even be better to do it as something separate than like post facto once we have kind of a better idea what the topics were but again like I mean I'm I'm not like trying to make you more work.
Pooja I think um that is a good suggestion I have noticed one thing recently it's inspired by ETH stakers community. So um like ETH Stakers Community had recently organized a community called related to Shapella upgrade, like people from a development team us were also there and we discussed a few bullet points of Shapella, and all what they did post that meeting, they split it into different parts based on particular question they come up with shots and then they published it.
Of course it's gonna be like you know um a bit more on me to have it separated into different video and I also like the idea of post facto kind of brief and that can be published and in this Cat Herders meeting it can be shorter meeting with the regular updates covered already covered in a separate video, or M that sounds like a good idea and probably I think the idea here is instead of mentioning that video as Ethereum Cat Herders meeting 105 that should be uh Ethereum Ethereum Community update or this this X plus one
Santosh …Ethereum Community updates is what audience will search for yeah it's a super internal analyst we know about it unless people have explored in depth right?
Pooja That makes sense. Okay I can give a little bit more thought on this like how to split this, we can we have recordings so definitely we can do it in two parts, we can have the full recording uploaded and then have a separate recording with the separate name and mention it somehow. Let's do a little bit more on more of brainstorming and that but yeah thank you for the suggestion that way we are communicating what we want to communicate with the Ethereum ecosystem but with a different name and probably more familiar name which is more optimum for SEO search.
Santosh Exactly yeah maybe I can help with one of the maybe this call or the next call from your updates I can derive and I can create one short video with three points and then we can experiment it yeah…
Pooja Sounds like a good idea thank you for sharing that. I will try to bring it back in the next meeting to see where we are and if there is any you know progress or any decision we can propose it to the rest of the group. All right that's pretty interesting. Does anyone had any other ideas or solution?
General updates/discussion 21:19
Okay uh then we can probably move on, the next one is of general update and discussion and the first item here listed is ECH meeting at 1400 UTC so with the recent uh Daylight Saving ending meeting is one hour later for people in United States and there is this proposal of moving the meeting to 1400 UTC which would be back at the time which was earlier for people here. I don't know it was proposed by William Schwab if you have any thoughts anything you would like to share about that?
William I mean basically it just keeps it at the same time for daylight savings time enjoyers or unenjoyers at least which would be useful for me personally but that's just like a personal thing so if it's a bad time for other people then I'd say keep it as is on the unmoved UTC time.
Pooja I have personally no problem 1400 UTC is my favorite time zone for most of the meetings like we have EIPIP meeting at 1400 we have oil code and meetings we have 1400 so we can probably move it to 1400 unless anyone has any objection or yeah any ideas otherwise? Okay so the broader question here would be for the present participants like I say there is good attendance today, so is it okay like are you guys comfortable joining the meeting at 1400 UTC?
JA Its good for me. Santosh Good for me.
Pooja Cool yeah I mean like today also I received a few people's notification they joined at like earlier meeting at 1400 so let's keep it that way. I can update the calendar on Cat Herders discord event and I will try to communicate this new timing in the general channel so people be aware of it.
Okay next one is the Cancun Deneb page at ECH website so yesterday I was talking to George about having this new page added to ECH website um we did discuss a few uh things to be added on this page probably EIP 4844 related information EOF related information as of now you have information um EF information is the in hack MD which is a very difficult to find so if we can have all these information available on Cat Herders’ page would be useful. A quick answer to Edson's question, 1400 is an hour before, like today's meeting was planned at 1500 UTC so it will be an hour earlier.
Edson Okay that makes sense I think yeah that's better for me as well.
Pooja Okay thank you, so yeah George if you what do we think about having this page at our own website or yeah…
George Yeah I don't really have too much to add like totally doable, not too much work to do so that's pretty much it.
Pooja Cool uh but uh if any other one on the call if they have anything specific that you think would be useful for General Community about collection of the future upgrade we can probably give that piece of information a room on ECH website so please feel free to share it with us, like right now in my mind there are only two basic proposals one is 4844 and another one is the group of proposals for EOF um to be uploaded here on this page but anything else or yeah any idea please feel free to share. Or people can also create an issue at ECH website uh GitHub page so this can be picked up by anyone from the development team of ECH website and yeah that can be added.
Very well um next is ECH stats, it's just general stats of people following us at different social media we would like to get this number increased and that's why we have also added a link for our respective pages, please go ahead and subscribe if you haven't done it already and share it with other people, like we are trying to communicate all about Ethereum updates so um these would be our sources of distribution for this information. So please go ahead and subscribe.
Next is ECH engineering and I have added about EIPW but I see Jose on the call Jose if you have any update to add today?
Jose Yeah just briefly we finally move on in the CI and I'm testing the code so because that should be ready soon, that's that's all.
Pooja Sounds good, thank you so much next is the ECH Learn to Earn since the last update we do not have any new progress. Now the Learn to Earn NFT is available on polygon network for people to like mint it easily and maybe in less cost and quizzes are there if you haven't taken them already, if you haven't collected the new NFT, please go ahead and check out the app
For research operations, we don't have much progress on YouTube backup however we have built up quite a decent number of followers on lenstube, but we are continuing with ECH podcast. We have published the latest PEEPanEIP episode on ECH podcast. I also received a few request from community for uploading earlier peep episodes like uh we have not uploaded all of them there but there are a few popular proposal discussion people are interested in following that via our podcast.
It is a very interesting to see that ECH podcast is getting traction for technical listeners like who are interested in following latest protocol research, they are following us on Cat Herder’s podcast. We do have the video version of this because most of the videos are presentation so we do have video version of this and link is always shared but you can also subscribe to YouTube for following this podcast. I recently noticed that YouTube has this new option of adding podcast and we can also upload our earlier videos as podcasts. I haven't experimented with that yet but hopefully we'll be adding all our earlier videos to YouTube podcast as well.
Next is EIP’s Insight. I think the hack MD and the website they both are updated. I'm just taking a quick look around here. So as per the hackMD, there are five EIPs in review status. We have added 10 new EIPs and 8 EIPs are in the last call. So proposal in the last call, please add your feedback if you have any for these proposals most of them seems to have fast no, so as uh I can see here proposal 3651, its deadline is today that is a warm Coinbase but I'm hoping because this proposal is up for Shanghai, we would be keeping it till the upgrade. That's how we go ahead with the core proposal and for other proposal there are two on the interface EIP 2255 and EIP 4736. I think the author may create their pull request to move it to the final status and there are five ERC proposals, yeah ERC 5773 ERC 6059 ERC 5219, ERC 4910 and ERC 16454. So please take a look at the hack MD or the You'll find the list of the proposals and the changes.
Next one is PEEPanEIP. So we have published video for Mev booths with Alex talks this week. It's pretty interesting to learn a lot of new things and also the future of MEV Boost like it's an implementation of PBS and how PBS is being progressed so please check out this video, and for upcoming weeks we have EIP 4844 short block transaction with Terence planned for March 29th and there are other proposals EIP 5749 with a Kusala Hema Chandra on April 18th.
EIP 5757 a process for approving external Resources with Sam Wilson on April 12th so many people have questions around external resources because this is a recent change, it is not there with every new author so we thought that discussing this might help people to learn about this new process change, so please stay tuned for more coming up in PEEPanEIP.
Okay about meeting notes looks like we have notes for ACDE but we don't have it for ACDC and I think we even do not have it for cat herders’ last meeting the reason being uh the resource who was working on it has moved to a different project. I'm happy about this move and because of that he may not be able to do these notes, so anyone from our notes group if they are interested they can pick for AC DC and Ethereum Caterers meeting note as well. And that's all listed in the agenda today. Anyone has anything to bring up or discuss?
Okay in that case we will meet again on April 11th but this time at 1400 UTC I'm gonna create the agenda to reflect the time and I will also update the ECH discord event section for people to follow thank you everyone for joining
William I should probably mention I'm probably gonna miss the next one not a problem but I do appreciate the schedule shift.
Pooja Okay yeah it's for long term so hopefully it's just one miss and we will see you after.
William Yeah all right thanks for hosting this Pooja. Cheers.
Pooja Thank you have a good one everyone take care.
- Pooja Ranjan
- William Schwab
- Santosh
- JA
- Edson Ayllon
- George