diff --git a/presto-docs/README.md b/presto-docs/README.md
index 4fcff1f6c7e6..247103758f7c 100644
--- a/presto-docs/README.md
+++ b/presto-docs/README.md
@@ -5,24 +5,24 @@ Presto documentation is authored in `rst` format and published using [Sphinx](ht
 ## Prerequisites
 Building the presto-docs module requires Python3 with virtual environment. You can check if you have it installed by running:
 python3 -m venv --help
 To install venv:
 python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
 Optionally, the PDF version of `presto-docs` requires LaTeX tooling.
 For MacOS,
 brew install --cask mactex
 For Ubuntu,
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install -y texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra latexmk tex-gyre texlive-xetex fonts-freefont-otf xindy
@@ -30,17 +30,17 @@ sudo apt-get install -y texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-recommended texl
 ## Building manually
 The default build uses Apache Maven to download dependencies and generate the HTML. You can run it as follows:
 cd presto-docs
 mvn install
 Or, to build the documentation more quickly:
 cd presto-docs
 To build PDF version of the documentation
 cd presto-docs
 ./build --with-pdf
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ cd presto-docs
 When the build is complete, you'll find the output HTML files in the `target/html/` folder.
 To view the docs, you can open the file `target/html/index.html` in a web browser on macOS with
 open target/html/index.html
 Or, you can start a web server e.g., using Python:
 cd target/html/
 python3 -m http.server