This is a simple python tool that will help you generate Ground Control Points markers based on the ArUCo specification.
This will create an SVG file, with a real sizing of the image (that is if you ask the tool to create a marker with a 1000mm side, that's exactly what it will do).
You then just have to send the corresponding file to a printer if you want it on a tarp or on a big sticker to make your own GCPs. You may have to convert it to a PDF file or a JPEG file. Check with your local printer.
Usage is simple and default settings are sane, but things can be customized very easily.
The complete list of parameters is as follows:
usage: [-h] [-b] [-c] [--center_alt] [-d "4x4_50"] [--family] [--family-count 10] [-i 0]
[--id-color "darkcyan"] [--margin 50] [-o ./] [-s 500] [--print-id]
[--watermark "DO NO MOVE"] [--watermark-color "black"]
[--watermark-sides "Side String"] [--white-color "white"]
Generates ArUco Markers to be used as Grounds Control Points.
Default configuration is sensible. Output is highly customizable.
This tools creates SVG files that can be sent to a printer immediately.
The size parameter is important.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --center Add a center mark to the generated marker. Default: False
--center_alt Alternative center mark. Creates a center mark that is not an opposite image of the
surrounding pixels. Default: False
-d, --dict "4x4_50" ArUCo dictionary to use, one of 4x4_50, 4x4_100, 4x4_250, 4x4_1000, 5x5_50, 5x5_100,
5x5_250, 5x5_1000, 6x6_50, 6x6_100, 6x6_250, 6x6_1000, 7x7_50, 7x7_100, 7x7_250,
7x7_1000, aruco_original, apriltag_16h5, apriltag_25h9, apriltag_36h10,
apriltag_36h11, aruco_mip_36h12. Default: "4x4_50"
--family Generate the whole marker family (disregard the chosen id). Default: False
--family-count 10 Works with --family to generate a specific count of markers from a specific family.
The maximum number of markers is defined by the chosen family. Default: None
-i, --id 0 ID of ArUCo tag to generate. Default: 0
--id-color "darkcyan"
Color of the id text (if printed with --print-id). Can be any of the named SVG
colors. Default: "darkcyan"
-m, --margin 50 Side margin in mm. Default: 50
-o, --output ./ Path where the output image containing ArUCo marker will be created. Default: ./
-s, --size 500 Size in mm of the marker to be created. This size does not take into account the
margin. Default: 500
--print-id Print the id in the corner of the marker. Default: False
--watermark "DO NO MOVE"
Add a watermark around the marker on the four sides around the marker. Default: None
--watermark-color "black"
Color of the watermark text. Can be any of the named SVG colors. Default: "black"
--watermark-sides "Side String"
Change the watermark on the side of the marker to this string. Default: None
--white-color "white"
Color of the white part of the marker. Can be changed to improve contrast. Can be
any of the named SVG colors. Default: "white"
For good size recommendations, please see .
Colors that can be used are either RGB value in hexadecimal notation (with a leading #), an rgb-function (such as rgb(123,45,67) ) or named colors from the list at .
As this tool is written in python, we are going to use a virtual environment to setup the dependencies.
This tool is written to be used with python3 and to be used with Linux.
The following commands should be typed in a terminal to setup the environment:
git clone
cd gcp_aruco_generator
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
From this point on, the use of this tool is quite simple. You just type the command you need:
./ -c -b --print-id --id 1
Once you're done, just deactivate the virtual environment:
If you need to create more markers, or use a different dictionary, you will need to activate the virtual environment again:
source venv/bin/activate
./ -c -b --print-id -s 800 --id 23
Once again, do not forget to deactivate the environment once you're done:
Usage with Find GCP
This tool was created to ease the use of ArUCo marker as GCPs. After a flight you can use the Find GCP tool to find the markers in your pictures.
This project is similar to those others tools (yet different from them in several ways, mainly in that this tool creates a vectorized marker instead of a png):
- The original inspiration: arucogen
- Another generator: aruco-generator
- A library in JS that also provides a generator: js-aruco2
- The previous version of this library: js-aruco
Compatibility with geoBits
In theory, you should be able to generate geoBits markers. However, they use a custom dictionary for the markers. This dictionary has not been integrated in this tool and will not be, as we encourage the use of the standard dictionaries to improve interoperability. However, if someone wants to develop this functionality, you are very welcome to do so!
Here are some functionalities I'd like to develop for this tool. Suggestions are welcome!
- Add direct to PDF output (with cairoSVG)
- Add recommended parameters for FindGCP
- Add a GUI and cross platform capabilities