At the 2016 tc-worker workweek the Taskcluster Platform team laid out our core design principles. The four key principles are:
- Self-service
- Robustness
- Enable rapid change
- Community friendliness
These are all under an umbrella we call Getting Things Built™. None of our work matters unless it works! Read further for a slightly expanded list of principles!
- Task Isolation
- API-driven UI Tools
- Extensibility
- Granular Security
- Clearly-defined interfaces
- Separation of concerns
- Scalability
- Correctness
- Minimal Self-hosting
- Use managed services, e.g. S3, Azure Storage
- Don't self-host mutable services
- Stateless services
- 12-factor applications
- Agility
- Clearly-defined interfaces
- Microservices
- Separation of concerns
- Transparency
- Granular Security
- Public by Default
- Self-Service