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Deploying Pulumi Self Hosted to Azure

This folder and sub folders contain the three Pulumi programs to build the infrastructure and deploy the containers necessary to run Pulumi' self hosted backend onto Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

Relevant Documentation:

⚠️ Before proceeding, please take the provided installation code and commit it as-is to your own source control. As you make changes or customize it, please commit these to your repo as well. This will help keep track of customizations and updates. ℹ️ You will likely want to use one of the Self-Managed Backends as the state storage for this installer. Please document this (in the repo your store this code, an internal wiki, etc) so that future updates will be straightforward for you and your colleagues.


  • Domain name and access to create two endpoints:
    • api.{domain} - e.g.
    • app.{domain} - e.g.
  • TLS certificates for each domain endpoint.
    You can use the following to create self-signed certs:
openssl \
req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem \
-days { days_until_expiration } -nodes -subj "/CN={ common_name }" \
-addext "subjectAltName = DNS:{ common_name }"

Where { days_until_expiration } is set to a number of days for the cert (e.g. 365). And, { common_name } is set to api.{domain} for the api cert and key and set to app.{domain} for the console cert and key (e.g. and, respectively).

⚠️ If using self-signed certificates, you will need to load the cert into your workstation (e.g. MacOS Keychain Access so that browser and pulumi CLI access work correctly.

What does each Pulumi program do?


This contains the base infrastructure needed to run the cluster and application including:

  • Active directory application
  • Networking
  • MySQL server and database
  • Storage account and blob storage containers


This program contains the program to deploy an AKS cluster, alongside the ingress controller.


This program is to deploy the applications to the AKS cluster and also apply the Ingress resource.


Naming the stacks

To ensure that the Pulumi program can access variables between the three deployments, you'll need to specify unique stack names. In the instructions below these are names {stackName1}, {stackName2} and {stackName3}. They can be whatever you want them to be, but they need to be consistent when asked for in the instructions. NOTE The stack names should not include a number as it seems that blob container names can't have numbers in them.

To deploy entire stack, run the following in your terminal:


  • cd 01-infrastructure
  • npm install
  • pulumi stack init {stackName1} - see note above about NO NUMBERS in stack name
  • pulumi config set azure-native:location {azure region}
  • pulumi config set networkCidr - this should be set to what you want your VNet cidr block to be
  • Note if you elect to provide an existing Azure VirtualNetwork, instead of networkCidr you'll be required to provide the following:pulumi config set virtualNetworkName someVnet && pulumi config set virtualNetworkResourceGroup vnetResourceGroup
  • pulumi config set subnetCidr - this should be set to what you want your subnet cidr block to be
  • pulumi config set dbSubnetCidr - this should be set to what you want your DB subnet cidr block to be
  • az login - to avoid the following error: Could not create service principal: graphrbac.ServicePrincipalsClient#Create:Failure)
  • pulumi up


  • cd ../02-kubernetes

  • npm install

  • pulumi stack init {stackName2} - see note above about NO NUMBERS in stack name

  • pulumi config set azure-native:location {azure region}

  • pulumi config set azureDnsZoneName {DNS_ZONE_NAME}

  • pulumi config set azureDnsZoneResourceGroupName {DNS_ZONE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME}

  • pulumi config set stackName1 {stackName1}

The following settings are optional.

  • pulumi config set disableAzureDnsCertManagement true NOTE this disables the cert-manager deployment which handles SSL certificates. 03-application will need TLS certificates.

  • pulumi config set privateIpAddress {private_ip_from_vnet} - this will disable the ingress services public IP address and deploy an internal load balancer. This blocks all public access to the Pulumi self-hosted app.

  • pulumi up


  • cd ../03-application

  • npm install

  • pulumi stack init {stackName3} - see note above about NO NUMBERS in stack name

  • pulumi config set stackName1 {stackName1}

  • pulumi config set stackName2 {stackName2}

  • pulumi config set apiDomain {domain for api}

  • pulumi config set consoleDomain {domain for console}

  • pulumi config set licenseKey {licenseKey} --secret

  • pulumi config set imageTag {imageTag}

  • pulumi config set samlEnabled {true | false} - If not configuring SAML SSO initially, skip or set to false.

The following settings are optional.
Note if not set, "forgot password" and email invites will not work but sign ups and general functionality will still work.

  • pulumi config set smtpServer {smtp server:port} (for example:
  • pulumi config set smtpUsername {smtp username}
  • pulumi config set smtpPassword {smtp password} --secret
  • pulumi config set smtpFromAddress {smtp from address} (email address that the outgoing emails come from)
  • pulumi config set recaptchaSiteKey {recaptchaSiteKey} (this must be a v2 type recaptcha)
  • pulumi config set recaptchaSecretKey {recaptchaSecretKey} --secret
  • pulumi config set ingressAllowList {cidr range list} (allow list of IPv4 CIDR ranges to allow access to the self-hosted Pulumi Cloud. Not setting this will allow the set up to be open to the internet). Proper formatting can be seen here
  • pulumi config set certManagerEmail {email} (email address that will be used for certificate expirations purposes from letsencrypt)

{< // >}} IF CERT-MANAGER IS NOT ENABLED (on a mac or linux machine)

  • cat {path to api key file} | pulumi config set apiTlsKey --secret --

  • cat {path to api cert file} | pulumi config set apiTlsCert --secret --

  • cat {path to console key file} | pulumi config set consoleTlsKey --secret --

  • cat {path to console cert file} | pulumi config set consoleTlsCert --secret -- END

  • pulumi up

Configure DNS

To get the IP address output for the cluster, run the following in the 02-kubernetes folder:

pulumi stack output ingressIp

Create DNS A record entries for {domain for api} and {domain for console} that point to the IP returned from the above command.

Pulumi Login

Login to your Self-Hosted Pulumi Service with the following command:

pulumi login {domain for api}

Or from the 03-application directory:

pulumi login $(pulumi stack output apiUrl)

Destroying the stacks

Due to the dependencies between the stacks, you'll need to reverse the order that you deployed them in:

  1. cd 03-application
  2. pulumi destroy
  3. cd ../02-kubernetes
  4. pulumi destroy
  5. cd ../01-infrastructure
  6. pulumi destroy


  • The SSO certificate has the currentYear() in the name. This means that it will get replaced during the first deployment of each calendar year. The expiry date on the certificate is set to 400 days so that although a deployment may not happen each year, it will be necessary to do so otherwise the certificate will expire.