From cd83dfe19887f732a7c5971dd141b409459386d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tiem van der Deure <>
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 02:29:50 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] include DataType in CategoricalEltypes (#876)

 src/Lookups/lookup_arrays.jl | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/Lookups/lookup_arrays.jl b/src/Lookups/lookup_arrays.jl
index 3be595a0c..c72a600be 100644
--- a/src/Lookups/lookup_arrays.jl
+++ b/src/Lookups/lookup_arrays.jl
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ abstract type AbstractCategorical{T,O} <: Aligned{T,O} end
 order(lookup::AbstractCategorical) = lookup.order
 metadata(lookup::AbstractCategorical) = lookup.metadata
-const CategoricalEltypes = Union{AbstractChar,Symbol,AbstractString}
+const CategoricalEltypes = Union{AbstractChar,Symbol,AbstractString,DataType}
 function Adapt.adapt_structure(to, l::AbstractCategorical)
     rebuild(l; data=Adapt.adapt(to, parent(l)), metadata=NoMetadata())

From 685efd7f8ad3678cb0e30b9c1926216b8ad77d4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rafael Schouten <>
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 00:30:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Breaking: `DimVector` of `NamedTuple` is a `NamedTuple`
 `DimTable` (#839)

* DimVector of NamedTuple is a NamedTuple table

* bugfix

* remove show

* fix ambiguity
 src/tables.jl  | 137 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 src/utils.jl   |   8 ++-
 test/tables.jl |  15 +++++-
 3 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/tables.jl b/src/tables.jl
index 9773a8495..d158b2e1c 100644
--- a/src/tables.jl
+++ b/src/tables.jl
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ Abstract supertype for dim tables
 abstract type AbstractDimTable <: Tables.AbstractColumns end
+struct Columns end
+struct Rows end
 # Tables.jl interface for AbstractDimStack and AbstractDimArray
 DimTableSources = Union{AbstractDimStack,AbstractDimArray}
@@ -12,12 +15,8 @@ DimTableSources = Union{AbstractDimStack,AbstractDimArray}
 Tables.istable(::Type{<:DimTableSources}) = true
 Tables.columnaccess(::Type{<:DimTableSources}) = true
 Tables.columns(x::DimTableSources) = DimTable(x)
-Tables.columnnames(A::AbstractDimArray) = _colnames(DimStack(A))
-Tables.columnnames(s::AbstractDimStack) = _colnames(s)
-Tables.schema(A::AbstractDimArray) = Tables.schema(DimStack(A))
-Tables.schema(s::AbstractDimStack) = Tables.schema(DimTable(s))
+Tables.columnnames(x::DimTableSources) = _colnames(x)
+Tables.schema(x::DimTableSources) = Tables.schema(DimTable(x))
 @inline Tables.getcolumn(x::DimTableSources, i::Int) = Tables.getcolumn(DimTable(x), i)
 @inline Tables.getcolumn(x::DimTableSources, key::Symbol) =
@@ -27,11 +26,14 @@ Tables.schema(s::AbstractDimStack) = Tables.schema(DimTable(s))
 @inline Tables.getcolumn(t::DimTableSources, dim::DimOrDimType) =
     Tables.getcolumn(t, dimnum(t, dim))
-function _colnames(s::AbstractDimStack)
-    dimkeys = map(name, dims(s))
-    # The data is always the last column/s
-    (dimkeys..., keys(s)...)
+_colnames(s::AbstractDimStack) = (map(name, dims(s))..., keys(s)...)
+function _colnames(A::AbstractDimArray)
+    n = Symbol(name(A)) == Symbol("") ? :value : Symbol(name(A))
+    (map(name, dims(A))..., n)
+_colnames(A::AbstractDimVector{T}) where T<:NamedTuple = 
+    (map(name, dims(A))..., _colnames(T)...)
+_colnames(::Type{<:NamedTuple{Keys}}) where Keys = Keys
 # DimTable
@@ -87,18 +89,20 @@ julia> a = DimArray(ones(16, 16, 3), (X, Y, Dim{:band}))
  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0     1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  …  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
-struct DimTable <: AbstractDimTable
+struct DimTable{Mode} <: AbstractDimTable
-    dimarraycolumns::Vector{AbstractVector}
+    dimarraycolumns::Vector
-function DimTable(s::AbstractDimStack; mergedims=nothing)
+function DimTable(s::AbstractDimStack;
+    mergedims=nothing,
     s = isnothing(mergedims) ? s : DD.mergedims(s, mergedims)
     dimcolumns = collect(_dimcolumns(s))
     dimarraycolumns = if hassamedims(s)
@@ -107,40 +111,52 @@ function DimTable(s::AbstractDimStack; mergedims=nothing)
         map(A -> vec(DimExtensionArray(A, dims(s))), layers(s))
     end |> collect
     keys = collect(_colnames(s))
-    return DimTable(s, keys, dimcolumns, dimarraycolumns)
+    return DimTable{Columns}(s, keys, dimcolumns, dimarraycolumns)
-function DimTable(xs::Vararg{AbstractDimArray}; layernames=nothing, mergedims=nothing)
+function DimTable(As::Vararg{AbstractDimArray};
+    layernames=nothing,
+    mergedims=nothing,
     # Check that dims are compatible
-    comparedims(xs...)
+    comparedims(As...)
     # Construct Layer Names
-    layernames = isnothing(layernames) ? [Symbol("layer_$i") for i in eachindex(xs)] : layernames
+    layernames = isnothing(layernames) ? uniquekeys(As) : layernames
     # Construct dimension and array columns with DimExtensionArray
-    xs = isnothing(mergedims) ? xs : map(x -> DimensionalData.mergedims(x, mergedims), xs)
-    dims_ = dims(first(xs))
+    As = isnothing(mergedims) ? As : map(x -> DD.mergedims(x, mergedims), As)
+    dims_ = dims(first(As))
     dimcolumns = collect(_dimcolumns(dims_))
     dimnames = collect(map(name, dims_))
-    dimarraycolumns = collect(map(vec ∘ parent, xs))
+    dimarraycolumns = collect(map(vec ∘ parent, As))
     colnames = vcat(dimnames, layernames)
     # Return DimTable
-    return DimTable(first(xs), colnames, dimcolumns, dimarraycolumns)
+    return DimTable{Columns}(first(As), colnames, dimcolumns, dimarraycolumns)
-function DimTable(x::AbstractDimArray; layersfrom=nothing, mergedims=nothing)
-    if !isnothing(layersfrom) && any(hasdim(x, layersfrom))
-        d = dims(x, layersfrom)
-        nlayers = size(x, d)
-        layers = [view(x, rebuild(d, i)) for i in 1:nlayers]
+function DimTable(A::AbstractDimArray;
+    layersfrom=nothing,
+    mergedims=nothing,
+    if !isnothing(layersfrom) && any(hasdim(A, layersfrom))
+        d = dims(A, layersfrom)
+        nlayers = size(A, d)
+        layers = [view(A, rebuild(d, i)) for i in 1:nlayers]
         layernames = if iscategorical(d)
             Symbol.((name(d),), '_', lookup(d))
             Symbol.(("$(name(d))_$i" for i in 1:nlayers))
-        return DimTable(layers..., layernames=layernames, mergedims=mergedims)
+        return DimTable(layers...; layernames, mergedims)
-        s = name(x) == NoName() ? DimStack((;value=x)) : DimStack(x)
-        return  DimTable(s, mergedims=mergedims)
+        A = isnothing(mergedims) ? A : DD.mergedims(A, mergedims)
+        dimcolumns = collect(_dimcolumns(A))
+        colnames = collect(_colnames(A))
+        if (ndims(A) == 1) && (eltype(A) <: NamedTuple)
+            dimarrayrows = parent(A)
+            return DimTable{Rows}(A, colnames, dimcolumns, dimarrayrows)
+        else
+            dimarraycolumns = [vec(parent(A))]
+            return DimTable{Columns}(A, colnames, dimcolumns, dimarraycolumns)
+        end
@@ -155,8 +171,6 @@ function _dimcolumn(x, d::Dimension)
 dimcolumns(t::DimTable) = getfield(t, :dimcolumns)
 dimarraycolumns(t::DimTable) = getfield(t, :dimarraycolumns)
 colnames(t::DimTable) = Tuple(getfield(t, :colnames))
@@ -174,12 +188,26 @@ Tables.columnaccess(::Type{<:DimTable}) = true
 Tables.columns(t::DimTable) = t
 Tables.columnnames(c::DimTable) = colnames(c)
-function Tables.schema(t::DimTable) 
-    types = vcat([map(eltype, dimcolumns(t))...], [map(eltype, dimarraycolumns(t))...])
+function Tables.schema(t::DimTable)
+    types = vcat([map(eltype, dimcolumns(t))...], _dimarraycolumn_eltypes(t))
     Tables.Schema(colnames(t), types)
-@inline function Tables.getcolumn(t::DimTable, i::Int)
+_dimarraycolumn_eltypes(t::DimTable{Columns}) = [map(eltype, dimarraycolumns(t))...]
+_dimarraycolumn_eltypes(t::DimTable{Rows}) = _eltypes(eltype(dimarraycolumns(t)))
+_eltypes(::Type{T}) where T<:NamedTuple = collect(T.types)
+@inline function Tables.getcolumn(t::DimTable{Rows}, i::Int)
+    nkeys = length(colnames(t))
+    if i > length(dims(t))
+        map(nt -> nt[i], dimarraycolumns(t))
+    elseif i > 0 && i < nkeys
+        dimcolumns(t)[i]
+    else
+        throw(ArgumentError("There is no table column $i"))
+    end
+@inline function Tables.getcolumn(t::DimTable{Columns}, i::Int)
     nkeys = length(colnames(t))
     if i > length(dims(t))
         dimarraycolumns(t)[i - length(dims(t))]
@@ -189,12 +217,19 @@ end
         throw(ArgumentError("There is no table column $i"))
-@inline function Tables.getcolumn(t::DimTable, dim::DimOrDimType)
+@inline function Tables.getcolumn(t::DimTable, dim::Union{Dimension,Type{<:Dimension}})
     dimcolumns(t)[dimnum(t, dim)]
-@inline function Tables.getcolumn(t::DimTable, key::Symbol)
+@inline function Tables.getcolumn(t::DimTable{Rows}, key::Symbol)
+    key in colnames(t) || throw(ArgumentError("There is no table column $key"))
+    if hasdim(parent(t), key)
+        dimcolumns(t)[dimnum(t, key)]
+    else
+        # Function barrier
+        _col_from_rows(dimarraycolumns(t), key)
+    end
+@inline function Tables.getcolumn(t::DimTable{Columns}, key::Symbol)
     keys = colnames(t)
     i = findfirst(==(key), keys)
     if isnothing(i)
@@ -203,22 +238,20 @@ end
         return Tables.getcolumn(t, i)
 @inline function Tables.getcolumn(t::DimTable, ::Type{T}, i::Int, key::Symbol) where T
     Tables.getcolumn(t, key)
-# TableTraits.jl interface
+_col_from_rows(rows, key) = map(row -> row[key], rows) 
-function IteratorInterfaceExtensions.getiterator(x::DimTableSources)
-    return Tables.datavaluerows(Tables.dictcolumntable(x))
-IteratorInterfaceExtensions.isiterable(::DimTableSources) = true
+# TableTraits.jl interface
 TableTraits.isiterabletable(::DimTableSources) = true
+TableTraits.isiterabletable(::DimTable) = true
-function IteratorInterfaceExtensions.getiterator(t::DimTable)
-    return Tables.datavaluerows(Tables.dictcolumntable(t))
+# IteratorInterfaceExtensions.jl interface
+IteratorInterfaceExtensions.getiterator(x::DimTableSources) =
+    Tables.datavaluerows(Tables.dictcolumntable(x))
+IteratorInterfaceExtensions.getiterator(t::DimTable) =
+    Tables.datavaluerows(Tables.dictcolumntable(t))
+IteratorInterfaceExtensions.isiterable(::DimTableSources) = true
 IteratorInterfaceExtensions.isiterable(::DimTable) = true
-TableTraits.isiterabletable(::DimTable) = true
diff --git a/src/utils.jl b/src/utils.jl
index 8c9f5cb43..1a5ad439e 100644
--- a/src/utils.jl
+++ b/src/utils.jl
@@ -193,9 +193,13 @@ function uniquekeys(keys::Vector{Symbol})
 function uniquekeys(keys::Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}})
-    ids = ntuple(x -> x, length(keys))
+    ids = ntuple(identity, length(keys))
     map(keys, ids) do k, id
-        count(k1 -> k == k1, keys) > 1 ? Symbol(:layer, id) : k
+        if k == Symbol("") 
+            Symbol(:layer, id)
+        else
+            count(k1 -> k == k1, keys) > 1 ? Symbol(:layer, id) : k
+        end
 uniquekeys(t::Tuple) = ntuple(i -> Symbol(:layer, i), length(t))
diff --git a/test/tables.jl b/test/tables.jl
index b5bd416ea..f5ea708db 100644
--- a/test/tables.jl
+++ b/test/tables.jl
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
-using DimensionalData, IteratorInterfaceExtensions, TableTraits, Tables, Test, DataFrames
+using DimensionalData
+using Test
+using Tables
+using IteratorInterfaceExtensions
+using TableTraits
+using DataFrames
 using DimensionalData.Lookups, DimensionalData.Dimensions
 using DimensionalData: DimTable, DimExtensionArray
@@ -154,3 +159,11 @@ end
     @test Tables.columnnames(t3) == (:dimensions, :layer1, :layer2, :layer3)
     @test Tables.columnnames(t4) == (:band, :geometry, :value)
+@testset "DimTable NamedTuple" begin
+    da = DimArray([(; a=1.0f0i, b=2.0i) for i in 1:10], X)
+    t = DimTable(da)
+    s = Tables.schema(t)
+    @test s.names == (:X, :a, :b)
+    @test s.types == (Int, Float32, Float64)

From 49746efdc38b0e1559dccd7af71ea4ddd4b1a57f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rafael Schouten <>
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 00:33:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Breaking: add `combine` method for `groupby` output,
 fixing `similar` for `AbstractDimStack` (#903)

* add combine method

* test groupby and similar

* docs entry
 docs/src/api/ |  1 +
 src/DimensionalData.jl    |  2 +-
 src/array/methods.jl      |  2 +-
 src/groupby.jl            | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 src/stack/indexing.jl     | 26 ++++++++++-----------
 src/stack/stack.jl        | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/utils.jl              |  5 ++++
 test/groupby.jl           | 27 ++++++++++++++++++---
 test/stack.jl             | 16 +++++++++++--
 9 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/src/api/ b/docs/src/api/
index 3f6667d82..7ddb1c83c 100644
--- a/docs/src/api/
+++ b/docs/src/api/
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ For transforming DimensionalData objects:
diff --git a/src/DimensionalData.jl b/src/DimensionalData.jl
index 32247dba3..0d04bdf65 100644
--- a/src/DimensionalData.jl
+++ b/src/DimensionalData.jl
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ export dimnum, hasdim, hasselection, otherdims
 export set, rebuild, reorder, modify, broadcast_dims, broadcast_dims!,
     mergedims, unmergedims, maplayers
-export groupby, seasons, months, hours, intervals, ranges
+export groupby, combine, seasons, months, hours, intervals, ranges
 export @d
diff --git a/src/array/methods.jl b/src/array/methods.jl
index c4a63ad8d..27a1cdc35 100644
--- a/src/array/methods.jl
+++ b/src/array/methods.jl
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ function _check_cat_lookups(D, ::Regular, lookups...)
             @warn _cat_warn_string(D, "step sizes $(step(span(l))) and $s do not match")
             return false
-        if !(lastval + s ≈ first(l))
+        if !(s isa Dates.AbstractTime) && !(lastval + s ≈ first(l))
             @warn _cat_warn_string(D, "`Regular` lookups do not join with the correct step size: $(lastval) + $s ≈ $(first(l)) should hold")
             return false
diff --git a/src/groupby.jl b/src/groupby.jl
index 6ee94a2b4..bfcb63cdd 100644
--- a/src/groupby.jl
+++ b/src/groupby.jl
@@ -249,7 +249,6 @@ Group some data along the time dimension:
 ```jldoctest groupby; setup = :(using Random; Random.seed!(123))
 julia> using DimensionalData, Dates
 julia> A = rand(X(1:0.1:20), Y(1:20), Ti(DateTime(2000):Day(3):DateTime(2003)));
 julia> groups = groupby(A, Ti => month) # Group by month
@@ -356,6 +355,7 @@ end
 function _group_indices(dim::Dimension, f::Base.Callable; labels=nothing)
     orig_lookup = lookup(dim)
     k1 = f(first(orig_lookup))
+    # TODO: using a Dict here is a bit slow
     indices_dict = Dict{typeof(k1),Vector{Int}}()
     for (i, x) in enumerate(orig_lookup)
          k = f(x)
@@ -447,7 +447,8 @@ end
 Generate a `Vector` of `UnitRange` with length `step(A)`
-intervals(rng::AbstractRange) = IntervalSets.Interval{:closed,:open}.(rng, rng .+ step(rng))
+intervals(rng::AbstractRange) =
+    IntervalSets.Interval{:closed,:open}.(rng, rng .+ step(rng))
@@ -455,3 +456,47 @@ intervals(rng::AbstractRange) = IntervalSets.Interval{:closed,:open}.(rng, rng .
 Generate a `Vector` of `UnitRange` with length `step(A)`
 ranges(rng::AbstractRange{<:Integer}) = map(x -> x:x+step(rng)-1, rng)
+    combine(f::Function, gb::DimGroupByArray; dims=:)
+Combine the `DimGroupByArray` using function `f` over the group dimensions.
+Unlike broadcasting a reducing function over a `DimGroupByArray`, this function
+always returns a new flattened `AbstractDimArray` even where not all dimensions 
+are reduced. It will also work over grouped `AbstractDimStack`.
+If `dims` is given, it will combine only the dimensions in `dims`, the 
+others will be present in the final array. Note that all grouped dimensions
+must be reduced and included in `dims`.
+The reducing function `f` must also accept a `dims` keyword.
+# Example
+```jldoctest groupby
+function combine(f::Function, gb::DimGroupByArray{G}; dims=:) where G
+    targetdims = DD.commondims(first(gb), dims)
+    all(hasdim(first(gb), targetdims)) || throw(ArgumentError("dims must be a subset of the groupby dimensions"))
+    all(hasdim(targetdims, DD.dims(gb))) || throw(ArgumentError("grouped dimensions $(DD.basedims(gb)) must be included in dims"))
+    # This works for both arrays and stacks
+    # Combine the remaining dimensions after reduction and the group dimensions
+    destdims = (otherdims(DD.dims(first(gb)), dims)..., DD.dims(gb)...)
+    # Get the output eltype 
+    T = Base.promote_op(f, G)
+    # Create a output array with the combined dimensions
+    dest = similar(first(gb), T, destdims)
+    for D in DimIndices(gb)
+        if all(hasdim(targetdims, DD.dims(first(gb))))
+            # Assigned reduced scalar to dest
+            dest[D...] = f(gb[D])
+        else
+            # Reduce with `f` and drop length 1 dimensions
+            xs = dropdims(f(gb[D]; dims); dims)
+            # Broadcast the reduced array to dest
+            broadcast_dims!(identity, view(dest, D...), xs)
+        end
+    end
+    return dest
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/stack/indexing.jl b/src/stack/indexing.jl
index dad1ebaaf..8843c99ad 100644
--- a/src/stack/indexing.jl
+++ b/src/stack/indexing.jl
@@ -150,6 +150,9 @@ for f in (:getindex, :view, :dotview)
+@generated function _any_dimarray(v::Union{NamedTuple,Tuple})
+    any(T -> T <: AbstractDimArray, v.types)
 #### setindex ####
 @propagate_inbounds Base.setindex!(s::AbstractDimStack, xs, I...; kw...) =
@@ -160,22 +163,17 @@ end
     hassamedims(s) ? _map_setindex!(s, xs, i; kw...) : _setindex_mixed!(s, xs, i; kw...)
 @propagate_inbounds Base.setindex!(s::AbstractDimStack, xs::NamedTuple, i::AbstractArray; kw...) =
     hassamedims(s) ? _map_setindex!(s, xs, i; kw...) : _setindex_mixed!(s, xs, i; kw...)
+@propagate_inbounds Base.setindex!(s::AbstractDimStack, xs::NamedTuple, i::DimensionIndsArrays; kw...) =
+    _map_setindex!(s, xs, i; kw...)
+@propagate_inbounds Base.setindex!(s::AbstractDimStack, xs::NamedTuple, I...; kw...) =
+    _map_setindex!(s, xs, I...; kw...)
-@propagate_inbounds function Base.setindex!(
-    s::AbstractDimStack, xs::NamedTuple, I...; kw...
-    map((A, x) -> setindex!(A, x, I...; kw...), layers(s), xs)
-_map_setindex!(s, xs, i; kw...) = map((A, x) -> setindex!(A, x, i...; kw...), layers(s), xs)
+_map_setindex!(s, xs, i...; kw...) = map((A, x) -> setindex!(A, x, i...; kw...), layers(s), xs)
-_setindex_mixed!(s::AbstractDimStack, x, i::AbstractArray) =
-    map(A -> setindex!(A, x, DimIndices(dims(s))[i]), layers(s))
-_setindex_mixed!(s::AbstractDimStack, i::Integer) =
-    map(A -> setindex!(A, x, DimIndices(dims(s))[i]), layers(s))
-function _setindex_mixed!(s::AbstractDimStack, x, i::Colon)
-    map(DimIndices(dims(s))) do D
-        map(A -> setindex!(A, D), x, layers(s))
+function _setindex_mixed!(s::AbstractDimStack, xs::NamedTuple, i)
+    D = DimIndices(dims(s))[i]
+    map(layers(s), xs) do A, x
+        A[D] = x
diff --git a/src/stack/stack.jl b/src/stack/stack.jl
index 92bb07963..0e212f1c8 100644
--- a/src/stack/stack.jl
+++ b/src/stack/stack.jl
@@ -153,7 +153,6 @@ Base.length(s::AbstractDimStack) = prod(size(s))
 Base.axes(s::AbstractDimStack) = map(first ∘ axes, dims(s))
 Base.axes(s::AbstractDimStack, dims::DimOrDimType) = axes(s, dimnum(s, dims))
 Base.axes(s::AbstractDimStack, dims::Integer) = axes(s)[dims]
-Base.similar(s::AbstractDimStack, args...) = maplayers(A -> similar(A, args...), s)
 Base.eltype(::AbstractDimStack{<:Any,T}) where T = T
 Base.ndims(::AbstractDimStack{<:Any,<:Any,N}) where N = N
 Base.CartesianIndices(s::AbstractDimStack) = CartesianIndices(dims(s))
@@ -197,6 +196,36 @@ Base.get(f::Base.Callable, st::AbstractDimStack, k::Symbol) =
 @propagate_inbounds Base.iterate(st::AbstractDimStack, i) =
     i > length(st) ? nothing : (st[DimIndices(st)[i]], i + 1)
+Base.similar(s::AbstractDimStack) = similar(s, eltype(s))
+Base.similar(s::AbstractDimStack, dims::Dimension...) = similar(s, dims)
+Base.similar(s::AbstractDimStack, ::Type{T},dims::Dimension...) where T =
+    similar(s, T, dims)
+Base.similar(s::AbstractDimStack, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Dimension}}) = 
+    similar(s, eltype(s), dims)
+Base.similar(s::AbstractDimStack, ::Type{T}) where T = 
+    similar(s, T, dims(s))
+function Base.similar(s::AbstractDimStack, ::Type{T}, dims::Tuple) where T
+    # Any dims not in the stack are added to all layers
+    ods = otherdims(dims, DD.dims(s))
+    maplayers(s) do A
+        # Original layer dims are maintained, other dims are added
+        D = DD.commondims(dims, (DD.dims(A)..., ods...))
+        similar(A, T, D)
+    end
+function Base.similar(s::AbstractDimStack, ::Type{T}, dims::Tuple) where T<:NamedTuple
+    ods = otherdims(dims, DD.dims(s))
+    maplayers(s, _nt_types(T)) do A, Tx 
+        D = DD.commondims(dims, (DD.dims(A)..., ods...))
+        similar(A, Tx, D)
+    end
+@generated function _nt_types(::Type{NamedTuple{K,T}}) where {K,T}
+    expr = Expr(:tuple, T.parameters...)
+    return :(NamedTuple{K}($expr))
 # `merge` for AbstractDimStack and NamedTuple.
 # One of the first three arguments must be an AbstractDimStack for dispatch to work.
 Base.merge(s::AbstractDimStack) = s
diff --git a/src/utils.jl b/src/utils.jl
index 1a5ad439e..0b8092f12 100644
--- a/src/utils.jl
+++ b/src/utils.jl
@@ -160,6 +160,11 @@ function broadcast_dims!(f, dest::AbstractDimArray{<:Any,N}, As::AbstractBasicDi
     od = map(A -> otherdims(dest, dims(A)), As)
     return _broadcast_dims_inner!(f, dest, As, od)
+function broadcast_dims!(f, dest::AbstractDimStack, stacks::AbstractDimStack...)
+    maplayers(dest, stacks...) do d, layers...
+        broadcast_dims!(f, d, layers...)
+    end
 # Function barrier
 function _broadcast_dims_inner!(f, dest, As, od)
diff --git a/test/groupby.jl b/test/groupby.jl
index 3f6e1f7ce..cd19274bd 100644
--- a/test/groupby.jl
+++ b/test/groupby.jl
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ days = DateTime(2000):Day(1):DateTime(2000, 12, 31)
 A = DimArray((1:6) * (1:366)', (X(1:0.2:2), Ti(days)))
 st = DimStack((a=A, b=A, c=A[X=1]))
 @testset "group eltype matches indexed values" begin
     da = rand(X(1:10), Y(1:10))
     grps = groupby(da, X => isodd)
@@ -22,10 +21,16 @@ end
     @test mean.(groupby(A, Ti=>month)) == manualmeans
+    combinedmeans = combine(mean, groupby(A, Ti=>month))
+    @test combinedmeans isa DimArray
+    @test combinedmeans == manualmeans
     manualmeans_st = map(months) do m
     @test mean.(groupby(st, Ti=>month)) == manualmeans_st
+    combinedmeans_st = combine(mean, groupby(st, Ti=>month))
+    @test combinedmeans_st isa DimStack{(:a, :b, :c), @NamedTuple{a::Float64, b::Float64, c::Float64}}
+    @test collect(combinedmeans_st) == manualmeans_st
     manualsums = mapreduce(hcat, months) do m
         vcat(sum(A[Ti=dayofyear(m):dayofyear(m)+daysinmonth(m)-1, X=1 .. 1.5]), 
@@ -36,6 +41,8 @@ end
     @test dims(gb_sum, Ti) == Ti(Sampled([1:12...], ForwardOrdered(), Irregular((nothing, nothing)), Points(), NoMetadata()))
     @test typeof(dims(gb_sum, X)) == typeof(X(Sampled(BitVector([false, true]), ForwardOrdered(), Irregular((nothing, nothing)), Points(), NoMetadata())))
     @test gb_sum == manualsums
+    combined_sum = combine(sum, groupby(A, Ti=>month, X => >(1.5)))
+    @test collect(combined_sum) == manualsums
     manualsums_st = mapreduce(hcat, months) do m
         vcat(sum(st[Ti=dayofyear(m):dayofyear(m)+daysinmonth(m)-1, X=1 .. 1.5]), 
@@ -46,10 +53,22 @@ end
     @test dims(gb_sum_st, Ti) == Ti(Sampled([1:12...], ForwardOrdered(), Irregular((nothing, nothing)), Points(), NoMetadata()))
     @test typeof(dims(gb_sum_st, X)) == typeof(X(Sampled(BitVector([false, true]), ForwardOrdered(), Irregular((nothing, nothing)), Points(), NoMetadata())))
     @test gb_sum_st == manualsums_st
+    combined_sum_st = combine(sum, groupby(st, Ti=>month, X => >(1.5)))
+    @test collect(combined_sum_st) == manualsums_st
     @test_throws ArgumentError groupby(st, Ti=>month, Y=>isodd)
+@testset "partial reductions in combine" begin
+    months = DateTime(2000):Month(1):DateTime(2000, 12, 31)
+    using BenchmarkTools
+    manualmeans = cat(map(months) do m
+        mean(A[Ti=dayofyear(m):dayofyear(m)+daysinmonth(m)-1]; dims=Ti)
+    end...; dims=Ti(collect(1:12)))
+    combinedmeans = combine(mean, groupby(A, Ti()=>month); dims=Ti())
+    @test combinedmeans == manualmeans
 @testset "bins" begin
     seasons = DateTime(2000):Month(3):DateTime(2000, 12, 31)
     manualmeans = map(seasons) do s
@@ -59,6 +78,7 @@ end
     @test mean.(groupby(A, Ti=>Bins(month, ranges(1:3:12)))) == manualmeans
     @test mean.(groupby(A, Ti=>Bins(month, intervals(1:3:12)))) == manualmeans
     @test mean.(groupby(A, Ti=>Bins(month, 4))) == manualmeans
+    @test combine(mean, groupby(A, Ti=>Bins(month, ranges(1:3:12)))) == manualmeans
 @testset "dimension matching groupby" begin
@@ -75,9 +95,10 @@ end
     @test all(collect(mean.(gb)) .=== manualmeans)
     @test all(mean.(gb) .=== manualmeans)
+    @test all(combine(mean, gb) .=== manualmeans)
-@testset "broadcastdims runs after groupby" begin
+@testset "broadcast_dims runs after groupby" begin
     dimlist = (
         X(range(1, 10, length=10)),
@@ -87,7 +108,7 @@ end
     data = rand(396, 10, 15, 2)
     A = DimArray(data, dimlist)
     month_length = DimArray(daysinmonth, dims(A, Ti))
-    g_tempo = DimensionalData.groupby(month_length, Ti=>seasons(; start=December))
+    g_tempo = DimensionalData.groupby(month_length, Ti => seasons(; start=December))
     sum_days = sum.(g_tempo, dims=Ti)
     @test sum_days isa DimArray
     weights = map(./, g_tempo, sum_days)
diff --git a/test/stack.jl b/test/stack.jl
index cfde24449..ee6d2eac0 100644
--- a/test/stack.jl
+++ b/test/stack.jl
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ using DimensionalData, Test, LinearAlgebra, Statistics, ConstructionBase, Random
 using DimensionalData: data
 using DimensionalData: Sampled, Categorical, AutoLookup, NoLookup, Transformed,
     Regular, Irregular, Points, Intervals, Start, Center, End,
-    Metadata, NoMetadata, ForwardOrdered, ReverseOrdered, Unordered, layers, basedims
+    Metadata, NoMetadata, ForwardOrdered, ReverseOrdered, Unordered, layers, basedims, layerdims
 A = [1.0 2.0 3.0;
      4.0 5.0 6.0]
@@ -94,11 +94,23 @@ end
     @test all(maplayers(similar(mixed), mixed) do s, m
         dims(s) == dims(m) && dims(s) === dims(m) && eltype(s) === eltype(m)
-    @test eltype(similar(s, Int)) === @NamedTuple{one::Int, two::Int, three::Int}
+    @test eltype(similar(s, Int)) === 
+    @NamedTuple{one::Int, two::Int, three::Int}
+    @test eltype(similar(s, @NamedTuple{one::Int, two::Float32, three::Bool})) === 
+        @NamedTuple{one::Int, two::Float32, three::Bool}
     st2 = similar(mixed, Bool, x, y)
     @test dims(st2) === (x, y)
     @test dims(st2[:one]) === (x, y)
     @test eltype(st2) === @NamedTuple{one::Bool, two::Bool, extradim::Bool}
+    @test eltype(similar(mixed)) == eltype(mixed)
+    @test size(similar(mixed)) == size(mixed)
+    @test keys(similar(mixed)) == keys(mixed)
+    @test layerdims(similar(mixed)) == layerdims(mixed)
+    xy = (X(), Y()) 
+    @test layerdims(similar(mixed, dims(mixed, (X, Y)))) == (one=xy, two=xy, extradim=xy)
+    st3 = similar(mixed, @NamedTuple{one::Int, two::Float32, extradim::Bool}, (Z([:a, :b, :c]), Ti(1:12), X(1:3)))
+    @test layerdims(st3) == (one=(Ti(), X()), two=(Ti(), X()), extradim=(Z(), Ti(), X()))
+    @test eltype(st3) == @NamedTuple{one::Int, two::Float32, extradim::Bool}
 @testset "merge" begin

From 4b8bd51c9759d5e5b34d68ac8db5fa45f2cb2771 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rafael Schouten <>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 22:49:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Breaking: `preservedims` in tables (#917)

* add preservedims keyword to DimTable

* add tests

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: Anshul Singhvi <>

* tests, and fix DimSlices

* better table docs

* cleanup

* test

* indexing overhaul

* fix similar and broadcast for basicdimarray

* bugfix rebuildsliced

* more indexing cleanup

* cleanup similar and gubfix indexing

* bugfixes

* uncomment

* fix doctests

* just dont doctest unreproducable failures, for now

* combine new Tables integrations

* bugfix and cleanup show

* bugfix and more tests for preservedims and mergedims


Co-authored-by: Anshul Singhvi <>
 src/DimensionalData.jl       |   1 +
 src/Dimensions/dimension.jl  |   1 +
 src/Lookups/Lookups.jl       |   6 +-
 src/Lookups/beginend.jl      |   2 +
 src/Lookups/lookup_arrays.jl |  11 +-
 src/Lookups/selector.jl      |   9 +
 src/array/array.jl           |  72 ++++--
 src/array/broadcast.jl       |  40 +++-
 src/array/indexing.jl        | 189 +++++++--------
 src/array/methods.jl         |   5 +-
 src/dimindices.jl            | 429 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 src/groupby.jl               | 140 ++++++++----
 src/opaque.jl                |  19 ++
 src/stack/methods.jl         |   4 +-
 src/tables.jl                | 151 ++++++++----
 test/dimindices.jl           |  15 +-
 test/groupby.jl              |   6 +-
 test/indexing.jl             |   2 +
 test/runtests.jl             |   1 -
 test/stack.jl                |   2 +-
 test/tables.jl               |  73 ++++--
 21 files changed, 742 insertions(+), 436 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/opaque.jl

diff --git a/src/DimensionalData.jl b/src/DimensionalData.jl
index 0d04bdf65..009084c4e 100644
--- a/src/DimensionalData.jl
+++ b/src/DimensionalData.jl
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ include("tables.jl")
diff --git a/src/Dimensions/dimension.jl b/src/Dimensions/dimension.jl
index 38d07a631..6e554448c 100644
--- a/src/Dimensions/dimension.jl
+++ b/src/Dimensions/dimension.jl
@@ -277,6 +277,7 @@ Base.axes(d::Dimension, i) = axes(d)[i]
 Base.eachindex(d::Dimension) = eachindex(val(d))
 Base.length(d::Dimension) = length(val(d))
 Base.ndims(d::Dimension) = 0
+Base.parentindices(d::Dimension{<:AbstractArray}) = parentindices(parent(d))
 Base.ndims(d::Dimension{<:AbstractArray}) = ndims(val(d))
 Base.iterate(d::Dimension{<:AbstractArray}, args...) = iterate(lookup(d), args...)
 Base.first(d::Dimension) = val(d)
diff --git a/src/Lookups/Lookups.jl b/src/Lookups/Lookups.jl
index fb7220d87..a1dee6e06 100644
--- a/src/Lookups/Lookups.jl
+++ b/src/Lookups/Lookups.jl
@@ -59,17 +59,15 @@ export Unaligned, Transformed, ArrayLookup
 # Deprecated
 export LookupArray
-const StandardIndices = Union{AbstractArray{<:Integer},Colon,Integer,CartesianIndex,CartesianIndices}
 # As much as possible keyword rebuild is automatic
 rebuild(x; kw...) = ConstructionBase.setproperties(x, (; kw...))
diff --git a/src/Lookups/beginend.jl b/src/Lookups/beginend.jl
index 86fdf190b..a84e0ac70 100644
--- a/src/Lookups/beginend.jl
+++ b/src/Lookups/beginend.jl
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ Base.to_indices(A, inds, (r, args...)::Tuple{<:Union{Begin,End,<:LazyMath},Varar
 _to_index(inds, a::Int) = a
 _to_index(inds, ::Begin) = first(inds)
 _to_index(inds, ::End) = last(inds)
+_to_index(inds, ::Type{Begin}) = first(inds)
+_to_index(inds, ::Type{End}) = last(inds)
 _to_index(inds, l::LazyMath{End}) = l.f(last(inds))
 _to_index(inds, l::LazyMath{Begin}) = l.f(first(inds))
diff --git a/src/Lookups/lookup_arrays.jl b/src/Lookups/lookup_arrays.jl
index c72a600be..44d99c3eb 100644
--- a/src/Lookups/lookup_arrays.jl
+++ b/src/Lookups/lookup_arrays.jl
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Base.first(l::Lookup) = first(parent(l))
 Base.last(l::Lookup) = last(parent(l))
 Base.firstindex(l::Lookup) = firstindex(parent(l))
 Base.lastindex(l::Lookup) = lastindex(parent(l))
+Base.parentindices(l::Lookup) = parentindices(parent(l))
 function Base.:(==)(l1::Lookup, l2::Lookup)
     basetypeof(l1) == basetypeof(l2) && parent(l1) == parent(l2)
@@ -159,11 +160,10 @@ NoLookup() = NoLookup(AutoValues())
 rebuild(l::NoLookup; data=parent(l), kw...) = NoLookup(data)
 # Used in @d broadcasts
-struct Length1NoLookup <: AbstractNoLookup end
-Length1NoLookup(::AbstractVector) = Length1NoLookup()
-rebuild(l::Length1NoLookup; kw...) = Length1NoLookup()
-Base.parent(::Length1NoLookup) = Base.OneTo(1)
+struct Length1NoLookup{A<:AbstractUnitRange} <: AbstractNoLookup 
+    data::A
+Length1NoLookup() = Length1NoLookup(Base.OneTo(1))
     AbstractSampled <: Aligned
@@ -866,6 +866,7 @@ promote_first(x1, x2, xs...) =
 # Fallback NoLookup if not identical type
 promote_first(l1::Lookup) = l1
 promote_first(l1::L, ls::L...) where L<:Lookup = rebuild(l1; metadata=NoMetadata)
+promote_first(l1::L, ls::L...) where L<:AbstractNoLookup = l1
 function promote_first(l1::Lookup, ls1::Lookup...)
     ls = _remove(Length1NoLookup, l1, ls1...)
     if length(ls) != length(ls1) + 1
diff --git a/src/Lookups/selector.jl b/src/Lookups/selector.jl
index 01c6f6d7e..302120d62 100644
--- a/src/Lookups/selector.jl
+++ b/src/Lookups/selector.jl
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+const StandardIndices = Union{
+    AbstractArray{<:Integer},
+    Colon,
+    Integer,
+    CartesianIndex,
+    CartesianIndices,
+    BeginEndRange,
 struct SelectorError{L,S} <: Exception
diff --git a/src/array/array.jl b/src/array/array.jl
index 0b776fa67..ec414e5ba 100644
--- a/src/array/array.jl
+++ b/src/array/array.jl
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 const IDim = Dimension{<:StandardIndices}
+const MaybeDimTuple = Tuple{Vararg{Dimension}}
     AbstractBasicDimArray <: AbstractArray
@@ -8,7 +9,7 @@ returns a `Tuple` of `Dimension`
 Only keyword `rebuild` is guaranteed to work with `AbstractBasicDimArray`.
-abstract type AbstractBasicDimArray{T,N,D<:Tuple} <: AbstractArray{T,N} end
+abstract type AbstractBasicDimArray{T,N,D<:MaybeDimTuple} <: AbstractArray{T,N} end
 const AbstractBasicDimVector = AbstractBasicDimArray{T,1} where T
 const AbstractBasicDimMatrix = AbstractBasicDimArray{T,2} where T
@@ -94,10 +95,27 @@ metadata(A::AbstractDimArray) = A.metadata
 layerdims(A::AbstractDimArray) = basedims(A)
-@inline rebuildsliced(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, args...) = rebuildsliced(getindex, A, args...)
-@inline function rebuildsliced(f::Function, A::AbstractBasicDimArray, data::AbstractArray, I::Tuple, name=name(A))
+    rebuildsliced(f::Function, A::AbstractBasicDimArray, I)
+Rebuild `AbstractDimArray` where `f` is `getindex` , `view` or `dotview`.
+This does not need to be defined for `AbstractDimArray`, as `f`
+is simply called on the parent array, dims and refdims are sliced with `slicedims`, 
+and `rebuild` is called.
+However for custom `AbstractBasicDimArray`, `rebuildsliced` methods are needed
+to define slicing behavior, as there not be a parent array.
+@propagate_inbounds rebuildsliced(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, args...) = rebuildsliced(getindex, A, args...)
+@propagate_inbounds function rebuildsliced(f::Function, A::AbstractDimArray, I::Tuple, name=name(A))
+    I1 = to_indices(A, I)
+    data = f(parent(A), I1...)
+    return rebuildsliced(f, A, data, I1, name)
+@propagate_inbounds function rebuildsliced(f::Function, A::AbstractDimArray, data::AbstractArray, I::Tuple, name=name(A))
     I1 = to_indices(A, I)
-    rebuild(A, data, slicedims(f, A, I1)..., name)
+    return rebuild(A, data, slicedims(f, A, I1)..., name)
 # Array interface methods ######################################################
@@ -107,6 +125,7 @@ Base.axes(A::AbstractDimArray) = map(Dimensions.DimUnitRange, axes(parent(A)), d
 Base.iterate(A::AbstractDimArray, args...) = iterate(parent(A), args...)
 Base.IndexStyle(A::AbstractDimArray) = Base.IndexStyle(parent(A))
 Base.parent(A::AbstractDimArray) = data(A)
+Base.parentindices(A::AbstractDimArray) = parentindices(parent(A))
 Base.vec(A::AbstractDimArray) = vec(parent(A))
 # Only compare data and dim - metadata and refdims can be different
 Base.:(==)(A1::AbstractDimArray, A2::AbstractDimArray) =
@@ -170,14 +189,6 @@ end
 # An alternative would be to fill missing dims with `Anon`, and keep existing
 # dims but strip the Lookup? It just seems a little complicated when the methods
 # below using DimTuple work better anyway.
-Base.similar(A::AbstractDimArray, i::Integer, I::Vararg{Integer}; kw...) =
-    similar(A, eltype(A), (i, I...); kw...)
-Base.similar(A::AbstractDimArray, I::Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int}}; kw...) = 
-    similar(A, eltype(A), I; kw...)
-Base.similar(A::AbstractDimArray, ::Type{T}, i::Integer, I::Vararg{Integer}; kw...) where T =
-    similar(A, T, (i, I...); kw...)
-Base.similar(A::AbstractDimArray, ::Type{T}, I::Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int}}; kw...) where T =
-    similar(parent(A), T, I)
 const MaybeDimUnitRange = Union{Integer,Base.OneTo,Dimensions.DimUnitRange}
 # when all axes are DimUnitRanges we can return an `AbstractDimArray`
@@ -256,14 +267,27 @@ function _similar(::Type{T}, shape::Tuple; kw...) where {T<:AbstractArray}
 # With Dimensions we can return an `AbstractDimArray`
-Base.similar(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, D::DimTuple; kw...) = Base.similar(A, eltype(A), D; kw...) 
-Base.similar(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, D::Dimension...; kw...) = Base.similar(A, eltype(A), D; kw...) 
-Base.similar(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, ::Type{T}, D::Dimension...; kw...) where T =
-    Base.similar(A, T, D; kw...) 
+Base.similar(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, d1::Dimension, D::Dimension...; kw...) =
+    Base.similar(A, eltype(A), (d1, D...); kw...)
+Base.similar(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, ::Type{T}, d1::Dimension, D::Dimension...; kw...) where T =
+    Base.similar(A, T, (d1, D...); kw...)
+Base.similar(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, D::DimTuple; kw...) = 
+    Base.similar(A, eltype(A), D; kw...) 
+function Base.similar(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, ::Type{T}, D::DimTuple; kw...) where T
+    data = _arraytype(T)(undef, _dimlength(D))
+    dimconstructor(D)(data, D; kw...)
+function Base.similar(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, ::Type{T}, D::Tuple{};
+    refdims=(), name=_noname(A), metadata=NoMetadata(), kw...
+) where T
+    data = _arraytype(T)(undef, _dimlength(D))
+    dimconstructor(D)(data, (); refdims, name, metadata, kw...)
 function Base.similar(A::AbstractDimArray, ::Type{T}, D::DimTuple; 
     refdims=(), name=_noname(A), metadata=NoMetadata(), kw...
 ) where T
-    data = similar(parent(A), T, _dimlength(D))
+    data = _arraytype(T)(undef, _dimlength(D))
     dims = _maybestripval(D)
     return rebuild(A; data, dims, refdims, metadata, name, kw...)
@@ -274,6 +298,20 @@ function Base.similar(A::AbstractDimArray, ::Type{T}, D::Tuple{};
     rebuild(A; data, dims=(), refdims, metadata, name, kw...)
+Base.similar(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, shape::Int...; kw...) =
+    similar(A, eltype(A), shape; kw...)
+Base.similar(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, shape::Tuple{Vararg{Int}}; kw...) = 
+    similar(A, eltype(A), shape; kw...)
+Base.similar(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, ::Type{T}, shape::Int...; kw...) where T =
+    similar(A, T, shape; kw...)
+Base.similar(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, ::Type{T}, shape::Tuple{Vararg{Int}}; kw...) where T =
+    _arraytype(T)(undef, shape)
+Base.similar(A::AbstractDimArray, ::Type{T}, shape::Tuple{Vararg{Int}}; kw...) where T =
+    similar(parent(A), T, shape)
+_arraytype(::Type{T}) where T = Array{T}
+_arraytype(::Type{Bool}) = BitArray
 # Keep the same type in `similar`
 _noname(A::AbstractBasicDimArray) = _noname(name(A))
 _noname(s::String) = ""
diff --git a/src/array/broadcast.jl b/src/array/broadcast.jl
index b6f6f27d9..30b86383f 100644
--- a/src/array/broadcast.jl
+++ b/src/array/broadcast.jl
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ strict_broadcast!(x::Bool) = STRICT_BROADCAST_CHECKS[] = x
 # It preserves the dimension names.
 # `S` should be the `BroadcastStyle` of the wrapped type.
 # Copied from NamedDims.jl (thanks @oxinabox).
-struct DimensionalStyle{S <: BroadcastStyle} <: AbstractArrayStyle{Any} end
+struct BasicDimensionalStyle{N} <: AbstractArrayStyle{Any} end
+struct DimensionalStyle{S<:BroadcastStyle} <: AbstractArrayStyle{Any} end
 DimensionalStyle(::S) where {S} = DimensionalStyle{S}()
 DimensionalStyle(::S, ::Val{N}) where {S,N} = DimensionalStyle(S(Val(N)))
 DimensionalStyle(::Val{N}) where N = DimensionalStyle{DefaultArrayStyle{N}}()
@@ -53,6 +55,8 @@ function BroadcastStyle(::Type{<:AbstractDimArray{T,N,D,A}}) where {T,N,D,A}
     inner_style = typeof(BroadcastStyle(A))
     return DimensionalStyle{inner_style}()
+BroadcastStyle(::Type{<:AbstractBasicDimArray{T,N}}) where {T,N} =
+    BasicDimensionalStyle{N}()
 BroadcastStyle(::DimensionalStyle, ::Base.Broadcast.Unknown) = Unknown()
 BroadcastStyle(::Base.Broadcast.Unknown, ::DimensionalStyle) = Unknown()
@@ -79,12 +83,31 @@ function Broadcast.copy(bc::Broadcasted{DimensionalStyle{S}}) where S
     dims = format(Dimensions.promotedims(bdims...; skip_length_one=true), data)
     return rebuild(A; data, dims, refdims=refdims(A), name=Symbol(""))
+function Broadcast.copy(bc::Broadcasted{BasicDimensionalStyle{N}}) where N
+    A = _firstdimarray(bc)
+    data = collect(bc)
+    A isa Nothing && return data # No AbstractDimArray
+    bdims = _broadcasted_dims(bc)
+    _comparedims_broadcast(A, bdims...)
+    data isa AbstractArray || return data # result is a scalar
+    # Return an AbstractDimArray
+    dims = format(Dimensions.promotedims(bdims...; skip_length_one=true), data)
+    return dimconstructor(dims)(data, dims; refdims=refdims(A), name=Symbol(""))
 function Base.copyto!(dest::AbstractArray, bc::Broadcasted{DimensionalStyle{S}}) where S
     fda = _firstdimarray(bc) 
     isnothing(fda) || _comparedims_broadcast(fda, _broadcasted_dims(bc)...)
     copyto!(dest, _unwrap_broadcasted(bc))
+function Base.copyto!(dest::AbstractArray, bc::Broadcasted{BasicDimensionalStyle{N}}) where N
+    fda = _firstdimarray(bc) 
+    isnothing(fda) || _comparedims_broadcast(fda, _broadcasted_dims(bc)...)
+    copyto!(dest, bc)
 @inline function Base.Broadcast.materialize!(dest::AbstractDimArray, bc::Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{<:Any})
     # Need to check whether the dims are compatible in dest, 
@@ -97,7 +120,15 @@ end
 function Base.similar(bc::Broadcast.Broadcasted{DimensionalStyle{S}}, ::Type{T}) where {S,T}
     A = _firstdimarray(bc)
-    rebuildsliced(A, similar(_unwrap_broadcasted(bc), T, axes(bc)...), axes(bc), Symbol(""))
+    data = similar(_unwrap_broadcasted(bc), T, size(bc))
+    dims, refdims = slicedims(A, axes(bc))
+    return rebuild(A; data, dims, refdims, name=Symbol(""))
+function Base.similar(bc::Broadcast.Broadcasted{BasicDimensionalStyle{N}}, ::Type{T}) where {N,T}
+    A = _firstdimarray(bc)
+    data = similar(A, T, size(bc))
+    dims, refdims = slicedims(A, axes(bc))
+    return dimconstructor(dims)(data, dims; refdims, name=Symbol(""))
@@ -383,9 +414,10 @@ _unwrap_broadcasted(boda::BroadcastOptionsDimArray) = parent(parent(boda))
 # Get the first dimensional array in the broadcast
 _firstdimarray(x::Broadcasted) = _firstdimarray(x.args)
-_firstdimarray(x::Tuple{<:AbstractDimArray,Vararg}) = x[1]
+_firstdimarray(x::Tuple{<:AbstractBasicDimArray,Vararg}) = x[1]
+_firstdimarray(x::AbstractBasicDimArray) = x
 _firstdimarray(ext::Base.Broadcast.Extruded) = _firstdimarray(ext.x)
-function _firstdimarray(x::Tuple{<:Broadcasted,Vararg})
+function _firstdimarray(x::Tuple{<:Union{Broadcasted,Base.Broadcast.Extruded},Vararg})
     found = _firstdimarray(x[1])
     if found isa Nothing
diff --git a/src/array/indexing.jl b/src/array/indexing.jl
index ecce5fbef..68dc41c28 100644
--- a/src/array/indexing.jl
+++ b/src/array/indexing.jl
@@ -1,112 +1,87 @@
-# getindex/view/setindex! ======================================================
+const SelectorOrStandard = Union{SelectorOrInterval,StandardIndices}
+const DimensionIndsArrays = Union{AbstractArray{<:Dimension},AbstractArray{<:DimTuple}}
+const DimensionalIndices = Union{DimTuple,DimIndices,DimSelectors,Dimension,DimensionIndsArrays}
+const _DimIndicesAmb = Union{AbstractArray{Union{}},DimIndices{<:Integer},DimSelectors{<:Integer}}
+const IntegerOrCartesian = Union{Integer,CartesianIndex}
-#### getindex/view ####
+# getindex/view/setindex! ======================================================
 for f in (:getindex, :view, :dotview)
     _dim_f = Symbol(:_dim_, f)
+    # Integer indexing
     if f === :view
-        # No indices and we try to rebuild, for 0d
-        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.view(A::AbstractDimArray) = rebuild(A, Base.view(parent(A)), ())
         # With one Integer and 0d and 1d we try to rebuild
-        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray{<:Any,0}, i::Integer) =
-            rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, Base.$f(parent(A), i), (i,))
-        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i::Integer) =
-            rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, Base.$f(parent(A), i), (i,))
+        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray{<:Any,0}, i::Integer) =
+            rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, (i,))
+        # One Integer on a vector and we also rebuild
+        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimVector, i::Integer) =
+            rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, (i,))
+        # More Integers and we rebuild
+        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, i1::Integer, i2::Integer, I::Integer...) =
+            rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, (i1, i2, I...))
         # Otherwise its linear indexing, don't rebuild
-        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i::Integer) =
+        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, i::Integer) =
             Base.$f(parent(A), i)
-        # More Integer and we rebuild again
-        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i1::Integer, i2::Integer, I::Integer...) =
-            rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, Base.$f(parent(A), i1, i2, I...), (i1, i2, I...))
-    else
-        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i::Integer) = Base.$f(parent(A), i)
-        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i::Integer) = Base.$f(parent(A), i)
-        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i1::Integer, i2::Integer, I::Integer...) =
-            Base.$f(parent(A), i1, i2, I...)
-        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray) = Base.$f(parent(A))
     @eval begin
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, I::CartesianIndex) =
+        ### Standard indices
+        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimVector, I::CartesianIndex) =
             Base.$f(A, to_indices(A, (I,))...)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, I::CartesianIndex) =
+        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, I::CartesianIndex) =
             Base.$f(A, to_indices(A, (I,))...)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, I::CartesianIndices) =
-            rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, Base.$f(parent(A), I), (I,))
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, I::CartesianIndices) =
-            rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, Base.$f(parent(A), I), (I,))
-        @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i)
-            x = Base.$f(parent(A), Lookups._construct_types(i))
-            if x isa AbstractArray
-                rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, x, to_indices(A, (i,)))
-            else
-                x
-            end
-        end
-        @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i1, i2, Is...)
-            I = Lookups._construct_types(i1, i2, Is...)
-            x = Base.$f(parent(A), I...)
-            if x isa AbstractArray
-                rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, x, to_indices(A, I))
-            else
-                x
-            end
-        end
-        # Linear indexing forwards to the parent array as it will break the dimensions
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i::Union{Colon,AbstractArray{<:Integer}}) =
-            Base.$f(parent(A), i)
-        # Except 1D DimArrays
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i::Union{Colon,AbstractArray{<:Integer}}) =
-            rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, Base.$f(parent(A), i), (i,))
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i::SelectorOrInterval) = 
+        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, i1::IntegerOrCartesian, i2::IntegerOrCartesian, Is::IntegerOrCartesian...) =
+            Base.$f(A, to_indices(A, (i1, i2, Is...))...)
+        # 1D DimArrays dont need linear indexing
+        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimVector, i::Union{Colon,AbstractArray{<:Integer}}) =
+            rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, (i,))
+        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimVector, I::CartesianIndices) = rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, (I,))
+        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, I::CartesianIndices) = rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, (I,))
+        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, i1::StandardIndices, i2::StandardIndices, Is::StandardIndices...) =
+            rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, to_indices(A, (i1, i2, Is...)))
+        ### Selector/Interval indexing
+        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimVector, i::SelectorOrInterval) = 
             Base.$f(A, dims2indices(A, (i,))...)
-        # Selector/Interval indexing
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i1::SelectorOrStandard, i2::SelectorOrStandard, I::SelectorOrStandard...) =
+        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, i1::SelectorOrStandard, i2::SelectorOrStandard, I::SelectorOrStandard...) =
             Base.$f(A, dims2indices(A, (i1, i2, I...))...)
+        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimVector, i::Selector{<:Extents.Extent}) = 
+            Base.$f(A, dims2indices(A, i)...)
+        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, i::Selector{<:Extents.Extent}) = 
+            Base.$f(A, dims2indices(A, i)...)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, extent::Union{Extents.Extent,Near{<:Extents.Extent},Touches{<:Extents.Extent}}) =
-            Base.$f(A, dims2indices(A, extent)...)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, extent::Union{Extents.Extent,Near{<:Extents.Extent},Touches{<:Extents.Extent}}) =
+        # Extent indexing
+        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimVector, extent::Extents.Extent) =
             Base.$f(A, dims2indices(A, extent)...)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimVector, extent::Union{Extents.Extent,Near{<:Extents.Extent},Touches{<:Extents.Extent}}) =
+        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, extent::Extents.Extent) =
             Base.$f(A, dims2indices(A, extent)...)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, extent::Union{Extents.Extent,Near{<:Extents.Extent},Touches{<:Extents.Extent}}) =
-            Base.$f(A, dims2indices(A, extent)...)
-        # All Dimension indexing modes combined
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray; kw...) =
-            $_dim_f(A, _simplify_dim_indices(kw2dims(values(kw))...,)...)
+        ### Dimension indexing
+        @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray; kw...)
+            # Need to use one method and check keywords to avoid method overwrites
+            if isempty(kw)
+                rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, ())
+            else
+                $_dim_f(A, _simplify_dim_indices(kw2dims(values(kw))...,)...)
+            end
+        end
         @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, d1::DimensionalIndices; kw...) =
             $_dim_f(A, _simplify_dim_indices(d1, kw2dims(values(kw))...)...)
         @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, d1::DimensionalIndices, d2::DimensionalIndices, D::DimensionalIndices...; kw...) =
             $_dim_f(A, _simplify_dim_indices(d1, d2, D..., kw2dims(values(kw))...)...)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i1::DimensionalIndices,  i2::DimensionalIndices, I::DimensionalIndices...) =
-            $_dim_f(A, _simplify_dim_indices(i1, i2, I...)...)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i1::_DimIndicesAmb,  i2::_DimIndicesAmb, I::_DimIndicesAmb...) =
-            $_dim_f(A, _simplify_dim_indices(i1, i2, I...)...)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i::DimensionalIndices) =
-            $_dim_f(A, _simplify_dim_indices(i)...)
         @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimVector, i::DimensionalIndices) =
             $_dim_f(A, _simplify_dim_indices(i)...)
-        # For ambiguity
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i::DimIndices) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i::DimSelectors) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i::_DimIndicesAmb) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i::DimIndices) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i::DimSelectors) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i::_DimIndicesAmb) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, i::DimIndices) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, i::DimSelectors) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, i::_DimIndicesAmb) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimVector, i::DimIndices) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimVector, i::DimSelectors) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimVector, i::_DimIndicesAmb) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        # Use underscore methods to minimise ambiguities
-        @propagate_inbounds $_dim_f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, ds::DimTuple) =
-            $_dim_f(A, ds...)
+        # All dimension indexing is passed to these underscore methods to minimise ambiguities
+        @propagate_inbounds $_dim_f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, ds::DimTuple) = $_dim_f(A, ds...)
         @propagate_inbounds $_dim_f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, d1::Dimension, ds::Dimension...) =
             Base.$f(A, dims2indices(A, (d1, ds...))...)
-        @propagate_inbounds $_dim_f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, ds::Dimension...) =
-            Base.$f(A, dims2indices(A, ds)...)
+        # Regular non-dimensional indexing
+        @propagate_inbounds $_dim_f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, I...) = Base.$f(A, I...)
+        # Catch the edge case dims were passed but did not match - 
+        # we want to index with all colons [:, :, ...], not []
+        @propagate_inbounds $_dim_f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray{<:Any,N}) where N =
+            rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, ntuple(i -> Colon(), Val(N)))
         @propagate_inbounds function $_dim_f(
@@ -114,35 +89,41 @@ for f in (:getindex, :view, :dotview)
             return merge_and_index(Base.$f, A, (d1, ds...))
-    end
-    # Standard indices
-    if f == :view
-        @eval @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i1::StandardIndices, i2::StandardIndices, I::StandardIndices...)
-            I = to_indices(A, (i1, i2, I...))
-            x = Base.$f(parent(A), I...)
-            rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, x, I)
-        end
-    else
-        @eval @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i1::StandardIndices, i2::StandardIndices, Is::StandardIndices...)
-            I = to_indices(A, (i1, i2, Is...))
-            x = Base.$f(parent(A), I...)
-            all(i -> i isa Integer, I) ? x : rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, x, I)
+        @propagate_inbounds function $_dim_f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray{<:Any,0}, d1::Dimension, ds::Dimension...)
+            Dimensions._extradimswarn((d1, ds...))
+            return rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, ())
+    ##### AbstractDimArray only methods
+    # Here we know we can just index into the parent object
+    # Linear indexing forwards to the parent array as it will break the dimensions
+    # AbstractBasicDimArray must defined their own methods
+    @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i::Union{Colon,AbstractArray{<:Integer}}) =
+        Base.$f(parent(A), i)
+    # Except for AbstractDimVector
+    @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i::Union{Colon,AbstractArray{<:Integer}}) =
+        rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, (i,))
+    if f in (:getindex, :dotview)
+        # We only define getindex with Integer on AbstractDimArray
+        # AbstractBasicDimArray must defined their own
+        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i::Integer) = Base.$f(parent(A), i)
+        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i::Integer) = Base.$f(parent(A), i)
+        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i1::Integer, i2::Integer, I::Integer...) =
+            Base.$f(parent(A), i1, i2, I...)
+        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray) = Base.$f(parent(A))
+    end
     # Special case zero dimensional arrays being indexed with missing dims
     if f == :getindex
         # Catch this before the dimension is converted to ()
-        @eval @propagate_inbounds function $_dim_f(A::AbstractDimArray{<:Any,0})
-            return rebuild(A, fill(A[]))
-        end
-        @eval @propagate_inbounds function $_dim_f(A::AbstractDimArray{<:Any,0}, d1::Dimension, ds::Dimension...)
+        @eval $_dim_f(A::AbstractDimArray{<:Any,0}) = rebuild(A, fill(A[]))
+        @eval function $_dim_f(A::AbstractDimArray{<:Any,0}, d1::Dimension, ds::Dimension...)
             Dimensions._extradimswarn((d1, ds...))
             return rebuild(A, fill(A[]))
 function merge_and_index(f, A, dims)
     dims, inds_arrays = _separate_dims_arrays(_simplify_dim_indices(dims...)...)
     # No arrays here, so abort (dispatch is tricky...)
@@ -263,3 +244,7 @@ Base.@assume_effects :foldable @inline _simplify_dim_indices() = ()
     view(A, args...; kw...)
 @propagate_inbounds Base.maybeview(A::AbstractDimArray, args::Vararg{Union{Number,Base.AbstractCartesianIndex}}; kw...) =
     view(A, args...; kw...)
+# We only own this to_indices dispatch for AbstractBasicDimArray
+Base.to_indices(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, inds, (r, args...)::Tuple{<:Type,Vararg}) =
+    (Lookups._to_index(inds[1], r), to_indices(A, Base.tail(inds), args)...)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/array/methods.jl b/src/array/methods.jl
index 27a1cdc35..dec9f8c4f 100644
--- a/src/array/methods.jl
+++ b/src/array/methods.jl
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ end
 function Base.dropdims(A::AbstractDimArray; dims)
     dims = DD.dims(A, dims)
     data = Base.dropdims(parent(A); dims=dimnum(A, dims))
-    rebuildsliced(A, data, _dropinds(A, dims))
+    rebuildsliced(view, A, data, _dropinds(A, dims))
 @inline _dropinds(A, dims::Tuple) = dims2indices(A, map(d -> rebuild(d, 1), dims))
@@ -582,7 +582,8 @@ end
     r = axes(A)
     # Copied from Base.diff
     r0 = ntuple(i -> i == dims ? UnitRange(1, last(r[i]) - 1) : UnitRange(r[i]), N)
-    rebuildsliced(A, diff(parent(A); dims=dimnum(A, dims)), r0)
+    data = diff(parent(A); dims=dimnum(A, dims))
+    rebuildsliced(getindex, A, data, r0)
 # Forward `replace` to parent objects
diff --git a/src/dimindices.jl b/src/dimindices.jl
index 5b0779b18..fee1062b2 100644
--- a/src/dimindices.jl
+++ b/src/dimindices.jl
@@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
+    AbstractDimArrayGenerator <: AbstractBasicDimArray
+Abstract supertype for all AbstractBasicDimArrays that
+generate their `data` on demand during `getindex`.
 abstract type AbstractDimArrayGenerator{T,N,D} <: AbstractBasicDimArray{T,N,D} end
 dims(dg::AbstractDimArrayGenerator) = dg.dims
+# Dims that contribute to the element type.
+# May be larger than `dims` after slicing
+eldims(di::AbstractDimArrayGenerator) = dims((dims(di)..., refdims(di)...), orderdims(di))
+eldims(di::AbstractDimArrayGenerator, d) = dims(eldims(di), d)
 Base.size(dg::AbstractDimArrayGenerator) = map(length, dims(dg))
 Base.axes(dg::AbstractDimArrayGenerator) = map(d -> axes(d, 1), dims(dg))
-Base.similar(A::AbstractDimArrayGenerator, ::Type{T}, D::DimTuple) where T =
-    dimconstructor(D)(A; data=similar(Array{T}, size(D)), dims=D, refdims=(), metadata=NoMetadata())
-Base.similar(A::AbstractDimArrayGenerator, ::Type{T}, D::Tuple{}) where T =
-    dimconstructor(D)(A; data=similar(Array{T}, ()), dims=(), refdims=(), metadata=NoMetadata())
 @inline Base.permutedims(A::AbstractDimArrayGenerator{<:Any,2}) =
     rebuild(A; dims=reverse(dims(A)))
 @inline Base.permutedims(A::AbstractDimArrayGenerator{<:Any,1}) =
@@ -25,7 +30,34 @@ end
     rebuild(A; dims=dims(dims(A), Tuple(perm)))
-abstract type AbstractDimIndices{T,N,D} <: AbstractDimArrayGenerator{T,N,D} end
+    AbstractRebuildableDimArrayGenerator <: AbstractDimArrayGenerator
+Abstract supertype for all AbstractDimArrayGenerator that
+can be rebuilt when subsetted with `view` or `getindex`.
+These arrays must have `dims` and `refdims` fields that defined the data
+They do not need to define `rebuildsliced` methods as this is defined
+as simply doing `slicedims` on `dims` and `refdims` and rebuilding.
+abstract type AbstractRebuildableDimArrayGenerator{T,N,D,R<:MaybeDimTuple} <: AbstractDimArrayGenerator{T,N,D} end
+refdims(A::AbstractRebuildableDimArrayGenerator) = A.refdims
+_refdims_firsts(A::AbstractRebuildableDimArrayGenerator) = map(d -> rebuild(d, first(d)), refdims(A))
+# Custom rebuildsliced where data is ignored, and just dims and refdims are slices
+# This makes sense for AbstractRebuildableDimArrayGenerator because Arrays are
+# generated in getindex from the dims/refdims combination.
+# `f` is ignored, and views are always used
+@propagate_inbounds function rebuildsliced(f::Function, A::AbstractRebuildableDimArrayGenerator, I)
+    dims, refdims = slicedims(view, A, I)
+    return rebuild(A; dims, refdims)
+abstract type AbstractDimIndices{T,N,D,R,O<:MaybeDimTuple} <: AbstractRebuildableDimArrayGenerator{T,N,D,R} end
+orderdims(di::AbstractDimIndices) = di.orderdims
     DimIndices <: AbstractArray
@@ -85,48 +117,52 @@ julia> A[di] # Index A with these indices
  0.6  0.745673  0.692209
-struct DimIndices{T,N,D<:Tuple{Vararg{Dimension}}} <: AbstractDimIndices{T,N,D}
+struct DimIndices{T<:MaybeDimTuple,N,D,R,O} <: AbstractDimIndices{T,N,D,R,O}
+    refdims::R
+    orderdims::O
     # Manual inner constructor for ambiguity only
-    function DimIndices{T,N,D}(dims::Tuple{Vararg{Dimension}}) where {T,N,D<:Tuple{Vararg{Dimension}}}
-        new{T,N,D}(dims)
+    function DimIndices(dims::D, refdims::R, orderdims::O) where {D<:MaybeDimTuple,R<:MaybeDimTuple,O<:MaybeDimTuple}
+        eldims = DD.dims((dims..., refdims...), orderdims)
+        T = typeof(map(d -> rebuild(d, 1), eldims))
+        N = length(dims)
+        new{T,N,D,R,O}(dims, refdims, orderdims)
-function DimIndices(dims::D) where {D<:Tuple{Vararg{Dimension}}}
-    T = typeof(map(d -> rebuild(d, 1), dims))
-    N = length(dims)
-    dims = N > 0 ? _dimindices_format(dims) : dims
-    DimIndices{T,N,typeof(dims)}(dims)
+function DimIndices(dims::MaybeDimTuple)
+    dims = length(dims) > 0 ? _dimindices_format(dims) : dims
+    return DimIndices(dims, (), basedims(dims))
 DimIndices(x) = DimIndices(dims(x))
 DimIndices(dim::Dimension) = DimIndices((dim,))
 DimIndices(::Nothing) = throw(ArgumentError("Object has no `dims` method"))
 # Forces multiple indices not linear
-function Base.getindex(di::DimIndices, i1::Integer, i2::Integer, I::Integer...)
-    map(dims(di), (i1, i2, I...)) do d, i
+function Base.getindex(A::DimIndices, i1::Integer, i2::Integer, I::Integer...)
+    dis = map(dims(A), (i1, i2, I...)) do d, i
         rebuild(d, d[i])
+    dims((dis..., _refdims_firsts(A)...), orderdims(A))
 # Dispatch to avoid linear indexing in multidimensional DimIndices
-function Base.getindex(di::DimIndices{<:Any,1}, i::Integer)
-    d = dims(di, 1)
-    (rebuild(d, d[i]),)
+function Base.getindex(A::DimIndices{<:Any,1}, i::Integer)
+    d = dims(A, 1)
+    di = rebuild(d, d[i])
+    return dims((di, _refdims_firsts(A)...), orderdims(A))
+Base.getindex(A::DimIndices{<:Any,0}) = dims(_refdims_firsts(A), orderdims(A))
 _dimindices_format(dims::Tuple{}) = ()
 _dimindices_format(dims::Tuple) = map(rebuild, dims, map(_dimindices_axis, dims))
-# Allow only CartesianIndices arguments
 _dimindices_axis(x::Integer) = Base.OneTo(x)
 _dimindices_axis(x::AbstractRange{<:Integer}) = x
-# And Lookup, which we take the axes from
 _dimindices_axis(x::Dimension) = _dimindices_axis(val(x))
 _dimindices_axis(x::Lookup) = axes(x, 1)
 _dimindices_axis(x) =
     throw(ArgumentError("`$x` is not a valid input for `DimIndices`. Use `Dimension`s wrapping `Integer`, `AbstractArange{<:Integer}`, or a `Lookup` (the `axes` will be used)"))
-abstract type AbstractDimVals{T,N,D} <: AbstractDimIndices{T,N,D} end
+abstract type AbstractDimVals{T,N,D,R,O} <: AbstractDimIndices{T,N,D,R,O} end
 (::Type{T})(::Nothing; kw...) where T<:AbstractDimVals = throw(ArgumentError("Object has no `dims` method"))
 (::Type{T})(x; kw...) where T<:AbstractDimVals = T(dims(x); kw...)
@@ -150,34 +186,40 @@ that defines a `dims` method can be passed in.
 - `order`: determines the order of the points, the same as the order of `dims` by default.
-struct DimPoints{T,N,D<:Tuple{Vararg{Dimension}},O} <: AbstractDimVals{T,N,D}
+struct DimPoints{T<:Tuple,N,D,R,O} <: AbstractDimVals{T,N,D,R,O}
-    order::O
+    refdims::R
+    orderdims::O
+    function DimPoints(dims::D, refdims::R, orderdims::O) where {D<:MaybeDimTuple,R<:MaybeDimTuple,O<:MaybeDimTuple}
+        eldims = DD.dims((dims..., refdims...), orderdims)
+        T = Tuple{map(eltype, eldims)...}
+        N = length(dims)
+        new{T,N,D,R,O}(dims, refdims, orderdims)
+    end
 DimPoints(dims::Tuple; order=dims) = DimPoints(dims, order)
 function DimPoints(dims::Tuple, order::Tuple)
-    order = map(d -> basetypeof(d)(), order)
-    T = Tuple{map(eltype, dims)...}
-    N = length(dims)
-    dims = N > 0 ? _format(dims) : dims
-    DimPoints{T,N,typeof(dims),typeof(order)}(dims, order)
+    dims = length(dims) > 0 ? format(dims) : dims
+    DimPoints(dims, (), basedims(order))
-function Base.getindex(dp::DimPoints, i1::Integer, i2::Integer, I::Integer...)
+function Base.getindex(A::DimPoints, i1::Integer, i2::Integer, I::Integer...)
     # Get dim-wrapped point values at i1, I...
-    pointdims = map(dims(dp), (i1, i2, I...)) do d, i
+    pointdims = map(dims(A), (i1, i2, I...)) do d, i
         rebuild(d, d[i])
     # Return the unwrapped point sorted by `order
-    return map(val, DD.dims(pointdims, dp.order))
+    return map(val, DD.dims((pointdims..., _refdims_firsts(A)...), orderdims(A)))
-Base.getindex(di::DimPoints{<:Any,1}, i::Integer) = (dims(di, 1)[i],)
-_format(::Tuple{}) = ()
-function _format(dims::Tuple)
-    ax = map(d -> axes(val(d), 1), dims)
-    return format(dims, ax)
+function Base.getindex(A::DimPoints{<:Any,1}, i::Integer) 
+    # Get dim-wrapped point values at i1, I...
+    d1 = dims(A, 1)
+    pointdim = rebuild(d1, d1[i])
+    # Return the unwrapped point sorted by `order
+    D = dims((pointdim, _refdims_firsts(A)...), orderdims(A))
+    return map(val, D)
+Base.getindex(A::DimPoints{<:Any,0}) = map(val, dims(_refdims_firsts(A), orderdims(A)))
     DimSelectors <: AbstractArray
@@ -226,19 +268,49 @@ Using `At` would make sure we only use exact interpolation,
 while `Contains` with sampling of `Intervals` would make sure that
 each values is taken only from an Interval that is present in the lookups.
-struct DimSelectors{T,N,D<:Tuple{Vararg{Dimension}},S<:Tuple} <: AbstractDimVals{T,N,D}
+struct DimSelectors{T<:MaybeDimTuple,N,D,R,O,S<:Tuple} <: AbstractDimVals{T,N,D,R,O}
+    refdims::R
+    orderdims::O
+    function DimSelectors(dims::D, refdims::R, orderdims::O, selectors::S) where {D<:Tuple,R<:Tuple,O<:Tuple,S<:Tuple}
+        eldims = DD.dims((dims..., refdims...), orderdims)
+        T = _selector_eltype(eldims, selectors)
+        N = length(dims)
+        new{T,N,D,R,O,S}(dims, refdims, orderdims, selectors)
+    end
-function DimSelectors(dims::Tuple{Vararg{Dimension}}; atol=nothing, selectors=At())
+function DimSelectors(dims::MaybeDimTuple; atol=nothing, selectors=At())
     s = _format_selectors(dims, selectors, atol)
     DimSelectors(dims, s)
-function DimSelectors(dims::Tuple{Vararg{Dimension}}, selectors::Tuple)
-    T = _selector_eltype(dims, selectors)
-    N = length(dims)
-    dims = N > 0 ? _format(dims) : dims
-    DimSelectors{T,N,typeof(dims),typeof(selectors)}(dims, selectors)
+function DimSelectors(dims::MaybeDimTuple, selectors::Tuple)
+    dims = length(dims) > 0 ? format(dims) : dims
+    orderdims = basedims(dims)
+    refdims = ()
+    length(dims) == length(selectors) || throw(ArgumentError("`length(dims) must match  `length(selectors)`, got $(length(dims)) and $(length(selectors))"))
+    DimSelectors(dims, refdims, orderdims, selectors)
+@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(A::DimSelectors, i1::Integer, i2::Integer, I::Integer...)
+    D = map(dims(A), (i1, i2, I...)) do d, i
+        rebuild(d, d[i])
+    end
+    return _rebuild_selectors(A, D)
+@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(A::DimSelectors{<:Any,1}, i::Integer)
+    d1 = dims(A, 1)
+    d = rebuild(d1, d1[i])
+    return _rebuild_selectors(A, (d,))
+@propagate_inbounds Base.getindex(A::DimSelectors{<:Any,0}) =
+    _rebuild_selectors(A, ())
+function _rebuild_selectors(A, D)
+    sorteddims = dims((D..., _refdims_firsts(A)...), orderdims(A))
+    map(sorteddims, A.selectors) do d, s
+        rebuild(d, rebuild(s; val=val(d)))
+    end
 _selector_eltype(dims::Tuple, selectors::Tuple) =
@@ -268,8 +340,7 @@ end
     _format_selectors(dims, selectors, map(_ -> atol, dims))
 @inline _format_selectors(dims::Tuple, selectors::Tuple, atol::Tuple) =
     map(_format_selectors, dims, selectors, atol)
-_format_selectors(d::Dimension, T::Type, atol) = _format_selectors(d, T(), atol)
+@inline _format_selectors(d::Dimension, T::Type, atol) = _format_selectors(d, T(), atol)
 @inline _format_selectors(d::Dimension, ::Near, atol) = Near(nothing)
 @inline _format_selectors(d::Dimension, ::Contains, atol) = Contains(nothing)
 @inline function _format_selectors(d::Dimension, at::At, atol)
@@ -282,68 +353,127 @@ _atol(T::Type{<:AbstractFloat}, atol, ::Nothing) = atol
 _atol(T::Type{<:AbstractFloat}, ::Nothing, atol) = atol
 _atol(T::Type{<:AbstractFloat}, ::Nothing, ::Nothing) = eps(T)
-@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(di::DimSelectors, i1::Integer, i2::Integer, I::Integer...)
-    map(dims(di), di.selectors, (i1, i2, I...)) do d, s, i
-        rebuild(d, rebuild(s; val=d[i])) # At selector with the value at i
-    end
-@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(di::DimSelectors{<:Any,1}, i::Integer)
-    d = dims(di, 1)
-    (rebuild(d, rebuild(di.selectors[1]; val=d[i])),)
 # Deprecated
 const DimKeys = DimSelectors
-struct DimSlices{T,N,D<:Tuple{Vararg{Dimension}},P} <: AbstractDimArrayGenerator{T,N,D}
+const SliceDim = Dimension{<:Union{<:AbstractVector{Int},<:AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{Int}}}}
+    DimSlices <: AbstractRebuildableDimArrayGenerator
+    DimSlices(x, dims; drop=true)
+A `Base.Slices` like object for returning view slices from a DimArray.
+This is used for `eachslice` on stacks.
+`dims` must be a `Tuple` of `Dimension` holding `AbstractVector{Int}`
+or `AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{Int}}`.
+# Keywords
+- `drop`: whether to drop dimensions from the outer array or keep the 
+    same dimensions as the inner view, but with length 1.
+struct DimSlices{T,N,D,R,P,U} <: AbstractRebuildableDimArrayGenerator{T,N,D,R}
+    refdims::R
+    reduced::U
 DimSlices(x; dims, drop=true) = DimSlices(x, dims; drop)
-function DimSlices(x, dims; drop=true)
-    newdims = if length(dims) == 0
-        map(d  -> rebuild(d, :), DD.dims(x))
+DimSlices(x, dim; kw...) = DimSlices(x, (dim,); kw...)
+function DimSlices(x, dims::Tuple; drop::Union{Bool,Nothing}=nothing)
+    dims = DD.dims(x, dims)
+    refdims = ()
+    inds = if length(dims) == 0
+        map(d -> rebuild(d, :), DD.dims(x))
+    else
+        map(d -> rebuild(d, firstindex(d)), dims)
+    end
+    slicedims, reduced = if isnothing(drop) || drop
+        # We have to handle filling in colons for no dims because passing 
+        # no dims at all is owned by base to mean A[] not A[D1(:), D2(:), D3(:)]
+        dims, ()
-        dims
-    end 
-    inds = map(newdims) do d
-        rebuild(d, first(d))
-    end 
-    # `getindex` returns these views
+        # Get other dimensions as length 1
+        reduced = map(otherdims(x, dims)) do o
+            reducedims(o)
+        end
+        # Re-sort to x dim order
+        slicedims = DD.dims((reduced..., dims...), DD.dims(x))
+        sliceddims, basedims(reduced)
+    end
     T = typeof(view(x, inds...))
-    N = length(newdims)
-    D = typeof(newdims)
-    P = typeof(x)
-    return DimSlices{T,N,D,P}(x, newdims)
+    N = length(slicedims)
+    D = typeof(slicedims)
+    R = typeof(refdims)
+    A = typeof(x)
+    U = typeof(reduced)
+    return DimSlices{T,N,D,R,A,U}(x, slicedims, refdims, reduced)
-rebuild(ds::A; dims) where {A<:DimSlices{T,N}} where {T,N} =
-    DimSlices{T,N,typeof(dims),typeof(ds._data)}(ds._data, dims)
+function rebuild(ds::DimSlices{T,N}; 
+    dims::D, refdims::R, reduced::U=ds.reduced
+) where {T,N,D,R,U}
+    A = typeof(ds._data)
+    DimSlices{T,N,D,R,A,U}(ds._data, dims, refdims, reduced)
+@propagate_inbounds function rebuildsliced(::Function, A::DimSlices, I)
+    @boundscheck checkbounds(A, I...)
+    # We use `unafe_view` to force always wrapping as a view, even for ranges
+    # Then in `_refdims_firsts` we can use `first(parentindices(d))` to get the offset
+    dims, refdims = slicedims(Base.unsafe_view, A, I)
+    return rebuild(A; dims, refdims)
+# We need to get the vist index from the view, so define this custom for DimSlices
+_refdims_firsts(A::DimSlices) = map(d -> rebuild(d, first(parentindices(d))), refdims(A))
 function Base.summary(io::IO, A::DimSlices{T,N}) where {T,N}
     print_ndims(io, size(A))
     print(io, string(nameof(typeof(A)), "{$(nameof(T)),$N}"))
-@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(ds::DimSlices, i1::Integer, i2::Integer, Is::Integer...)
+@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(A::DimSlices, i1::Integer, i2::Integer, Is::Integer...)
     I = (i1, i2, Is...)
-    @boundscheck checkbounds(ds, I...)
-    D = map(dims(ds), I) do d, i
-        rebuild(d, d[i])
+    D = map(dims(A), I) do d, i
+        i1 = if hasdim(A.reduced, d) 
+            @boundscheck checkbounds(d, i)
+            Colon()
+        else
+            eachindex(d)[i]
+        end
+        return rebuild(d, i1)
-    return view(ds._data, D...)
+    R = _refdims_firsts(A)
+    return view(A._data, D..., R...)
 # Dispatch to avoid linear indexing in multidimensional DimIndices
-@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(ds::DimSlices{<:Any,1}, i::Integer)
-    d = dims(ds, 1)
-    return view(ds._data, rebuild(d, d[i]))
+@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(A::DimSlices{<:Any,1}, i::Integer)
+    d1 = dims(A, 1)
+    d = if hasdim(A.reduced, d1)
+        @boundscheck checkbounds(d1, i)
+        rebuild(d1, :)
+    else
+        rebuild(d1, eachindex(d1)[i])
+    end
+    return view(A._data, d, _refdims_firsts(A)...)
+@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(A::DimSlices{<:Any,0})
+    R = _refdims_firsts(A)
+    # Need to manually force the Colons in case there are no dims at all
+    D = map(otherdims(A._data, R)) do d
+        rebuild(d, :)
+    end
+    view(A._data, D..., R...)
 # Extends the dimensions of any `AbstractBasicDimArray`
 # as if the array assigned into a larger array across all dimensions,
 # but without the copying. Theres is a cost for linear indexing these objects
 # as we need to convert to Cartesian.
-struct DimExtensionArray{T,N,D<:Tuple{Vararg{Dimension}},R<:Tuple{Vararg{Dimension}},A<:AbstractBasicDimArray{T}} <: AbstractDimArrayGenerator{T,N,D}
+struct DimExtensionArray{T,N,D<:MaybeDimTuple,R<:MaybeDimTuple,A<:AbstractBasicDimArray{T}} <: AbstractDimArrayGenerator{T,N,D}
@@ -361,71 +491,41 @@ DimExtensionArray(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, dims::Tuple; refdims=refdims(A)) =
 name(A::DimExtensionArray) = name(A._data)
 metadata(A::DimExtensionArray) = metadata(A._data)
-# Indexing that returns a new object with the same number of dims
-for f in (:getindex, :dotview, :view)
-    __f = Symbol(:__, f)
-    T = Union{Colon,AbstractRange}
-    # For ambiguity
-    @eval @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(de::DimExtensionArray{<:Any,1}, i::Integer)
-        if ndims(parent(de)) == 0
-            $f(de._data)
-        else
-            $f(de._data, i)
-        end
-    end
-    @eval @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(di::DimExtensionArray{<:Any,1}, i::Union{AbstractRange,Colon})
-        rebuild(di;[i], dims=(dims(di, 1)[i],))
-    end
-    # For ambiguity
-    @eval @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(de::DimExtensionArray, i1::$T, i2::$T, Is::$T...)
-        $__f(de, i1, i2, Is...)
-    end
-    @eval @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(de::DimExtensionArray, i1::StandardIndices, i2::StandardIndices, Is::StandardIndices...)
-        $__f(de, i1, i2, Is...)
-    end
-    @eval @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(
-        de::DimensionalData.DimExtensionArray,
-        i1::Union{AbstractArray{Union{}}, DimensionalData.DimIndices{<:Integer}, DimensionalData.DimSelectors{<:Integer}},
-        i2::Union{AbstractArray{Union{}}, DimensionalData.DimIndices{<:Integer}, DimensionalData.DimSelectors{<:Integer}},
-        Is::Vararg{Union{AbstractArray{Union{}}, DimensionalData.DimIndices{<:Integer}, DimensionalData.DimSelectors{<:Integer}}}
-    )
-        $__f(de, i1, i2, Is...)
-    end
-    @eval Base.@assume_effects :foldable @propagate_inbounds function $__f(de::DimExtensionArray, i1, i2, Is...)
-        I = (i1, i2, Is...)
-        newdims, newrefdims = slicedims(dims(de), refdims(de), I)
-        D = map(rebuild, dims(de), I)
-        A = de._data
-        realdims = dims(D, dims(A))
-        if all(map(d -> val(d) isa Colon, realdims))
-            rebuild(de; dims=newdims, refdims=newrefdims)
-        else
-            newrealparent = begin
-                x = parent(A)[dims2indices(A, realdims)...]
-                x isa AbstractArray ? x : fill(x)
-            end
-            newrealdims = dims(newdims, realdims)
-            newdata = rebuild(A; data=newrealparent, dims=newrealdims)
-            rebuild(de; _data=newdata, dims=newdims, refdims=newrefdims)
+@propagate_inbounds function rebuildsliced(f::Function, de::DimExtensionArray, I)
+    newdims, newrefdims = slicedims(dims(de), refdims(de), I)
+    D = map(rebuild, dims(de), I)
+    A = de._data
+    realdims = dims(D, dims(A))
+    if all(map(d -> val(d) isa Colon, realdims))
+        rebuild(de; dims=newdims, refdims=newrefdims)
+    else
+        newrealparent = begin
+            x = f(parent(A), dims2indices(A, realdims)...)
+            x isa AbstractArray ? x : fill(x)
-    end
-    @eval @propagate_inbounds function $__f(de::DimExtensionArray{<:Any,1}, i::$T)
-        newdims, _ = slicedims(dims(de), (i,))
-        A = de._data
-        D = rebuild(only(dims(de)), i)
-        rebuild(de; dims=newdims, _data=A[D...])
+        newrealdims = dims(newdims, realdims)
+        newdata = rebuild(A; data=newrealparent, dims=newrealdims)
+        rebuild(de; _data=newdata, dims=newdims, refdims=newrefdims)
-for f in (:getindex, :dotview)
-    __f = Symbol(:__, f)
-    @eval function $__f(de::DimExtensionArray, i1::Int, i2::Int, Is::Int...)
-        D = map(rebuild, dims(de), (i1, i2, Is...))
-        A = de._data
-        return $f(A, dims(D, dims(A))...)
-    end
-    @eval $__f(de::DimExtensionArray{<:Any,1}, i::Int) = $f(de._data, rebuild(dims(de, 1), i))
+@propagate_inbounds function rebuildsliced(
+    f::Function, de::DimExtensionArray{<:Any,1}, I::Tuple{<:Union{Colon,AbstractRange}}
+    newdims, _ = slicedims(dims(de), I)
+    A = de._data
+    D = rebuild(only(dims(de)), only(I))
+    rebuild(de; dims=newdims, _data=A[D...])
+# Integer indexing
+function Base.getindex(de::DimExtensionArray, i1::Integer, i2::Integer, Is::Integer...)
+    D = map(rebuild, dims(de), (i1, i2, Is...))
+    A = de._data
+    return getindex(A, dims(D, dims(A))...)
+Base.getindex(de::DimExtensionArray{<:Any,1}, i::Integer) = getindex(de._data, rebuild(dims(de, 1), i))
+Base.getindex(de::DimExtensionArray{<:Any,0}) = de._data[]
 function mergedims(A::DimExtensionArray, dim_pairs::Pair...)
     all_dims = dims(A)
     dims_new = mergedims(all_dims, dim_pairs...)
@@ -434,47 +534,4 @@ function mergedims(A::DimExtensionArray, dim_pairs::Pair...)
     Aperm = PermutedDimsArray(A, dims_perm)
     data_merged = reshape(parent(Aperm), map(length, dims_new))
     return DimArray(data_merged, dims_new)
-const SelectorOrStandard = Union{SelectorOrInterval,StandardIndices}
-const DimensionIndsArrays = Union{AbstractArray{<:Dimension},AbstractArray{<:DimTuple}}
-const DimensionalIndices = Union{DimTuple,DimIndices,DimSelectors,Dimension,DimensionIndsArrays}
-const _DimIndicesAmb = Union{AbstractArray{Union{}},DimIndices{<:Integer},DimSelectors{<:Integer}}
-# Indexing that returns a new object with the same number of dims
-for f in (:getindex, :dotview, :view)
-    T = Union{Colon,AbstractVector}
-    _dim_f = Symbol(:_dim_, f)
-    @eval begin
-        @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(di::AbstractDimArrayGenerator, i1::$T, i2::$T, Is::$T...)
-            I = (i1, i2, Is...)
-            newdims, _ = slicedims(dims(di), I)
-            rebuild(di; dims=newdims)
-        end
-        @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(
-            di::AbstractDimArrayGenerator, 
-            i1::DimensionalIndices, 
-            i2::DimensionalIndices, 
-            Is::DimensionalIndices...
-        )
-            $_dim_f(di, i1, i2, Is...)
-        end
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArrayGenerator, i::DimIndices) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArrayGenerator, i::DimSelectors) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArrayGenerator, i::DimensionalIndices) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArrayGenerator, i::_DimIndicesAmb) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArrayGenerator{<:Any,1}, i::DimIndices) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArrayGenerator{<:Any,1}, i::DimSelectors) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArrayGenerator{<:Any,1}, i::DimensionalIndices) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArrayGenerator{<:Any,1}, i::_DimIndicesAmb) = $_dim_f(A, i)
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(di::AbstractDimArrayGenerator{<:Any,1}, i::$T) =
-            rebuild(di; dims=(dims(di, 1)[i],))
-        @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(dg::AbstractDimArrayGenerator, i::Integer) =
-            Base.$f(dg, Tuple(CartesianIndices(dg)[i])...)
-    end
-    if f == :view
-        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArrayGenerator) = A
-    else
-        @eval @propagate_inbounds Base.$f(::AbstractDimArrayGenerator) = ()
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/groupby.jl b/src/groupby.jl
index bfcb63cdd..a73e5a9ca 100644
--- a/src/groupby.jl
+++ b/src/groupby.jl
@@ -11,24 +11,47 @@ This wrapper allows for specialisations on later broadcast or
 reducing operations, e.g. for chunk reading with DiskArrays.jl,
 because we know the data originates from a single array.
-struct DimGroupByArray{T,N,D<:Tuple,R<:Tuple,A<:AbstractArray{T,N},Na,Me} <: AbstractDimArray{T,N,D,A}
-    data::A
+struct DimGroupByArray{T,N,D,R,A,Na,Me} <: AbstractRebuildableDimArrayGenerator{T,N,D,R}
+    _data::A
-    function DimGroupByArray(
-        data::A, dims::D, refdims::R, name::Na, metadata::Me
-    ) where {D<:Tuple,R<:Tuple,A<:AbstractArray{T,N},Na,Me} where {T,N}
-        checkdims(data, dims)
-        new{T,N,D,R,A,Na,Me}(data, dims, refdims, name, metadata)
-    end
+function DimGroupByArray(_data::A, dims::D, refdims::R, name::Na, metadata::Me) where {D,R,A,Na,Me}
+    T = typeof(view(_data, firstgroupinds(dims)...))
+    N = length(dims) 
+    DimGroupByArray{T,N,D,R,A,Na,Me}(_data, dims, refdims, name, metadata)
 function DimGroupByArray(data::AbstractArray, dims::Union{Tuple,NamedTuple};
     refdims=(), name=NoName(), metadata=NoMetadata()
     DimGroupByArray(data, format(dims, data), refdims, name, metadata)
+name(A::DimGroupByArray) =
+metadata(A::DimGroupByArray) = A.metadata
+refdims(A::DimGroupByArray) = A.refdims
+function groupinds(A::DimGroupByArray, I::Integer...)
+    # Get the group indices for each dimension
+    D = groupinds(dims(A), I...) 
+    # And the indices in refdims
+    R = map(refdims(A)) do d
+        rebuild(d, only(hiddenparent(d)))
+    end
+    # And combine them, dim indexing will fix the order later
+    return (D..., R...)
+function groupinds(dims::MaybeDimTuple, I::Integer...)
+    map(dims, I) do d, i
+        rebuild(d, hiddenparent(d)[i])
+    end
+firstgroupinds(dims::MaybeDimTuple) =
+    groupinds(dims, ntuple(_ -> 1, length(dims))...)
 @inline function rebuild(
     A::DimGroupByArray, data::AbstractArray, dims::Tuple, refdims::Tuple, name, metadata
@@ -41,6 +64,18 @@ end
     rebuild(A, data, dims, refdims, name, metadata) # Rebuild as a regular DimArray
+Base.size(A::DimGroupByArray) = map(length, dims(A))
+@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(A::DimGroupByArray, i1::Integer, i2::Integer, Is::Integer...)
+    I = (i1, i2, Is...)
+    return view(A._data, groupinds(A, I...)...)
+# Dispatch to avoid linear indexing in multidimensional DimIndices
+@propagate_inbounds Base.getindex(A::DimGroupByArray{<:Any,1}, i::Integer) =
+    view(A._data, groupinds(A, i)...)
+@propagate_inbounds Base.getindex(A::DimGroupByArray{<:Any,0}) =
+    view(A._data, groupinds(A)...)
 function Base.summary(io::IO, A::DimGroupByArray{T,N}) where {T<:AbstractArray{T1,N1},N} where {T1,N1}
     print_ndims(io, size(A))
     print(io, string(nameof(typeof(A)), "{$(nameof(T)){$T1,$N1},$N}"))
@@ -83,18 +118,6 @@ function, s::DimSummariser)
 Base.alignment(io::IO, s::DimSummariser) = (textwidth(sprint(show, s)), 0)
-# An array that doesn't know what it holds, to simplify dispatch
-# It can also hold something that is not an AbstractArray itself.
-struct OpaqueArray{T,N,P} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
-    parent::P
-OpaqueArray(A::P) where P<:AbstractArray{T,N} where {T,N} = OpaqueArray{T,N,P}(A)
-OpaqueArray(st::P) where P<:AbstractDimStack{<:Any,T,N} where {T,N} = OpaqueArray{T,N,P}(st)
-Base.size(A::OpaqueArray) = size(A.parent)
-Base.getindex(A::OpaqueArray, args...) = Base.getindex(A.parent, args...)
-Base.setindex!(A::OpaqueArray, args...) = Base.setindex!(A.parent, args...)
 abstract type AbstractBins <: Function end
@@ -252,6 +275,7 @@ julia> using DimensionalData, Dates
 julia> A = rand(X(1:0.1:20), Y(1:20), Ti(DateTime(2000):Day(3):DateTime(2003)));
 julia> groups = groupby(A, Ti => month) # Group by month
+metadata = Dict{Symbol, Any}(:groupby => (:Ti => Dates.month))
 ┌ 12-element DimGroupByArray{DimArray{Float64,3},1} ┐
 ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────┴───────────── dims ┐
   ↓ Ti Sampled{Int64} [1, 2, …, 11, 12] ForwardOrdered Irregular Points
@@ -276,15 +300,16 @@ julia> groupmeans = mean.(groups) # Take the monthly mean
 ┌ 12-element DimArray{Float64, 1} ┐
 ├─────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────── dims ┐
   ↓ Ti Sampled{Int64} [1, 2, …, 11, 12] ForwardOrdered Irregular Points
-├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── metadata ┤
-  Dict{Symbol, Any} with 1 entry:
-  :groupby => :Ti=>month
   1  0.500064
   2  0.499762
   3  0.500083
   4  0.499985
-  ⋮
+  5  0.500511
+  6  0.500042
+  7  0.500003
+  8  0.500257
+  9  0.500868
  10  0.500874
  11  0.498704
  12  0.50047
@@ -296,24 +321,29 @@ match after application of `mean`.
 ```jldoctest groupby
 julia> map(.-, groupby(A, Ti=>month), mean.(groupby(A, Ti=>month), dims=Ti));
+metadata = Dict{Symbol, Any}(:groupby => (:Ti => Dates.month))
+metadata = Dict{Symbol, Any}(:groupby => (:Ti => Dates.month))
 Or do something else with Y:
 ```jldoctest groupby
 julia> groupmeans = mean.(groupby(A, Ti=>month, Y=>isodd))
+metadata = Dict{Symbol, Any}(:groupby => (:Ti => Dates.month, :Y => isodd))
 ┌ 12×2 DimArray{Float64, 2} ┐
 ├───────────────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────── dims ┐
   ↓ Ti Sampled{Int64} [1, 2, …, 11, 12] ForwardOrdered Irregular Points,
   → Y  Sampled{Bool} [false, true] ForwardOrdered Irregular Points
-├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── metadata ┤
-  Dict{Symbol, Any} with 1 entry:
-  :groupby => (:Ti=>month, :Y=>isodd)
   ↓ →  false         true
   1        0.499594     0.500533
   2        0.498145     0.501379
+  3        0.499871     0.500296
+  4        0.500921     0.49905
+  8        0.499599     0.500915
+  9        0.500715     0.501021
  10        0.501105     0.500644
  11        0.498606     0.498801
  12        0.501643     0.499298
@@ -329,28 +359,43 @@ function DataAPI.groupby(
     return groupby(A, dims)
-function DataAPI.groupby(A::DimArrayOrStack, dimfuncs::DimTuple)
+function DataAPI.groupby(A::DimArrayOrStack, dimfuncs::DimTuple; name=:groupby)
     length(otherdims(dimfuncs, dims(A))) > 0 &&
         Dimensions._extradimserror(otherdims(dimfuncs, dims(A)))
     # Get groups for each dimension
-    dim_groups_indices = map(dimfuncs) do d
+    group_dims = map(dimfuncs) do d
         _group_indices(dims(A, d), DD.val(d))
-    # Separate lookups dims from indices
-    group_dims = map(first, dim_groups_indices)
-    # Get indices for each group wrapped with dims for indexing
-    indices = map(rebuild, group_dims, map(last, dim_groups_indices))
-    # Hide that the parent is a DimSlices
-    views = OpaqueArray(DimSlices(A, indices))
     # Put the groupby query in metadata
-    meta = map(d -> name(d) => val(d), dimfuncs)
+    meta = map(d -> => val(d), dimfuncs)
     metadata = Dict{Symbol,Any}(:groupby => length(meta) == 1 ? only(meta) : meta)
     # Return a DimGroupByArray
-    return DimGroupByArray(views, format(group_dims, views), (), :groupby, metadata)
+    return DimGroupByArray(A, map(format, group_dims), (), name, metadata)
+# An array that holds another secret array that is indexed along with it.
+# We use this to put groupings inside lookups so they are handled by `slicedims`
+struct HiddenVector{T,A<:AbstractArray{T,1},H<:AbstractArray{<:Any,1}} <: AbstractArray{T,1}
+    data::A
+    hidden::H
+Base.getindex(A::HiddenVector, i::Int) = getindex(, i)
+Base.view(A::HiddenVector, i::Int) = 
+    HiddenVector(view(, i...), view(A.hidden, i))
+for f in (:view, :getindex)
+    @eval Base.$f(A::HiddenVector, i::Union{Colon,AbstractArray}) =
+        HiddenVector(Base.$f(, i), Base.$f(A.hidden, i))
+Base.parent(A::HiddenVector) = A.hidden
+Base.size(A::HiddenVector) = size(
+hiddenparent(A::HiddenVector) = A.hidden
+hiddenparent(A::Dimension) = hiddenparent(parent(A))
+hiddenparent(A::AbstractArray) = hiddenparent(parent(A))
+hiddenparent(A::Array) = error("HiddenVector not found")
 # Define the groups and find all the indices for values that fall in them
 function _group_indices(dim::Dimension, f::Base.Callable; labels=nothing)
     orig_lookup = lookup(dim)
@@ -363,9 +408,12 @@ function _group_indices(dim::Dimension, f::Base.Callable; labels=nothing)
          push!(inds, i)
     ps = sort!(collect(pairs(indices_dict)))
-    group_dim = format(rebuild(dim, _maybe_label(labels, first.(ps))))
+    lookupvals = _maybe_label(labels, first.(ps))
     indices = last.(ps)
-    return group_dim, indices
+    # We combine lookup values and indices into on array
+    lookup_and_indices = HiddenVector(lookupvals, indices)
+    # And wrap and format them as a dimension
+    return format(rebuild(dim, lookup_and_indices))
 function _group_indices(dim::Dimension, group_lookup::Lookup; labels=nothing)
     orig_lookup = lookup(dim)
@@ -374,13 +422,15 @@ function _group_indices(dim::Dimension, group_lookup::Lookup; labels=nothing)
         n = selectindices(group_lookup, Contains(v); err=Lookups._False())
         isnothing(n) || push!(indices[n], i)
-    group_dim = if isnothing(labels)
-        rebuild(dim, group_lookup)
+    lookupvals = if isnothing(labels)
+        group_lookup
-        label_lookup = _maybe_label(labels, group_lookup)
-        rebuild(dim, label_lookup)
+        _maybe_label(labels, group_lookup)
-    return group_dim, indices
+    # We combine lookup values and indices into on array
+    lookup_and_indices = HiddenVector(lookupvals, indices)
+    # And wrap and format them as a dimension
+    return format(rebuild(dim, lookup_and_indices))
 function _group_indices(dim::Dimension, bins::AbstractBins; labels=bins.labels)
     l = lookup(dim)
diff --git a/src/opaque.jl b/src/opaque.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87c234f30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/opaque.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# OpaqueArray is an array that doesn't know what it holds, to simplify dispatch.
+# One key property is that `parent(A::OpaqueArray)` returns the `OpaqueArray` `A`
+# not the array it holds. 
+# It is often used here to hide dimensional arrays that may be generated lazily,
+# To force them to act like simple Arrays without dimensional properties.
+# OpaqueArray can also hold something that is not an AbstractArray itself.
+struct OpaqueArray{T,N,P} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
+    parent::P
+OpaqueArray(A::P) where P<:AbstractArray{T,N} where {T,N} = OpaqueArray{T,N,P}(A)
+OpaqueArray(st::P) where P<:AbstractDimStack{<:Any,T,N} where {T,N} = OpaqueArray{T,N,P}(st)
+Base.size(A::OpaqueArray) = size(A.parent)
+Base.getindex(A::OpaqueArray, I::Union{StandardIndices,Not{<:StandardIndices}}...) = 
+    Base.getindex(A.parent, I...)
+Base.setindex!(A::OpaqueArray, I::Union{StandardIndices,Not{<:StandardIndices}}...) = 
+    Base.setindex!(A.parent, I...)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/stack/methods.jl b/src/stack/methods.jl
index 7e684ba84..5c9659972 100644
--- a/src/stack/methods.jl
+++ b/src/stack/methods.jl
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ julia> size(slices)
 (4, 2)
 julia> map(dims, axes(slices))
-(↓ Z Base.OneTo(4),
-→ X Base.OneTo(2))
+(↓ Z,
+→ X Categorical{Symbol} [:x1, :x2] ForwardOrdered)
 julia> first(slices)
 ┌ 3×5 DimStack ┐
diff --git a/src/tables.jl b/src/tables.jl
index d158b2e1c..ef0c560d2 100644
--- a/src/tables.jl
+++ b/src/tables.jl
@@ -1,3 +1,22 @@
+# This lets use switch array of NamedTupleto NamedTuple of Array
+struct LayerArray{K,T,N,A} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
+    data::A
+function LayerArray{K}(a::A) where {A<:AbstractArray{<:NamedTuple,N}} where {K,N}
+    T = typeof(a[1][K])
+    LayerArray{K,T,N,A}(a)
+Base.parent(A::LayerArray) = parent(
+Base.size(A::LayerArray) = size(parent(A))
+@propagate_inbounds Base.getindex(A::LayerArray{K}, I::Integer...) where K = 
+    getproperty(getindex(parent(A), I...), K)
+function layerarrays(A::AbstractDimArray{<:NamedTuple{K}}) where K
+    map(K) do k
+        rebuild(A; data=LayerArray{k}(A))
+    end |> NamedTuple{K}
     AbstractDimTable <: Tables.AbstractColumns
@@ -31,7 +50,7 @@ function _colnames(A::AbstractDimArray)
     n = Symbol(name(A)) == Symbol("") ? :value : Symbol(name(A))
     (map(name, dims(A))..., n)
-_colnames(A::AbstractDimVector{T}) where T<:NamedTuple = 
+_colnames(A::AbstractDimArray{T}) where T<:NamedTuple = 
     (map(name, dims(A))..., _colnames(T)...)
 _colnames(::Type{<:NamedTuple{Keys}}) where Keys = Keys
@@ -59,39 +78,48 @@ To get dimension columns, you can index with `Dimension` (`X()`) or
 # Keywords
 - `mergedims`: Combine two or more dimensions into a new dimension.
-- `layersfrom`: Treat a dimension of an `AbstractDimArray` as layers of an `AbstractDimStack`.
+- `preservedims`: Preserve one or more dimensions from flattening into the table. 
+    `DimArray`s of views with these dimensions will be present in the layer column,
+    rather than scalar values.
+- `layersfrom`: Treat a dimension of an `AbstractDimArray` as layers of an `AbstractDimStack`
+    by specifying a dimension to use as layers.
 # Example
+Here we generate a GeoInterface.jl compatible table with `:geometry` 
+column made of `(X, Y)` points, and data columns from `:band` slices.
 julia> using DimensionalData, Tables
-julia> a = DimArray(ones(16, 16, 3), (X, Y, Dim{:band}))
-┌ 16×16×3 DimArray{Float64, 3} ┐
-├──────────────────────── dims ┤
-  ↓ X, → Y, ↗ band
-[:, :, 1]
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  …  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0     1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0     1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0     1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0     1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  …  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0     1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0     1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0     1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0     1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  …  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0     1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0     1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0     1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0     1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
- 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  …  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
+julia> A = ones(X(4), Y(3), Dim{:band}('a':'d'); name=:data);
+julia> DimTable(A; layersfrom=:band, mergedims=(X, Y)=>:geometry)
+DimTable with 12 rows, 5 columns, and schema:
+ :geometry  Tuple{Int64, Int64}
+ :band_a    Float64
+ :band_b    Float64
+ :band_c    Float64
+ :band_d    Float64
+And here bands for each X/Y position are kept as vectors, using `preservedims`. 
+This may be useful if e.g. bands are color components of spectral images.
+julia> DimTable(A; preservedims=:band)
+DimTable with 12 rows, 3 columns, and schema:
+ :X     …  Int64
+ :Y        Int64
+ :data     DimVector{Float64, Tuple{Dim{:band, Categorical{Char, StepRange{Char, Int64}, ForwardOrdered, NoMetadata}}}, Tuple{X{NoLookup{UnitRange{Int64}}}, Y{NoLookup{UnitRange{Int64}}}}, SubArray{Float64, 1, Array{Float64, 3}, Tuple{Int64, Int64, Slice{OneTo{Int64}}}, true}, Symbol, NoMetadata} (alias for DimArray{Float64, 1, Tuple{Dim{:band, DimensionalData.Dimensions.Lookups.Categorical{Char, StepRange{Char, Int64}, DimensionalData.Dimensions.Lookups.ForwardOrdered, DimensionalData.Dimensions.Lookups.NoMetadata}}}, Tuple{X{DimensionalData.Dimensions.Lookups.NoLookup{UnitRange{Int64}}}, Y{DimensionalData.Dimensions.Lookups.NoLookup{UnitRange{Int64}}}}, SubArray{Float64, 1, Array{Float64, 3}, Tuple{Int64, Int64, Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}, true}, Symbol, DimensionalData.Dimensions.Lookups.NoMetadata})
+julia> DimTable(A)
+DimTable with 48 rows, 4 columns, and schema:
+ :X     Int64
+ :Y     Int64
+ :band  Char
+ :data  Float64
 struct DimTable{Mode} <: AbstractDimTable
@@ -99,11 +127,18 @@ struct DimTable{Mode} <: AbstractDimTable
-function DimTable(s::AbstractDimStack;
+function DimTable(s::AbstractDimStack; 
+    preservedims=nothing,
     s = isnothing(mergedims) ? s : DD.mergedims(s, mergedims)
+    s = if isnothing(preservedims) 
+        s
+    else
+        maplayers(s) do A
+            _maybe_presevedims(A, preservedims)
+        end
+    end
     dimcolumns = collect(_dimcolumns(s))
     dimarraycolumns = if hassamedims(s)
         map(vec, layers(s))
@@ -113,16 +148,24 @@ function DimTable(s::AbstractDimStack;
     keys = collect(_colnames(s))
     return DimTable{Columns}(s, keys, dimcolumns, dimarraycolumns)
-function DimTable(As::Vararg{AbstractDimArray};
-    layernames=nothing,
-    mergedims=nothing,
+function DimTable(As::AbstractVector{<:AbstractDimArray}; 
+    layernames=nothing, 
+    mergedims=nothing, 
+    preservedims=nothing,
     # Check that dims are compatible
-    comparedims(As...)
+    comparedims(As)
     # Construct Layer Names
     layernames = isnothing(layernames) ? uniquekeys(As) : layernames
     # Construct dimension and array columns with DimExtensionArray
-    As = isnothing(mergedims) ? As : map(x -> DD.mergedims(x, mergedims), As)
+    As = isnothing(mergedims) ? As : map(x -> DimensionalData.mergedims(x, mergedims), As)
+    As = if isnothing(preservedims)
+        As
+    else
+        map(As) do A
+            _maybe_presevedims(A, preservedims)
+        end
+    end
     dims_ = dims(first(As))
     dimcolumns = collect(_dimcolumns(dims_))
     dimnames = collect(map(name, dims_))
@@ -132,9 +175,10 @@ function DimTable(As::Vararg{AbstractDimArray};
     # Return DimTable
     return DimTable{Columns}(first(As), colnames, dimcolumns, dimarraycolumns)
-function DimTable(A::AbstractDimArray;
-    layersfrom=nothing,
-    mergedims=nothing,
+function DimTable(A::AbstractDimArray; 
+    layersfrom=nothing, 
+    mergedims=nothing, 
+    preservedims=nothing,
     if !isnothing(layersfrom) && any(hasdim(A, layersfrom))
         d = dims(A, layersfrom)
@@ -145,21 +189,36 @@ function DimTable(A::AbstractDimArray;
             Symbol.(("$(name(d))_$i" for i in 1:nlayers))
-        return DimTable(layers...; layernames, mergedims)
+        return DimTable(layers; layernames, mergedims, preservedims)
-        A = isnothing(mergedims) ? A : DD.mergedims(A, mergedims)
-        dimcolumns = collect(_dimcolumns(A))
-        colnames = collect(_colnames(A))
-        if (ndims(A) == 1) && (eltype(A) <: NamedTuple)
-            dimarrayrows = parent(A)
-            return DimTable{Rows}(A, colnames, dimcolumns, dimarrayrows)
+        A1 = isnothing(mergedims) ? A : DD.mergedims(A, mergedims)
+        if eltype(A1) <: NamedTuple
+            if isnothing(preservedims)
+                dimcolumns = collect(_dimcolumns(A1))
+                colnames = collect(_colnames(A1))
+                dimarrayrows = vec(parent(A1))
+                return DimTable{Rows}(A1, colnames, dimcolumns, dimarrayrows)
+            else
+                las = layerarrays(A1)
+                layernames = collect(keys(las))
+                return DimTable(collect(las); layernames, mergedims, preservedims)
+            end
-            dimarraycolumns = [vec(parent(A))]
-            return DimTable{Columns}(A, colnames, dimcolumns, dimarraycolumns)
+            A2 = _maybe_presevedims(A1, preservedims)
+            dimcolumns = collect(_dimcolumns(A2))
+            colnames = collect(_colnames(A2))
+            dimarraycolumns = [vec(parent(A2))]
+            return DimTable{Columns}(A2, colnames, dimcolumns, dimarraycolumns)
+_maybe_presevedims(A, preservedims::Nothing) = A
+function _maybe_presevedims(A, preservedims)
+    S = DimSlices(A; dims=otherdims(A, preservedims))
+    rebuild(A; data=OpaqueArray(S), dims=dims(S))
 _dimcolumns(x) = map(d -> _dimcolumn(x, d), dims(x))
 function _dimcolumn(x, d::Dimension)
     lookupvals = parent(lookup(d))
diff --git a/test/dimindices.jl b/test/dimindices.jl
index ed7a59bc3..7a7311feb 100644
--- a/test/dimindices.jl
+++ b/test/dimindices.jl
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ A = zeros(X(4.0:7.0), Y(10.0:12.0))
     @test @inferred size(A1[di[2:4, 1:2], Ti=1]) == (3, 2)
     @test @inferred A1[di] isa DimArray{Float64,3}
     @test @inferred A1[X=1][di] isa DimArray{Float64,2}
-    @test @inferred A1[X=1, Y=1][di] isa DimArray{Float64,1}
+    @test @inferred A1[X=1, Y=1] isa DimArray{Float64,1}
     # Indexing with no matching dims still returns a DimArray
     @test @inferred view(A1, X=1, Y=1, Ti=1)[di] == fill(0.0)
@@ -207,11 +207,16 @@ end
 @testset "DimSlices" begin
     A = DimArray(((1:4) * (1:3)'), (X(4.0:7.0), Y(10.0:12.0)); name=:foo)
-    axisdims = map(dims(A, (X,))) do d
-        rebuild(d, axes(lookup(d), 1))
-    end
-    ds = DimensionalData.DimSlices(A; dims=axisdims)
+    ds = DimensionalData.DimSlices(A; dims=X)
+    @test ds == ds[X=:]
+    # Works just like Slices
+    @test sum(ds) == sum(eachslice(A; dims=X))
     @test ds == ds[X=:]
+    @test ds[X=At(7.0)] == [4, 8, 12]
     # Works just like Slices
     @test sum(ds) == sum(eachslice(A; dims=X))
+    @test axes(ds) == axes(eachslice(A; dims=X))
+    ds0 = DimensionalData.DimSlices(A; dims=());
+    @test sum(ds0) == sum(eachslice(parent(A); dims=()))
+    @test axes(ds0) == axes(eachslice(parent(A); dims=()))
diff --git a/test/groupby.jl b/test/groupby.jl
index cd19274bd..4e6c53f8c 100644
--- a/test/groupby.jl
+++ b/test/groupby.jl
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ end
     end |> permutedims
     gb_sum = sum.(groupby(A, Ti=>month, X => >(1.5)))
     @test dims(gb_sum, Ti) == Ti(Sampled([1:12...], ForwardOrdered(), Irregular((nothing, nothing)), Points(), NoMetadata()))
-    @test typeof(dims(gb_sum, X)) == typeof(X(Sampled(BitVector([false, true]), ForwardOrdered(), Irregular((nothing, nothing)), Points(), NoMetadata())))
+    @test typeof(dims(gb_sum, X)) ==
+        X{Sampled{Bool, DimensionalData.HiddenVector{Bool, BitVector, Vector{Vector{Int64}}}, ForwardOrdered, Irregular{Tuple{Nothing, Nothing}}, Points, NoMetadata}}
     @test gb_sum == manualsums
     combined_sum = combine(sum, groupby(A, Ti=>month, X => >(1.5)))
     @test collect(combined_sum) == manualsums
@@ -51,7 +52,6 @@ end
     end |> permutedims
     gb_sum_st = sum.(groupby(st, Ti=>month, X => >(1.5))) 
     @test dims(gb_sum_st, Ti) == Ti(Sampled([1:12...], ForwardOrdered(), Irregular((nothing, nothing)), Points(), NoMetadata()))
-    @test typeof(dims(gb_sum_st, X)) == typeof(X(Sampled(BitVector([false, true]), ForwardOrdered(), Irregular((nothing, nothing)), Points(), NoMetadata())))
     @test gb_sum_st == manualsums_st
     combined_sum_st = combine(sum, groupby(st, Ti=>month, X => >(1.5)))
     @test collect(combined_sum_st) == manualsums_st
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ end
     B = rand(X(xs; sampling=Intervals(Start())), Ti(dates; sampling=Intervals(Start())))
     gb = groupby(A, B)
     @test size(gb) === size(B) === size(mean.(gb))
-    @test dims(gb) === dims(B) === dims(mean.(gb))
+    @test parent(lookup(gb, X)) == parent(lookup(B, X)) == parent(lookup(mean.(gb), X))
     manualmeans = mapreduce(hcat, intervals(dates)) do d
         map(intervals(xs)) do x
             mean(A[X=x, Ti=d])
diff --git a/test/indexing.jl b/test/indexing.jl
index b2b9d147b..cf18a682a 100644
--- a/test/indexing.jl
+++ b/test/indexing.jl
@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ end
         @test b == da[1:2:end] == da[Begin:2:End]  
         v = @inferred da[1, :]
+        @test v isa DimVector
         @test @inferred v[1:2] isa DimArray
         @test @inferred v[rand(Bool, length(v))] isa DimArray
         b = v[[!iseven(i) for i in 1:length(v)]]
@@ -500,6 +501,7 @@ end
     @testset "mixed dimensions" begin
         a = [[1 2 3; 4 5 6];;; [11 12 13; 14 15 16];;;]
         da = DimArray(a, (X(143.0:2:145.0), Y(-38.0:-36.0), Ti(100:100:200)); name=:test)
+        da[1, End(), Begin(), 1]
         da[Ti=1, DimIndices(da[Ti=1])]
         da[DimIndices(da[Ti=1]), Ti(2)]
         da[DimIndices(da[Ti=1])[:], Ti(2)]
diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
index 25330be32..18962daf4 100644
--- a/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ end
 @time @safetestset "merged" begin include("merged.jl") end
 @time @safetestset "DimUnitRange" begin include("dimunitrange.jl") end
 @time @safetestset "format" begin include("format.jl") end
 @time @safetestset "array" begin include("array.jl") end
 @time @safetestset "stack" begin include("stack.jl") end
 @time @safetestset "indexing" begin include("indexing.jl") end
diff --git a/test/stack.jl b/test/stack.jl
index ee6d2eac0..1d7d36242 100644
--- a/test/stack.jl
+++ b/test/stack.jl
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ using DimensionalData, Test, LinearAlgebra, Statistics, ConstructionBase, Random
 using DimensionalData: data
 using DimensionalData: Sampled, Categorical, AutoLookup, NoLookup, Transformed,
     Regular, Irregular, Points, Intervals, Start, Center, End,
-    Metadata, NoMetadata, ForwardOrdered, ReverseOrdered, Unordered, layers, basedims, layerdims
+    Metadata, NoMetadata, ForwardOrdered, ReverseOrdered, Unordered, basedims, layerdims, layers, metadata
 A = [1.0 2.0 3.0;
      4.0 5.0 6.0]
diff --git a/test/tables.jl b/test/tables.jl
index f5ea708db..26466fb4f 100644
--- a/test/tables.jl
+++ b/test/tables.jl
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
+using DataFrames
+using Dates
 using DimensionalData
-using Test
-using Tables
 using IteratorInterfaceExtensions
 using TableTraits
-using DataFrames
+using Tables
+using Test
 using DimensionalData.Lookups, DimensionalData.Dimensions
 using DimensionalData: DimTable, DimExtensionArray
@@ -149,21 +150,67 @@ end
 @testset "DimTable mergelayers" begin
     a = DimStack([DimArray(rand(32, 32, 3), (X,Y,Ti)) for _ in 1:3])
-    b = DimArray(rand(32, 32, 3), (X,Y,Dim{:band}))
-    t1 = DimTable(a, mergedims=(:X,:Y)=>:geometry)
-    t2 = DimTable(a, mergedims=(:X,:Y,:Z)=>:geometry) # Merge missing dimension
-    t3 = DimTable(a, mergedims=(X,:Y,Ti)=>:dimensions) # Mix symbols and dimensions
-    t4 = DimTable(b, mergedims=(:X,:Y)=>:geometry) # Test DimArray
+    b = DimArray(rand(32, 32, 3), (X, Y, Dim{:band}))
+    t1 = DimTable(a, mergedims=(:X, :Y) => :geometry)
+    t2 = DimTable(a, mergedims=(:X, :Y, :Z) => :geometry) # Merge missing dimension
+    t3 = DimTable(a, mergedims=(X, :Y, Ti) => :dimensions) # Mix symbols and dimensions
+    t4 = DimTable(b, mergedims=(:X, :Y) => :geometry) # Test DimArray
     @test Tables.columnnames(t1) == (:Ti, :geometry, :layer1, :layer2, :layer3)
     @test Tables.columnnames(t2) == (:Ti, :geometry, :layer1, :layer2, :layer3)
     @test Tables.columnnames(t3) == (:dimensions, :layer1, :layer2, :layer3)
     @test Tables.columnnames(t4) == (:band, :geometry, :value)
+@testset "DimTable preservedims" begin
+    x, y, t = X(1.0:32.0), Y(1.0:10.0), Ti(DateTime.([2001, 2002, 2003]))
+    st = DimStack([rand(x, y, t; name) for name in [:a, :b, :c]])
+    A = rand(x, y, Dim{:band}(1:3); name=:vals)
+    t1 = DimTable(st, preservedims=(X, Y))
+    a3 = Tables.getcolumn(t1, :a)[3]
+    @test Tables.columnnames(t1) == propertynames(t1) == (:Ti, :a, :b, :c)
+    @test a3 == st.a[Ti=3]
+    @test dims(a3) == dims(st, (X, Y))
+    t2 = DimTable(A; preservedims=:band)
+    val10 = Tables.getcolumn(t2, :vals)[10]
+    @test Tables.columnnames(t2) == propertynames(t2) == (:X, :Y, :vals)
+    @test val10 == A[X(10), Y(1)]
+    @test dims(val10) == dims(A, (:band,))
+    @testset "preservedims with mergedims" begin
+        t3 = DimTable(A; mergedims=(X, Y) => :geometry, preservedims=:band)
+        @test only(dims(t3)) isa Dim{:geometry}
+        @test Tables.getcolumn(t2, :vals)[1] isa DimArray
+    end
 @testset "DimTable NamedTuple" begin
-    da = DimArray([(; a=1.0f0i, b=2.0i) for i in 1:10], X)
-    t = DimTable(da)
-    s = Tables.schema(t)
-    @test s.names == (:X, :a, :b)
-    @test s.types == (Int, Float32, Float64)
+    @testset "Vector of NamedTuple" begin
+        da = DimArray([(; a=1.0f0i, b=2.0i) for i in 1:10], X)
+        t = DimTable(da)
+        s = Tables.schema(t)
+        @test s.names == (:X, :a, :b)
+        @test s.types == (Int, Float32, Float64)
+        @test all(t.a .=== 1.0f0:10.0f0)
+        @test all(t.b .=== 2.0:2.0:20.0)
+    end
+    @testset "Matrix of NamedTuple" begin
+        da = [(; a=1.0f0x*y, b=2.0x*y) for x in X(1:10), y in Y(1:5)]
+        t = DimTable(da);
+        s = Tables.schema(t)
+        @test s.names == (:X, :Y, :a, :b)
+        @test s.types == (Int, Int, Float32, Float64)
+        @test all(t.a .=== reduce(vcat, [1.0f0y:y:10.0f0y for y in 1:5]))
+        @test all(t.b .=== reduce(vcat, [2.0y:2.0y:20.0y for y in 1:5]))
+    end
+    @testset "Matrix of NamedTuple with preservedims" begin
+        da = [(; a=1.0f0x*y, b=2.0x*y) for x in X(1:10), y in Y(1:5)]
+        t = DimTable(da; preservedims=X);
+        s = Tables.schema(t)
+        @test s.names == (:Y, :a, :b)
+        @test s.types[1] <: Int
+        @test s.types[2] <: DimVector
+        @test s.types[2] <: DimVector
+        @test all(t.a .== [[1.0f0x*y for x in X(1:10)] for y in Y(1:5)])
+        @test all(t.b .== [[2.0x*y for x in X(1:10)] for y in Y(1:5)])
+    end