Releases: pydata/xarray
The minor release includes a number of bug-fixes and backwards compatible enhancements. For full details, see the release notes.
This is a major release that includes bug fixes, new features and a few
backwards incompatible changes. Highlights include:
- Indexing now supports broadcasting over dimensions, similar to NumPy's vectorized indexing (but better!).
has a new groupby-like API like pandas.xarray.apply_ufunc
facilitates wrapping and parallelizing functions written for NumPy arrays.- Performance improvements, particularly for dask and
For more details, see the release notes:
This release includes a number of backwards compatible enhancements and bug fixes.
- New sortby() method to Dataset and DataArray that enable sorting along dimensions (GH967). See the docs for examples. By Chun-Wei Yuan and Kyle Heuton.
- Add .dt accessor to DataArrays for computing datetime-like properties for the values they contain, similar to pandas.Series (GH358). By Daniel Rothenberg.
- Renamed internal dask arrays created by open_dataset to match new dask conventions (GH1343). By Ryan Abernathey.
- as_variable() is now part of the public API (GH1303). By Benoit Bovy.
- align() now supports join='exact', which raises an error instead of aligning when indexes to be aligned are not equal. By Stephan Hoyer.
- New function open_rasterio() for opening raster files with the rasterio library. See the docs for details. By Joe Hamman, Nic Wayand and Fabien Maussion
Bug fixes
- Fix error from repeated indexing of datasets loaded from disk (GH1374). By Stephan Hoyer.
- Fix a bug where .isel_points wrongly assigns unselected coordinate to data_vars. By Keisuke Fujii.
- Tutorial datasets are now checked against a reference MD5 sum to confirm successful download (GH1392). By Matthew Gidden.
- DataArray.chunk() now accepts dask specific kwargs like Dataset.chunk() does. By Fabien Maussion.
- Support for engine='pydap' with recent releases of Pydap (3.2.2+), including on Python 3 (GH1174).
- A new gallery allows to add interactive examples to the documentation. By Fabien Maussion.
- Fix test suite failure caused by changes to pandas.cut function (GH1386). By Ryan Abernathey.
- Enhanced tests suite by use of @network decorator, which is controlled via --run-network-tests command line argument to py.test (GH1393). By Matthew Gidden.
- Add .persist() method to Datasets and DataArrays to enable persisting data in distributed memory (GH1344). By Matthew Rocklin.
- New expand_dims() method for DataArray and Dataset (GH1326). By Keisuke Fujii.
Bug fixes
- Fix .where() with drop=True when arguments do not have indexes (GH1350). This bug, introduced in v0.9, resulted in xarray producing incorrect results in some cases. By Stephan Hoyer.
- Fixed writing to file-like objects with to_netcdf() (GH1320). Stephan Hoyer.
- Fixed explicitly setting engine='scipy' with to_netcdf when not providing a path (GH1321). Stephan Hoyer.
- Fixed open_dataarray does not pass properly its parameters to open_dataset (GH1359). Stephan Hoyer.
- Ensure test suite works when runs from an installed version of xarray (GH1336). Use @pytest.mark.slow instead of a custom flag to mark slow tests. By Stephan Hoyer
The minor release includes bug-fixes and backwards compatible enhancements.
- .rolling() on Dataset is now supported (GH859). By Keisuke Fujii.
- When bottleneck version 1.1 or later is installed, use bottleneck for rolling var, argmin, argmax, and rank computations. Also, rolling median now accepts a min_periods argument (GH1276). By Joe Hamman.
- When .plot() is called on a 2D DataArray and only one dimension is specified with x= or y=, the other dimension is now guessed (GH1291). By Vincent Noel.
- Added new method assign_attrs() to DataArray and Dataset, a chained-method compatible implementation of the dict.update method on attrs (GH1281). By Henry S. Harrison.
- Added new autoclose=True argument to open_mfdataset() to explicitly close opened files when not in use to prevent occurrence of an OS Error related to too many open files (GH1198). Note, the default is autoclose=False, which is consistent with previous xarray behavior. By Phillip J. Wolfram.
- The repr() of Dataset and DataArray attributes uses a similar format to coordinates and variables, with vertically aligned entries truncated to fit on a single line (GH1319). Hopefully this will stop people writing data.attrs = {} and discarding metadata in notebooks for the sake of cleaner output. The full metadata is still available as data.attrs. By Zac Hatfield-Dodds.
- Enhanced tests suite by use of @slow and @flaky decorators, which are controlled via --run-flaky and --skip-slow command line arguments to py.test (GH1336). By Stephan Hoyer and Phillip J. Wolfram.
Bug fixes
- Rolling operations now keep preserve original dimension order (GH1125). By Keisuke Fujii.
- Fixed sel with method='nearest' on Python 2.7 and 64-bit Windows (GH1140). Stephan Hoyer.
- Fixed where with drop='True' for empty masks (GH1341). By Stephan Hoyer and Phillip J. Wolfram.
This major release includes five months worth of enhancements and bug fixes from 24 contributors, including some significant changes that are not fully backwards compatible. Highlights include:
- Coordinates are now optional in the xarray data model, even for dimensions.
- Changes to caching, lazy loading and pickling to improve xarray’s experience for parallel computing.
- Improvements for accessing and manipulating pandas.MultiIndex levels.
- Many new methods and functions, including quantile(), cumsum(), cumprod() combine_first set_index(), reset_index(), reorder_levels(), full_like(), zeros_like(), ones_like() open_dataarray(), compute(),, testing.assert_equal(), testing.assert_identical(), and testing.assert_allclose().
For more details, see what's new.