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Adrian Vogelsgesang edited this page Mar 19, 2022 · 20 revisions

Examples of use cases for nvim-notify

These examples assume that you have set nvim-notify as your vim.notify handler

vim.notify = require("notify")

Output of Command

Uses jobstart to run asynchronously.

local function notify_output(command, opts)
  local output = ""
  local notification
  local notify = function(msg, level)
    local notify_opts = vim.tbl_extend(
      opts or {},
      { title = table.concat(command, " "), replace = notification }
    notification = vim.notify(msg, level, notify_opts)
  local on_data = function(_, data)
    output = output .. table.concat(data, "\n")
    notify(output, "info")
  vim.fn.jobstart(command, {
    on_stdout = on_data,
    on_stderr = on_data,
    on_exit = function(_, code)
      if #output == 0 then
        notify("No output of command, exit code: " .. code, "warn")

notify_output({ "echo", "hello world" })

Progress updates

Both LSP (Language Server Protocol) and DAP (Debug Adapter Protocol) provide progress notification. The following snippets use nvim-notify to render them.

As a base line, you will need the following functions

-- Utility functions shared between progress reports for LSP and DAP

local client_notifs = {}

local function get_notif_data(client_id, token)
 if not client_notifs[client_id] then
   client_notifs[client_id] = {}

 if not client_notifs[client_id][token] then
   client_notifs[client_id][token] = {}

 return client_notifs[client_id][token]

local spinner_frames = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }

local function update_spinner(client_id, token)
 local notif_data = get_notif_data(client_id, token)

 if notif_data.spinner then
   local new_spinner = (notif_data.spinner + 1) % #spinner_frames
   notif_data.spinner = new_spinner

   notif_data.notification = vim.notify(nil, nil, {
     hide_from_history = true,
     icon = spinner_frames[new_spinner],
     replace = notif_data.notification,

     update_spinner(client_id, token)
   end, 100)

local function format_title(title, client_name)
 return client_name .. (#title > 0 and ": " .. title or "")

local function format_message(message, percentage)
 return (percentage and percentage .. "%\t" or "") .. (message or "")

LSP Status Updates

To integrate with progress notifications provided through Neovim's LSP functionality, you can use

-- LSP integration
-- Make sure to also have the snippet with the common helper functions in your config!

vim.lsp.handlers["$/progress"] = function(_, result, ctx)
 local client_id = ctx.client_id

 local val = result.value

 if not val.kind then

 local notif_data = get_notif_data(client_id, result.token)

 if val.kind == "begin" then
   local message = format_message(val.message, val.percentage)

   notif_data.notification = vim.notify(message, "info", {
     title = format_title(val.title, vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id).name),
     icon = spinner_frames[1],
     timeout = false,
     hide_from_history = false,

   notif_data.spinner = 1
   update_spinner(client_id, result.token)
 elseif val.kind == "report" and notif_data then
   notif_data.notification = vim.notify(format_message(val.message, val.percentage), "info", {
     replace = notif_data.notification,
     hide_from_history = false,
 elseif val.kind == "end" and notif_data then
   notif_data.notification =
     vim.notify(val.message and format_message(val.message) or "Complete", "info", {
       icon = "",
       replace = notif_data.notification,
       timeout = 3000,

   notif_data.spinner = nil

DAP Status Updates

To integrate with progress notifications provided by nvim-dap, you can use

-- DAP integration
-- Make sure to also have the snippet with the common helper functions in your config!

dap.listeners.before['event_progressStart']['progress-notifications'] = function(session, body)
 local notif_data = get_notif_data("dap", body.progressId)

 local message = format_message(body.message, body.percentage)
 notif_data.notification = vim.notify(message, "info", {
   title = format_title(body.title, session.config.type),
   icon = spinner_frames[1],
   timeout = false,
   hide_form_history = false,

 notif_data.notification.spinner = 1,
 update_spinner("dap", body.progressId)

dap.listeners.before['event_progressUpdate']['progress-notifications'] = function(session, body)
 local notif_data = get_notif_data("dap", body.progressId)
 notif_data.notification = vim.notify(format_message(body.message, body.percentage), "info", {
   replace = notif_data.notification,
   hide_form_history = false,

dap.listeners.before['event_progressEnd']['progress-notifications'] = function(session, body)
 local notif_data = client_notifs["dap"][body.progressId]
 notif_data.notification = vim.notify(body.message and format_message(body.message) or "Complete", "info", {
    icon = "",
    replace = notif_data.notification,
    timeout = 3000
 notif_data.spinner = nil
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