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589 lines (498 loc) · 28.8 KB


The document records all past pytask releases and what went into them in reverse chronological order. Releases follow semantic versioning and all releases are available on PyPI and

0.4.7 - 2024-03-19

  • {pull}580 is a backport of {pull}579.

0.4.6 - 2024-03-13

  • {pull}576 fixes accidentally collecting pytask.MarkGenerator when using from pytask import mark.

0.4.5 - 2024-01-09

  • {pull}515 enables tests with graphviz in CI. Thanks to {user}NickCrews.
  • {pull}517 raises an error when the configuration file contains a non-existing path (fixes #514). It also warns if the path is configured as a string, not a list of strings.
  • {pull}519 raises an error when builtin functions are wrapped with {func}~pytask.task. Closes {issue}512.
  • {pull}521 raises an error message when imported functions are wrapped with {func}@task <pytask.task> in a task module. Fixes {issue}513.
  • {pull}522 improves the issue templates.
  • {pull}523 refactors _pytask.console._get_file.
  • {pull}524 improves some linting and formatting rules.
  • {pull}525 enables pytask to work with remote files using universal_pathlib.
  • {pull}528 improves the codecov setup and coverage.
  • {pull}535 reenables and fixes tests with Jupyter.
  • {pull}536 allows partialed functions to be task functions.
  • {pull}538 updates the documentation. For example, colon fences are replaced by backticks to allow formatting all pages by mdformat.
  • {pull}539 implements the {confval}hook_module configuration value and --hook-module commandline option to register hooks.
  • {pull}540 changes the CLI entry-point and allow as the signatures suggested.
  • {pull}542 refactors the plugin manager.
  • {pull}543 fixes imports in tests and related issues.
  • {pull}544 requires sqlalchemy >=2 and upgrades the syntax.
  • {pull}545 finalizes the release.

0.4.4 - 2023-12-04

  • {pull}509 improves the documentation.
  • {pull}510 fixes typing issues with the {class}~pytask.DataCatalog.

0.4.3 - 2023-12-01

  • {pull}483 simplifies the teardown of a task.
  • {pull}484 raises an informative error message when directories instead of files are used with path nodes.
  • {pull}485 adds missing steps to unconfigure pytask after the job is done, which caused flaky tests.
  • {pull}486 adds default names to {class}~pytask.PPathNode.
  • {pull}488 raises an error when an invalid value is used in a return annotation.
  • {pull}489 and {pull}491 simplifies parsing products and does not raise an error when a product annotation is used with the argument name produces. And allow produces to intake any node.
  • {pull}490 refactors and better tests parsing of dependencies.
  • {pull}493 allows tasks to depend on other tasks.
  • {pull}496 makes pytask even lazier. Now, when a task produces a node whose hash remains the same, the consecutive tasks are not executed. It remained from when pytask relied on timestamps.
  • {pull}497 removes unnecessary code in the collection of tasks.
  • {pull}498 fixes an error when using {class}~pytask.Task and {class}~pytask.TaskWithoutPath in task modules.
  • {pull}500 refactors the dependencies for tests.
  • {pull}501 removes MetaNode.
  • {pull}508 catches objects that pretend to be a {class}~pytask.PTask. Fixes {issue}507.

0.4.2 - 2023-11-08

  • {pull}449 simplifies the code building of the plugin manager.
  • {pull}451 improves and renames to
  • {pull}454 removes more .svgs and replaces them with animations.
  • {pull}455 adds more explanation when {meth}~pytask.PNode.load fails during the execution.
  • {pull}456 refers to the source code on Github when clicking on a source link.
  • {pull}457 refactors everything around formatting node names.
  • {pull}459 adds a pre-commit hook to sort __all__.
  • {pull}460 simplifies removing internal tracebacks from exceptions with a cause.
  • {pull}463 raises an error when a task function is not defined inside the loop body.
  • {pull}464 improves pinned dependencies.
  • {pull}465 adds test to ensure internal tracebacks are removed by reports.
  • {pull}466 implements hashing for files instead of modification timestamps.
  • {pull}470 moves .pytask.sqlite3 to .pytask.
  • {pull}472 adds is_product to {meth}~pytask.PNode.load.
  • {pull}473 adds signatures to nodes which decouples an identifier from a name.
  • {pull}477 updates the PyPI action.
  • {pull}478 replaces black with ruff-format.
  • {pull}479 gives skips a higher precedence as an outcome than ancestor failed.
  • {pull}480 removes the check for missing root nodes from the generation of the DAG. It is delegated to the check during the execution.
  • {pull}481 improves coverage.
  • {pull}482 correctly handles names and signatures of {class}~pytask.PythonNode.

0.4.1 - 2023-10-11

  • {pull}443 ensures that is always unique by only handling it internally.
  • {pull}444 moves all content of setup.cfg to pyproject.toml.
  • {pull}446 refactors create_name_of_python_node and fixes PythonNodes as returns.
  • {pull}447 simplifies the tree_map code while generating the DAG.
  • {pull}448 fixes handling multiple product annotations of a task.

0.4.0 - 2023-10-07

  • {pull}323 remove Python 3.7 support and use a new Github action to provide mamba.
  • {pull}384 allows to parse dependencies from every function argument if depends_on is not present.
  • {pull}387 replaces pony with sqlalchemy.
  • {pull}391 removes @pytask.mark.parametrize.
  • {pull}394 allows to add products with {obj}typing.Annotated and {obj}~pytask.Product.
  • {pull}395 refactors all occurrences of pybaum to _pytask.tree_util.
  • {pull}396 replaces pybaum with optree and adds paths to the name of {class}pytask.PythonNode's allowing for better hashing.
  • {pull}397 adds support for {class}typing.NamedTuple and attrs classes in @pytask.mark.task(kwargs=...).
  • {pull}398 deprecates the decorators @pytask.mark.depends_on and @pytask.mark.produces.
  • {pull}402 replaces ABCs with protocols allowing for more flexibility for users implementing their own nodes.
  • {pull}404 allows to use function returns to define task products.
  • {pull}406 allows to match function returns to node annotations with prefix trees.
  • {pull}408 removes .value from Node protocol.
  • {pull}409 make .from_annot an optional feature of nodes.
  • {pull}410 allows to pass functions to PythonNode(hash=...).
  • {pull}411 implements a new functional interface and adds experimental support for defining and running tasks in REPLs or Jupyter notebooks.
  • {pull}412 adds protocols for tasks.
  • {pull}413 removes scripts to generate .svgs.
  • {pull}414 allow more ruff rules.
  • {pull}416 removes .from_annot again.
  • {pull}417 deprecates pytask.mark.task in favor of {func}pytask.task.
  • {pull}418 fixes and error and simplifies code in
  • {pull}420 converts DeprecationWarnings to FutureWarnings for the deprecated decorators.
  • {pull}421 removes the deprecation warning when produces is used as an magic function keyword to define products.
  • {pull}423 adds a notebook to explain the functional interface.
  • {pull}424 fixes problems with ~_pytask.path.import_path.
  • {pull}426 publishes the {mod}pytask.tree_util module.
  • {pull}427 fixes type annotations for {attr}pytask.PTask.depends_on and {attr}pytask.PTask.produces.
  • {pull}428 updates the example in the readme.
  • {pull}429 implements a more informative error message when node.state() throws an exception. Now, it is easy to see which tasks are affected.
  • {pull}430 updates some parts of the documentation.
  • {pull}431 enables colors for WSL.
  • {pull}432 fixes type checking of
  • {pull}433 fixes the ids generated for {class}~pytask.PythonNodes.
  • {pull}437 fixes the detection of task functions and publishes {func}pytask.is_task_function.
  • {pull}438 clarifies some types.
  • {pull}440 refines more types.
  • {pull}441 updates more parts of the documentation.
  • {pull}442 allows users to import from pytask import mark and use @mark.skip.

0.3.2 - 2023-06-07

  • {pull}345 updates the version numbers in animations.
  • {pull}352 publishes db that is required by pytask-environment.
  • {pull}354 adds a -f/--force flag to execute tasks even though nothing may have changed.
  • {pull}355 refactors a lot of things related to nodes.
  • {pull}357 add hashing for task files to detect changes when modification times do not match.
  • {pull}364 updates
  • {pull}365 reworks the panel on the index page with sphinx-design.
  • {pull}366 adds light and dark logos and fixes some warnings when building the documentation.
  • {pull}369 fixes an error in introduced by {pull}364.
  • {pull}370 reverts the changes that turn Node.state() into a hook.
  • {pull}371 renames Node to MetaNode.
  • {pull}373 adds importing task modules to sys.modules and fully adopting pytest's importlib mode. Thanks to {user}NickCrews. (Fixes {issue}374.)
  • {pull}376 enhances the documentation for pytask dag.
  • {pull}378 conditionally skips test on MacOS.
  • {pull}381 deprecates @pytask.mark.parametrize. (Closes {issue}233.)
  • {pull}501 removes pytask.MetaNode.

0.3.1 - 2023-12-25

  • {pull}337 fixes fallback to root path when pytask collect or pytask clean are used without paths.

0.3.0 - 2023-12-22

  • {pull}313 refactors the configuration. INI configurations are no longer supported.
  • {pull}326 fixes the badge for status of the workflow.
  • {pull}329 adds ruff to pre-commit hooks.
  • {pull}330 add a guide for migrating from scripts to pytask.
  • {pull}332 refactors
  • {pull}333 requires attrs v21.3.0 and updates the code accordingly.
  • {pull}334 adds target-version to ruff config.

0.2.7 - 2022-12-14

  • {pull}307 adds Python 3.11 to the CI.
  • {pull}308 replaces pydot with pygraphviz.
  • {pull}311 fixes a link in the documentation.
  • {pull}311 adds refurb to pre-commit hooks.
  • {pull}318 clarifies an example on nested dependencies and products.
  • {pull}321 converts more choice options to enums.
  • {pull}322 replaces SVGs with animations by termynal.
  • {pull}325 allows to collect dynamically created tasks.

0.2.6 - 2022-10-27

  • {pull}297 moves non-hook functions from to and publishes them so that pytask-parallel can import them.
  • {pull}305 removes traces of colorama. Whatever it did should be handled by rich.

0.2.5 - 2022-08-02

  • {pull}288 fixes pinning pybaum to v0.1.1 or a version that supports tree_yield().
  • {pull}289 shortens the task ids when using pytask collect. Fixes {issue}286.
  • {pull}290 implements a dry-run with pytask --dry-run to see which tasks would be executed.
  • {pull}296 fixes a bug where the source code of the wrapped function could not be retrieved.

0.2.4 - 2022-06-28

  • {pull}279 enhances some tutorials with spell and grammar checking.
  • {pull}282 updates the tox configuration.
  • {pull}283 fixes an issue with coverage and tests using pexpect + pdb.set_trace().
  • {pull}285 implements that pytask does not show the traceback of tasks that are skipped because their previous task failed. Fixes {issue}284.
  • {pull}287 changes that all files that are not produced by a task are displayed in the error message. Fixes {issue}262.

0.2.3 - 2022-05-30

  • {pull}276 fixes pytask clean when git is not installed. Fixes {issue}275.
  • {pull}277 ignores DeprecationWarning and PendingDeprecationWarning by default. Previously, they were enabled, but they should be shown when testing the project with pytest, not after the execution with pytask. Fixes {issue}269.
  • {pull}278 counts multiple occurrences of a warning instead of listing the module or task name again and again. Fixes {issue}270.

0.2.2 - 2022-05-14

  • {pull}267 fixes the info under the live execution table to show the total number of tasks also for pytask-parallel.
  • {pull}273 reworks pytask clean so that it ignores files tracked by git. Resolves {issue}146.

0.2.1 - 2022-04-28

  • {pull}259 adds an .svg for profiling tasks.
  • {pull}261 adds a config file option to sort entries in live table
  • {pull}262 allows pytask to capture warnings. Here is the guide.

0.2.0 - 2022-04-14

  • {pull}211 allows for flexible dependencies and products which can be any pytree of native Python objects as supported by pybaum.
  • {pull}227 implements task.kwargs as a new way for a task to hold parametrized arguments. It also implements {class}_pytask.models.CollectionMetadata to carry parametrized arguments to the task class.
  • {pull}228 removes task.pytaskmark and moves the information to {attr}pytask.CollectionMetadata.markers.
  • {pull}229 implements a new loop-based approach to parametrizations using the {func}@pytask.mark.task <pytask.mark.task> decorator.
  • {pull}230 implements {class}_pytask.logging._TimeUnit as a {class}typing.NamedTuple for better typing.
  • {pull}232 moves the documentation to MyST.
  • {pull}234 removes MetaTask. There is only {class}pytask.Task.
  • {pull}235 refactors the utility functions for dealing with marks in {mod}_pytask.mark_utils. (Closes {issue}220.)
  • {pull}236 refactors {mod}_pytask.collect and places shared functions in {mod}_pytask.collect_utils.
  • {pull}237 publish more functions.
  • {pull}238 allows any order of decorators with a @pytask.mark.task decorator.
  • {pull}239 adds a warning on globals for parametrizations and some fixes.
  • {pull}241 allows parametrizing over single dicts.
  • {pull}242 removes tasks from global {obj}_pytask.task_utils.COLLECTED_TASKS to avoid re-collection when the programmatic interface is used.
  • {pull}243 converts choice options to use enums instead of simple strings.
  • {pull}245 adds choices on the command line to the help pages as metavars and show defaults.
  • {pull}246 formalizes choices for {class}click.Choice to {class}enum.Enum.
  • {pull}252 adds a counter at the bottom of the execution table to show how many tasks have been processed.
  • {pull}253 adds support for pyproject.toml.
  • {pull}254 improves test coverage, fixes a bug, and improves the deprecation message for the configuration.
  • {pull}255 converts the readme to markdown and multiple pngs to svgs.
  • {pull}256 adds even more svgs and scripts to generate them to the documentation and other improvements.

0.1.9 - 2022-02-23

  • {pull}197 publishes types, and adds classes and functions to the main namespace.
  • {pull}217 enhances the tutorial on how to set up a project.
  • {pull}218 removes depends_on and produces from the task function when parsed.
  • {pull}219 removes some leftovers from pytest in {class}~_pytask.mark.Mark.
  • {pull}221 adds more test cases for parametrizations.
  • {pull}222 adds an automated Github Actions job for creating a list pytask plugins.
  • {pull}225 fixes a circular import noticeable in plugins created by {pull}197.
  • {pull}226 fixes a bug where the number of items in the live table during the execution is not exhausted. (Closes {issue}223.)

0.1.8 - 2022-02-07

  • {pull}210 allows __tracebackhide__ to be a callable that accepts the current exception as an input. Closes {issue}145.
  • {pull}213 improves coverage and reporting.
  • {pull}215 makes the help pages of the CLI prettier.

0.1.7 - 2022-01-28

  • {pull}153 adds support for Python 3.10 which requires pony >= 0.7.15.
  • {pull}192 deprecates Python 3.6.
  • {pull}209 cancels previous CI jobs when a new job is started.

0.1.6 - 2022-01-27

  • {pull}191 adds a guide on how to profile pytask to the developer's guide.
  • {pull}192 deprecates Python 3.6.
  • {pull}193 adds more figures to the documentation.
  • {pull}194 updates the README.rst.
  • {pull}196 references the two new cookiecutters for projects and plugins.
  • {pull}198 fixes the documentation of {func}@pytask.mark.skipif <pytask.mark.skipif>. (Closes {issue}195)
  • {pull}199 extends the error message when paths are ambiguous on case-insensitive file systems.
  • {pull}200 implements the {func}@pytask.mark.task <pytask.mark.task> decorator to mark functions as tasks regardless of whether they are prefixed with task_ or not.
  • {pull}201 adds tests for _pytask.mark_utils.
  • {pull}204 removes internal traceback frames from exceptions raised somewhere in pytask.
  • {pull}208 fixes the best practices guide for parametrizations.
  • {pull}209 cancels previous CI runs automatically.
  • {pull}212 add .coveragerc and improve coverage.

0.1.5 - 2022-01-10

  • {pull}184 refactors {func}~_pytask.shared.reduce_node_name and shorten task names in many places.
  • {pull}185 fix issues with drawing a graph and adds the --rank-direction to change the direction of the DAG.
  • {pull}186 enhance live displays by deactivating auto-refresh, among other things.
  • {pull}187 allows to enable and disable showing tracebacks and potentially different styles in the future with show_traceback=True|False.
  • {pull}188 refactors some code related to {class}pytask.ExitCode.
  • {pull}189 do not display a table in the execution if no task was run.
  • {pull}190 updates the release notes.

0.1.4 - 2022-01-04

  • {pull}153 adds support and testing for Python 3.10.
  • {pull}159 removes files for creating a conda package which is handled by conda-forge.
  • {pull}160 adds rudimentary typing to pytask.
  • {pull}161 removes a workaround for pyreadline which is also removed in pytest 7.
  • {pull}163 allow forward slashes in expressions and marker expressions.
  • {pull}164 allows to use backward slashes in expressions and marker expressions.
  • {pull}167 makes small changes to the docs.
  • {pull}172 embeds URLs in task ids. See {confval}editor_url_scheme for more information.
  • {pull}173 replaces ColorCode with custom rich themes.
  • {pull}174 restructures loosely defined outcomes to clear enum.Enum.
  • {pull}176 and {pull}177 implement a summary panel that holds aggregate information about the number of successes, fails and other status.
  • {pull}178 adds stylistic changes like reducing tasks ids even more and dimming the path part.
  • {pull}180 fixes parsing relative paths from the configuration file.
  • {pull}181 adds correct formatting of running tasks.
  • {pull}182 introduces that only the starting year is displayed in the license following
  • {pull}183 enables tracing down the source of a function through decorators.

0.1.3 - 2021-11-30

  • {pull}157 adds packaging to the dependencies of the package.
  • {pull}158 converts time units to the nearest integer.

0.1.2 - 2021-11-27

  • {pull}135 implements handling of version in docs as proposed by setuptools-scm.
  • {pull}142 removes the display of skipped and persisted tasks from the live execution table for the default verbosity level of 1. They are displayed at 2.
  • {pull}144 adds tryceratops to the pre-commit hooks for catching issues with exceptions.
  • {pull}151 adds a limit on the number of items displayed in the execution table which is configurable with {confval}n_entries_in_table in the configuration file.
  • {pull}152 makes the duration of the execution readable by humans by separating it into days, hours, minutes and seconds.
  • {pull}155 implements functions to check for optional packages and programs and raises errors for requirements to draw the DAG earlier.
  • {pull}156 adds the option {confval}show_errors_immediately to print/show errors as soon as they occur. Resolves {issue}150.

0.1.1 - 2021-08-25

  • {pull}138 changes the default verbosity to 1 which displays the live table during execution and 0 display the symbols for outcomes (e.g. ., F, s).
  • {pull}139 enables rich's auto-refresh mechanism for live objects which causes almost no performance penalty for the live table compared to the symbolic output.

0.1.0 - 2021-07-20

  • {pull}106 implements a verbose mode for the execution which is available with pytask -v and shows a table with running and completed tasks. It also refines the collection status.
  • {pull}116, {pull}117, and {pull}123 fix {issue}104 which prevented to skip tasks with missing dependencies.
  • {pull}118 makes the path to the configuration in the session header os-specific.
  • {pull}119 changes that when marker or keyword expressions are used to select tasks, also the predecessors of the selected tasks will be executed.
  • {pull}120 implements that a single KeyboardInterrupt stops the execution and previously collected reports are shown. Fixes {issue}111.
  • {pull}121 add skipped and persisted tasks to the execution footer.
  • {pull}127 make the table during execution the default. Silence pytask with negative verbose mode integers and increase verbosity with positive ones.
  • {pull}129 allows to hide frames from the traceback by using __tracebackhide__ = True.
  • {pull}130 enables rendering of tracebacks from subprocesses with rich.

0.0.16 - 2021-06-25

  • {pull}113 fixes error when using pytask --version with click v8.

0.0.15 - 2021-06-24

  • {pull}80 replaces some remaining formatting using pprint with rich.
  • {pull}81 adds a warning if a path is not correctly cased on a case-insensitive file system. This facilitates cross-platform builds of projects. Deactivate the check by setting check_casing_of_paths = false in the configuration file. See {confval}check_casing_of_paths for more information.
  • {pull}83 replaces versioneer with setuptools_scm.
  • {pull}84 fixes an error in the path normalization introduced by {pull}81.
  • {pull}85 sorts collected tasks, dependencies, and products by name.
  • {pull}87 fixes that dirty versions are displayed in the documentation.
  • {pull}88 adds the pytask profile command to show information on tasks like duration and file size of products.
  • {pull}93 fixes the display of parametrized arguments in the console.
  • {pull}94 adds {confval}show_locals which allows to print local variables in tracebacks.
  • {pull}96 implements a spinner to show the progress during the collection.
  • {pull}99 enables color support in WSL and fixes {confval}show_locals during collection.
  • {pull}101 implement to visualize the project's DAG. {pull}108 refines the implementation.
  • {pull}102 adds an example if a parametrization provides not the number of arguments specified in the signature.
  • {pull}105 simplifies the logging of the tasks.
  • {pull}107 adds and new hook {func}~_pytask.hookspecs.pytask_unconfigure which makes pytask return {func}pdb.set_trace at the end of a session which allows to use {func}breakpoint inside test functions using pytask.
  • {pull}109 makes pytask require networkx>=2.4 since previous versions fail with Python 3.9.
  • {pull}110 adds a "New Features" section to the README.rst.

0.0.14 - 2021-03-23

  • {pull}74 reworks the formatting of the command line output by using rich. Due to the new dependency, support for pytask with Python <3.6.1 on PyPI and with Python <3.7 on Anaconda will end.
  • {pull}76 fixes {issue}75 which reports a bug when a closest ancestor cannot be found to shorten node names in the CLI output. Instead a common ancestor is used.

0.0.13 - 2021-03-09

  • {pull}72 adds conda-forge to the README and highlights importance of specifying dependencies and products.
  • {pull}62 implements the {func}pytask.mark.skipif marker to conditionally skip tasks. Many thanks to {user}roecla for implementing this feature and a warm welcome since she is the first pytask contributor!

0.0.12 - 2021-02-27

  • {pull}55 implements miscellaneous fixes to improve error message, tests and coverage.
  • {pull}59 adds a tutorial on using plugins and features plugins more prominently.
  • {pull}60 adds the MIT license to the project and mentions pytest and its developers.
  • {pull}61 adds many changes to the documentation.
  • {pull}65 adds versioneer to pytask and {pull}66 corrects the coverage reports which were deflated due to the new files.
  • {pull}67 prepares pytask to be published on PyPI and {pull}68 fixes the pipeline, and {pull}69 prepares releasing v0.0.12 and adds new shields.

0.0.11 - 2020-12-27

  • {pull}45 adds the option to stop execution after a number of tasks has failed. Closes {issue}44.
  • {pull}47 reduce node names in error messages while resolving dependencies.
  • {pull}49 starts a style guide for pytask.
  • {pull}50 implements correct usage of singular and plural in collection logs.
  • {pull}51 allows to invoke pytask through the Python interpreter with python -m pytask which will add the current path to sys.path.
  • {pull}52 allows to prioritize tasks with pytask.mark.try_last and pytask.mark.try_first.
  • {pull}53 changes the theme of the documentation to furo.
  • {pull}54 releases v0.0.11.

0.0.10 - 2020-11-18

  • {pull}40 cleans up the capture manager and other parts of pytask.
  • {pull}41 shortens the task ids in the error reports for better readability.
  • {pull}42 ensures that lists with one element and dictionaries with only a zero key as input for @pytask.mark.depends_on and @pytask.mark.produces are preserved as a dictionary inside the function.

0.0.9 - 2020-10-28

  • {pull}31 adds pytask collect to show information on collected tasks.
  • {pull}32 fixes pytask clean.
  • {pull}33 adds a module to apply common parameters to the command line interface.
  • {pull}34 skips pytask_collect_task_teardown if task is None.
  • {pull}35 adds the ability to capture stdout and stderr with the CaptureManager.
  • {pull}36 reworks the debugger to make it work with the CaptureManager.
  • {pull}37 removes reports argument from hooks related to task collection.
  • {pull}38 allows to pass dictionaries as dependencies and products and inside the function depends_on and produces become dictionaries.
  • {pull}39 releases v0.0.9.

0.0.8 - 2020-10-04

  • {pull}30 fixes or adds the session object to some hooks which was missing from the previous release.

0.0.7 - 2020-10-03

  • {pull}25 allows to customize the names of the task files.
  • {pull}26 makes commands return the correct exit codes.
  • {pull}27 implements the pytask_collect_task_teardown hook specification to perform checks after a task is collected.
  • {pull}28 implements the @pytask.mark.persist decorator.
  • {pull}29 releases 0.0.7.

0.0.6 - 2020-09-12

  • {pull}16 reduces the traceback generated from tasks, failure section in report, fix error passing a file path to pytask, add demo to README.
  • {pull}17 changes the interface to subcommands, adds "-c/--config" option to pass a path to a configuration file and adds pytask clean ({pull}22 as well), a command to clean your project.
  • {pull}18 changes the documentation theme to alabaster.
  • {pull}19 adds some changes related to ignored folders.
  • {pull}20 fixes copying code examples in the documentation.
  • {pull}21 enhances the ids generated by parametrization, allows to change them via the ids argument, and adds tutorials.
  • {pull}23 allows to specify paths via the configuration file, documents the cli and configuration options.
  • {pull}24 releases 0.0.6.

0.0.5 - 2020-08-12

  • {pull}10 turns parametrization into a plugin.
  • {pull}11 extends the documentation.
  • {pull}12 replaces pytest.mark with pytask.mark.
  • {pull}13 implements selecting tasks via expressions or marker expressions.
  • {pull}14 separates the namespace of pytask to pytask and _pytask.
  • {pull}15 implements better tasks ids which consists of <path-to-task-file>::<func-name> and are certainly unique. And, it releases 0.0.5.

0.0.4 - 2020-07-22

  • {pull}9 adds hook specifications to the parametrization of tasks which allows pytask-latex and pytask-r to pass different command line arguments to a parametrized task and its script. Also, it prepares the release of 0.0.4.

0.0.3 - 2020-07-19

  • {pull}7 makes pytask exit with code 1 if a task failed and the skip_ancestor_failed decorator is only applied to descendant tasks not the task itself.
  • {pull}8 releases v0.0.3

0.0.2 - 2020-07-17

  • {pull}2 provided multiple small changes.
  • {pull}3 implements a class which holds the execution report of one task.
  • {pull}4 makes adjustments after moving to main as the default branch.
  • {pull}5 adds pytask_add_hooks to add more hook specifications and register hooks.
  • {pull}6 releases v0.0.2.

0.0.1 - 2020-06-29

  • {pull}1 combined the whole effort which went into releasing v0.0.1.