To extend pytask's command line interface and set the right types for your options, pytask offers the following functionalities.
.. autoclass:: pytask.ColoredCommand
.. autoclass:: pytask.ColoredGroup
.. autoclass:: pytask.EnumChoice
.. autofunction:: pytask.check_for_optional_program
.. autofunction:: pytask.import_optional_dependency
To write to the terminal, use pytask's console.
.. class:: pytask.console
Exceptions all inherit from
.. autoclass:: pytask.PytaskError
The following exceptions can be used to interrupt pytask's flow, emit reduced tracebacks and return the correct exit codes.
.. autoclass:: pytask.CollectionError
.. autoclass:: pytask.ConfigurationError
.. autoclass:: pytask.ExecutionError
.. autoclass:: pytask.ResolvingDependenciesError
The remaining exceptions convey specific errors.
.. autoclass:: pytask.NodeNotCollectedError
.. autoclass:: pytask.NodeNotFoundError
.. autoclass:: pytask.Session
.. autoclass:: pytask.DataCatalog
pytask uses marks to attach additional information to task functions that the host or plugins process. The following marks are available by default.
.. function:: pytask.mark.persist()
A marker for a task which should be persisted.
.. function:: pytask.mark.skipif(condition: bool, *, reason: str)
Skip a task based on a condition and provide a necessary reason.
:param bool condition: A condition for when the task is skipped.
:param str reason: A reason why the task is skipped.
.. function:: pytask.mark.skip_ancestor_failed(reason: str = "No reason provided")
An internal marker for a task which is skipped because an ancestor failed.
:param str reason: A reason why the task is skipped.
.. function:: pytask.mark.skip_unchanged()
An internal marker for a task which is skipped because nothing has changed.
:param str reason: A reason why the task is skipped.
.. function:: pytask.mark.skip()
Skip a task.
.. function:: pytask.mark.try_first
Indicate that the task should be executed as soon as possible.
This indicator is a soft measure to influence the execution order of pytask.
.. important::
This indicator is not intended for general use to influence the build order and
to overcome misspecification of task dependencies and products.
It should only be applied to situations where it is hard to define all
dependencies and products and automatic inference may be incomplete like with
pytask-latex and latex-dependency-scanner.
.. function:: pytask.mark.try_last
Indicate that the task should be executed as late as possible.
This indicator is a soft measure to influence the execution order of pytask.
.. important::
This indicator is not intended for general use to influence the build order and
to overcome misspecification of task dependencies and products.
It should only be applied to situations where it is hard to define all
dependencies and products and automatic inference may be incomplete like with
pytask-latex and latex-dependency-scanner.
Marks are created dynamically using the factory object {class}pytask.mark
and applied
as a decorator.
For example:
@pytask.mark.timeout(10, "slow", method="thread")
def task_function(): ...
Will create and attach a {class}Mark <pytask.Mark>
object to the collected
{class}Task <pytask.Task>
to the markers
attribute. The mark
object will have the
following attributes:
mark.args == (10, "slow")
mark.kwargs == {"method": "thread"}
Example for using multiple custom markers:
@pytask.mark.timeout(10, "slow", method="thread")
def task_function(): ...
.. autoclass:: pytask.Mark
.. autoclass:: pytask.mark
.. autoclass:: pytask.MarkDecorator
.. autoclass:: pytask.MarkGenerator
These functions help you to handle marks.
.. autofunction:: pytask.get_all_marks
.. autofunction:: pytask.get_marks
.. autofunction:: pytask.has_mark
.. autofunction:: pytask.remove_marks
.. autofunction:: pytask.set_marks
Protocols define how tasks and nodes for dependencies and products have to be set up.
.. autoprotocol:: pytask.PNode
.. autoprotocol:: pytask.PPathNode
.. autoprotocol:: pytask.PTask
.. autoprotocol:: pytask.PTaskWithPath
.. autoprotocol:: pytask.PProvisionalNode
Nodes are the interface for different kinds of dependencies or products.
.. autoclass:: pytask.PathNode
.. autoclass:: pytask.PickleNode
.. autoclass:: pytask.PythonNode
.. autoclass:: pytask.DirectoryNode
To parse dependencies and products from nodes, use the following functions.
.. autofunction:: pytask.parse_dependencies_from_task_function
.. autofunction:: pytask.parse_products_from_task_function
To mark any callable as a task use
.. autofunction:: pytask.task
Task are currently represented by the following classes:
.. autoclass:: pytask.Task
.. autoclass:: pytask.TaskWithoutPath
Currently, there are no different types of tasks since changing the .function
attribute with a custom callable proved to be sufficient.
To carry over information from user-defined tasks like task functions to
objects, use a metadata object that is stored in an .pytask_meta
attribute of the task function.
.. autoclass:: pytask.CollectionMetadata
The exit code of pytask is determined by
.. autoclass:: pytask.ExitCode
:member-order: bysource
Collected items can have the following outcomes
.. autoclass:: pytask.CollectionOutcome
Tasks can have the following outcomes
.. autoclass:: pytask.TaskOutcome
The following exceptions are used to abort the execution of a task with an appropriate outcome.
.. autoclass:: pytask.Exit
.. autoclass:: pytask.Persisted
.. autoclass:: pytask.Skipped
.. autoclass:: pytask.SkippedAncestorFailed
.. autoclass:: pytask.SkippedUnchanged
.. autofunction:: pytask.count_outcomes
.. autofunction:: pytask.path.import_path
.. autofunction:: pytask.path.hash_path
.. autofunction:: pytask.build_dag
.. autofunction::
Reports are classes that handle successes and errors during the collection, dag resolution and execution.
.. autoclass:: pytask.CollectionReport
.. autoclass:: pytask.ExecutionReport
.. autoclass:: pytask.DagReport
.. autoclass:: pytask.tree_util.PyTree
.. autofunction:: pytask.tree_util.tree_flatten_with_path
.. autofunction:: pytask.tree_util.tree_leaves
.. autofunction:: pytask.tree_util.tree_map
.. autofunction:: pytask.tree_util.tree_map_with_path
.. autofunction:: pytask.tree_util.tree_structure
.. class:: pytask.Product
An indicator to mark arguments of tasks as products.
>>> def task_example(path: Annotated[Path, Product]) -> None:
... path.write_text("Hello, World!")
.. autofunction:: pytask.is_task_function
.. autoclass:: pytask.Traceback
.. autoclass:: pytask.WarningReport
.. autofunction:: pytask.parse_warning_filter
.. autofunction:: pytask.warning_record_to_str