GOTO 2019 - 3 Common Pitfalls in Microservice Integration & How to Avoid Them
GOTO 2019 - Event-Driven Microservices, the Sense, the Non-sense and a Way Forward
🍎 GOTO 2019 - Lies, Damned Lies, and Metrics - Roy Osherove
GOTO 2019 - Modern Continuous Delivery - Ken Mugrage
GOTO 2019 - Monolith Decomposition Patterns - Sam Newman
GOTO 2019 - Practical API Design - Ronnie Mitra
GOTO 2018 - Containers From Scratch - Liz Rice
GOTO 2018 - Insecure Transit - Microservice - Sam Newman
🍎 GOTO 2018 - Making It Count - Quality is NOT an Option - Todd Montgomery
🍎 GOTO 2017 - It’s Not Continuous Delivery If You Can’t Deploy Right Now - Ken Mugrage
GOTO 2017 - Site Reliability Engineering at Google - Christof Leng
GOTO 2017 The Seven (More) Deadly Sins of Microservices Daniel Bryant
GOTO 2016 - From Monolith to Microservices at Zalando - Rodrigue Schaefer
GOTO 2016 - Microservices at Netflix Scale: Principles, Tradeoffs & Lessons Learned - R. Meshenberg
GOTO 2016 - Practical Microservice Security - Laura Bell
GOTO 2015 - DDD & Microservices: At Last, Some Boundaries! - Eric Evans
🍎 10 tips for failing badly at microservices
10+ Deploys Per Day - John Allspaw and Paul Hammond - Velocity 09
A Security Practitioners Guide to Best Practice GCP Security (Cloud Next ’18)
🍎 An Introduction to GCP for Students
APIs, Microservices, and the Service Mesh (Cloud Next ’19)
APIs, Microservices, and the Service Mesh (Cloud Next ’19)
Authentication and Security in gRPC Microservices - Jan Tattermusch, Google
🍎 Avoiding Microservice Megadisasters - Jimmy Bogard
Best Practices for (Go) gRPC Services
Best Practices from Google SRE: How You Can Use Them with GKE + Istio (Cloud Next ’18)
Building Microservices with Go: 9 CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
Building Microservices with Go (collection)
Canary Deployments With Istio and Kubernetes Using Spinnaker (Cloud Next ’19)
Deploy a Full-Stack Go and React App on Kubernetes
Designing Quality APIs (Cloud Next ’18)
Docker and High Security Microservices - The Golden Ticket - Black Belt Track
Envoy Internals Deep Dive - Matt Klein, Lyft (Advanced Skill Level)
From REST to gRPC: An API Evolution Story - SATURN 2017
GameDay: Creating Resiliency Through Destruction
Getting Started with Containers and Google Kubernetes Engine (Cloud Next ’18)
Getting Started with Kubernetes with Docker on Mac
GKE Architecture Patterns for Retail and Financial Services (Cloud Next ’18)
GKE: Kubernetes Security The Easy Way (Cloud Next ’18)
Go + Microservices = Go Kit [I] - Peter Bourgon, Go Kit
Google Cloud Platform 101 (Google I/O ’18) and (Cloud Next ’19)
Google Cloud Platform on a shoestring budget (Google I/O ’18)
Google Cloud: Data Protection and Regulatory Compliance (Cloud Next ’18)
gRPC Deep Dive - Sree Kuchibhotla & Jayant Kolhe, Google
gRPC: The Story of Microservices at Square
🍎 How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Misery - Gil Tene - Jfokus 2019
🍎 How NOT to Measure Latency - Gil Tene - StrangeLoop 2015
How to Get a Service Mesh Into Prod without Getting Fired - William Morgan
How to Use Own Local Docker Images With Minikube
How Your Systems Keep Running Day After Day - John Allspaw - DOES17
Implementing a Search Index - David Hernandez - GopherCon UK 2019
Incrementally Adopting Istio (Cloud Next ’19)
Intro to Envoy - Matt Klein & Constance Caramanolis, Lyft
Intro to gRPC A Modern Toolkit for Microservice Communication
Intro to gRPC: A Modern Toolkit for Microservice Communication
Introduction to Microservices, Docker, and Kubernetes
Istio and Kubernetes - Kelsey Hightower
Istio in Production: Traffic Routing (Cloud Next ’19)
Kubernetes Ingress Explained Completely For Beginners
Liz Rice — Practical steps for securing your container deployment
Local Kubernetes for Linux — MiniKube vs MicroK8s
Lyft’s Envoy: From Monolith to Service Mesh - Matt Klein, Lyft
Making Microservices Micro with Istio Service Mesh by Ray Tsang
Microservices in the Cloud with Kubernetes and Istio (Google I/O ’18)
Microservices in the Cloud with Kubernetes and Istio (Google IO 18)
Migrating a monolith to GKE - Customer Story (Get Cooking in Cloud) - 2020
Outages, Post Mortems, and Human Error 101 - John Allspaw
Principles Of Microservices by Sam Newman - Devoxx 2015
Resilience Engineering: The What and How, John Allspaw, DevOpsDays DC 2019
Rip It Up And Start Again? - Sam Newman - NDC 2020
Security and Microservices by Sam Newman - Devoxx 2016
Setting up GitHub Package Registry with Docker and Golang
Taming the 9s - Ariel Weisberg
🍎 The great SOA migration - Charles-Axel Dein - DevFest Nantes 2017 (also slides)
🍎 The Seven Deadly Sins of Microservices by Daniel Bryant
The Story of Why We Migrate to gRPC and How We Go About It - Matthias Grüter, Spotify
The Story of Why We Migrate to gRPC and How We Go About It
VPC Deep Dive and Best Practices (Cloud Next ’18)
What Is This Cloud Native Thing Anyway? - Sam Newman - NDC 2019
Your (container) secret’s safe with me - Liz Rice (Aqua Security)
8 Essential Web Apps for Developers
An OAuth 2.0 introduction for beginners
Building a modern application with a Golang API backend + a Vue.js SPA frontend
Building full-stack web apps with Go, Vecty, and WebAssembly
Creating a Middleware in Golang for JWT based Authentication
🍎 Creating an Opinionated Go GQL Server — Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4
Developing and deploying a whole website in Go
Don’t use Go’s default HTTP client (in production)
Full Stack GoLang Tutorial with PostgreSQL
GraphQL: A query language for your API
Implementing JWT based authentication in Golang
Niall Merrigan - Defensive Programming 101 v5: Common Security Mistakes in Web Applications
OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (in plain English)
Thoughts on Go after writing 3 websites
Using context cancellation in Go
AWS re:Invent 2019: Data modeling with Amazon DynamoDB
Building an API with GraphQL and Go
Chris Date talks about “The Problem of Missing Information” at OUG Harmony 2012 in Finland
Design patterns in Go’s database/sql package
GraphQL with Golang: A Deep Dive From Basics To Advanced
SQL Database Programming in Golang (video)
SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners
SQLX (software)