These are Singularity and Docker images that will provide you with installations of pydicom and The Dicom Toolkit. You can use this environment if you don't want to install the dependencies for both on your system.
First you should install Singularity. The complete instructions can be found in the user docs.
We can build the Singularity container from the Singularity recipe file.
$ git clone
$ cd singularity-dicom
$ sudo singularity build dcm.sif Singularity
If you want to interactively shell into the container, you can do it like this:
$ singularity shell dcm.sif
If you run the container without any input arguments, it will spit out the various dcm2k
tools it provides:
$ singularity run dcm2k.sif
cda2dcm dcmdrle dcmnet_tests dcmqrti drttest ofstd_tests
dcm2json dcmdspfn dcmodify dcmquant dsr2html pdf2dcm
dcm2pdf dcmdump dcmp2pgm dcmrecv dsr2xml stl2dcm
dcm2pnm dcmftest dcmprscp dcmrt_tests dsrdump storescp
dcm2xml dcmgpdir dcmprscu dcmscale dump2dcm storescu
dcmcjpeg dcmicmp dcmpschk dcmseg_tests echoscu termscu
dcmcjpls dcmiod_tests dcmpsmk dcmsend findscu wlmscpfs
dcmconv dcmj2pnm dcmpsprt dcmsign getscu wltest
dcmcrle dcml2pnm dcmpsrcv dcmsr_tests img2dcm xml2dcm
dcmdata_tests dcmmkcrv dcmpssnd dcod2lum mkreport xml2dsr
dcmdjpeg dcmmkdir dcmqridx dconvlum movescu
dcmdjpls dcmmklut dcmqrscp drtdump msgserv
You can issue any of the above commands to the container.
explore ipython to find pynetdicom and pydicom as well.
You can then run a specific command (in the example below, dcm2json
), and we just ask for help.
singularity run dcm.sif dcm2json --help
$dcmtk: dcm2json v3.6.4 2018-11-29 $
dcm2json: Convert DICOM file and data set to JSON
usage: dcm2json [options] dcmfile-in [jsonfile-out]
dcmfile-in DICOM input filename to be converted
jsonfile-out JSON output filename (default: stdout)
general options:
-h --help print this help text and exit
--version print version information and exit
--arguments print expanded command line arguments
-q --quiet quiet mode, print no warnings and errors
-v --verbose verbose mode, print processing details
-d --debug debug mode, print debug information
-ll --log-level [l]evel: string constant
(fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
use level l for the logger
-lc --log-config [f]ilename: string
use config file f for the logger
input options:
input file format:
+f --read-file read file format or data set (default)
+fo --read-file-only read file format only
-f --read-dataset read data set without file meta information
input transfer syntax:
-t= --read-xfer-auto use TS recognition (default)
-td --read-xfer-detect ignore TS specified in the file meta header
-te --read-xfer-little read with explicit VR little endian TS
-tb --read-xfer-big read with explicit VR big endian TS
-ti --read-xfer-implicit read with implicit VR little endian TS
output options:
output format:
+fc --formatted-code enable whitespace formatting (default)
-fc --compact-code print only required characters
+m --write-meta write data set with meta information
(warning: not conforming to the DICOM standard)
By default, your $HOME
and temporary file locations are mounted. If you need to mount additional data folders, you can do that with -B
or --bind
. A /data
folder has been created in the container for you to do this easily. Eg:
$ singularity run --bind /path/on/host:/data dcm.sif [COMMANDS] --output=/data
Notice that I am outputting to /data
in the container, which is mounted at /path/to/host
on my local machine.
Python is installed at /opt/conda
and added to the path, so if you shell into the image and run python, you should be able to easily import both and get started with pydicom. The minimal installation has been done for both pydicom and pynetdicom3 and if there is a library or other dependency missing, please post an issue.
You can also use the same container via Docker. You can either build locally first,
$ docker build -t pydicom/dicom .
or just skip and run as follows from Docker Hub (see Docker Hub for tags associated with dcmtk versions that are available).
$ docker run pydicom/dicom
and then the equivalent command to bind a volume would be:
docker run --volume /path/on/host:/data pydicom/dicom storescu --help
You can also pull the Docker container down to a Singularity image.
$ singularity pull docker://pydicom/dicom:v3.6.5