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Paul Schaeflein
Aug 16, 2023
877d2e4 · Aug 16, 2023


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File metadata and controls

158 lines (127 loc) · 5.5 KB

✨ Magic Tooltips ✨

A PowerShell module to display contextual information about the command you're currently entering.

Magic Tooltips Demo

Pairs nicely with custom prompts, such as oh-my-posh! Magic Tooltips with oh-my-posh3

Supported Providers:

  • Microsoft Graph Powershell - Shows the name of the connected account
  • M365 - Shows the name of the logged-in account for the CLI for Microsoft 365
  • Kubernetes - Shows the current kubernetes context
  • Azure - Shows the name of the current azure subscription
  • AWS - Shows the name of the selected AWS Profile (the AWS_Profile environment variable)
  • Microsoft Graph CLI (PREVIEW) - Shows the name of the connected account


  • Powershell 7+
  • CLI tools installed and in your path for one or more of the supported providers
  • (optional) A Nerd Font installed and selected as your terminal's font


You can install and import Magic Tooltips from the PowerShell Gallery:

Install-Module MagicTooltips
Import-Module MagicTooltips -Force

To make the module auto-load, add the Import-Module line to your PowerShell profile.


MagicTooltips is configured by setting a global variables in your PowerShell profile. Below is a sample showing all of the possible settings and their default values.

NOTE: v2 Breaking change

The Azure provider has been separated into AzCLI and AzPwsh.

$global:MagicTooltipsSettings = @{
    Debug = $true
    HorizontalAlignment = "Right"
    VerticalOffset = -1
    HorizontalOffset = 0
    Providers= @{
        MG = @{
            NounPrefixes = "mg"
            FgColor => "#32A5E6"
            BgColor => "";
            Template => "\uf871 {value}";
        M365 = @{
            Commands = "m365"
            FgColor  = "#EF5350"
            BgColor  = ""
            Template = "\uf8c5 {value}"
        AzCLI = @{
            Commands = "az,terraform,pulumi,terragrunt"
            FgColor = "#3A96DD"
            BgColor = ""
            Template = "\ufd03 {value}"
        AzPwsh = @{
            NounPrefixes = "az"
            FgColor = "#3A96DD"
            BgColor = ""
            Template = "\ufd03 {value}"
        Kubernetes = @{
            Commands = "kubectl,helm,kubens,kubectx,oc,istioctl,kogito,k9s,helmfile"
            FgColor = "#AE5FD6"
            BgColor = ""
            Template = "\ufd31 {value}"
        Aws = @{
            Commands = "aws,awless,terraform,pulumi,terragrunt"
            FgColor = "#EC7211"
            BgColor = ""
            Template = "\uf270 {value}"

Feel free to delete settings that you do not want to change. For example, if the only thing you want to change is to add k to the list of kubernetes commands, this is a perfectly valid configuration:

$global:MagicTooltipsSettings = @{
    Providers= @{
        Kubernetes = @{
            Commands = "kubectl,helm,kubens,kubectx,oc,istioctl,kogito,k9s,helmfile,k"


To configure what will trigger MagicTooltips, edit the Command and NounPrefixes settings for a provider. This is a comma-separated list of values. If the entry in the terminal contains a command, or a PowerShell command begins with a specified prefix, the provider will be triggered to display a MagicTooltip.


To configure the colors, use hex colors in the FgColor and BgColor variables.


MagicTooltips are displayed using a simple template language in the Template variables. The string {value} will be replaced with the value returned by the provider (Microsoft Graph connected account, for example).

If you would like to use icons in your template, make sure you have a Nerd Font selected as your terminal's font. Specify icons using the syntax \uf871 where f871 is the hex code for the unicode character you wish to print. You can find these hex codes on the Nerd Font Cheat Sheet.


To configure placement, set the following variables:

  • HorizontalAlignment default "right". Possible values are "left" or "right"
  • HorizontalOffset default 0. specify the number of columns to offset from the left or right edge of the terminal
  • VerticalOffset default 0. specify the number of rows to offset from the cursor position. Negative values will cause printing to appear above the cursor row, while positive values will print below the cursor row.


To enable debug logs, set the Debug variable to $true. The log file is called magictooltips.log and is written to the module directory, which can be found using

(Get-Module MagicTooltips).ModuleBase

(Debug logs will not work if the module is installed with the AllUsers scope.)

PowerShell Profile

The path to your PowerShell profile is stored by PowerShell in the variable $profile. The following commands will launch a text editor with your profile:

Visual Studio Code

code $profile


notepad $profile

Once you have made changes to your profile, you can reload your profile in PowerShell:

