Copyright 2021 Play 4 Tutorials, All Rights Reserved
Any part of The Source Code of UnHackable or the whole can be reused and redistributed with the prior permission of the owner and can also be used together with other code but the following attribution should be given in any way, shape or form for e.g., In the Help/About Box of the application. Any part of it should not be ommited. If ommited the owner can sue you. It is better if the Line Numbers where the code is used is also mentioned.
The same Attribution should also be mentioned as a comment on top of the source code or the files containg the code.
Attribution to be given : A part of the source code of this application has been taken and reused from UnHackable Source Code Copyright (yyyy) Play 4 Tutorials, All Rights Reserved.* Original Software - GitHub - UnHackable
"*" : The year to be written is the year at the top of this Document and that shall change as per the year is changed here. Currently 2021 as of writing this.
While Redistributing the software as it is no part of the code should be changed not even comments.
The above guidelines should be followed while reusing or redistributing the software or its code.