These instructions assume you
- Have git tools installed in Eclipse (These should be included by default).
If the sample git repository hasn't been cloned yet, use git tools integrated into the IDE:
- Open the Git repositories view
- Window -> Show View -> Other
- Type "git" in the filter box, and select Git Repositories
- Copy Git repo url by finding the textbox under "HTTPS clone URL" at the top of this page, and select Copy to clipboard
- In the Git repositories view, select the hyperlink
Clone a Git repository
- The git repo url should already be filled in. Select Next -> Next -> Finish
- The "acmeair-flightservice-java [master]" repo should appear in the view
- In the Git Repository view, expand the acmeair-flightservice-java repo to see the "Working Directory" folder
- Right-click on this folder, and select Copy path to Clipboard
- Select menu File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects
- In the Root Directory textbox, Paste in the repository directory.
- Select Browse... button and select Finish (confirm it finds 1 pom.xml files)
- This will create 1 projects in Eclipse: acmeair-flightservice-java
- Right-click on acmeair-flightservice-java/pom.xml
- Run As > Maven build...
- In the Goals section enter "package"
- Click Run
Note: If you did not use Eclipse to clone the git repository, follow from step 3, but navigate to the cloned repository directory rather than pasting its name in step 4.
This will download prerequisite jars and build:
- acmeair-flightservice-java/target/acmeair-flightservice-java-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
set JAVA_HOME=C:\work\java\ibm-java-sdk-7.1-win-i386
export JAVA_HOME=~/work/java/ibm-java-sdk-7.1-i386
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
- Git for access to the source code ( for windows)
- Maven for building the project (
- Ensure git and maven are on your PATH
git clone
cd <flightservice_GIT_PATH>
mvn clean package
This will download prerequisite jars and build:
- acmeair-flightservice-java/target/acmeair-flightservice-java-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war